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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 67 KB, 709x765, 5450088+_d19340d87a93f2d7d1fb7bb9d2293e08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9822182 No.9822182 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: imperfections

>horrible teeth because parents couldnt afford braces in my teens
>very noticable gynecomastia because the rest of my body is very thin

>> No.9822210
File: 80 KB, 540x540, tumblr_nl2457sLYs1s3dngxo1_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gr8 teeth bcos socialised dental care

>shitty hunch hunch back bcos im 6ft4"

>> No.9822235

get braces now they're effay

>> No.9822300
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>ok but yellow teeth
>ugly eyebrows
>huge lips
>fat nose
>fat face
>baby face
>acne scars
>huge pores
>few white hairs and I'm 22
>dark thick hair everywhere
>boring dead eyes


>> No.9822301

sup gynobro

>> No.9822311

>pectus excavatum

wouldn't change anything else besides maybe 2 inches taller, but having a deformity with a god-tier face is awful

>> No.9822315

post pics

>> No.9822318


I'm 6'4

It took me about a year to stand straight but try with your posture dude

>neck tucked
>sturnum out
>squeeze shoulder blades
>shoulder not pulled back but pulled down
>butt in/belly button up

>> No.9822348

why the fuck are you here lol

>> No.9822349


>> No.9822355

>big ego

>> No.9822357
File: 872 KB, 3072x2304, ^Pepe 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5'10 1/2

>> No.9822365
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sup eggman

>> No.9822449

then work out and theyll look like pecks

>> No.9822474

holy shit man this makes me feel better
>plucked eyebrows when younger
>eyebrows all fucked up
is there hope?

>> No.9822531

forehead creases
nail biter
that's it really

>> No.9822559

Me but no really bad acne or hair issues.

>> No.9822572

>Light and dark hair all over body
>Large patch of dark hair on inside of bicep that makes all short sleeves look like I've got impurities

>> No.9822603

>mouth breather till I was 19

>> No.9822640
File: 86 KB, 720x540, 1403226328533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big nose
>big ears

Taken from a possible 8/10 to a 6/10

Ah, feels fucking amazing, doesn't it?

>> No.9822694

I smashed my face when I fell down a set of stairs when I was 7, idk of that was the main cause behind my bend chin or not but it would explain it relatively well.
Can't wait until I can grow a scruff to cover it with.
Also, fuck my permanently angry brows and inability to smile properly, I look utterly psycho regardless of what I do.

>> No.9822710

>Get maxillofacial surgery
>Hairtransplant and finasteride
>Get down to a single digit body fat
>Use a shitload of cremes to get dat dere smooth skin
>Eat carrots to get dat dere natural glow
>Fix posture

There's a solution for everything.

>> No.9823040

>awful posture
>fucked up teeth

>> No.9823088

My left eye brow rests slightly higher than the right one. If I'm not paying attention to it I look like i'm constantly skeptical.

>> No.9823103

>really high hairline
>bad posture
>hair too straight and thin and boring af

>> No.9823235

I feel you anon

>> No.9824018

>5'7 manlet
>Will Smith ears
>Jew nose
>Bad teeth
>Ugly as fuck
>Small dick

This is why I generally ignore /fa/-advice and just dress in suits. At least then people will think I'm rich and bitches be giving me a chance.

>> No.9824043

>bad teeth
>kind of high hairline
>skinny, but fat face
>dark circles under eyes
>weak chin
>slightly upward pointing nose

>> No.9824075

dark spots under eyes
chubby cheeks
posture is not perfect, but kinda in the process of fixing it

also dry skin, even though i drink a shit ton of tea and water

>> No.9824180

my entire life

>> No.9824190

Alright I'm game.

>big pores
>born Arab

Other than that, I'm probably a 7/10 so I'm not complaining.

>> No.9824198

>terrible ugly teeth that prevent me from smiling
>bulge on nose bridge
>computer neck
>small dick

>> No.9824199

i know that feel.

>> No.9824200

>anything but a 3

>> No.9824208

>don't really like my hair
>I'm too aloof sometimes
I don't got much to complain about my physical appearance really, I got over that kinda shit when I was teen.

>> No.9824210

Levantine Arab>Gulf Arabs. It's a world of difference.

>> No.9824220

>massive toucan beak of a nose

thats about it honestly, guess i don't have it too bad

>> No.9824300
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1800, Jake-Gyllenhaal-jake-gyllenhaal-27441351-1200-1800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look like Jake Gyllenhaal
>slightly yellow teeth because of the sheer amount of secondhand smoke from my family/friends
>annoying little bald patch in my beard which still hasn't filled in yet so I have to shave or look like a retard

>> No.9824311

coffee and tea on a daily basis fucking with my teeth

>> No.9824367

How does coffee fuck with you're teeth? I'm actually concerned cause I drink heaps.

>> No.9824376

Big-ish nose, not too bad though.
Shitty hairline, not balding, just naturally big forehead with high widows peaks.
Otherwise it's all good. I'm fairly attractive, ottermode, over 6 feet with a decent dick.
No problems getting laid what so ever so i guess i shouldn't whine.

>> No.9824379

Makes them yellow, otherwise it's not too bad since coffee isn't acidic.
Tea colors your teeth way more.
If you really care bleaching isn't very expensive and fairly safe.

>> No.9824381

This, used to be on 4 coffees a day, dropped to one.
Thinking about getting them whitened but not sure if I could give up coffee fully

>> No.9824385

>acne scars
>shitty dry face thanks to accutane
>fucked up lazy eye
>fucked up small mouth
>long nose
>small chin

Probably more but it's probably the most visible.

>> No.9824396

Does it yellow them very quickly or just overtime?

>> No.9824414
File: 18 KB, 640x510, 11080997_812892492124193_6904157246839271473_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big-ish ears
>average smile
>average jaw line
>have to constantly pluck in between eyebrows cause i get a bunch of really noticeable hairs.
>always get really bad acne on forehead
>wide hips
>so close to being 6ft but feels so far
>/fa/ is starting to give me an ego and i've caught myself saying some really stupid/offensive shit to people

I'm not too bothered with the physical side of things (apart from the wide hips they really fuck me off) I'm more worried about turning into a total dick tbh

>> No.9824489

My penis is bent downwards

>> No.9824492

>Balding (and only 26)
>Hairy body (go fucking figure fuck you genetics)
>Color vision defect (deuteranomaly, "color blind" but I hate calling it that because of the fucking idiotic questions hurr durr u see in black and white?!)
>Below average height (5'8)
>Short legs (29" inseam)
>Large pores on nose and constant blackheads
>6" dick

>>Hairtransplant and finasteride
Temporary solution at best, completely ineffective and makes you look like a tool at worst.

>look like Jake Gyllenhaal
>a flaw
Is your fit cutting off circulation to your head? that man is definitely above average in looks.

>> No.9824519

>straight but yello teeth
>broad mouth, dumb lookin laugh


>> No.9824527

also have a hawked nose but i have come to line that

>> No.9824536

I bet that would feel amazing

>> No.9824537

>5'9" 1/2
>teeth lightly stained from congenital fluorine deficiency
>everything else about me is model status and my friends who studied fashion design all say i could have been a model if i had been born taller

>> No.9824609
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>long nose
>small eyes
>really giant dick

>> No.9824615


>> No.9824617

>sleepy eye (like tom yorke)
>crooked nose

>> No.9824632

sounds cute tho

>> No.9824654

Lol you must not be that attractive then, bud. Im a le meme-let but very handsome and noone has really remarked on my height other than myself and one of my mildly insecure 6'2 friends. Follow ur dreams, m8

>> No.9824660

>perfect skin in high school when i dressed awfully
>shitty skin now that i dress ~better-ish
I must have the most extensive skincare routine for someone w/ bad skin lol!
Things are getting better, tho :)

>> No.9824676
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>wide pelvis

>> No.9824688

only fashion school friends really remark on my height b/c they work in the industry hahah

right after they rave about my looks, that is :^)

>> No.9824705

better than everyone thinking your stressed/angry like they do with me

>> No.9824707

Ahh. Well stay beautiful

>> No.9824710

in order of importance (but tbh even first thing isn't that important, I like to think I'm p secure about myself)
>skinny af but chubbyish cheeks
>don't like my smile
>sharp knees
>puffy nipples
>6" penis

>> No.9824724
File: 47 KB, 501x720, 1430508627664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decent jawline
>Skinny fat
>Bad posture
>5'' Benis

>> No.9824741

>skinny upperbody wide hips
> kinda cute rabbit teeth but i'm a grown ass man now and it's just weird
>puffy nipples
>puffy nose
>weak jawline

too late to be a trap, too weak to be a man

>> No.9824752

>receding hairline @22
>weak chin

>> No.9824755

i hope ur gay lol

>> No.9824769

>socialised anything
Sure, if by "great" you mean ineffective and lagging behind in quality when compared to what private care offers.

>> No.9824778


why don't you get braces now?

>> No.9824819

>Dad has GOAT nose
>Get my mum's shit tier pig snout nose

simply ebin

>> No.9824822

> 5'7

>> No.9824827
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>tfw grower

>> No.9824832
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is there literally anything we can do about it?
i'm skinny as fuck but my pelvis is really wide

>> No.9824838
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>> No.9824908
File: 11 KB, 184x184, 1424467935842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>absolutely shit pube looking hair
>horrible lines under eyes make me look angry tired or dead
>bump in my nose throws off my whole face
>patchy beard

>> No.9824930

>yellowish teeth from drinking so much coffee
Take my life away

>> No.9824946


How the fuck do you have yellow teeth from "secondhand" smoke?

Do you mouthbreath? Do you just NOT brush your fucking teeth?

Calling all sorts of bullshit on this one holy fuck.

>> No.9824952

>horrible lines under eyes make me look angry tired or dead

thats /fa/ as fuck the rest is not tho

>> No.9824956

Can I get your autograph, Earl Sweatshirt?

>> No.9824977

>No one cares
>Thats /fa/

>> No.9824979

god-tier? I don't believe you!

>> No.9825043
File: 1.39 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark skin
>huge wide nose
>big lips
>bowed legs
>fucked up knees
>massive bald spots
>huge hips
>small chest
>hobbit feet

>tfw webcam so shitty no one can see flaws very well and lightingg makes my skin look white and I got mistaken for an asian boy because of it several times
>tfw would rather them think this than know im just a disgusting looking girl

>tfw stopped obsessing over it, learned to enjoy solitude and found other things to focus on
>tfw still long to make friends and find love and could never fully adopt the "idgaf" attitude
>tfw you will always feel a certain emptiness within you for the rest of your life

>> No.9825117
File: 4 KB, 129x123, 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big head
>body stuck in awkward stage between DYEL and looking like I lift
>babby face
>shit hair genetics

>> No.9825156

>manlet 5'9
>hairy as fuck everywhere
>skinnyfat (bmi 18)
>biting my nails, they're fucked up
>probably shit jawline and chin
>5.5 benis

>> No.9825163

>fat nose

>> No.9825169

>bmi 18

>> No.9825218

>Chubby face despite being thin
Makes me look young as fuck and no visible cheekbones
>Receding hairline above the temples
Basically 2 giant triangles in my hair if I don't wear it in bangs which makes me look even younger
>Spotty facial hair

I'm forever stuck with a babyface I guess...
Any decent styles that cover the face?

>> No.9825257

Shitty hair. I use decent products and style it but I just happen to have coarse, shapeless hair that frizzes in humidity and takes a while to make look good.

One of my eyebrows has a cowlick on the end, so part of it swerves upwards and then I have a few sparse hairs going down. Looks like something out of a Dynasty Warriors game.

>> No.9825271
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>fucking disproportionately HUGE ass and PHAT thighs
Otherwise I'm pretty ok with myself

>> No.9825278

Acne on chest, arms, and back. How do I get rid of this holy fuck

>> No.9825288

>pretty af
>gr8 body

>> No.9825293
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>Acne scars

>> No.9825299
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>mfw every problem itt can be solved except wide hips

>> No.9825303

u ok

>> No.9825315

>Parents brownish black and a Mexican looking sand nigger father.
>Big black nose, Avg Ears
>Decent-ish Lips.
>Squint-y looking eyes.
>Near-black hair, dark brown eyes.
>look like Im high when Im not.
>Skin color varies from tan to white boy.
>Have to tan in the sun if I dont want to look like a white boy with a black facial features.
>Cant keep tan because its winter 2/3rds the year.

Cant tell if ugly or above average.

>> No.9825328
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>gap tooth
>stretch marks from lifting

>> No.9825360
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man I feel very sorry for you, wide hips is literally the worst a man can have

it's alright though, just gotta be confident!

I'm mostly annoyed by my big nose with uneven nostrils, which can be fixed with surgery, I also have shit skin but I'm working on it

>> No.9825428

>6'3 162 lbs but still have flab
>Fat cheeks
Being skinnyfat is horrid

>> No.9825455

>can't grow beard
>greasy as fuck face
>lordosis makes my ass and gut look huge
>borderline hungry skeleton


>> No.9825463
File: 1007 KB, 960x539, we are happy landfill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one eye on a slight angle
>one ear slightly higher than the other
>big pores
>fat-ish cheeks
>red hair
>cannot grow much of a beard on cheeks
>greasy skin
>BMI 24

>mfw all this and still have qt3.14gf

>> No.9825464

not manlets bud

>> No.9825466
File: 33 KB, 403x403, 1414131577083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 5'6
>tfw I honestly don't know what to do

>> No.9825469

>weak chin
>long neck
>nasty acne scars
>weird looking nose

that's about it

>> No.9825470
File: 20 KB, 480x854, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asthma, so I breathe with my mouth a lot
Allergies like a motherfucker, always stuffed nose n the likes
Eczema because of both of those and more, so I often have sores and rashes, making me look dry and not well
I bite my nails
Small overbite

Pic related, its me
I don't feel unlucky with how I look, just the additional shit to deal with

>> No.9825472


>> No.9825489

Acne scars are fixable, though

>> No.9825493


>> No.9825497
File: 62 KB, 480x640, IMG_20150510_191707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>slightly cross eyed, barely noticeable unless pointed out
>big lips

>> No.9825502

post profile pic

>> No.9825506

From what, facebook?

>> No.9825507

you look like a duck but at least your skin is nice, hair has a nice texture

>> No.9825509

big lips are a blessing

>> No.9825517

meant side profile

>> No.9825518

Top kek

>> No.9825524

not him but socialized dental care here is absolutely fine. i've never had to go to a private dentist or a doctor. just because your shitty country/state/city/whatever can't produce good socialized services doesn't mean it's impossible.

>> No.9825543
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>> No.9825549
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My profile isn't my strong side

>> No.9825564
File: 16 KB, 300x220, 4336256-chin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>long chin
>eyes slightly asymmetrical
>hairy body
>look like a spic

>> No.9825578

>these are poorly shopped

believe it or not, people don't tend to get pictures done, what, a year later wearing exactly the same clothing, in exactly the same manner (see; height socks pulled up, creases in underwear, shoelaces) and stand in exactly the same position

>> No.9825585

>Jew nose
Everything else is perfect. Sometimes I feel like getting a nose job, but I'm afraid I'll fuck it up. and I'm too proud.

>> No.9825593
File: 150 KB, 500x374, kyle maclachlan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asymmetrical ears (similar to pic)
>crooked nose, but not too badly.
>big-ish front teeth

>> No.9825594

Shit this thread took off
extremely noticeable, I'll look like an idiot and get constant shit for it

>> No.9825607

fuck off doug

>> No.9825609

lol how old are you? if you're out of high school and people give you shit for things like getting braces you're hanging out with the wrong people

>> No.9825629

what's weird about that

>> No.9825647 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 384x313, 1416578747679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one ugly cunt but god damn are my non appearance genes are beast af
>zero allergies
>father not balding at the age of 50, not a single grey hair either
>above average intelligence
>7 inch dick

feels pretty good actually

>> No.9825662
File: 49 KB, 406x505, 1423424063288.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm one ugly cunt but god damn are my non appearance genes beast af
>zero allergies
>father not balding at the age of 50, not a single grey hair either
>above average intelligence
>7 inch dick

feels pretty good actually

>> No.9825663 [DELETED] 
File: 564 KB, 556x686, Screen Shot 2015-05-10 at 1.48.21 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thick, unshapely eyebrows
>unruly hair
>large nose
>skin blemishes
>weak chin
>bad posture from years of vidya

>> No.9825692
File: 79 KB, 749x749, before_after_November_2011_2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9825700

deformed thorax on one side, thats why i haven't left my bedroom since 2002 when looks started being everything as i stopped being a kid.

im also balding.

>> No.9825706

lol, you need jaw surgery.

>> No.9825710

you don't need to tell, your face suffers from the classic mouthbreather syndrom.

>> No.9825711
File: 74 KB, 763x750, 27c51138adf69d4d57b69ftyq1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9825713

nice gyno

>> No.9825714

looks just fine unless you want to be a male model or something

>> No.9825715


I'm getting braces soon, so its cool

>> No.9825726

being white

>> No.9825731

how will braces give you the jaw surgery you need

>> No.9825732
File: 39 KB, 1023x278, AP_RT_Femur_11_10_2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9825737

well my close friends would and it probably wouldn't help with the ladies. Getting roasted isn't the worst part but I think my fits would lose credibility since people will notice the braces the most

>> No.9825740

I don't need jaw surgery you moron

I have an overbite and braces will fix that.

>> No.9825742

are you a civilian virgin too? i hate the summer because obvious, but love it because as a kid it was not important so it reminds me of the good times

i havent killed myself to not depress my parents lol

the retards dont get that until i get my surgery done im not doing SHIT (NEET for 5 + years)

MINE IS NOT PECTUS EXCAVATUM its something else, i dont fucking know, like part of my left side on my thorax didnt fully develop so a pec implant would help even it out at least when im wearing a fucking t-shirt, if i get ripped the bulging muscles would mask it up.

>> No.9825744

hahaha, suits

>> No.9825748

I'd do it. A guy that looks fly and also has braces, that's a pretty iconic appearance and having a nice personality would support that. Are you in college or something?

>> No.9825756

>asymmetrical ears
Literally the only people who might notice this are other people with asymmetrical ears. Pretty much nobody really looks that closely at other people's ears unless they are big, prominent or look totally abnormal.

>> No.9825758

Yes you do coping retard. Look at where your chin tip is compared to your upper lip. Maybe a chin implant would be enough. There's something off about it.

>> No.9825761

>>body stuck in awkward stage between DYEL and looking like I lift
complaining about this, fuck off shitboi. just asking for attention

>> No.9825763

There isn't. I think I trust a dentist with a specific degree on the issue more than some retard on the internet.

I'll get braces for it.

>> No.9825768

I have a small pectus excavatum as well and it hasn't had any effect on my life. Although mine doesn't show through a t-shirt and even without a shirt its not that noticeable.

>> No.9825775

i have pimples on my nose
i need to work out more

that's it lol

girls constantly tryna score my digits ya feel me no lie

>> No.9825776

NOBODY cares about shit like this except for retards. I just want you to know. its like having a mole or something so dont feel self conscious
and yeah i dont notice whatsoever when people who have that are wearing shirts

>> No.9825781
File: 19 KB, 500x500, master_yoda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they only sell this adidas track suit in youth sizes


>> No.9825782

Lol why does /fa/ get mad at the slightest hint of /fit/?

You guys do realize your fits are all worthless if you are a skinny or fat shit.

>> No.9825790

i cant even begin to imagine how desperate and vain you have to be to fucking do that

>> No.9825797

stop being a melodramatic faggot. theres a lot of people out there who would have rather been born with features at least a third closer to some of yours
>buh buh im insecure

>> No.9825798


you do realize none of you fit autists can find jeans that fit your deformed thighs?

>> No.9825805

>Implying fashion and fitness isn't also physique.

Lol /fa/ggot go work out a bit. Maybe you'll get laid then.

>> No.9825822

I said I was happy with how I look and I'm not insecure. What are you even talking about

>> No.9825889
File: 140 KB, 1490x1008, profile1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at your profile and cope.

>> No.9825898

this question is going to be mouthbreather tier retarded but is there a difference between a mouthbreather chin and a weak chin?

>> No.9825904

You're just fishing for replies or are you really so retarded you think you're more qualified to judge, whether or not I need jaw surgery that a specialist who has x rays?

>> No.9825922
File: 21 KB, 387x400, Cole-Mohr[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9825925

>what are tapered fits

>> No.9825926


>willing to fuck up ur legs for life to be taller

>> No.9825928
File: 13 KB, 300x170, Sisters-300x170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't need fucking x-rays you mong. You may not need surgery because your bite is decent as in functional, we are talking about AESTHETICS, unless you are working with a plastic surgeon he is not going to request any surgery unless you have a severe deformation which is not your case, but objectively speaking your chin is recesed and your overall lower third is weak at it's best.
Before age 12, children’s bones are malleable. If a child consistently mouth breathes for any reason, often because of unresolved allergies to foods like milk and wheat, this habit can create a 3-dimensional facial contraction. The tongue is a quizzical and selfish muscle. It is also strong. When the tongue rests on the floor of the mouth, as it must be to mouth breath, the face becomes long and narrow, so front teeth crowd. The lower third of the face grows down and backwards. Underdeveloped jaws crowd back teeth and lead to wisdom tooth impactions. As the lower jaw line trends from horizontal to vertical, it assaults tongue space and airway space.

>> No.9825938

damn the left one got fucked up

>> No.9825940

nigger, by that logic everyone needs surgery for something

You're also contradicting yourself, you claim I NEED jaw surgery, but here you say I don't and its optional since its just for aesthetics.

I also get acupuncture for my allergies, so I don't use my mouth for breathing either.

You're being a theory shitter, its like being on d2g

>> No.9825951

not that guy, but neither do you NEED orthadontics - it is natural to have a slight overbite for many people

but what that guy has been saying is all right

>> No.9825963

Again, I'm getting special braces for exactly that

so no, he's not in my case

>> No.9825974

>Again, I'm getting special braces for exactly that
wtf are you talking about

>> No.9825980

What the fuck are you talking about??

I don't need surgery at all, which is what he claims.

>> No.9825993
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listed in order of things I hate about myself
wide hips
fat cheeks
bushy eyebrows
dat arabic+shitty scottish/english total body hair coverage
not 8 by 6 dick

>> No.9826035

I am u but asian
++ acne scars
-- body hair

>> No.9826062
File: 3.21 MB, 4608x3072, B17Q4787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also 6'4''
>also bad posture

Mine is getting better though cause some girl friends of mine started getting on me about posture whenever I wouldn't stand up straight, you just gotta be conscious of it and try to do better

>> No.9826186


>> No.9826296
File: 159 KB, 500x598, 1427653930457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moles all over my body

>> No.9826343

They really won't.

Go to a doctor.

>> No.9826423
File: 2.78 MB, 338x252, 1389368225799.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>back stretch marks from rapid growth, fucking bullshit because it's not even like I'm tall
I'm fine with everything else about me, which makes my back and height even more frustrating

>> No.9826469

Elaborate on rapid growth? Were you late bloomer and then you grew all of a sudden? 5'4 late bloomer Manlet reporting in

>> No.9826472

>late bloomer
I have some bad news for you bud

>> No.9826510
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if you're not under 17, its over.

>> No.9826548

Nah dude I got the age of my bones tested and I'm realllyyyyy young in bones. Too young to even mention cause of how embarrassing it is >>9826510
Good thing I am underage b& then

>> No.9826901

Have fun remodeling BONES with braces you fucking mouthbreating mongoloid.

>> No.9826953

nah, i mean ull b fine, u alright, u awesome

>> No.9827516

Sure, mr. internet dentist

>> No.9827577

lost it

>> No.9827862
File: 1.49 MB, 640x831, 1411512643941.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'4.5" 19yo M

>> No.9827864

>implying muh dentist understands aesthetics
>implying you aren't in denial.

Even this shit done in 5 seconds using paint shows how much of an improvement it would make. From average mouth breather to male model.

>> No.9827889
File: 884 KB, 960x854, paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun trying to achieve this with braces. Trust me, I suffer from a similar recesion, my bite is decent, but with a naturally closed position, that fucking lower lip bulge and the lower third mild recession is something I am familiar with. We were fucked at birth by being a couple milimiters away from being universally good looking.

>> No.9828485

so yall do realize that imperfections are FA ^1000 what make you different and beautiful <3

>> No.9828592

>mullet part or my hair grows twice as fast as any other part
>big feet, wearing slim or skinny jeans often makes me look like a clown
>mousey, brown eyes (stellar eyebrows tho so I'm not really upset)
>teeth, head structure, face and chin of a twelve year old boy
>inability to grow facial hair

If I didn't have such a deep voice people would think I was 15.

>> No.9828595

It seems like the problem is your jutting nose and upper lip, I think your jaw is in the perfect place

>> No.9828628
File: 172 KB, 660x578, gnsodwK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you started to get comments on your white hairs when you where just 14

>> No.9828643
File: 98 KB, 861x917, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i avoid people looking at my profile because it looks so weird and i dont quite know whats wrong with it
i fucking hate my profile

>> No.9828664

Shut the fuck up

>> No.9829194

Exactly and braces are gonna fix that, because they're gonna pull my overbite back.

I don't need jaw surgery at all, these niggers just pretend to be pocket surgeons

>> No.9829625

>jutting nose
Can't you see I only modified the lower lip and the chin? Jesus christ, the coping in here is off the charts.

>> No.9829627

Post a higher res picture closing your mouth.

>> No.9829642


it's your head and hair doe that comes off as weird doe

flatten your top init

>> No.9829663

orthadontics is braces you retard, not surgery, now re-read that post

>> No.9829668
File: 8 KB, 250x250, a61c5b90-9048-45e1-97bc-0243aa9bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>awful fucking hair. It dosent look too bad but it's so coarse and thick it's impossible to style also it gets like an afro after the shower
>round nose

>> No.9829671

Dark circles under eyes
Always looking tired :(

>> No.9829692
File: 416 KB, 1440x854, LAUGHINGMYASSOFF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9829694

>strabismus when I don't wear glasses
>dry skin on either side of my nose

>> No.9829698
File: 92 KB, 278x396, staawman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw straw hair that grows in any direction
recommend a new cut for my shit genebtics plz

>> No.9829700

>thick rat-ish hair that's near impossible to style
>big nose
>huge head
>circles under eyes
>incredibly pale
>my sister got the bright blue eyes and I got the grey/dark blue ones
> really hairy legs
>stupid flat feet
>below average dick
>no beard
the ladies love me

>> No.9829707 [DELETED] 

You have no idea what you're talking about.The braces are gonna pull my front teeth back, not move my jaw up.

>> No.9829715
File: 546 KB, 1920x854, LAUGHINGMYASSOFF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are literally a retard all i did was move your front teeth back
her is a follow up pic you desperately in denial kid

>> No.9829724

I don't mouthbreathe anymore. And you're still just theoryshitting like crazy.

I'd still take a specialist over some random retards word.

>> No.9829746

you literally had specialist and second generation orthodontist mike mew's video posted here, and dismissed it and info from the video posted by an anon as "broscience" or whatever

your head posture is forwards, or perhaps not and in fact its your nasty mouthbreating, no tongue support, throat that bulges forwards at 45 degrees - head is tilted up as a result

whether or not you mouthbreath anymore, the damage is done

tongue on the roof of your mouth, teeth together, lips together - that would have fixed you when younger - pulling your front teeth back will just make you look mongoloid - a protruding maxilla is /literally/ an attractive trait and you want to yank it back to match your nasty lower jaw

the lower needs to come forwards, not the upper backwards

you need jaw surgery like that guy said

>> No.9829755

Go no poo.
This is literally the only way besides using copious amounts of gel.

>> No.9829774

My hair is pretty oily though. Won't no poo make me look like a grease monster?

>> No.9829779

after a week to a month of nopoo it will stop being greasy. in the meantime just rinse it with cold water

>> No.9829794

Nice man, me too, except allergic to one type of grass

>> No.9829801

>life is perfect, wealthy family, health and friends
>start losing hair

kill me

>> No.9829812

And you use nothing else? Won't it smell?

>> No.9830352

fuck u

>> No.9830552

All except hair and dead eyes.
oh and yello teeth.....

>> No.9830699
File: 668 KB, 1080x1776, Snapchat-2422830733992298897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How is my profile. I need a haircut.

>> No.9830710

Orthodontics works to that extent (to have a visible impact on one's LOOKS) when you are a KID, as an adult you can only hope for maloclusion improvements.

Fucking duckfaced deluded faggot.

>> No.9830711
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>> No.9830716

jew nose bcus broke it around age 5 and never went to a hospital to fix it or anything its watevs

>> No.9830749

Weak ramus and overall jaw, bulbeus nose, overall non deformed, good hair.

>> No.9830756

Your life is over.

>> No.9830761

Don't know what all that means but I'm not deformed! Hell yah.

>> No.9830809
File: 496 KB, 320x184, 1391014829747.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being so insecure that you need confirmation from a bunch of anonymous dudes on the internet
how'd you get so low anon?

>> No.9830823

Lol I'm bored at work so I don't really care.

>> No.9830963

In the UK you have a choice between a free service or a private one if you decide to pay, there's no reason to compare the two

>> No.9831384

>swollen/baggy eyes
>keratosis pilaris on back and arms
>largish nose
>big pores on nose

>> No.9831396

not jewish which makes it worse