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File: 39 KB, 500x500, cetaphil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9746995 No.9746995 [Reply] [Original]

Word on the web is that Pharrell washes his face with this to keep his face looking young and he has a baby face so I thought Id give it a try. Anybody had any experience with this? Is it worth giving a try?

>> No.9747014

Its fucking great. Cleared me of my acne in about a month with some pills but I've been continuing with it and its great for moisturizing and cleaning your face in the shower.

>> No.9747022

i use this as a moisturizer like once a year. thought it was just some shit my mom uses. my mom is like 49 and has less wrinkles than me. (i'm 19)

>> No.9747028

w2c for us non-americans?

>> No.9747033

It removes oil but doesn't dry out your face. I've been using this shit for years and it's only catching on now.

Here come the jewish pricing models. Sigh.

>> No.9747144

used it cause it said derm said it would help with acne
didn't remove acne
got prescribed accutane and we all good now

I don't know its baby face powers though. I think that's more of a how much facial hair/fat, what's your facial structure sort of thing. Not a what product should I use for baby face kinda thing

>> No.9747152

i saw someone post this yesterday (i think it was ree) but im gonna try it out, it seems pretty good and gets good reviews

>> No.9747169

main ingredient is oil kek

dermo troll

>> No.9747193

OP here, I think I'm going to go get some at the store later so thanks all for the help. One final question that I have is should I wash my face exclusively with this in the shower? And after showers, should I use Cetaphil lotion or will it not be necessary? Sorry I'm not really knowledgeable when it comes to facial cleansers

>> No.9747196

Family Dollar has a store brand of this shit that is identical and not 10 dollars for a fucking bottle.

>> No.9747465

It really helps my sebborheic dermatitis that's all I know

>> No.9747478

its mostly just genetics. just cause "works" for him doesn't mean it will work for you. daily sunscreen application is more important than anything else

>> No.9747497

>see this thread
>buy it straight away
why is my life so empty /fa/?

>> No.9747503

>using shit you can pick up at a Wal-Mart

Yeah, no

>> No.9747513

You do know that the secret ingredient is cum, right?

>> No.9747630

yeah i don't drink water either
cuz they sell it at wal-marts

>> No.9747946

It won't keep you young as much as clean.
It's a pretty basic entry level cleanser. Not amazing but there are worse things you could spend your money on and tbh if you're not wearing make up or sunscreen (or other face products) daily then you don't need a fancy one. It just more gentle than soap and water.

It won't make your skin amazing on it's own, but it likely won't shit it up either

>> No.9747949

you realize that's what a cleanser is for, right?

stop trying to sound smart, you have no clue about what you're talking about

>> No.9747963

Look up pictures of his father - it's genetic

>> No.9747968

Pharrell's genes probably keep his face looking young

Depends where in Non-America you live. You can buy it on Amazon if you live in France, Germany, the UK or Canada.

>> No.9747988

isn't he half asian?

>> No.9748321


>> No.9748340

I'm swedish so that won't work
thanks anyways

>> No.9748421

wow you made yourself sound reeeeetarded lmao

>> No.9749073

this >>9748421
hard to believe it's you..
btw i'm in love with you

>> No.9749217

if you needed accutane to fix your acne no fucking face wash was gonna clear your skin

>> No.9749220

This thread was brought to you by Cetaphil. Yes, Cetaphil. Every age. Every Stage. Every Day.

>> No.9749230

I use it once in a while, idk if it actually works cause i got good genes. Also carry around a small bottle of their lotion for my hands

>> No.9749239

I use the lotion and have used the facial cleaner in the past and can vouch for both products

>> No.9749255

As an Asian user of this product, I can say that it has made me more attractive. Since Asians such as myself are inherently unattractive, using Cetaphil has improved my looks. I can even say that I am as attractive as a white person.

>> No.9749257

It's shit

>> No.9749260

been using it for 2 years or so. only face soap i use. def rec it.

>> No.9749277

Cetaphil® Daily Facial Cleanser is the only daily facial cleanser I will EVER use! It has changed my life and given me back my confidence!

I can highly recommend Cetaphil® Daily Facial Cleanser. Every Age. Every Stage. Every Day.®

>> No.9749282

if u want younger looking skin

use a chemical exfoliator at night, then moisturise

then when u wake up, wash ur face, use moisturizer, and then sunscreen

the sun is what makes peoples face look old

>> No.9749328

Why would you buy this on amazon in Canada? They sell it at shoppers

>> No.9749373

he washes his face with cold water (no soap) and then moisturizes with cetaphil when his skin is dry
i use their acne wash and face moisturizer
still have bad acne + babby face
i'm debating fucking my liver up with accutane soon

>> No.9749381

Acne wash doesn't work because the active ingredient needs to stay on your skin for an extended period of time to actually work effectively.

Use a regular cleanser and a separate exfoliating product.

>> No.9749398

its pretty good my dermatologist gave me a sample.

>> No.9749437

Pharrell looks young because he's black

and black don't crack

>> No.9749450

this is clearly an advertisement lmao

>> No.9749463

cetaphil cleanser is just more gentle soap for your face. After you use it your face feels clean but not overly dry. Probably the best cleanser widely available at brick and mortar stores. I also use their facial moisturizer with spf-15. If you want young skin you should moisturize and use sunscreen. The sun is really what ages you. Staying hydrated is important as well.

It won't cure acne by itself, but it definitely helps.

>> No.9749602

I wasn't asking for ur favourite drink

>> No.9749618
File: 37 KB, 300x400, cetaphil-gentle-skin-cleanser-en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's pic blows, too harsh and burning, just like any other facewash.


My pic related is the GOAT, so mild but yet leaves your face feeling clean and not oily. Unless you have straight up 14 year old pizza face syndrome make sure to buy the gentle and not OP's. Hard to realize the difference unless you read them.

>> No.9749620

cetaphil is a miracle sauce i started putting it on my face twice daily and in a month all my acne was gone

>> No.9749623

>muh designer face wash

>> No.9749624

was also using medicated cream to be fair

>> No.9749701

agreed I bought the normal one and it's not bad but gentle is for sure better.

>> No.9749746

>it's only catching on now
Yeah, totally like how nobody noticed how good Aquaphor is for tattoos and cancer patients until Beyonce advertised it in People Magazine and on /fa/

Cetaphil didn't help my face for shit but I switched to Philosophy's cleanser with salicylic acid and it cleared my acne up quickly. Apparently the reviews are kind of so-so but it worked for me when nothing else would and I've been using it for at least two years now.

>> No.9750729

Only thing that keeps my skin clear, completely clear. I'm not very bad but it's noticeable to me when I don't use Cetaphil. I use the regular/sensitive wash, the one for oil control makes my face over produce sebum and turns me into an oil slick. After I use the Cetaphil I use the Clean and Clear "Persa-Gel 5" and that keeps me completely clean. Then it's moisturizer and whatever else crap I choose to rub into my skin that day, but it's the Cetaphil and the persa-gel that really does the job.

>> No.9750784

what about blackheads?

>> No.9750789

Is this the biggest shill thread of our time?

ive NEVER seen something shilled so hard on /fa/

>> No.9751184

Kolla apoteket dom har massor av bra produkter

>> No.9751209

Oh, I didn't know. I don't use Cetaphil and was just trying to be helpful.

>> No.9751246

What face cleanser would you recommand for an european :( ?

>> No.9751257

It may have started as a shill but this is one of those products that lives on its word of mouth reputation, which is through the roof.... I use it too and am a huge fan.

>> No.9751262


there's only three essential things you have to do to keep your skin perfect forever.

Wash with a solid cleanser: cetaphil is solid
WEAR SUNSCREEN. This is the PRIMARY thing that ages the fuck out of you.

Also, a lot of pharrel's looks are his genes.

There's other good shit you can do to help your skin, such as exfoliation. But those three are the big ones.

>> No.9751283

I myself haven't used Cetaphil Facial Cleanser, but if I were to purchase a facial cleanser it would be Cetaphil Facial Cleanser. This is why I recommend Cetaphil Facial Cleanser for all your facial cleansing needs.

>> No.9751378

is the cetaphil moisturizer/sunscreen as good? I fucking love this

>> No.9751706

Is there a UK equivalent? Don't think they sell it round here but I've heard good things.

>> No.9751714

sold in boots

>> No.9751727


>> No.9752027

How bored are you if all you do is sit on /fa/ being salty every day.

OP thought it would make him look younger like pharrel claimed, so explaining it's basic use made sense.
And it is just a basic cleanser - as in it's not something like a balm cleanser and it isn't really targeted at any specific skin condition. It's affordable and something a lot of people start with.
There's a lot of people on here with absolutely no knowledge of skincare whatsoever, and if OP is basing his choice off a recommendation from pharrel I'm going to assume he's one of them. Just because you know more than some doesn't mean you need to get salty at someone explaining something to someone who probably doesn't. Are you lacking attention in your home life by any chance?

>> No.9752213

you have all of my pity

>> No.9752283

reeeeeeeee read a few of STLHMs posts one time and decided he was an expert on skin care

>> No.9752292

implying i didn't teach that guy everything he knows today

>> No.9752326
File: 3.85 MB, 5312x2988, 20150424_153319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've also been complemented on these Polo boots. I simply love this facial cleanser, it is the best on the market for sure! I highly recommend any person dealing with acne or blemishes to try this facial cleanser... you will be shocked with the results!

>> No.9753061

som vaddå? har verkligen ingen aning vad som är bra.

>> No.9753110

>mfw non americans cant access basic things like running water and cetaphil lotion or cleaner


>> No.9754818

Those boots are realy nice. Where can I buy these boots?

>> No.9754855

>youll never look forever 19 like pharrell

>> No.9754862

this is a fucking shill thread


>> No.9755314

>implying we don't have running water in civilised countries
>implying there aren't equivalents with different names

>> No.9755379

reeeeee how do i cure my acne. My skin is oily and i use aknenormin pills daily (dont know how u all call it in merica)
what else can i do?

>> No.9755388

Use a pH balanced facial cleanser

>> No.9755864 [DELETED] 
File: 3.52 MB, 697x700, 1424625328471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

Du kan få tag på massor av olika sorters produkter via tyska Amazon.de. Apoteket har annars Aco Acnelösning t ex, med 2% salicylsyra och etanol i sig. Den kan verka uttorkande - så kan vara bra att kombinera med fuktighetsgörande lotion efteråt. Fokus på "cleanser" i första hand, dock (syntetisk - utan tvål). Finns benzoylperoxid-salva också.

If you're already prescribed isotretinoin, then you should talk to your doctor about your dosage. Isotretinoin helps regulate sebum ("skin oil") production. Know that having oily skin is not the same thing as acne.

>> No.9755882
File: 3.52 MB, 697x700, 1424625328471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty much this

Du kan få tag på massor av olika sorters produkter via tyska Amazon.de. Apoteket har annars Aco Acnelösning t ex, med 2% salicylsyra och etanol i sig. Den kan verka uttorkande - så kan vara bra att kombinera med fuktighetsgörande lotion efteråt. Fokus på "cleanser" i första hand, dock (syntetisk - utan tvål). Finns benzoylperoxid-salva också.

If you're already prescribed isotretinoin, then you should talk to your doctor about your dosage. Isotretinoin helps regulate sebum ("skin oil") production. Know that having oily skin alone is not the same thing as acne.

>> No.9757239


>> No.9758786

Use CeraVe moisturizer instead.