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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 636 KB, 1080x1920, IMG_20150502_173212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9800294 No.9800294 [Reply] [Original]

Is smoking /fa/?

>> No.9800305

Smoking is not effay, its for people who want cancer.

>> No.9800317

>double cupping

we have those fucking cardboard things now man we're not savages

>> No.9800320


>> No.9800323

nah only smoke if it's your vice and not to make an aesthetic statement. life's bigger than vanity man

>> No.9800352

>not wanting cancer

>> No.9800354

>not being cancer

>> No.9800373

>tfw started smoking at 14
>tfw 19 now
>tfw cant quit no matter how hard i try

>> No.9800414
File: 65 KB, 650x271, iron-man-haters-guide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Marvel Cinematic Universe phase three didn't even start
>there are faggots out there shorten their lives and increasing their chance of death and will miss out on all the fun
i'm embarrassed for you op

>> No.9800428

Depending on your country there should be loads of help out there for people like you, but you have to want it

>> No.9800433

you're gonna rot sooner or later anyway, keep it at a couple a day and make them count.

>> No.9800442

Something strange happened with my smoking habits

I'm a pretty regular smoker who usually takes his smokes with a black coffee in the mornings

One day, this combination tasted absolutely disgusting to me

I've not touched a cigarette since, but I'm still drinking the coffee

>> No.9800448

im so tired of all the fun being drained out of life. not allowed to smoke, drink, eat fatty foods, must go to the gym and be a healthy, happy little jew. smoking is the one thing that gives me joy, so I think I should continue doing it.

>> No.9800449

>black coffee
how hard do you shit

>> No.9800454
File: 435 KB, 1276x910, tumblr_nc7dediHBB1r4ularo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you can afford it and manage how much you smoke

>> No.9800461

no lie, this is to partly void my bowels before I start the day. Doesn't help that I eat a copius amount of nuts either and take creatine supplements for lifting

I shit VERY hard before breakfast

>> No.9800463

Smoking is not effay. Timmie's is effay.

>> No.9800470

wtf are you retarded

>> No.9800476

not retarded anymore, I quit

plus zyzz smoked iirc but that guy was on dat dere cell tech

>> No.9800512
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Agreed, but only the newer stores.

>> No.9800561

tim hortons isn't

>> No.9800574


>> No.9800598

You get used to it after a while, I'm a carpenter and I drink about a liter of black coffee a day because I suffer insomnia and get like 6h of sleep each night

>> No.9800614
File: 406 KB, 768x1024, 336295775_b7b742158c_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tim Hortons
>not /fa/

You wanna go, buddy?

>> No.9800630
File: 966 KB, 1600x1067, 8198727570_cf9d99b82b_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tim Hortons isn't /fa/

Say that on Tim Hortons Day and see what happens.

>> No.9800667


>> No.9800923

>6hrs of sleep is an amount small enough to to say you have insomnia

eat my ass, on a great night I get 4

>> No.9801599

I think so.

And I personally think conversations and thoughts are a lot smoother and uninterrupted if you're smoking, keeps you from getting distracted, I love that.

I rarely smoke in public, but putting on an album and smoking a few alone is definitely a lovely time.

>> No.9801618
File: 217 KB, 453x680, tumblr_lolsecA66H1qinzzjo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we're on the topic, what does effay smoke?

Pic related

>> No.9801667
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Benson & Hedges Deluxe.

>> No.9801711
File: 1.37 MB, 1936x2592, Marlboro-Medium-Red-Label-100s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm edgy

>> No.9801713


but smoking is bad kids

>> No.9801726

the cigarette for those who stole from their mom's purse at age 15 and never explored further

>> No.9801740

Yes but cancer is not.
Just smoke until you get cancer.

>> No.9801745


my mom smokes the lights

>> No.9801747

FUCK CIGARETTES. Lifes to God damn short to pay someone to kill you.

And don't give me that "I'll die of something anyways" chicken shit bullshit! My buddy says that shit and you know ducking what?!
He coughs up a goddamn lung every fucking morning!
Fuck the tar! And fuck you for bringing it up! Anybody who likes it is just following someone else, grow a goddamn backbone and quit, MUTHERFUCKER!

>> No.9801756

lol fag

>> No.9801764


>> No.9801784

Nah like I get that a lot for smoking. "You're a fucking sheep" "you need to not go with the crowd" "get a backbone and separate from smokers" etc. And I mean I don't judge others for not smoking, I know it's a bad habit and good on you for not being addicted to it. But don't use such a cheap fucking insult like that to explain why you don't want to smoke, I'm not following a trend by smoking or being a sheep or any of that shit. I started due to reasons and I don't feel like quitting. Anyway I don't care they're effay so get fukt nerd :^)

>> No.9801868

Lol y he mad tho

>> No.9801949


>> No.9801953

You seem stressed
Want to bum one?

>> No.9801969

i feel like a true faggot for smoking american spirit black

>> No.9801977

>implying the tobacco trade hasn't been one of the largest economic perpetuators since before time
>implying cultivating and rolling your own cigarettes isn't tedious as shit, and the advertising corporations aren't in a way positive

Sure, cancer is bad, but stop acting like buying a pack from a well known distributor makes you some brainwashed scum.
Humans gotta have their tobacco.
And a human gonna do what a human gonna do.

>> No.9801984

This is scary accurate, friends mom tho. I also love parliaments

>> No.9801986

American Spirits aren't really my thing, but I can see the hype. I bought the turquoise pack and it was kinda like a Marb Red that didn't punch your lung, and didn't make you sick while still tasting lite.
7.5/10, alright but not worth the money

>> No.9801996

>tfw never had parliaments
I've heard nothing but great things.

Where do you live? Oregonfag and I've never seen a physical parliament.

>> No.9801998


Smoking as a habit is disgusting. It's passable even kinda cool when you're young but if you're over 25 and still smoking regularly, nobody thinks you look cool. You just look like another addict coughing their lungs up on their break.

Smoking occasionally at parties or on the town is acceptable.

For women, smoking is never /fa/.

>> No.9802006

I know you're retarded from the post.

>> No.9802007

>For women, smoking is never /fa/.

Debatable. (Also subjective)

>> No.9802013


>> No.9802018

this is so accurate that it hurts

>> No.9802023

>6h of sleep every night

Choose one.

>> No.9802035
File: 36 KB, 600x400, 8355086732_b927636fd4_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For women, smoking is never /fa/.

But smoking is THE MOST /fa/ when it's women.

>> No.9802128
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>> No.9802138
File: 215 KB, 1208x1800, 2200967708_af530ca560_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For women, smoking is never /fa/.

It's like you hate happiness or something, anon.

>> No.9802855

what are you implying

plenty of people do both

>> No.9802872
File: 171 KB, 1280x854, Francisco-Lachowski-francisco-lachowski-33894822-1280-854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> it makes you ugly

Only if u smoke a pack a day and are an ugly fuck to begin with

>> No.9802876

4-7 a day is the ideal amount

>> No.9802905
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 1425008014231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being healthy = being /fa/

Smoking = unhealthy = not /fa/

In 2015, you have to be pretty damn retarded to BUY something that gives you cancer.

>thank for for killing me slowly here take me sheckels !

Good shabbos goy.

>> No.9802910

i share the same idea

>> No.9802922

if only i could reduce it to a couple a day. tough shit.

>> No.9802931

anything is /fa/ if you're attractive

lots of shit isn't /fa/ if you're ugly

>> No.9802980

The jews aren't immortal, you know, and they're going to die sooner or later like the rest of us.

>> No.9802986
File: 118 KB, 500x749, 1429720365258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smoking is attractive if you are attractive

smoking is scummy if you are unattractive

>> No.9802998

dunno, it's not too bad but i do think it's a bit embarrassing watching people smoke. u know they just started doing it when they were 14/15 to look cool and now they're addicted and literally can't stop lmao

>> No.9803011

if you smoke 10+ / day and you're over 30 then that's uneffay as hell

>> No.9803471

your dad owns a purse

>> No.9804214

Arizona they are everywhere

>> No.9804274
File: 114 KB, 542x253, pipes-tobacco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9804286

Lol, do Americans actually drink Tim Hortons' coffee?

We drink it here in Canada because it's so fucking cheap and so distinctly Canadian, but it's basically coffee flavoured water...

>> No.9804296

i think the american counterpart is dunkin donuts

>> No.9804402


>> No.9805287
File: 134 KB, 652x367, rob-pat-smoke-hed-2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound like those anti tobacco commercials for teens

>> No.9805298

Fun fact: Only ugly people hate smoking

>> No.9805304

Whoever took OPs picture made sure they had coffee in their picture of the cigarette they were smoking because the combo is supposed to be effay.
Just fucks your teeth and makes you smell bad really.

>> No.9805315

>waaaahhhh i only get 6 hours of sleep
>waaaahhhh mommy used to let me sleep in til noon every day
grow up faggot, 6 hours is hollywood

>> No.9805454


>> No.9805523


>> No.9806251

>>9800561>>9800512 >>9800294
tim hortons coffee taste like booty

>> No.9806477

>drinking coffee


>> No.9806697 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 1229x300, 1430873130757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmoa

>> No.9806710
File: 139 KB, 1600x1600, multi_colored_weed_logo_by_remonh-d5goxzf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

>> No.9806728

No its stupid, completely ignoring the fact that its bad for you, because no one cares, youll just look like a try hard. if youre in high school then you might look cool but everyone else will be laughing at you.
also, what is /fa/ about people being disgusted by your smell when you walk into a room after smoking.

>> No.9806896

this tbh. i thought they were effay but then i started fucking coughing like crazy and colds lasted longer and it freaked me out so i quit

being obsessed with health and longevity is /fa/

>> No.9806901

go with god my man

>> No.9806906

has good points
is antisemitic
what do

>> No.9806929
File: 141 KB, 484x640, IMG_2734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9806930

nah, not really
i feel fuckin cool when i smoke a cig. not something i do often though

>> No.9806944

I went on a coke binge for the first time and did an entire 8-ball of insanely good blow in five or so hours, and after feeling how fucking recked it is and the how hard you fiend for it made me realize how easy it is to give up smoking, so i went cold turkey about two months after smoking for five years and found it very easy

>> No.9807780

>Mother smokes
>Father smokes
>You smoke
Enjoy eternal poverty

>> No.9807787


accept it and swallow the red pill

>> No.9807792
File: 73 KB, 1000x479, SmokersLungs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think inflicting this bullshit to your body is /fa/, then i really don't know what to tell you kid.

>> No.9807822
File: 30 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I smoke marijuana with a group of friends. Smell is easy to get rid of if you use air freshener and shower.

>> No.9807832

>Not having black lungs that match your sick black monochrome fit

>> No.9807839

Smoking over 25 is ugly and putrid.
Smoking under 25 is effay and attractive.
Smoking is marketed to a young demographic (16-25) in order for the consumer to get addicted for life.
Smoking is how poor people stay poor.

>> No.9807841

That picture is disgusting.
If that is the best it gets, it's clearly never a good thing.

>> No.9807845

Smoking turns a 10 into a 1. If you're hot, don't ruin it all by smoking. Only retards think smoking is attractive.

>See hot girl
>see her light up a cig
Fucking dropped instantly.

Try living with someone who smokes and you might stop being so god damn blind.

Kill yourself.

>> No.9807861

ew gross

>> No.9807890

i tried to smoke
>tastes like shit
>makes you want to vomit
>/fa/ lied to me im still hungry
>teeth hurt
smoking is only fun we ur drunk ):

>> No.9808001

Dude even if you do die from cigarettes,you won't die when you're 20 or 30,you'll die when you're already 50+,like why do you want to live as an old man?
Your dick ain't working anymore,you look like shit,you get tired from walking.Who the fuck wants to be a fucking raisin?

>> No.9808175
File: 285 KB, 500x500, 420-420-boy-cannabis-Favim.com-670733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoking is only cool if it's weed, except when someone is the DUDE WEED LMFAO 420 BITCHES type
Especially if it's a grill, you know she's chill af and not an uptight/always on the edge chain smoker.

>> No.9808188

sounds like someone you know died of cancer

>> No.9808195


smoking is 2edge.

always on the edge bruh. 2kek.

>> No.9808235


>> No.9808246

Maybe if you're in high school

>> No.9808255
File: 5 KB, 180x180, 1397066717240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Smoking is only cool if it's weed

into the trash your opinion goes

>> No.9808278
File: 15 KB, 335x191, smokers-periodontitis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cancer sticks are cool

>> No.9808293
File: 1.90 MB, 245x320, 1429421052029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being an anxious, sad chain smoker
>not /fa/

>> No.9808311

>he doesn't know weed also causes cancer

>> No.9808360


>> No.9808384
File: 45 KB, 409x409, 1417997878759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what's not /fa/? Having copy-pasted links ready to use whenever someone insults one of your activities.

As they said in the old days: LOL TROLLED

>> No.9808400
File: 23 KB, 480x319, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this is the self-realization you're looking for.

the ultimate look that you're been craving.


>> No.9809534
File: 216 KB, 393x391, 1429385912613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/fa/ lied to me im still hungry

>> No.9809574

I smoke weed too, but every "chill" grill that smokes weed turns out to be slutty.

>> No.9809632

you're not supposed to eat the cigarettes

>> No.9809665

Man, id be smoking if it didnt give you such a bad breath.

Was smoking last weekend and was drinking Minttu to keep shit fresh. 7/10

>> No.9809727

I've got a suspicion that everyone who says smoking is disgusting has smoked maybe once or twice, even worse when only after drinking. I had the same thing but after trying some more I ended up actually loving the taste of smoke and the feeling you get after. I roll my own tobacco now and it's the best shit ever

>> No.9809792
File: 1.59 MB, 2160x3840, DSC_0729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely people who say "smoking is disgusting", "smoking is for the poor", and so on have just fallen for government propaganda, don't know anyone who smokes (aside from the crazy hobo outside the mall), and have never tried smoking in their lives.

Nobody's trying to say it's good for you, but the way these people talk you'd think lighting up is akin to painting your teeth with tar, lighting your lungs on fire, and putting a bullet in your head after not showering for a month.

1 in 5 people (in Canada, at least) smoke. Now, drinking is arguably worse (it also destroys your body (liver, heart, brain, etc.), it smells bad, and - unlike smoking - it dulls your senses and can lead to violence, deaths, and more), but the government doesn't even IMPLY that it's bad for you. Can you imagine the shitstorm that would happen if they tried labeling beer the same way they label cigarettes (again, in Canada; pic related)? My God. But yeah, the only reason so many people are anti-smoking is because they don't personally enjoy it, so it must be bad (but alcohol, junk food, and sitting in a basement staring at a screen all day are totally fine).

>> No.9809851

Is that the timmies in Place des Armes?

>> No.9809854


I just hope all the kids in this thread talking about smoking weed understand that to adults smoking weed is seen as a very Highschool/college thing to do.

Basically it's for kids. Sure there are a lot of "cool" adults that smoke well into their 20s and 30s but by large it is an immature subject matter.
It's only cool when you're older if you smoke it as nonchalant as Francis does on House of Cards, just something you do in private or with close friends every now and then (which does NOT mean a couple times a week)

of course though this is all projection, but to an extent very true for many people

>> No.9809878

>smoked a cig
>teeth hurt
Gold. /fa/ is filled with 15 year old faggots.

>> No.9809907

Theres literally zero reason to inhale nicotine. None. Sero Medical of Recreational use.

You get a nicotine high the first time and then what? You just drop hundreds of dollars for the look of slowly killing yourself?

Arguably drinking is at least recreational and not in your face.

Remove the dangers associated with alcoholics and drunk driving and we have a good society.


People thought smoking weed as a adult is cool?


>> No.9809914

How is smoking not recreational but drinking is? How is smoking "in your face"?

>> No.9809937

Smoking cigs are recreational? Lol I want to ask any of the smokers I know if they think that.

What do you feel when you smoke a cig?

You'd literally be the first person I know that smokes recreational and not as a habit they picked up as a autistic teen.

>> No.9809946

I've been smoking for years and I still get a nicotine high. It helps me chill out whenever I need, it is as recreational as it can get

>> No.9809948

Lifting requires no cardiovascular endurance. You can easily do both.

>> No.9809953

You look like what I'd imagine a Canadian would look like.

>> No.9809963

but it's double the chances to roll up the rim

>> No.9809967
File: 57 KB, 500x500, nat shermans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these

>> No.9809968

You must be one of the few with a shit tolerance.

Good for you I guess.

>> No.9809985

to smoke in the car night to all?

>> No.9809992


Rabu u forevah.

>> No.9809995

they never give you two roll ups in my experience

also it's not the season rn

>> No.9810011
File: 506 KB, 1080x1920, DSC_0735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that's wrong, anon.

During Roll Up season you get one Roll Up (not with iced capps though), and a cardboard sleeve (automatic for tea, requested otherwise) or regular cup (when requested double cup).

>> No.9810056

Was at a party Saturday and this girl who was on my dick all night flipped a switch when I lit up a parliament. I guess I don't wanna fuck with someone that close minded anyway but god damn what the fuck.

>> No.9810216

>smoke for 3 years now
>still not addicted

It's called portioning. Not everyone who smokes chain smokes, just like everyone who drinks isnt an alcoholic.

>> No.9810261

WHat the fuck why did you say this

>> No.9810823

you missed the joke. he ate the cig.

>> No.9810852

he's high af

>> No.9810868

Who are you to comment, you're a faggot lmao

>> No.9811042

O man u so cool

>> No.9811358

>6h of sleep
i usually sleep 3h to 4h and i don't go around pulling that bs

>> No.9811359

>regular sleep


>> No.9811364

just said i don't go around pulling that insomnia bullshit you dumb fuck

>> No.9811621

How do these taste compared to Marlboro Reds? Thinking of picking up a pack.

>> No.9811631

Anything is better than Marlboros, just go for it.

>> No.9811661

this guy is the real cancer here

>> No.9811722

Yes but only sometimes (not a redneck smoking a pack per days)

Marijuana is okay only if you not smoking it alone (only with friends) and rarely, and you have to be in a good mood (good at studies, no money problems

Now you're effay

>> No.9811932

I quit smoking three months ago after smoking for 6 years and it's no problem until drugs get involved.
I mean seriously I can handle my cravings when I drink but smoking cigarettes on MDMA feels like sucking gods dick. Luckily that's a once in a month thing for me.

>> No.9811950

Only plebs consume shit like this
God knows the pleasure of taking your own design drugs.

>> No.9812466

Higher nicotine, all camel products are a bit smoother too

They're cheaper than reds so even if you don't like them there's nothing to lose

>> No.9812507

6hrs of sleep ??? wow you tradies have it real hard, havent had that much sleep since i was like 15

>> No.9812629

I call bullshit.

>> No.9812710

Who /rollmyown/ here?

>> No.9812830

Top kek

>> No.9812843

>edgy autists think they're cool because they don't sleep
8 hrs master race here. Enjoy your shitty mental health.

>> No.9812879
File: 45 KB, 654x480, fuckin loser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw accidentally swallowed a filter whilst rolling last night

i don't even know what happened. one second i was rolling the next i had a filter halfway down my throat.

>> No.9812886

Why do so many homosexuals smoke?

>> No.9812965


but anyway, I find that majority of smokers I've came in contact with are fucking lazy-asses

>> No.9813712

keep mad bro
they like to have somethin in their mouths

>> No.9814026

Smoking, like just about everything else fashion related, is only effay if you're attractive.

>> No.9814117

sobranie black (not the edgy black russian)
im not exactly a slav but whatever

>> No.9814170

>Smoke for four years.
>Can't get addicted beacuse cigarettes taste like shit.
I stopped two monts ago and haven't gone back

>> No.9814203

Because they like fags.

>> No.9814323

your 'insomnia' is probably from all that coffee anyways

>> No.9814366

smoking does look cool

too bad it kills you, gives you cancer, smells like ass, tastes like ass, is addictive, is expensive, makes all of your clothes smell like ass, makes everyone want to avoid you, and renders your lungs useless

>> No.9814447

you'll look cool when you're somking, but if you have the habit it smells and looks bad.

>> No.9814504

>smells like ass, tastes like ass, makes everyone want to avoid you
You're either 15 or you've smoked maybe once in your life

>> No.9815514

Those cigarette packs aren't /fa/ at all.

>> No.9815547

Cancer lungs =/= smokers lung

>> No.9816871

go back to /tv/

>> No.9817627

only if you're not an obnoxious fag about it

>> No.9817706

I smoked for six years and just quit a month ago. Smoking was one of my favorite things ever. I loved everything about It. But it ruins your body and makes you disgusting.

>> No.9817719



>> No.9817734

Meh, smelling like shit isn't very /fa/.
but smoking will always LOOK /fa/.