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File: 230 KB, 432x387, afro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9893365 No.9893365 [Reply] [Original]

Black grill here.
I hate fucking with my hair, which is a pain in the ass to deal with. About 33" of kinky hair, always a five hour process to straighten or braid.
I'd rather wear a wig, as I never have to on deal with humidity, bad hair days. No weaves though, since I'd like to wash my hair often.
Would a non-black SO understand my wanting to wear a wig, or would I have to wear my afro all the time.

>> No.9893386

Half black/white guy here
I fucking love my hair it's not straight but it's not curly either.
It's soft and wavy.
I love when it gets wet in the pool and I can whip it back so easily
It's like my beard.
The point is your hair is your own and will always be your own. Love your hair and be one with it.

>> No.9893393 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 313x313, 1415840627930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Half black/white guy here
>Black grill here.

>> No.9893445

your gimmick is getting tiresome

>> No.9893487


can you post a pic? it's hard to visualize what you're describing if you catch my drift

>> No.9893516

> ree being thirsty as usual
damn ree OP isn't going to fuck you

>> No.9893525

lol you kind of sound like me
i love my hair but i can't be arsed to do anything with it. too much hassle. i just put it in cornrows, put on a wig and call it a day.

>> No.9893527

fellow blackgirl here.
i think they'd understand after a while.

do you have alot of shrinkage-? if your hair is 33" long (how long is that? like...mid-back?)

why don't you just cut it and wear a wig or a weave? if your hair is short you wouldn't need to wash it often anyway.
your hair probably isn't as kinky as hers

>> No.9893529

Are afros that terrible? They look cute as fuck on a girl with an elegant or really sensual face structure.

>> No.9893530

of course not. im just asking for a pic for reference if you know what im saying.

>> No.9893553

What's up with black girls and those tacky nose rings?

>> No.9893820
File: 103 KB, 683x1024, cc3c74adbe1638014c0dadcc0f06bafd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Black male here.

Not even close to your hair-length. I understand and have been through that struggle though. Had about 27" of kinky hair some years ago.

Just hold on for a bit longer and try to figure out what works for you. If you want to wear a wig, go for it. I'm still not quite there yet, but I'm starting to know what I want my hair to look like eventually and how much effort I want to put and each month I'm getting closer to reaching my goal. I've decided to go for shorter haircuts though.

Just make sure you don't damage your hair and scalp too much. You'll make it.

>> No.9893851

Ask him? How should we know what he thinks.
Alternatively you can go for a hairstyle a la Lupita Nyong'o.

>> No.9893933

Is an afro that hard to maintain?

I think black girls with afros look great, but I admit the whole wig thing throws me off.
If I really like the girl I guess I wouldn't mind it that much, I'm not gonna get worked up about the hair.

>> No.9894347

Hi op. I'm black and my hair is a bit longer than yours. I really like having long hair and I don't plan on cutting it. I'm going to describe my routine and maybe it'll be helpful.

I wash my hair once every 5-7 days, depending on how it looks. I only brush my hair when it's wet. When I shower, I shampoo the roots and scalp only, then when I condition, I try to avoid that area. I like Cantu leave in conditioner but really anything will work. After my shower, I will usually put my hair in some kind of protective style. This can be one big braid, two long french braids, little buns, etc. I let my hair dry in this style (takes 24+ hrs). When I undo the style, my hair is usually very well moisturized and manageable. After that I can style however I want, and I don't have to bother putting in more product.

>> No.9894364

some girl came into class 1 day with like almost all her hair gone, turns out she just took out her weave
thought it was weird af tbh

>> No.9894367

>would I have to wear my afro all the time.
as in, you hair naturally looks similar to your pic? if so i would keep it as that. Cute af

>> No.9894381

Dated a Puerto Rican and black girl once, she wore a weave throughout the first trimester of our relationship and took it out one day while i was over. Looked terrible initially but came to definitely prefer her curly shoulder length fro, wonder why she'd wear the weave to begin with.

>> No.9894462

White guy here

I don't think most guys understand a thing women do with their hair regardless whether they are black/white/asian or whatever.

I can almost guarantee your S/O no matter their race will be happiest with whatever keeps you happiest and gets you and him out the door without a billion hours of bullshit beforehand.

>> No.9894471 [DELETED] 

Shave it all off and become a man like all sheboons should.

>> No.9894483
File: 94 KB, 640x512, 1404057254184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know who this is but I love her

>> No.9894486

I had an afro all throughout high school, and everyone wanted to touch it. I have a qt black gf and she straightens her hair almost every other day, even though I would prefer her to not, but it's her hair and her choice.
It also would depend on what your SO is into. maybe he likes afros?
>le "i don't date black guys" face
or just cut it.

>> No.9894493


>> No.9894569
File: 123 KB, 500x750, 723623hdgfh739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What type of kinky are we talking about? 4A? 4B/4C? Anyways, my best advice would be to embrace it and take better care of it.

post a pic, maybe you're a qt and don't know it
also this is really good >>9894347

>> No.9894607

>Alternatively you can go for a hairstyle a la Lupita Nyong'o.
This. Shaved-headed black girls are the shit

>> No.9894873

>Would a non-black SO understand my wanting to wear a wig, or would I have to wear my afro all the time.
Im a white guy, and if i was with a black grill who had an afro I would prefer that to a wig, but thats just me. Depends a lot on who youre with i guess

>> No.9894979
File: 39 KB, 369x594, length-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres no way your hair is 33 fucking inches do you know how long that is?

>> No.9895242

I have a black gf and she wears wigs every now and then. I look at it like I look at my caps, something to throw on when I just don't feel like messing with my hair.

>> No.9895331

don't look at it like your caps. look at it as it were you wearing a wig. seriously, what the fuck.
only wear a wig after cancer treatment and on carnival.

>> No.9896256

You should wear your in braids or dreads then. afro hair is stronger and more manageable when stranded together.

>> No.9896264

I'm a white guy, I've been dating a black girl for three years now, and she's been through every fucking phase you could imagine. I must say, I loved the dreadlocks and the afro, but I'm fine with everything, really.

>> No.9896901

>looking to date a non-black SO in the first place

you belong in the trash to, tbh. Just fucking cut your hair shorter if you don't want to deal with 33 in hair anymore.

>> No.9896970

Tbh a wig would be kinda a bummer. If I were your non-black SO, I'd offer (whine, beg, plead) to help with your hair so you could wear it like a boss.

>> No.9896985

succ my gucci diq bbygirl

>> No.9897073

Post pic, other wise we can't really say for sure.

>> No.9897249

black hair is that hard to deal with? lmao

>> No.9897416

If your gonna have long afro hair its better braid it and make it stay locked.

>> No.9897485

she said its kinky hair and not straight.

her hair probably comes down to the 16 inch mark

>> No.9897524

i dated a black girl (i'm non-black) and went with her to her grandma's place where her family braided each other's hair for like 5 hours. they'd do it so tight she'd constantly be tearing up but the braids stayed for months. i also have no idea how they didn't smell after such a long time.

after witnessing that, i totally get why you would want to wear a wig. black hair is a massive pain in the ass.

>> No.9897541


nah, you're overselling it. it's not that hard to deal with, most people are just terrible with taking care of their hair.

>> No.9897563

I have afro hair. And honestly its better when it "falls" but its sensitive.
OP probably needs a good conditioner, curl cream, a wide tooth comb (metal not cheap plastic) and a de-tangle brush. Sleep on a satin pillow or wrap it in a satin wrap.

>> No.9897584

You also still need to trim the split ends, but it can be hard to see them in afro hair. OP can two strand twist it and cut off the frayed ends. OP could also straighten it and cut.

>> No.9898086

>About 33" of kinky hair, always a five hour process to straighten or braid.
A humblebrag if I've ever heard one.

>> No.9898099

You lucky son of a bitch.

I got the same combo. Got kinky ass hair that gets dry ass fuck instantly and molds only after several minutes of brushing.

>> No.9898175

Do you brush it while it's dry?

>> No.9898210

No. That would be nearly impossible to get right.

Have to shower brush and brush while still moistened. Also using Olive Creme and thinking about buying a pomade or something.

>> No.9898231

It's prone to breaking if you brush while dry. You could comb your fingers through it though.

>> No.9898238

use cream or gel. Petroleum will gunk up your hair and scalp.