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/fa/ - Fashion

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9924505 No.9924505 [Reply] [Original]

Do you smile?

What's the consensus on it

>> No.9926763

never smile

>> No.9926764

I try not to, but I just can't help it

>> No.9926774

Smiling is for autists who can't display their feelings telephatically.

>> No.9926778
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>> No.9927220

A smile without reason is the mark of a idiot.

>> No.9927388

I don't smile, but I'm black, so it's pretty much to be expected.

>> No.9927396

If you smile at all, you are degenerate scum fit to be exterminated for the sake of carrying on the carbon cycle.

>> No.9927401

I smile because I'm an INTJ and mexican, otherwise I'd come across as too serious.

>> No.9927640


>do you smile

>> No.9927656
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enjoy being unsociable losers because you don't have a nice full grin smile!

Haha nothing feels better than showing off my pearly whites with a charming, happy smile :)

Must suck being ugly and miserable XD

>> No.9927671

Too apathetic and depressed to smile.

>> No.9927677

I used to squint my eyes when meeting people and it seemed to weird them out so now i make an effort to open my eyes more and it works.

>> No.9927681

Never smile, it causes face wrinkles and wrinkles aren't effay

>> No.9927688

i have a nice natural smile, gotten many compliments. but when i try and do it for a picture or something i think it looks weird so i keep my mouth closed

>> No.9927743
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Using MB personality tests in everyday conversations.

>> No.9927787

And here, children, we see the Autism of 4Chan in full light.

Don't feed them! They get attached quickly

>> No.9927794

Fucking this. Never raise eyebrows, either

>> No.9927859


>Do you smile?
>everyday conversation


>> No.9927862
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>> No.9927879
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>tfw chipped front tooth

>> No.9927887

>laughing having a good one with all the buddies
>look over at jose, the wannabe cholo
>doesnt even smirk


>> No.9927897

>trying so hard to be /fa/ that you actively avoid smiling
I don't get it, the only reason why I would do this would be if I had messed up teeth or something.

>> No.9927928

i don't actively avoid smiling

but i don't smile unless there's a reason to

>> No.9928095

Just went to the dentist and said would whitening work on my teeth and she said maybe

What's the best over the counter whitening shit I can buy

>> No.9928125


>> No.9928496

And I don't see any wrinkles, this man has great skin though

>> No.9928554

Heaps irl, try not to in photos unless with relatives and happy.

>> No.9928588

>A smile without reason is the mark of a idiot.
moscow pls go

>> No.9928595

I'm attractive and have nice teeth so I smile. Don't be a faggot. Smile if you want to... If you don't want to, Don't.

>> No.9928596

listerine whitening mouthwash. hydrogen peroxide. arm and hammer toothpaste. all great options not gonna post a pic but i have very white teeth

>> No.9928791
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me when I smile

>> No.9929057

are you an retarded or can't you see how much makeup and photoshop that picture contains

>> No.9929576
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You want me to smile? Tell me a joke or entertain me, otherwise, fuck off.

>> No.9929587

I have a pretty bad diastema, so no.

>> No.9929686

Got straight white mid-to-small teeth but my face just looks so ugly and not fashionable when I smile so I try to avoid. Especially when taking pics.

>> No.9929706

I cant force a smile for a photo, it looks shit. But if someone takes a picture of me smiling when I don't realize it usually turns out ok

>> No.9929712

no, I have decent teeth that are occasionally two colored, sort of half yellow and half white
used to be really self conscious about them but I've learned just not to smile

>> No.9929718

the tooth beside my front teeth is chipped and saving up for dental procedure because I met my dental insurance limit for the year.

it sucks having to not smile and always talking barely opening my mouth to hide the gaping hole.

>> No.9929838

> >