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9999683 No.9999683 [Reply] [Original]

should i ask out that cute girl that works in APC

or would she just laugh at me

>> No.9999691

probably gets it every day
you'd best be an 8/10 or more

>> No.9999749

i look like an uglier john krasinski

>> No.9999949

Post face and fit.

>> No.10000107

post butt

>> No.10000134

Which APC store, the one in SoHo? I might know the girl in which case she has a bf (but he's pretty corny)

>> No.10000158

Film it while you ask her out.
>inb4 'rick owens raf simons usually what I'm dressed in'

>> No.10000176

nah its in london

>> No.10000346

I wouldn't... you're a costumer.
It's near impossible to strike conversation without it being super forced or just won't work cause she has to service someone.

You have to go big or go home in this case. Say "hey, I've been noticing you, and you just seem really nice and I was wandering if you like wanna go for a walk after work or something"
Or just smile at her and make small talk and visit the store more frequently... which is a little more creepy, but definitely legit.

I recommend option one.

>> No.10000355


>> No.10000362


>> No.10000387
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>> No.10000642

do it u fag

worst case she says no, and you don't have to post on here about it

just try to get a conversation going and ask her to grab a coffee or something

>> No.10000651


>worst case scenario
>ask her out
>embarrass self
>can't shop at A.P.C anymore
>can't be effay
>stop browsing 4chan
>revert back to plebness
>depression strikes
>kill self
>worst case scenario she says...

>> No.10000656

lmao it's only apc who cares they got an online store and shit like damn

>> No.10000677

>you don't have to post on here about it

i'll post about it on here regardless, this is the closest i get to social interaction

>> No.10000688
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I know some super good looking girl who works at my Barney's.

She'd probably take one look at my outfit and have me escorted out of the store

>> No.10000703

>best case scenario
>ask her out
>embarass self
>can't shop at A.P.C. anymore
>can't be effay
>stop browsing 4chan
>beta-ness and social retardedness start to go away
>become a regular alpha person, attract normal qt3.14 grill and enjoy life without meming on the internet like a faggot

>> No.10000737

brooo the soho spot has some fuckin cuties

>> No.10000784

Soho is beginner, check bond street for qt3.14s

>> No.10000802

How do APC tees fit? Would you recommend them?
Also I'm sick of choosing Salad in the captcha

>> No.10000803

playse the revamp at soho is fire you know they have the ladies stationed there
bond st quilt collection on point tho

I only see really skinny dudes working there anyway :/

>> No.10000897

I'm 6' and the medium tee is slightly too short for my liking.

>> No.10001219

Dear Jesus. Confirmed for shit social skills.

People working in shops are paid to be there, and help people out. Generally an interesting, outgoing customer is a welcome distraction from the workday. Just go chat with her and if you hit it off ask her if she'd want to go out and get a drink or coffee sometime.

Fuck, man. Don't be creepy forthcoming asking out complete strangers sayin shit like 'I've noticed you' and especially don't be creepy stalker following her around peeking at her through racks n shit. This guy full of complete shit advice - do not cop.

>> No.10001226

>this guy thinks if he gets rejected at A.P.C. he can never return

>> No.10002645


>> No.10002655
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>> No.10002703


>> No.10002713


I like their fits. I'm 5'10" and it fits me well. Length is fine for me. And they feel awesome. Though they're pricey for t-shirts. I'd wait for sales

>> No.10002714
File: 109 KB, 612x612, 1398510671529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just go for it anon, if there's anything I regret in life, it's that I was a disgusting beta during my teens, who was afraid of what people thought of me. Getting rejected by girls might sting the first few times, but in the long run it'll make you more confident.

And even if she ends up saying no, don't stop shopping there, don't avoid her when you're there either, in the end, it's not a big fucking deal.

>> No.10002729

good post

>> No.10002747

Good post? Are y'all so autistic this is something that has to be explained?

This is the basics of social interaction

>> No.10002752

some real beta faggots in this thread like damn

>> No.10002762
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>> No.10002766

>Getting rejected by girls might sting the first few times, but in the long run it'll make you more confident.
>And even if she ends up saying no, don't stop shopping there, don't avoid her when you're there either, in the end, it's not a big fucking deal.
Fucking this

>> No.10002936

asking her out and her saying no isn't embarrasing enough that you couldn't return

I mean if you sperg out and start talking about your waifu or some shit then yea, never go back, but if it's a somewhat normal conversation it isn't a big deal..

>> No.10003567

soho in london you fucking melt

>> No.10003593

Soho is in london, but he said SoHo, which is in NYC

>> No.10003698


you're so daft

>> No.10003903

Yeah this is terrible terrible advice. /r/seduction tier one liners are just going to get you fucked because most of the people taking the advice don't understand that after you drop that one liner, your social skills are so autistic that you aren't going to be able to keep it going from there.

>> No.10004362

scrubz x kuifje

>> No.10004370

post pics

>> No.10004380


haha, this person has obc never been to NYC
soho in London is for the gays

and SoHo in NYC is for asians and financiers

>> No.10004414

finally, someone who doesn't call him tin-tin

>> No.10004701

If there is one thing I've learned from watching people not socially retarded like me using Tinder, just fucking go for it. If you have some good material, you can pitch a little, but usually good social skills keep from hurting you, rarely benefitting you. (IE being a social god won't help you get your foot in the door much easier, but being a retard will never help)

Just ask her out, sperg.