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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique


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>> No.6436107 [DELETED]  [View]
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Honestly seems more active and there’s more people than Brian posting.

Like in January last time I checked in everyone was whining about some sticky of stolen art tutorials being removed and it was mostly just some Czech shill farm making Draw This In Your Style threads to farm free art to steal.

Like 2018 or whenever was a handful of “schizo” namefags basically just posting shit to piss off people telling them to kill themselves.

Honestly this AI hysteria has brought in way more activity, and the best part is that it’s not just a bunch of sniveling ESL Putin shills attacking anyone that’s not an oligarch cocksuck.

Seen so many people over the last idk 8 years wander over to /ic/ and post legitimately cool shit that is kind of innovative and novel and would have a real potential and is definitely something they should keep working on, and they’ll basically be called trash by anonymous foreigners until they get demoralized and/or fuck off.

The board becoming more and more anti-namefag and more and more pro-anonymous Eastern European shill farm employee that is a professional contrarian and wants to steal your art, is really what kind of fucked things over. Rather of a bunch of newfags sincerely arguing about AI than a bunch of Ivans calling every westerner a degenerate faggot that sucks at art.

>> No.3835260 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2702x2677, 146. I'm a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ is a meme for stupid people.

>> No.3748578 [View]
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yeah probably but is free will even plausible?

>> No.3733236 [View]
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why? I want to have a conversation about le fundamentals of art. How is this offensive to (You)?
>Are you just looking for another thread where you can argue with people for another 200+ reply thread?
I started this thread to talk about what IS art. What's the problem with 200+ reply threads? What's the problem with arguing? How do you challenge and evolve your worldview if you refuse to argue it?
>We're all the others not enough?
There's two right meow.
>Is being an idiot on /ic/ the only thing you've accomplished in your life
nope. I'm Time's Person of the Year for 2007.
>(besides killing your dog)?
I mean epilepsy killed him. I was just there. And I like that you're so triggered by basic fundamental questions about the thing you pretend to do that you have to dive headfirst into dead dog territory. Bet your parents are real pieces of shit huh. You reckon you'll blame them in your suicide note?

>> No.3721353 [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2702x2677, 146. I'm a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they all share the neon yellow paint used on pict related

>> No.3687748 [View]
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>Is there commentary on meme culture in these or something?
oh yeah you betcha
>It's too meta-meta and post-ironic to find sincerity in any of it.
all about that post-irony tbphywf. Everything is generally done with entire sincerity, but the rules themselves are purposefully flawed. It's an earnest effort to do things wrong.
>Like, they are technically flawed
wabi sabi brah
>and the colors are horrendous
I like some of them.
>and you seem to not think that, which is fine,
eh I'm pretty aware.
>but how can I tell it's your choice if the very subject you're trying to capture is caked in so many layers of irony that it's impossible to understand your intent?
idk my whole schtick is pretty reliant on all the manic essays and lore-building and stuff.
>I just see someone trying to be the Warhol of the Internet age
I'm racing Van Gogh. And honestly I kind of like Lichtenstein more.
>who simultaneously has nothing to say about the age they're living in.
Shit dog I got a ton to say about that. I think the internet age we're diving into is going to ultimately be seen as a "dark age" as technology ages and changes and people die and everything. Part of the whole bit is that I'm taking internet memes and translating them to traditional media for "historical preservation."

One of the primary reasons I'm "racing" to be a squeakquel to Van Gogh is I see a lot of parallels between his place in time (rise of industrial revolution) and ours (rise of internet revolution). And whereas he "rebelled" against the times by moving to the country to paint ugly paintings of peasants, my parallel is that I paint ugly paintings of memes and celebrities. They're the peasants maaan!

>> No.3672422 [DELETED]  [View]
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>I think your issue is conflating right wing, libertarian, conservative and centrist when they just very loosely intersect.
I used to sell Libertarianism for a Koch superpac in 2009 when they were trying to keep people agitated against reforming the health insurance industry. I think the issue is less about "conflating" and more about how fluid and meaningless all of those things have become. People on "the right" under W where all neocons that were constantly defending exploding defense bureaucracy and terror war and stuff. Then Obummer gets elected (and Citizens United happens) and suddenly all those neocons are fucking Libertarians that think ALL gubment is violence. Then Trump gets elected and now it's HUZZAH WE'VE NEVER HAD A BIGGER DEFENSE BUDGET!

There's very little meaningful ideological continuity on the "right" anymore tbphwyf. It's all just marketing.

>I wouldn't describe myself as conservative but very very right wing.
yeah it doesn't matter what memelabel you self-identify as, you're just a cuck for corporations that abuse and manipulate you using the media you consume.
nigger I don't know who you're talking about. And it doesn't fucking matter. IF YOU WANT MORE EMPLOYEE PROTECTIONS FROM BEING "UNFAIRLY" FIRED YOU'RE A SECRET LEFTIST.
>You're the one doing the whataboutism when you're refusing to adress the specific example I'm giving
You didn't give a specific example. You said some vague anecdote. idk who you're talking about. They might have been a cunt and that was the last straw. It may be entirely made up! How would I know?

>> No.3645447 [DELETED]  [View]
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You being a faggot at me just makes your life worse. You don't hate me. You hate yourself and you anonymously project it at me.

Just remember that I'll never be able to upset you again if you fucking kill yourself. Cracker ass snowflake bitch. I bet you smell like old cheese.

>> No.3642871 [View]
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>how old are you
>what made you realize you were NGMI
I wanted to make movies. Making memeschlock art is a way to have made something without having made It.
>how long have you been drawing
3-18 and then 27-present.
>most embarrassing NGMI moment
pooped my pants on the first day of senior year in high school.
>most useful thing you learned that you'll probably never be able to put into practice properly
idk I mostly learned everything wrong on porpoise

>bonus question: who are your three favorite artists
>Van Gogh
>Led Zeppelin
>Arcade Fire

>> No.3642870 [DELETED]  [View]
File: 1.40 MB, 2702x2677, 146. I'm a demon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how old are you
>what made you realize you were NGMI
I wanted to make movies. Making memeschlock art is a way to have made something without having made It.
>how long have you been drawing
3-18 and then 27-present.
>most embarrassing NGMI moment
pooped my pants on the first day of senior year in high school.
>most useful thing you learned that you'll probably never be able to put into practice properly
idk I mostly learned everything wrong on porpoise

>bonus question: who are your three favorite artists
>Van Gogh
>Led Zeppelin
>Arcade Fire

>> No.3605954 [View]
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People that are successful generally don't have time for shitposting.

And because people circlejerk so belligerently about being anon it becomes hard to determine when you're interacting with someone that actually knows what they're talking about versus when you're just talking to some edgy tween with a mood disorder that gets off on bullying strangers. And even if you do interact honestly and "open up" about your process or motivations or feelings to one anon, any other asshole with a bone to pick may seize on it as a means to try and hurt you.

A fundamental problem here is that the losers flip out and attack anyone here that has any kind of novel aesthetic or work ethic or whatever because they make them feel upset about themselves. It's a lot easier to bitch that "anyone could do that" than doing anything it seems, and when everyone is anonymous the do-nothings always scream the loudest.

i'm someone that is building an decade long career around this place. Won't necessarily know if I'm "successful" or whatever until like 2026. So I can't speak to that aspect of it, but compared to who I was 5 years ago, I'm fucking crushing it. And that to me is ultimately the only thing that matters. Which is why I'm willing to embarrass myself and defend my memes like I would defend my life.

I thrive on and am driven by antagonism and abuse. Most people don't function that weigh. Particularly not "successful" people. Which is why they aren't here. The idea of eating shit from any buttblasted cunt with a disorder isn't overwhelmingly appealing to healthy, productive people.

So yeah, the board is full of loosers and the people that get off on being abused by them. Anyone with self-respect is too afraid to get wet here because there's not really any redeeming value to be associated with this kind of shit. The only positive aspect of this "community" are the goofy preverts making animu porn on tablets or whatever, but they aren't really "good company."

>> No.3602365 [View]
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>idk why you don't like me
because you anonymously harass and stalk and threaten people you fucking retard. You act like a toxic asshole anonymously and consistently at every artist that you apparently feel threatened by until they leave.
>you just seem to get genuinely frustrated when i'm barely saying anything
Aren't you OP? I've started to get "genuinely frustrated" to realize that you're essentially ALWAYS the anon that's gatekeeping and whining and impotently "trolling" and antagonizing artists in every fucking thread. You ruin everything fun with your belligerent toxic autism. And it'd be one thing if you were at least antagonizing people to do better, but you don't. You bitch and reee and say they're not worthy like you are because you're a lunatic NEET that wasted a lot of money on a useless artfag degree. Fuck yourself my dude.

>> No.3599727 [View]
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>> No.3593402 [View]
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>No I don't care to make my presence known on this shit site.
I don't care about how you excuse why you're a coward. That's between you and your dog.
>A lot of my followers/commissionees are tumblrinas.
Sounds pretty gay tbphwyf.
>I won't sabotage my income
By posting your work you're "sabotaging your income?" What a nonsensical excuse. Why do you lie anonymously? Are you retarded?
>So I guess you got me there?
Funny thing is, had you actually read >>3590150 instead of getting triggered by my pretty picture, you'd have read the part where I said:
>You can't control what other people do. The only thing you have control over in your life is you
You choose to be a sniveling bitch cracker. You choose to be a coward. Come on let's see your furry porn anon. Don't be shy.

>> No.3586103 [View]
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>I have never posted on reddit and I don't even lurk on it, my only online community was this board, two art forums and a small forum for collaborative writing, so whatever.
I mean, yeah exactly. Fucking whatever, anon. Nobody is making you leave. Nobody knows who you are. Nobody will know if you come back. And judging by how you're choosing to act like a sniveling lookatme victim anonymously, I doubt you'll be missed?
>Although art is forever a learning process, I am a decent artist and I make a comfortable living off my work,
>so I think I bring more to the table than a schizophrenic who does gridded and badly painted celebrity portraits
Clearly not, Captain Quitter.
>I looked at this thread because it was on page one
Almost like people responding to me is what was keeping the thread on page fun in the first place?
>and yet again I am greeted by this long string of worthless shitposts
$250,000 OBO
> So there you go.
I mean, there YOU go though right?
>I hope you get something of worth in your life some time because it must be terribly empty if you make it a point to do all this.
idk who you are so I can't really extend the same passive aggressive hopes to (you). I hope you don't die I guess?

And again I'm sorry that you're upset.

>> No.3584887 [View]
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On a scale of 11, I'd give your fundamentals a 9.

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