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9931925 No.9931925 [Reply] [Original]

How do I get rid of this acne, /fa/?

It doesn't go away like regular zits, it stays for months and sometimes years basically. Popping them just makes them worse. I want to fucking kill myself

>> No.9931931

be more worried about your hairline one word: finasteride

>> No.9931932

lol nigga talking about acne this acne that
all im seeing is forehead

>> No.9931938

Real men are bald and don't care about faggot shit like hair.

>> No.9931940

Nah it's always been like that I just have a big jewy forehead even though I'm white. If it gets worse though then I will check that out

>> No.9931949

exfoliate regularly

>> No.9931964

Go to a derm. They will know 1,000,000 more than /fa/.

>> No.9931971

Stop drinking anything other than water, water helps a lot. Drink lots of it. Wash your face in the morning and at night if you aren't already. Seeing a dermatologist is the best option if you feel the need.

>> No.9931974

>Real men

>> No.9931975

I did and he gave my pills and face cream that have helped with the zits but done duck all for this

>> No.9931995

Also what is the name of the album where the cover is kinda like this but he has blood running down his forehead?

>> No.9932022

exfoliation is the key, i get that shit too if i don't scrub away dead skin

it's going to take a while, because you don't want to exfoliate more than a couple times a week, otherwise you'll get wrinkles. apparently you shouldn't even do it more than once every two weeks, but it will take months to get rid of those bumps if you follow that schedule

find a good exfoliating cleanser that doesn't irritate your skin. i use this one and it has worked very well for me so far http://www.amazon.com/John-Masters-Organics-Exfoliating-Cleanser/dp/B0014WOAPY.. dont scrub too hard, you don't want to irritate your skin so badly that it's red afterwards, just gently remove the dead skin from the surface

>> No.9932043

Thanks a lot dude

Should I wash my face after exfoliating or what?

>> No.9932051

>what is accutane

>> No.9932066

It fixed my zits but this is still a problem. Doc made me stop because of my bilirubin levels or some shit

>> No.9932112

i usually just use water to wash the cleanser away, and then pat dry with a clean face towel

>> No.9932117

Retin a

>> No.9932252

don't you have like a huge outbreak when you first start?

>> No.9932276

Yeah, but then it pretty much all goes away. Until you stop, then it comes back. Accutane is shit.

>> No.9932279

how the fuck do u get rid of bacne?? i dont get acne anywhere but on my back and its literally the fucking worst.

>> No.9932293

fucking this

I would assume wash my shirts and sheets more often but it dosent seem to help tbh

>> No.9932305

Maybe your soaps are irritating?

>> No.9932518

i used acutane for a few months and my acne went away for good. except the odd pimple of course. went off it early cause it fucks with you bad.

>> No.9932519

big foreheads are a white feature

>> No.9932523

These are due to diet and possibly malnutrition. Do you also get these on the back of your thighs? Do you sometimes get cracks on the corner of your mouth?

You most likely eat too much processed sugars/pastas. And you lack greens, which is why you might be deficient in certain oils that your body needs but can't produce. One such oil is linoleic acid.

>> No.9932530

After you shower, you need to scrub your back with the towel, or whatever else. You need to scrub it hard. So all of the dead skin and shit comes off. I mean fucking hard, until skin feels raw after the shower. Do just this after showering for like a month and you won't have any more problems.

>> No.9932536

try being more hydrated

>> No.9933091
File: 538 KB, 1936x2592, ZpkCDs2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have open and closed comedones on the forehead. Blackheads and whiteheads. It's a kind of non-inflammatory acne.

Read this general anti-acne guide, specifically targeted at comedones, here:

You will need to keep a routine to keep the comedones from recurring once you've managed to get rid of them.

And how to get rid of them manually, see:

You'll probably be amazed by how easy it is to get rid of mainly the open (dark) comedones by simple extraction. They'll be gone (temporarily) within minutes.

You can choose to not have them.
It's science.


>> No.9933101

haha kill yourself

>> No.9933113

Post face, uggo

Let's see who's talking

>> No.9933128

You need to really take care of your skin with a full routine until you normalize (maybe years)

by full routine, I mean:
1) wash, then exfoliate maybe every day, maybe every other depending on how your skin reacts
4) moisturize.

The toner and the serum are the important stuff. If you're like, oh, this is to much for me, you might be able to get away with no moisturizer or limited moisturizer if you have the right serum, the right skin type.

So, what are toners and serums?
short answer: google it

My ex bf had shit like this, and, in my expertise, I recommended that he keep using his reg OTC acne wash but only every other day and sub out with cerave moisturizing lotion. Then, use toners and serums that have mention "PH balancing" and "Acne" interchangably. He did not have an issue with dry skin though. Unfortch, cannot remember brands of stuff we used. Would look at DHC brand things.

people have been raving about black soap as a cure-all for lots of skin issues. I got a bar for my face and the hype is real cause this product is legit as fuck. It allows my skin to soak up serum/lotion better thn anything I've ever used.

>> No.9933153

Anon, try this thing called shaving alum. Put it on your face every evening before going to sleep then cover your pillow with a towel. My acne is almost gone just with two weeks of doing this

>> No.9933176
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Good advice.

>maybe years

It fortunately just takes a few weeks for the keratolytic effect of salicylic acid (at 2% ish) for example to take effect. Mechanical extraction is luckily instantaneous as well.

>> No.9933182

Should I scrub the fuck out of my face when exfoliating? Or would that make things worse

>> No.9934550

yeah, I thought so, uggo.

>> No.9934577

Do not exfoliate everyday. You'll dry out and fuck up your skin

>> No.9934634


This guy knows whats up, they are closed comedones.

Read up on bha and aha, both salycylic acids that are best used in combination. Be prepared to invest in some relatively expensive skincare but its worth it imo.

Drink more water and less sugar.

Change your bed sheets (pillows especially) and towels atleast once a week.

>> No.9934652


>> No.9934872

No sorry

>> No.9934906 [DELETED] 

Thats what bald people tell themselves to feel better

>> No.9935966

help plz kys myself

>> No.9937595


>> No.9937775

wasn't aware that Acne is selling towels now, but you can put it on grailed i guess

>> No.9937778


>> No.9938526

peel off your skin

>> No.9940210

I'm not going bald

>> No.9940371

Lel no