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9750609 No.9750609 [Reply] [Original]

Is Johnny Depp's daughter effay?

>> No.9750640

unfortunately, yes

shes extremely hot and hangs out with genuinely cool people in the la art scene

i don't want her to be cool but she is

shes........ perfect

>> No.9750648

holy shit that dude's life is a 10/10
why to even try living a good life

>> No.9750856
File: 135 KB, 1024x863, tumblr-ebjvdpyw-ry-biro-and-johnny-depp-1808364889.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You'll never have an effay relationship with an effay model snorting coke and smoking cigs together.

>> No.9751925

speak for yourself fag

>> No.9751939

the things id do

>> No.9751957

Her face is pretty meh to me. But I like pointy chins and detest brown eyes.

>> No.9752058
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>> No.9752722
File: 152 KB, 634x869, 27F29C1500000578-0-image-m-44_1429892293430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has such a young Natalie Portman vibe.

>> No.9752737

Literally a hybrid of ASR and a young Natalie Portman

>> No.9752747
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ew that bellybutton
even 10/10 people automatically get downgraded to a 5/10 cause of ugly bellybuttons

>> No.9752751
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>> No.9752771

Thank god.

>> No.9752776

i would post her selfies from her instagram but i don't want the low test betas putting their eyes on my woman

go on her ig tho shes a complete qt when shes smiling

perf teeth, perfect soft baby skin and delicate features

she will definitely be way hotter in a few years though when i propose

>> No.9752817
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I found her Instagram, now the key to her heart.

>> No.9752818

p shure shes only like 16

she will be pretty cool by the time shes 20 or so


>> No.9752841

is her mom wynona ryder?

>> No.9752851

she is at her prime right now. i wish she would stay 16 forever was madly in love and obsessed with me forever.

>> No.9752874

im right down the street from her rn.... i go to a school thats literally 300 feet from her private preppy school

>> No.9752877

also i have a bunch of mutual friends with her and she's kinda a bitch; heard a couple funny stories about her

>> No.9752888

is she still a virgen?

>> No.9752890

there is a girl that goes to the same school as her (oakwood) named stella and they used to call her smella because she smelled bad. and smella had a huge crush on some member of 1D but i cant remember who i think it was harry. when lily met harry or was hanging out with him, she told harry to post a tweet that said "smella [her last name]" and he did it

>> No.9752895

pretty sure, she hasnt been in a relationship since ive known her

>> No.9752897
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I like sharply faced women, not soft features. My room mate still calls my ex gf the chin because she had a reece witherspoon level one :^(

>> No.9752909
File: 102 KB, 634x951, 27F29BF500000578-0-image-a-37_1429892194127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


With Jack Sparrow as dad..who knows?

>> No.9752926

lol jesus fucking christ

please delete your post because you have now tainted this thread with that disgusting ginger

not only that photo but your low test attitute makes me sick

it makes lily sick as well

btw your ex gfs an ugly whore

ew just imagine that witches ginger snatch


>> No.9752938

ok that wasn't a very entertaining story

can you try again

>> No.9753011


>> No.9753548

I like gingers and I'm more than likely a bigger goy than you. You can keep your swarthy mud eyed girls. My ex is out of your league, my room mate just has a thing for chubby cheeks. We all mock each others taste in girls. I just tell him he likes chipmunks and make squirrel noises.

>> No.9753562

cringing so hard reading these comments

how old is this bitch even? 12 ???

>> No.9753574

Leave him alone, some guys here are uggo to the point of waifus. At least his is 3d lmao. Besides, you're one to talk, being so into cara. Cara isn't even hot.

>> No.9753587

Her mom knows, I think? You don't give birth to a child without noticing.

>> No.9753924

She reminds me of AnnSophia Robb

>> No.9753951

eat my shorts ebully

>> No.9754454

fukking kek
went to a MOCA event not a month ago and talked to her and her friend stacy.
def /fa/ but seemed like a bitch
friend stacy was v chill tho

>> No.9754622


ummm....definitely cute as fuck
but knowing how kids of movie superstars grow up she is probably super entitled.

but I'll give her the benefit of the doubt

>> No.9755467

were johnny depp and kate moss together?

lmao gtfo this board

>> No.9755479

>implying coke and cigs are /fa/
Maybe you're the one who needs to leave.

>> No.9756855

"i am more than likely a bigger guy than you"

wtf does that have to do with anything

>> No.9757183

>snorting coke
>smoking cigs
what a fucking plebs

>> No.9757242

I dont even give a shit about her 5 year old bellybutton, its her thumbs that are bumming me out

>> No.9757363

celebrities have this thing with their thumb, idk i think its an illuminati mark or something

>> No.9757431

it looks fine

>> No.9757436

tell stacey, "chad says hey"

>> No.9757441
File: 276 KB, 1900x1332, megan fox thunb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hers is nowhere near that bad

>> No.9757464
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Tyler Joseph has it too, but its hard to find it because hes good at hiding it.

>> No.9757494

who the fuck is that even? lmao

>> No.9757513

probably a fucking soccer player

jesus fucking christ

the nerve

>> No.9759408

tfw nailbiter
i hate it
i want it to end
i can't control it it's ruining my self esteem

>> No.9759969

who /wouldbang/ here

>> No.9760072

I did that too. I got braces about 4 years ago and stopped doing it because braces made it impossible. Now I don't do it anymore. The solution to your problem is to get braces for 4 years :^)

>> No.9760132

holy shit why isn't Johnny Depp my dad, those god tier genes

>> No.9760176

Apart from your fan moment, there's lots of Vanessa in her.

>> No.9760193

They have pretty similar facial structures, but she inherited her best feature's from depp.
The eyes, and cheek/jaw structure, forehead, and mouth.
She has her mother's nose though, as well as her chin.

>> No.9760226

>They have pretty similar facial structures
Haha, so much this.

>> No.9760301

would take her to the fanciest hotel and nicest places in POUND TOWN tbh

>> No.9762474

>Both parents genes deemed 'extremely asthetic'
>mother's makeup artist
>dad's photographer
>Unlimited $$$ for wardrobe supply

Did you really think for one second that this girl was going to look like shit any day of her

>inb4 jealous
Of course I am, what an easy life that would be..

>> No.9762479

day of her life**

>> No.9762725
File: 73 KB, 1200x1247, lk3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id fuck her but I'd be worried that in the middle of it she'd take her wig off and it was johnny acting the whole time.

>> No.9762736

>low test

It amazes me how low many peoples reading comprehension is.

>> No.9762821


>> No.9764485

develop Hypochondria and consider the bacteria that exists on your fucking nails like me

>> No.9764707

I had them for two and it didn't stop me

>> No.9764761
File: 83 KB, 720x960, 10850376_854274044593416_646318028_n1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Only knows Johnny Depp from pairates of the caraibian.

>> No.9765583

>not knowing how popular POTC is with 15 year olds