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9987745 No.9987745 [Reply] [Original]

Can we please talk about Katie Eary SS16 featuring My Little Pony characters with huge dicks? Has irony/childhood revival/tumblrness gone too far into the realm of runway fashion?
Just looking for opinions, not sure whether this should be posted here or on /mlp/

>> No.9987747

What the tapdancing christ.

This is like throwing fuel onto the fire.

>> No.9987752

Ikr? I was surprised that nobody on 4chan was talking about it already! Bronies finally have a high fashion uniform now

>> No.9987753

>childhood revival

>> No.9987764

>Katie Eary
Literally who?

>> No.9987767

The show is recent, the Ponies ain't. MLP toys have been around since the early 80's. But still, that was just a clueless option that I threw there to discuss, no need to be >implying

>> No.9987772


>> No.9987775

who the fuck is katie eary

fuck off

>> No.9987778

You're honestly just a weak pussy. No, it's not a matter of me "not getting it" - I get it. You're a weak little faggot, that's all it is. Quite simply, man the fuck up - you can't always get what you want / life is not fair

If you can fathom to at least some extent the latter of the above notion to may be able to become a half-decent human

>> No.9987781

She's been showing at London Collection for a couple of years now I think. She's a bit of an indie designer, but very well established in her field.

>> No.9987788

post in this thread so /mlp/ sees it

>> No.9987791

And about to experience crushing failure.

>> No.9987808
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Could be just a bootleg/inspo/satire thing and not an actual tie-in to attract fans. They don't even look like actual characters from the show

Kinda like those urban vinyl or low brow art - inspired tees that have distorted and freakish acid-trippy versions of popular cartoon/anime characters like Mickey Mouse, Astroboy or Bart Simpson.

or at least that's how I see it

>> No.9987827

I came from /mlp/ to know your sincere opinion on these clothes

MLP hate aside, what do you think of them? Would you wear them?

Jesus christ they are horrible

>> No.9987831

They actually do look like one of the filly from the show, scootaloo if you know her

>> No.9987837

>They don't even look like actual characters from the show

Take a good look at the first image result, they literally just flipped it, shooped on a vectored dick, and then recolored everything.

>> No.9987843

>Kinda like those urban vinyl or low brow art - inspired tees that have distorted and freakish acid-trippy versions of popular cartoon/anime characters like Mickey Mouse, Astroboy or Bart Simpson.

Okay, the concept is beginning to make sense to me. I was trying to understand what they were going with here.

So it's like 80's + childhood + offensiveness?

>> No.9987848

Futaloo best filly.

>> No.9987854


again, they put a big dongus on the character just like they take Mickey Mouse's face and melt it and put tattoos on his body to make it "edgier" for "ironic-geek" hypebeast crowd.

it's more satire than actual fandom to me.

>> No.9987859

>So it's like 80's + childhood + offensiveness?


It's supposed to ironic or "edgy"

>> No.9987861

Don't care, just sayin if you're gonna do a remix don't use actual assets from the media unless you've got the liscence to do so.

>> No.9987862

This is probably why I'll never understand fashion.

>> No.9987866

>t-shirt of scootaloo with a huge fucking dong

past the point of irony, that's just ridiculous and distasteful

>> No.9987872
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What should it be?

but most important: why?

>> No.9987873

I think the word I was looking for was "culture jamming" but a marketed form of it. Like designer toys or Garbage Kids or those early-90s bootleg Bart Simpson tees

>> No.9987877

I'd wear it.

>> No.9987881

I'd wear it if it didn't have the penis and the brony connotation wasn't attached to it

>> No.9987883
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>> No.9987890

It's literally the design of one of the show characters (in the current generation, at least) with a dick attached to it.

>> No.9987896

oh we have met with with a terrible fate haven't we?

>> No.9987903

But scoots came out in G3. She was never in the 80's.

>> No.9987906
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>Garbage *Pail Kids


I know but I think they're doing it as form of "Culture Jamming" as I speculated earlier.

>> No.9987916

>They don't even look like actual characters from the show
is what I was referring to. They look exactly like characters from the show, minus the... minor modifications of course.

>> No.9987925

I'd rock it tbh

>> No.9987928
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It's vapormeme fashion so the meme pony doesn't surprise me, the dick does though.
Vaporwave designers are already memespouting post-ironic autists, and mlp got imprinted on a satellite or something.

I forgot /mlp/ was a board.
>over 2 million posts
I'm more impressed than anything, it's not like /co/ or /a/ where it's a whole medium, it's a single franchise, and at that it's mainly centered on a particular reboot of the cartoon more so than anything.

>> No.9987932

We can only hope.

>> No.9987939

>Over 23470746 posts

>> No.9987941

>2 million

Go check again man, it's 20 million.

>> No.9987947

>over 2 million posts
About 21 million off, m8.

>> No.9987950

>all this sperging
There's been so much worse done by bronies, how is a fashion line from a single designer (in an industry where their main goal is to be "cutting edge" aka edgy) get them so riled up?

Oh well, it is pretty autism even for "high fashion", most are going to interpret it as shock since it's just cute-thing combined with perverted-thing.

>> No.9987954
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>> No.9987958

/mlp/ is currently the board that produces more OC than all the other boards combined.

/mlp/ is literally what 4chan should have been all along.

>> No.9987963

~23 million posts. It was faster than /a/, /pol/ and /co/ when the 100th episode aired.

>> No.9987970

Go away no one cares about your meme show.
Except maybe this designer.

>> No.9987976

I wouldn't say that, most of the traffic comes from the generals with a bumpfest, with part of the other half being shitposting, people do create a lot of OC but its mainly because you can't do much with official content

>> No.9987977

Nah it barley makes OC as much as /b/ and it's not usable for other boards.

>> No.9988037

I'd wear them if Kanye West or Asap Rocky approved of them.

>> No.9988047

when does post irony become post-post irony?

>> No.9988052
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>> No.9988054

A fashion victim in his little board is butthurt.
And not a shit was given.

>> No.9988058

I can't believe that /mlp/ actually hates it.

>> No.9988063

I'm from /mlp/ I wouldn't even wear this shit!

>> No.9988071

kind of genius tbh. if horsefuckers are willing to pay 1000$ for a plush horse toy on ebay how much will they be willing to pay for a "designer" shirt?

>> No.9988077


"Post"-post-irony is just a bullshit meme word aspies pulled out of their collective asses to sound smart or funny from what I what gather.

I do however believe in post-irony but this falls under the category of "satire". I don't think the shirt is aimed for real bronies so it's still just plain old regular irony.

>> No.9988079
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B-But I can't fuck a shirt. I can't snuggle with a shirt and make it my lover. I need something to hold onto at night and get me out of bed in the morning. I need my pony waifu, not a dick on a horse on a shirt.

>> No.9988091

Quit being insecure about your tastes irl, you're still a little faggot tho

>> No.9988093

Its not the first time someone who doesn't even like the show tried to pander to ponyfags for money, famous people do that all the time by claiming to be ponyfags so actual ponyfags can give a shit about them and think they are buddies and shit, and yes, they really are this retarded.

>> No.9988104

not even gonna lie if this wasn't ponys and it was anime girls with huge dicks this would be a completely different story

>> No.9988109

Stop, just stop.
You can buy the shirts when our backs are turned, but there's no need to be so defensive about it out in the open.

>> No.9988209

>all this unironic talk of normies
holy shit
what corner of this website hasn't /r9k/ polluted with its bullshit?

>> No.9988284

MLP is not exactly a "normie-friendly" topic.

>> No.9988364

Most bronies seem to hate it though.

>> No.9988404

Why wouldn't we hate it? Terrible designs and colours IMO

>> No.9988412


Plus they put some kind of shitty human penis on it instead of horse cock. It's total garbage.

>> No.9988415

>That's what actual bronies say about people who don't watch MLP
>Hurr durr, you don't watch the show, how insecure of you!
Kek, this is so fucking ironic. Don't be such a fag though

>> No.9988448

Dammit, /fa/ is slow as fuck

>> No.9988452



This is top-tier cringe.

>> No.9988468

I've seen some episodes though, mostly cause I have a little sister. I didn't see how it could appeal to anyone above the age of 10.

>> No.9988493

I have no idea why people are getting so asshurt over this. It's literally something nobody will buy, nobody involved in the fashion community will give a toss about beyond the inevitable initial shock factor of "wow there's a penis on a shirt huh". The hell is "cringe" about this? It's just some random no-name designer having some fun with stupid t-shirt prints.

>> No.9988564

I don't know what fucker you've been talking to, or your idea of /mlp/ is, but I think you're talking about Bronies. They would eat that shit up.

>> No.9988570

I still have my doubts since there's a penis in those shirts

>> No.9988574

That designer is a tranny, isn't it?

>> No.9988579

>literally who mildly-influential designer does MLP
>has fashun gone too far? O.o

Just wait for she to get panned, bronies will probably buy her stuff but she played her luck too far, she ethered herself out of the fashion community

>> No.9988647

I doubt it. Bronies are too squeamish for porn and horsefuckers are too far gone to love anything but an anatomically correct stallion penis.

>> No.9988685

I would wear the boxer shorts unironically. Underwear with hung ponies is awesomee.

>> No.9988714


>> No.9988972

Seems like this is more of an attention grab for exposure rather than anything else. The again i don't fully understand how artists think sometimes

One big difference is that those don't come with large phallic images

>> No.9988981

Kind of agree, more on the fact she copy-pasted those images rather than make a new image making satire of the original

Lazy imo

>> No.9989014

but this way you can finally realize your homosex fantasies of it fucking you

>> No.9989154

They are penises, but their not horse cocks.

>> No.9989169

i fucking hate hypebeast bullshit that goes out of fashion after less than a year
literally meme fashion
it's funny the few times but when a lot of fuckers start doing it, it just becomes retarded and gay and eventually dies out

>> No.9989552

/mlp/ here

Is this supposed to be ironic or something? I don't fucking understand this. I don't understand why this would be appealing, or how it could be social commentary, or anything like that.

Is this real life, /fa/?

>> No.9989562

That statement sure sounds familiar

>> No.9989598

do you seriously believe runway fashion is supposed to be wearable in everyday life

>> No.9989631

No, but isn't supposed to have some kind of purpose behind it.

My understanding is that it's seen as some kind of art, and I know that art can be esoteric sometimes, but there appears to be redeeming value to this whatsoever.

I don't know, maybe I'm trying to find significance that just isn't there. That's probably it, just seems wrong to me though.

>> No.9989636

>but there appears to be no redeeming value to this whatsoever.

Apparently I can't type today...

>> No.9989689

art doesn't need significance really. sometimes it just is, man. perhaps we're supposed to project our own significance on it, and that's the significance. you never know.

>> No.9989704


fashion is dead

>> No.9990712

It's shit.


>> No.9990984


It was already stated in >>9987808 >>9987906

I don't think it's not supposed to appeal tho bronies, it's just a "low-brow" edgy satire of popular franchises that's actually aimed at hypebeasts that wanna rock edgy surrealistic novelty pieces.

Wouldn't be surprised if a designer toy line based on "edgy ponies" is in the works.

Then again, I shouldn't be giving them ideas.

>> No.9992242


>> No.9992339
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>> No.9993167

even hardcore moeblob shit can be okay if you're not a pathetic loser and are confident about it

but ponyshit is just the magnum opus of autism. it's just sad really

>> No.9993312


holy shit

fucking furries