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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 45 KB, 620x827, stop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9991347 No.9991347 [Reply] [Original]

This look is really cringey. Not only because it's quite outdated and way too much of a fad that the people who've done it 100 percent with the full body tattoos will no doubt regret it, but because it's reeks of of insecure, pseudo-manliness.

And I have no problem with tattoos and beards, it's just when they're put on a 23 y/o computer science student who's pretending to be a FUCK YEAH BEARDS TATTOOS MANLINESS hardened sailor/lumberjack it's annoying.

>> No.9991364


>> No.9991372

Backpack General was archived because of you
This thread sucks

>> No.9991375

>says he has no problem with people that have tattoos and beards
>gets angry when people have tattoos and beards.
You don't sound like a bright person OP

>> No.9991388

He's talking about lumbersexuals moran

>> No.9991407

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.9991419

Projecting 101

>> No.9991449
File: 155 KB, 652x784, 1430752304486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the new "hipster lumberjack" look. Most of those annoying "more-indie-thou" hipster have adopted the look as response to the more "sensitive" docile twee-loving hipster with their vegan diets, fixie bikes and liberal leanings.

Many hipster woodsmen sport the look because they were secretly raised in sheltered suburban homes by liberal parents so they adopted stereotypical and exaggerated images of masculinity from the media. Hence the hobo beards, cocky douchebro attitude, bacon craving and showing off vintage firearms. All just to prove they're "so not hipsters".

It's just a phase. They'll snap out of it.

>> No.9991455

I saw a mustache waxéd and nautical tattooéd hipster a few days ago at a party
But he was gun toting.....literal holster on the pants
Is this a thing now?

>> No.9991484

>tfw your dad is 45, going through a midlife crisis and has now adopted this look complete with two sleeves, a beard and a quiff

>> No.9991523

There is only one group of people who can pull off nautical tattoos; sailors.

Why does anyone else think that it's even remotely reasonable to pretend that they've crossed the equator at sea or travelled around Cape Horn?

>> No.9991537

>tfw 23yo Comp Sci major who just wants to hide his weak jaw
It's not my fault other people overplayed this shit

>> No.9991604
File: 70 KB, 400x600, 1430748796982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nautical tattoos
>tfw when I'm an ex-navy sailor just got called for a gov job in the MMC and see these little tryhards sporting Sailor Jerry tats and have never been anywhere near a ship.

I used to see these clowns on the Ghent in Norfolk VA during my weekend bar-hops all the time.I'm sorry but it just makes me wanna set their beards on fire

And this "hurrr durr I has a gun" fad is also a backlash against the stereotypical liberal anti-gun hipster image since hipsters are all about contrarianism. Wouldn’t be surprised if many lumbercore hipsters believed "only police and military should have guns" when they dated tumblrinas and granola girls.

>> No.9991644


You guys just don't fucking get it. I'm a real man. I was raised in the suburbs of Los Angeles, I know what the real tough world is like. My mother and father were liberals, but I knew I was meant to be a real man. That's why I've got my full body covered in old school sailor tats, I've never been in the navy because I get seasickness but I heavily identify with the alpha male culture. I eat steak and fuck bitches everyday because of my wicked beard that just gets their pussies aching. Haha, bet none of you little virgins will be anything like me... a true meat-eating, beard-wearing, tattoo-covered god amongst men.

>> No.9991671


>> No.9991685
File: 94 KB, 460x658, 1430752044412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This nigga made my day

>> No.9991957


>> No.9991975


>> No.9991982

I like his outfit.

>> No.9992033

thank god i dont live in portland or i'd have to look at people like this every day probably

>> No.9992226

I went to San Francisco a few months ago
Didn't see a single one
I did see a gross hairy makeup-less vegan dyke who walked around barefoot
But only one

>> No.9992234
File: 78 KB, 500x460, 1430754892962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9992237

it is because you're one of them

you're not the bucket, but the bucket is not full without your drop

>> No.9992594

What the fuck are you doing with your life that you actually care enough about these kind of people to go out of your way and rant about it on a goddamn Asian Cartoon Image Board?

>> No.9992600

The police and the military ARE the only ones who should have guns, though. It isn't really debateable. Normal people don't need guns.

Talk to anyone on /k/ or in an "everyday carry" thread on any board and you'll inevitably get edgy kids who carry guns, and when you ask them they flat out admit their idea of "self defense" is desperately hoping a black person provokes a confrontation with them so they can murder that person. Owning a gun to hunt? A barbaric and unnecessary practice. We've progressed beyond hunter / gatherer societies. There is literally no reason for anyone other soldiers and the police to have guns. Only a criminal could disagree.

>> No.9992624

how do you idiots define "sailor tattoos"
there is not a single navy related tattoo in any of the images that have been posted.

>> No.9992627

Haha you sound like an insecure faggot with a teenage girl mentality if you actually get triggered by a 23 year old comp science student.

>> No.9992629

Underrated post

>> No.9992630

>In a shitty club after an afterparty ended
>keep seeing a pic related + wastecoat dancing on every girl he sees
>not having a great deal of success
>at one point he jives past me and puts his hand on my head and laughs at me
>"don't you have some craft beer to attend to..."
>he glares but doesn't do shit
>walk back to the group I was with, friend leans in
>wow anon, that's jdfgj he makes craft beer!
no words

>> No.9992632

nobody does this anymore

they just mean traditional style

>> No.9992652

sparrows stars and anchors

>> No.9992665

i like the overalls

>> No.9992813

you sure showed him

>> No.9992837

>hur dur hunting is a barbaric practice and we have evolved past it
Implying your processed butchered meat is better. Or youre just a granola fgt vegan.
>no one but the police and military should own guns
Implying the criminals with guns will not be more likely to rob, rape, or attack someone with no firearm as opposed to someone who does.
>only a criminal could disagree
Implying anyone who disagrees is a criminal.

Mid tier troll. Pls take far left fantasies somewhere else.

>> No.9992838

Congrats, this will become pasta now if it isn't pasta already.

>> No.9994233
