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9741346 No.9741346[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

does this explain why so many of the weak, manlet, knock kneed losers on here love niggers?

"Liberalism and Low Self Esteem"

>So far we know that liberals have low self esteem and that having low self esteem causes people to be more liberal. There are at least two ways of looking at this. One way is to say that having low self esteem causes someone to be liberal because it makes it rational for them to favor equality. Equality helps everyone on the bottom half and that's probably where you think you are if you have low self esteem. There's clearly some truth to this narrative. But I believe that people with low self esteem will also be attracted to liberalism because being a liberal helps your self esteem a little bit. In particular, being a liberal let's you view yourself as a kind of moral hero waging a battle against dark and evil forces. Who doesn't feel good about themselves while playing super hero?

1. "Conservatives are happier than liberals, but why? Political ideology, personality,
and life satisfaction" by Schelenker et al
2. "Personality and Politics" by Jonason
3. "Mirror, mirror on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Thinking that one is attractive increases the tendency to support inequality" by Belmi and Neale
4. "The Moral Differences of Liberals and conservaties: Exaggeration Across the Political Spectrum" by Haidt et al
5. "Political Polarization & Media Habits" by Mitchell et al

>> No.9741353

wow great thread!

>> No.9741363


>> No.9741366

>progressive liberals


>> No.9741379

Haven't watched the video yet so I don't know if it's BS but political psychology is something that is actually extremely interesting to me:


>> No.9741387

Liberals aren't breeding anymore and temperament and predilections to certain political positions are very much inheritable, the 2010 US survey and Europoll 2011 both found that 93%+ of individuals had the same political and religious affiliation as their parents once they were older than 25. Indicating some form of heritable trait is being passed on.
You can see it in the birthrates by political affiliation across many nations. Republicans: 2.7, Democrats: 1.2, Social Democrats: 0.9 Labor: 0.8, Tories: 1.5, Christian Democrats: 2.5. White Demcrats in America now have a birthrate of 0.9, blacks have a birthrate of 1.4, and spics sit at 1.6. White republicans are between 2.6 and 2.9 depending on whose numbers you use.
By 2050 only 20% of individuals in the US will be descended from habitual Democrat voters or self described liberals and only 7% will be black.
And we currently have net negative spic immigration; so long as they don’t give them amnesty the dropping birthrates of spics in Mexico will further reduce it. We should still deport them all though.
And mudslime birthrates are dropping like stone even in Shitstainistan.
Jews are also dying by inches. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/jews-could-die-out-by-next-century-1319030.html
Those Christian Converts that took over old Roman land? That's what conservative whites are http://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/magazine/breedingforgod/

>> No.9741388

There's also a correlation to being liberal and being more "open to new experiences and ideas" than conservatives, so the negatives go both ways.

>> No.9741392

nice dude ty for contributing

>> No.9741404


If liberals are actually dying out in the US as you claim, we're fucked because the two parties actually help to counterbalance each other in very necessary ways. Watch this:


>> No.9741411
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>two party political dichotomy

nah, two party system is utterly useless. you're also applying the ramifications too literally, liberal/democrat voters dying out has many more significant ramifications on society than how it interacts with voting and perpetuating the corrupt and inherently flawed two party system.

it isnt at all just about the fact that these people vote one way or the other, its how they live their lives.

>> No.9741412

>TED talk
come on man

>> No.9741413

Low white birth rate, taken at face value, appears to be a serious issue for the white race in general. Like most things, everything is not as it appears to be at first glance. American Whites are not a monolithic entity; we can be divided and sub divided in many ways, i.e. income, western v. eastern Euro origins, etc. For the purposes of this public service announcement, whites are divided into two camps: Left and Right.

Left Whites and Right Whites are for all intents and purposes two separate nations, with unique cultures, mores, habits, customs etc. Left and Right also breed at separate rates - the Left Whites have a birth rate of 0.9. The Right Whites have a birth rate of 2.6 to 2.9, depending on the source you come across.

Let that sink in good and hard. The average White Leftist couple pops out 0.9 kids. Zero point nine. Replacement rate is 2.1

The reason should be obvious to anyone who has actually taken the time to understand Feminists and Progressives in general: In their warped world, corporate servitude was somehow a 'liberation' from the traditional role of women at home and hearth. Many young leftist women are opting for career before biology.

The sad truth is many of them are realizing that they have been betrayed far far too late for them to do anything about it. As it turns out, post-35 year old women are extremely unlikely to have children, and beyond 40 their chances are effectively zero.
In short: The future belongs to those who show up, white leftists aren't having kids, and paradoxically, the ultimate victims of feminism are sad childless cat ladies and their long since aborted fetuses.

>> No.9741423

Who tf cares ill die in 50 years.

>> No.9741429

yeah and you'll leave behind nothing.