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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 117 KB, 570x1029, asd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9964118 No.9964118 [Reply] [Original]

what's /fa/ take on crust pants? im thinking of buying a pair but im worried they might make me look like an aspie.

also, crust pants and punkwear thread

>> No.9964126

you will look like an aspie. There were some local crust punks in the city I use to live in (like, legit train hopping, heroin shooting, punks) and they weren't intimidating in the slightest. They just looked like some weird, greasy offshoot of anime nerd.

>> No.9964137

it screams "I have no real sense of self so I try and show how much of a special snowflake I am!!" its fine if you're still in 10th grade but otherwise, just stick to ripped jeans if you gotta be edgy

>> No.9964145
File: 334 KB, 900x565, undercover-scab-jeans-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man if you're advice is "you look like a retard and everyone will laugh at you" you might as well not answer. bonus points for mentioning anime and implying that crust pants are supposed to make you look "intimidating"

i like crust pants, but i think they're more wearable if you make them look almost "clean" like the UC scabs in pic related, where it's less about looking grungy than having really interesting details on the jeans

>> No.9964149


i like those, any other similar options?

>> No.9964163

these look much better than the first pic imo

>> No.9964164

not really, these are from UC s/s03 so they're nearly impossible to come across

you could DIY something similar though

>> No.9964992


>> No.9965267


Also your pants won't even look nice unless you're willing to wear them every day and never wash them, otherwise they will look forced and ugly.

>> No.9965270


fuck off, you probably live in a cul de sac in some flyover state and drive a prius. do not 'buy' crust pants.

>> No.9965289


stop wearing them period
also stop being a "punk"
crust punks are like fedoracore times a thousand

>> No.9965311

this is why /fa/ and a number of other fashion websites constantly dickride crust pants and crust punks, right?

Also what does that even mean, if you're talking about societal prestige then yes, crust punks are at the bottom of the ladder, but hasn't purposeful destitution and rejection of social norms always been "cool"?

>> No.9965850

Btw if u have a car and it's not to assist with a disability or ur not living in it you're not punk

>> No.9965872

You can buy those? I thought you made them over time from some default pair of black jeans

>> No.9965873

>implying that punk is some sort of venerable status one must truly work to achieve

The last time I saw someone dressing anything close to crustpunk or whatever, they were begging for small change from people at a farmer's market so they could buy booze (in addition to the handle they were drinking at 9 AM).

It's not exactly like they deserve respect.

>> No.9965903

No, you just need to have a certain mindset, you don't need to dress a certain way or anything. Just a certain set of behaviors and ways of interacting with our current society. I'm not saying not anybody can be punk, just that you have to be punk to dress this way.

Not all travelers or crust punks do drugs or drink, in fact a number of them are straight edge. The act of willingly casting ones self aside from society essentially because of politics is definitely a respectable thing. I'm sorry you don't see that.

Nah, nobody bought those, that's just a preview pic of some kids crust pants they had on their etsy, they where offering a patching service where you send them pants and they send you back those pants all patched up. I think it's kinda silly, but always funny seeing a punk make a buck off some yuppies. Also crust pants don't need to be black jeans, people use all kinds of colors, but yes generally people do make their pants themselves.

>> No.9965912

what makes someone's way of life deserve less respect than yours sir? the way i see it they chose to live like that, actually some of them haven't, a lot of the old crust dudes in my town have had fucking horrible upbringings.

i'd rather live like that than work a shitty desk job to barely afford the rent to a shitty converted cupboard apartment in chicago

>> No.9965921
File: 1.28 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my UC crust pants get em if u like the look OP

>> No.9965927

>crust pants

Those UC SCABS are a Grail of mine though. One I know I'll never find.

>> No.9965935

>I'm not saying not anybody can be punk, just that you have to be punk to dress this way.
Sorry, that's wrong. It's a fashion style associated with a social group. Anyone can dress that way - it's just that most do not. Frankly, a lot of very interesting fashion movements have come from bare-handed coopting of group trends. It is childish to think that a social group "owns" a style - it's the kinda silly Balkanization of fashion that attracts people who need to feel unique.

>Not all travelers or crust punks do drugs or drink, in fact a number of them are straight edge
I can accept that. My example was admittedly limited to my own experience. But the fact that some are relatively behaved does not mean that somehow one must be part of the lifestyle to wear the clothing.

>what makes someone's way of life deserve less respect than yours sir?
Number of people helped or societies improved by begging for money and living on the road: 0

My respect is obviously subjective, but it's not unreasonable to say that, on the spectra of respect, someone contributing to others deserves at least a little bit more respect than someone who doesn't. That seems to imply that crust punk kids fall somewhere low on the spectra.

>the way i see it they chose to live like that, actually some of them haven't, a lot of the old crust dudes in my town have had fucking horrible upbringings.
And that's unfortunate, of course. I'd very much argue that our society needs to be there for people like that.

>i'd rather live like that than work a shitty desk job to barely afford the rent to a shitty converted cupboard apartment in chicago
The choice is not even remotely that binary.

>> No.9965956

Most crusts I've met from living in Denver have mental/drug/family problems, or all three. That's not to be taken as an insult and it based on personal experience.

>> No.9965963

Wait, since when is DANGERS considered trve crust punk ? Always seen them as a tumblr-powerviolence band

>> No.9965965

You do not know any voluntarily houseless people or crust punks if you think they do not contribute to society, a huge number participate in large scale disaster relief, and another huge number participate in things like local soup kitchens and organizations like Food Not Bombs. That includes those who drink and do drugs.

Just because you choose to live on the streets, or choose not to have a home and rely largely on community and ones self to survive, or choose not to participate in/ contribute to mainstream society does not make you incapable of contributing to those you view are oppressed by the society you wish to escape from. Charitibility is often a characteristic which travelers require to survive leeching

To make such uninformed assumptions about a social group which you know so little about is frankly a little bit jarring.

The fashion style crust punks, and punks in general have developed is based largely on a number of indigenous people's clothing as well as the conditions and clothing of the working class/poor. There is a big difference between assimilating into a culture, bringing inspiration from it, and foolishly copying it to create a contrived and ugly product.

There are a lot of issues in the punk community in general. I think most punks will be the first to admit that.

>> No.9965981

Did you know that punk people can have non punk patches/ listen to non punk music?

>> No.9965997

We're gonna have to agree to disagree on this.

First, "a large number" does not mean I do not know "any" of the target demographic. That logic simply does not work. I'd also dispute whether occasional volunteerism really counts as contributing in a real manner, but that doesn't really address our core dispute.

Second, ignoring the baseless "uninformed" part of your argument, your post is making a lot of assumptions based on your experiences, which are also limited. I'm sure there has to be some sort of cohesion within the group, and I never implied otherwise. Nor did I say they were incapable. What I did strongly imply is that, being most deferential to your point, their relative helpfulness to society is fairly low.

>There is a big difference between assimilating into a culture, bringing inspiration from it, and foolishly copying it to create a contrived and ugly product.
You are (1) making a subjective assumption that copying is some form of inferior form of assimilation without distinguishing the two terms, (2) assuming all forms of copying would be "contrived," "ugly," and "fool[ish]," and (3) drawing a binary distinction between assimilation and copying without recognizing that society operates in a lot more of a nuanced fashion.

But let's step back, since I've admittedly gotten us off track: OP is free to wear whatever he wants and punks do not have a fiat on the style, regardless of whether or not they are helpful to society.

>> No.9966111

Okay, I think our personal experiences are limiting us from seeing eachothers perspective. I view the current National and international society, particularly in the United States to be hugely reprehensible and damaging to the earth and all of it's inhabitants. This being said it would not be fruitful to genuinely contribute to the current society, but rather suck it fry from within, while at least attempting to provide for those destroyed by the system you are fighting.

The commodification of punk clothing, which is deeply rooted in community, and self reliance is in fact making a mockery of it's intent. Basically it's turning a product of hard diy labor, and the symbols of a certain life style and using it purely for a profit motive. It is not punks that have the right to this kind of fashion but rather an ethos of resourcefulness, and subsistence living. Which happens to be imbedded in both punk and number of counter/sub cultures which are interconnected with punk.

I agree not all forms of copying are bad, I chose irresponsible wording for a few points I made, and for that I apologize.

>> No.9966124

>I view the current National and international society, particularly in the United States to be hugely reprehensible and damaging to the earth and all of it's inhabitants.
Then you must be 16.

>> No.9966131

Dangers is far from powerviolence, and they are just a boring hardcore punk band

>> No.9966139

Wow what a substantial argument. I hope you're not the same person I was talking to earlier, because that is a pathetic response.

Have you ever heard of imperialism? What about the constantly growing gap between the upper and lower class that capitalism for it's nearly 200 year life span has violently enforced though economic and social coercion?

Are you just saying caring about society is something only 16 year olds do, because im sorry to inform you, but that simply isn't true.

also im not just posting this to whine to you, if you're not the anon i was arguing with earlier then maybe will back up my points a little more.

>> No.9966202

but seriously where can i get a pair

>> No.9966206

Yeah man, America sucks. They should take a hint from N. Korea. They seem a lot better off. Or how about the Sudan? I heard Russia is nice this time of year. Next year I'm planning on visiting a country where I can get my throat slit for making out with a dude.

>> No.9966211

Nice false dichotomy and complete strawman.

>> No.9966221

guys i dont care about political arguments i just want to buy some cool pants

>> No.9966231

You cited income equality, and then in the next post completely dodge my legitimate points. Nice.

BTW I'm not the same person you were talking to earlier.

>> No.9966232

If you don't care about politics don't buy pants covered in bands who's entire discographies are about politics.

Btw the Chiapas are doing pretty decent, sure there are some problems being an anarchist society in a capitalist world. But anarchism, when properly actualized has been proven to work flawlessly. (not talking about fake anarchism like an-caps either so please don't

>> No.9966251

And im not even saying that being an american is the worst thing about america, it's the awful economic crimes it commits on the citizens of the countries it exploits that makes the USA, to me, as disgusting as it is. In fact the citizens of the united states get it pretty damn good, when I say wealth is accumulating at the top I do not mean the top of american society i mean the top of international society.

>> No.9966258

>particularly in the United States to be hugely reprehensible and damaging to the earth and all of it's inhabitants
This is what I took issue with.

>> No.9966264

there's no true Scotsman in punk either, but who's counting

>> No.9966269

They're neat I guess, but I would never wear them because I'm not a member of Framtid.

>> No.9966275

I can almost smell the Hep C from here

>> No.9966305

When I said that I was referring to the inhabitants of the earth, not the inhabitants of the United States. Although I would say that that the working and lower class in the united states are still exploited in a way that mirrors (in technique, not quantity) the abuse of the working and lower class of countries exploited by the untied states.

the people in Framtid, same with Zyanose and LIFE, are all major sweethearts.