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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 65 KB, 254x300, short_choppy_bob_hairstyle481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9924896 No.9924896 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, female here. I'm wondering what some fashionable hairstyles are for girls? I have shoulder length hair right now dyed red. Was considering going black. Pic unrelated

>> No.9924911


>> No.9924928

can you post a front on pic? the best haircut for each person really depends on your face shape and features

>> No.9924930

Do you frequent Tumblr?

>> No.9924938

No i don't

>> No.9924951

What compelled you to die your hair red?
Are you a QT 3.14?

>> No.9924954

I have a round face with a strong jaw and somewhat pointy chin, if that helps.

>> No.9924960

I wanted to change things up. I've got a lot of compliments on it so far. I think I'm fairly attractive, but I have a pinkish completion so I don't know if the colour is the best choice.

>> No.9924966

>buying this deeply into reddit/4chan's hate-boner for tumblr that "do you frequent tumblr" is an automatic question

log off for a month

>> No.9924986
File: 81 KB, 500x667, tumblr_n5cfxbpara1r8o47wo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9924994

A pic would help you know, you can blur out your eyes or something if you want

>> No.9924997
File: 243 KB, 960x1280, tumblr_n6bu13j2KV1snhx4mo3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9924998

maybe they were interested. why dont u log off for an eternity?

>> No.9924999

whether hair cut or color will look good on your depends on your face shape and coloring, so there's not much we can say without a picture

a "fashionable" hairstyle is something that's flattering on you

>> No.9925002


A good haircut doesn't have to be "fashionable". A good haircut accounts for your own hair's texture, natural growth pattern, cowlicks, and personal style. You could go to a haircutting school and look through a whole slew of looks and just because they're well done doesn't mean they would look good on you if they don't account for the above factors.

>> No.9925009

I know who she is. great haircut on her, I also have bangs and similar face shape so I could probably pull it off

>> No.9925023

i'm in love w/ her tbh. I have her haircut too, female btw. I think it's a hairstyle that most girls can pull off well.

>> No.9925025

I'd post a pic but there's ppl I know that frequent /fa/ who I'd rather not see me haha

>> No.9925031
File: 63 KB, 500x625, 1431491614883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this please

i will make you my wife if so

>> No.9925034

Don't be a prick faggot. She's asking a legit question on /fa

>> No.9925069
File: 33 KB, 300x245, ggddddg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cuts bangs
Instantly regrets it and has to wait 2 years for regrowth
Will never have enough motivation to style it every day
Dyke, unless you're lesbo that's cool

You fucking idiots

>> No.9925074

If anyone wants to give me advice on specific cuts or hair colour etc, add my snapchat (bbbat1) and I'll send you a pic so you'll know what suits me

>> No.9925086
File: 17 KB, 500x500, Messy-short-bob-hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9925095

Just post it here. Stop tryna b8 us into adding your ugly ass on snapchat. If I add you I'll just ss it anyway and post it here so just man up

>> No.9925103

Another whiteknight i see

>ooh no its a grill better be a knight and put on my shining armor to tip my dazzling fedora for m'lady.

>> No.9925115

I feel like hair like this only suits a very limited amount of people

>> No.9925122

Hey its not reddit. Some of the femanons are actually QTs (Ree fuck off) so we need to put value on this precious resource.

>> No.9925124

could be. still my favourite haircut for girls.

>> No.9925137

long hair, natural colour, middle parting

>> No.9925154

I already said the reason I don't wanna post it here tho

>> No.9925155


>> No.9925158

You know what you said was something straight out of reddit? Boy aren't you fun like im not even going to bant about this anymore you're a lost cause.

The face you think ree is a female..

>> No.9925165

I've had bangs as long as I remember. I feel like I don't look as good without them, even though I don't have a big forehead or anything

>> No.9925171

Well shit. I guess my redditor autism is finally revealing itself.

>> No.9925189

I think you maybe just need to get used to it. I got rid of bangs that I had for years and I thought I looked a little strange at first. I got used to it pretty quickly and ended up loving it.

Unfortunately I had one of those overwhelming urges to cut your own fucking hair the other week so I have a side bang that I'm 100% growing out

>> No.9925196

knackered buzz

>> No.9925215

Just post your shit here. Its unlikely anyone you know would ever see your pic unless its Meme worthy.

>> No.9925216

why don't you drop trip for eternity? tripfags are cancer and i hope you go shit a fuck you fucking shit NIGGER. TRIPFAGS ARE FUCKING NIGGER CANC

>> No.9925440

lmao and that comment isn't the most cancerous shit itt.

if you dont know why i trip

/g/ /t/ /f/ /o/

>> No.9925455

yep, the first step is being aware. now the next step is to >>/g/ >>/t/ >>/f/ >>/o/

>> No.9925456

4chan is not a cross board site. Your input only pertains to individual threads. In those threads if your personal identity is absolutely necessary to assist in the posts your making, you may trip, but it's polite to drop that trip when the thread is dead. Keeping the same trip on all threads, not even to mention different boards, is attention whoring. There are better sites for attention whoring rather than 4chan.

>> No.9925552

who is she??

>> No.9925571
File: 2 KB, 440x72, fuckoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only use this trip here.

lurk more newfag.

pic related

>> No.9925576

>Hey, female here.

Dear women, begin a female has nothing to do with your post, please don't do that again.

>> No.9925577

: ^ )

>> No.9925578

/m/ /i/ /n/ /d/ /f/ /u/ /c/ /k/ /e/ /d/


>> No.9925582

Are u stupid? She's asking for GIRL hair advice

it completely makes sense to include your gender

this isn't >>>/g/ asking for android phone recs you fucking autist

>> No.9925624

Anonymous =/= Anonymous(F) / Anonymous(M)


>> No.9925646

>b8d this hard

>> No.9925671

Trips cant call me a Redditor faggot.

Being a trip is completely against 4chan culture. Perhaps you should try reddit instead, tripfaggot.

>> No.9925699
File: 64 KB, 600x572, ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9925710
File: 191 KB, 578x508, doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a trip is completely against 4chan culture.

>> No.9925723
File: 87 KB, 500x484, 1432733568213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw rekt

Actual fashion forums too mainstream for you faggot?

>> No.9925734
File: 415 KB, 221x200, 1432779265435.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're really not in a position to talk ree. You have no RL friends and quite literally everyone on this board hates your ass.

>> No.9925760

Everyone on this board hates each other though.

>> No.9925766

/fa/ is too mainstream for me.

>> No.9925768

Don't reply to trips. It enables them

>> No.9925779

too mainstream for me to take seriously.....

>> No.9925792

too late.


>> No.9925803
File: 368 KB, 1008x955, 1433102287857.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Following this guide is uber hard.

>> No.9925822

post pic or gtfo

>> No.9926521
