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/fa/ - Fashion

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9757361 No.9757361 [Reply] [Original]

where to find /fa/ grills? where do they hang out generally? can't seem to find anyone in scandinavia

>> No.9757420

Damn w2c everything

>> No.9757429

Don't live in a shit city and you'll sure find an effay grill. Especially scandinavia has loads of them

>> No.9758002

try toronto

>> No.9758053

>implying you've ever even been to toronto

>> No.9758059

uhhhhhhhhhhhh i live in toronto you fuckwit

>> No.9758063

more like lame shitposter pretending to be ashley trips and living in toronto

>> No.9758224

where in Toronto
I'm just north of the city but damn whenever I go in it's just grunge kiddies and fob koreans

>> No.9758240

don't really want to say here, but we might live in the same area

tbh, toronto is the most diverse city in the world

if someone can't find someone else with similar interests here, good luck anywhere else in the world lol

>> No.9758247

you actually go out? interesting, uhm whats your skype for validation you're reeee?

>> No.9758276

what do you even do in toronto

i live two hrs away but visit regularly

moving to toronto to go to ocad eventually

>> No.9758302


>> No.9758313

I have a few friends at OCAD, they say it's a liberal shithole at this point

if you can deal with that then power to you, though

>> No.9758314

i admittedly don't go out as much as i'd like to
and the things i do do probably aren't edgy/artsy enough for /fa/

so you're asking the wrong person lol

>> No.9758323

going out isn't /fa/, so, you're fine.

>> No.9758336

nah, i actually enjoy spending time with friends. socializing is like the only thing i legitimately enjoy in life

i just have very little friends because i only came to the school i go to this year, and i don't know anybody

being shitty at socializing doesn't help either, but at least i'm trying to imporve

everyone says it'll be a lot different in uni, and i really hope so

>> No.9758341

full of communist fucks
more so than the regular university

>> No.9758347

how do you even know if someone is communist

unless they have a fucking cape tied to their neck or something

>> No.9758350

I can't say for uni because I'm at college, but it seems pretty similar to me, people are a bit more mature but cliques still form just the same

>> No.9758354

the only place you "socialize" is on a fashion claymation forum, you autist

>> No.9758360

because they yell communist ideology at you in a lecture or classroom or anywhere on the campus
plus look at the spotted at ocad page lots of liberal/communist shit being spread

>> No.9758376

i think i've already blogged this before

i don't really like my friends i hang out with at school
used to go out with them several times a week, but i haven't seen them at all since march break (mostly my fault for not talking to anyone)
and this popular chick who i guess you could say i spend a lot of time with told me i'm her best friend, but i really can't say the same
like if she died, i probably would only be slightly pissed
is something wrong with me? idk

i also have friends from my old school, but i only see them like once a month
and they seem to think i have a lot of friends and i'm always busy etc, when it's actually quite the opposite

i don't see why i'd lie about this
my life is depressing enough already

>> No.9758382

go to ryerson and i will be ur friend

>> No.9758383

didn't know that

i guess it's part of being an art student and creative/free/all that

art is cool though, don't get me wrong

>> No.9758384

c a r d i n a l

>> No.9758389

universities are full of "progressive" thought n what not it's just annoying that so many people latch onto communism and are so insufferable about it
it's like highschool atheists

>> No.9758391

I didn't ask for your life story. No one cares about you and your pathetic life retard

>> No.9758393

communism, liberalism, socialism, and cultural marxism

>tfw cishet asshole and my sister keeps telling me to check my privilege

>> No.9758394

>i have like loads & loads of people who care about me but like urgh im just too good for them though my life is too depressen u guyzz omg

>> No.9758399

yep i couldn't stand my ethics course any dissenting opinion i had was met with "what do you know you're a white male"
mind you i wasn't at ocad but, i know enough people there

>> No.9758401

really hoping i get into ryerson tbh

it's the only university in toronto shitty enough that i'll be able to get into
if i stay in toronto, my parents will let me keep the money for residence fees and all that bs, so i'd rather stay here than go elsewhere

for some reason, my private school marks didn't show up on my ouac when it updated on tuesday... no idea why

without them, i'm actually screwed (my day school maths are like 65 and 67)

my top 6 average without is 81, but after those two go in, it should be 87 (assuming i got 90 in each math, which is pretty likely)

and 87 is more than enough

>> No.9758409

i really don't have that many friends, not sure what you're saying

and i don't think i'm "too good" for anyone...

i'm joking when i post that shit, you know

>> No.9758414

dw my friend got into the business management program with an avg of 81 so you should be fine.

rly hoping i do too. p glad i took functions in night school so my average is around 85 now

>> No.9758417

how old are you
and what is the largest object you have ever pt inside ur vajayjay

>> No.9758446

night school is a godsend :)
and that's reassuring, thanks

tbh i'm not even that keen on ryerson, it's like the worst business school that's still ok

if i get accepted to laurier or something (don't even know if i can, with my marks), i'll just go there instead

>> No.9758448

>cheap bag with frayed stitching
Forever 21
>ugly toes
>ripped black jeans
Moto Joni jean from Topshop
>ankle strap nude heels
Zara from a year ago
>nondescript black shape
Photoshop. American Apparel?
>Camel "wool" coat

>> No.9758465

oh is this who i think it is btw

>> No.9758467

My ex got really sick in the last three months of grade 12 and his calculus mark dropped from 95 to 55. By the time he found out it was too late to apply for summer school. He lost his Laurier BBA admission and had to retake the course the following year, while he spent the rest of time working

>> No.9758477

ree pleas dnt b depressed
you are /fa/s biggest funy and silly meme
you will have friends everywhere you go

>> No.9758489


shhh, keep it a secret

>> No.9758503

hmm smart guy, i would never be able to get a 95 in calculus

apparently the cutoff is "High 80s" so there's a slim chance i'll get accepted, i guess

there's also macmaster, western (not the special business program), and a few others... i'll just have to wait and see

thanks tripsk

>> No.9758508

reee lives in markham btw

>> No.9758520

tfw you live in markham too
why are so many of you close to me

>> No.9758523

nah, i live in actual toronto

just not downtown anymore because my parents are boring

>> No.9758535

w- wanna hang out

>> No.9758538

no, why are you so close to me

are you white at least?

>> No.9758539

versace is organizing a meetup i think

>> No.9758543

>TFW when 94 average (including 3 sciences, and 2 maths) accepted to waterloo biomed engineering, seeing ppl talk about their business programs

>implying business isn't the easiest major you can take

>> No.9758545

>are you white at least
it's 12 am and I'm browsing an armenian stop-motion board, of course I'm white

>> No.9758556

very impressive

tbh, i only picked business because i want to do business

but a lot of people have told me business is the worst thing you can pick if you want to do business

apparently it's a better idea to do something "technical" like engineering or cs or whatever, so you at least have practical skills people will hire you for, and you can use them to start a business too

i realized a bit too late though

who knows

>> No.9758563

nah fam

>> No.9758564

skype anyway?

>> No.9758572

just get into finance

>> No.9758580

just asking, after all markham is entirely chinese

>> No.9758581 [DELETED] 

i really fucking hate myself for putting zero effort into school this year

if i didn't skip half my classes, didn't hand in things 1 month late, studied for tests at least a day before etc, i would have a 90% for sure

like i have an 81% right now, and that's just from going to class once/twice a week and sleeping in all the other days

damn if i actually tried even a little bit, i would be so much better off right now

>> No.9758589

you could always do 12+
kinda late to do anything about it now tho cuz midterms were already sent out :\

>> No.9758594 [DELETED] 

yep, that's what i was thinking :)

sitting at a desk pushing papers for the rest of my life doesn't really appeal to me
but i guess it's the same with any other realistic job

and apparently most fortune 500 ceos have a background in finance

>> No.9758595

Finance is the fucking way, you might even get to join the rothschilds and control all the silly goys.

Srsly though, finance if you want $$$

>> No.9758605

Its the program I'm in now and I see myself building a career out of it. You can always switch your major.

>> No.9758611 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really don't want to waste another year of my life in high school. what i've been told is that i can do reaaally well in first year of uni, and try to apply to better ones (eg schulich) for second year, even though it's really hard to do so i swear i'll actually try my best this time

and i saw pic related on the website thing, does anyone know if that means it's not too late / if it's normal my marks didn't show up? >>9758401

i'll ask the people at the private school place about it tomorrow when i go

>> No.9758619


>> No.9758621

tricky ricky at it again

>> No.9758626

my night school marks were sent on thursday by my guidance counsellor and night school teacher even though everyone told me that it's too late after mid terms.

since unis look at the marks on may 5, i doubt that it's not too late.

>> No.9758635 [DELETED] 

it's my mom's laptop (i don't have one, thinking of getting a macbook)

you shouldn't have seen that haha

>> No.9758639 [DELETED] 

if you losers try to add her on facebook or something i'm going to kill you all

>> No.9758640 [DELETED] 

its ok, for you i promise i saw nothing queen

>> No.9758648 [DELETED] 

it's ok, it's not like you'd be able to find her or anything lol

>> No.9758651 [DELETED] 


>> No.9758658

>you will never lewd those toes

>> No.9758660 [DELETED] 

i honestly dont really care too much to look anyways

>> No.9758664

her mother

>> No.9758681 [DELETED] 

ughh tridel is nice isn't it...

>> No.9758691
File: 15 KB, 320x240, Snapshot_20150315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toronto thread imo

>> No.9758693 [DELETED] 
File: 342 KB, 960x615, Screen Shot 2015-04-26 at 2.57.25 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol rickie, why did you delete your post?

>> No.9758699 [DELETED] 

because it has my mom's name in the screenshot but whatever

i don't really care lmao

>> No.9758701 [DELETED] 

okay rickie

>> No.9758708 [DELETED] 

okay :^)

>> No.9758709 [DELETED] 

yo u guys are really showing that spider how a scorpion sting feels, knowing what her moms first name is basically doxxed???

>> No.9758718 [DELETED] 

>teal themed chrome

*fart noise*

>> No.9758719 [DELETED] 

We also have ashley's last name - burman

If her mom has the same last name, all we have to do now is put 1 and 1 together

>> No.9758734 [DELETED] 

ever heard of married/maiden last names? good luck buddy

>> No.9758737 [DELETED] 

hey thats an invasion of privacy man

>> No.9758750 [DELETED] 

>all we have to do now is put 1 and 1 together
hah, good luck with that, buddy

>> No.9758767 [DELETED] 

i'm starting to realize this makes no sense

>> No.9758783

i guess im such a big guy that my picture crushed every post under it

>> No.9758787


>> No.9758788

huh weird
almost as if doxxing is against the rules or something

>> No.9758806

rickie is a great woman who raised a cute n sweet daughter as far as im concerned friend

>> No.9758808

oh btw is your name jonny or not

if not, what is it

>> No.9758809

i dislike my parents
and they dislike me

edgy teen alert

>> No.9758811

i'll tell you on skype

>> No.9758815

rreeeeeeeeeeee ( offical /fa/ angsty teen ambassador)

>> No.9758828

I feel like I'm too old to be even posting on here anymore

>> No.9758830

your never too old anon

>> No.9758831

That coat looks like Gucci, f/W 13

>> No.9758930

waaaaa admiin HELP delete this posts at once!! admeeeen

>> No.9759029


white tears are a waste of water. don't you know that we're in a drought? you should try to conserve as much water as you can--don't cry about how your babbies 1st libertarian ideas aren't taken seriously in ethics class

>> No.9759048

that's not how you're supposed to use a dash

>> No.9759074


first of all, strict prescriptive grammar is for lemmings who don't know what they're doing. it's the paint-by-number of usage.

second: even if we were to examine prescriptive uses for the em-dash, we would find accommodation for my previous usage. an em-dash can act as a hard pause--similar to a semicolon--that connects two clauses or sentences.

there is so much in this life that i don't know. there are so many topics about which i have zero knowledge. but i will fookin' scrape u in english usage m8. ur not een close to my level in this topic

>> No.9759101

you're probably wrong, but i was just joking anyways

>> No.9759191

>especially in Scandinavia
What? They're freakin' everywhere.

>> No.9759198

Find a hobby

>> No.9759295

joseph glazed donuts