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File: 436 KB, 4248x2808, Vans-Authentic-Black-Black.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9935832 No.9935832 [Reply] [Original]

why is EVERY fucking musician at every indie show i go to wearing these vans authentic these days?

sh-should i buy them too now?

>> No.9935837

no faggot

this shit is for middle schoolers who wants to get into a phase and look up to generic edgy bands that get hype from horny teenage girls.

>> No.9935838

No cuck boy, one up them with all black CPs

>> No.9935850


>> No.9935851

is america only just catching onto vans authentics?

shit, these have been played out for about 3 years in australia now

>> No.9935858

Because they're not fashionable lol

>> No.9935875

They've been played out for a similar amount of time here, but the hardcore/pop punk scenes refuse to die, despite both genre's being auditory AIDs at this point.

>> No.9935880

whats an alternative to these?

>> No.9935927

if you're going for the generic band t-shirt + jeans + black shoes look then just get all black derbies or if you want to be next level then common projects

>> No.9935955

Are you retards joking, authentics have been like the most popular casual canvas crap for like 10 years. I don't think it's exclusive to "indie" shows

>> No.9936918
File: 379 KB, 828x1250, 1398228966536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because mac has spurred or otherwise revived their credibility

>> No.9936942

so cute

>> No.9936951


it's a fucking black shoe, what is wrong with you people.

>> No.9936991

Vans, especially black Vans, are just the default I-need-shoes casual sneakers for certain sets of style conscious youth, the same way Doc Martens are default boots.

Converse are too common and too bulky.
PF Flyers are too obscure and too bulky.
Supergas are too capital-F Fashion to be neutral-with-slight-edge and are $65.
Vans are sleek and elegant within their design constraints and are $25-45.

Many broke style conscious youth are indie musicians.

>> No.9936995

They've been played out in California since the 70s.
Good try tho

>> No.9937022
File: 367 KB, 700x480, fast-times-at-ridgemont-high-sean-penn-spicoli-eric-stoltz-anthony-edwards-movie-still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spicoli wore vans

>> No.9937055

whats a good alternative to vans that arnt common projects?

>> No.9937070


>> No.9937080

Shoes for shitcunts

>> No.9937083

What exactly do you want them for? Like, how will you wear them, in what social and physical conditions? What's your price range?

I also wouldn't consider CPs (Achilles, right?) an alternative to Vans. They're both elegant classic lowtops, but one is canvas and the other is leather and their cultural valences are entirely different.

>> No.9937103

i want something with a slightly larger silouhette than vans to wear with cropped denim and socks. looking for something with texture to it like vans so no all leather

i was thinking of copping the suede cp bball lo's but they look really ugly in close up shots

>> No.9937145

It's the perfect casual shoe.

>Okay quality

Probably has one of the highest marginal rates of return compared to any other shoe.

>> No.9937275

Pretty much this

Vans get bad mouthed on here fairly often but they're incredibly durable for $45-ish shoes and look relatively stylish, they're just the perfect simple cheap durable good looking sneakers

>> No.9937280

I don't fuck with this guy, he has that greaseball shit goin on

>> No.9937286

All of indie has that greaseball shit going on, hence why indie shows are always littered with vans

>> No.9937288

Hence the reason why indie sucks orangutan wang

>> No.9937291

Your mum sucks simian sausage

>> No.9937296

you realize independent music is the only viable source of authentic music these days right

>> No.9937297

damn nigga maybe I just want some black vans stop projecting

>> No.9937322

they're inexpensive as fuck.
thats really the only reason. most of these people don't have a sustainable income and don't care that its a vans brand shoe. practicallity first with these people

OP you are overthinking it faggot.

>> No.9937326

Firstly, that's false

Secondly, that doesn't stop it from being shit

Thirdly, he's referring to "Indie", the genre. Not "Indie", the moniker of anything independently released. They mean very different things now, and the genre has pretty much nothing to do with the idea behind the name. See: Arctic Monkeys.

>> No.9937344

Not entirely sure whether >>9937296 is shitposting but honestly, yeah. Indie is a super general umbrella genre, and to say that the whole thing just sucks is really not fair

True independent music is genuine, passionate, mostly pure, mostly authentic and the only large scale pool of people making creative music on independent terms.......not intended, generally, for anything other than art/expression/fun

I completely understand that "indie" has a bad rap, appearing to be either arcade fire rip offs or greasy crustball hipsters. But I believe that indie has within it the most honest and down to earth music being created currently and to say that it sucks orangutan wang is ignorant

>> No.9937356

>too bulky


>> No.9937360


>shoes cost 10 dollars and look good


>> No.9937371
File: 98 KB, 650x378, Vans-California-Authentic-Hike-Green-Black-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

valley kid here

literally everyone I know hasn't stopped wearing these all together for 10 years now

I still own a pair I throw on from time to time

pic related

>> No.9937388

>on independent terms

Who's more independent, the guys using a shitty cheap pedal in their kitchen recording their songs with their phone, or Beyonce throwing a full video album up on the Internet? The former's art is dependent on their limited resources in a sense far more meaningful than Bey's contractual dependence on Sony.

Like, I'm as anti-capitalist as they come, but just as much good work is being done by artists signed to the major labels as not, often work that couldn't be done on an "indie" budget, people running non-major labels can be huge dicks to talent as well, and plenty of artists have used major label scale to get big enough they're effectively in charge.

You can't say the silhouette of Converse isn't bulkier than Vans, or that it's elegant, or that they don't draw attention to themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate Converse, but Vans fit the niche these people are looking for better. Which is why they're in Vans and not Converse.

Doesn't hurt you can wear Vans waiting tables a lot of place you couldn't wear Converse, either. But that goes back to their silhouette, quiet simplicity, and that they're constructed like Oxfords.

>> No.9937393

Shit, forgot to paste in my response to this.

Check Nike Tennis Classics, a lot of their SB shoes, and Supergas. I wish I knew a few higher end stuff like CPs to suggest, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.

>> No.9937406

Indie music was originally defined as "independent" from labels but it means more than that in current times

You're not wrong, but I don't think labels really have anything to do with it anymore. Regardless of how the music is distributed, indie is more of a mentality/ethic. I mean, DIY definitely has it's place and means well, but labels these days are much more free form and less textbook than they have been historically.

tl;dr you're right in a way but label association doesn't define indie

>> No.9937416

is this bait?
Vans have been the go to shoe for every siq dude and his dog since '05

>> No.9937443

Converse have another problem vans don't, the toecap makes them unwearable for people with wide feet.

>> No.9937452
File: 32 KB, 570x400, vans-rata-vulc-shoes-06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So while we are talking about vans, what do you think about the Rata Vulc? Cop or not?

>> No.9937466

Hell no I'd say

>> No.9937469

The second graf in the post I was responding to sounded like it was talking about independent as status and not indie as genre.

Not sure if that was your post or not?

I agree with everything in this post, but if you're the same guy and meant to say that indie-the-genre is more authentic, passionate, creative, etc. than any other genre... I couldn't really disagree more. Not that there's not great indie bands out there, and ones doing original work, but on the whole it seems indie proper has ossified into a set of fairly mild aesthetic poses duplicated to varying degrees of success, and the interesting stuff has splintered off and crossed with other styles. The most interesting genre as a whole right now is hip-hop.

I'd like to be proved wrong, though; I mean, I can say in full earnest ITAOTS is my favorite album ever. Who should I be looking at that I'm missing?

Good to know.

>> No.9937631

Well, not everyone has the money for a $400 pair of CPs because "muh minimalism"
Are Vans overused? Yes. Are they bad shoes? No. They're worn fucking everywhere here in Australia, but if you were to walk up to some random middle class Australian kid wearing Vans and go, "typical edgy teenager shit shoe, get some Common Projects", he would look at you as though you were retarded, go home, google Common Projects and think "Why the hell would I pay $400 for white sneakers?"
They're cheap and go well with pretty much everything. The only difference between minimalist Vans and Common Projects is fabric quality and the silhouette. In terms of putting them in an outfit, they're pretty much the same.
But forget socioeconomic status and all that shit, let's laugh at kids who're only wearing a black fucking shoe.

>> No.9939266


The fuck

>these days

Authentics have been around longer than us. They're on the level of Chucks. Literally an OG inoffensive shoe staple.

>> No.9939308

because they're cheap and modest

stop being mad



>> No.9939318

>played out

You cant play out a simple, classic design. How are you gonna hate on an affordable piece of skate/california culture? You wouldnt say that shit in public here cuz people would think youre just stupid.

>> No.9939327

>How are you gonna hate on an affordable piece of skate/california culture?
I came upon this thread looking for advice on a cheap pair of casual shoes to wear because my old ones are breaking down. I'm not a skater or a Californian; will I look stupid for wearing these?