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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 145 KB, 979x1306, 1427846975976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9689016 No.9689016 [Reply] [Original]

What's a /fa/ dick size

>> No.9689019

Why does it matter?

>> No.9689023

WTF even is this thread.

>> No.9689025
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>> No.9689029

dick size isn't that big of a deal you insecure fuccboi

>> No.9689034
File: 35 KB, 607x351, 1427696248689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at these incel niggers

>> No.9689042

5.1" Length
6" Girth

>> No.9689046

chodes aren't /fa/

>> No.9689055

anything below 7 inches = baby dick.

>the average dick is 3inches long!!

well, the average man has a baby dick, no two ways around it.

>> No.9689059

I've never had any complaints about my six inches because nobody has seen it :(

>> No.9689064

Dick fashion is mainly based on the pubic cut though. Dick Mohawk is pretty /fa/

>> No.9689093

7 length
6 girth here

>> No.9689105

as small as possible so as not to interfere with your silouette

>> No.9689106

One of my favorite statues. Just look at how fleshiy Persephone looks. You can really feel Hades' fingers digging into her thighs. It must have been very difficult to make a marble statue appear soft. I know this is off topic, but this whole thread isn't really related to fashion anyway.

>> No.9689114
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>tfw only 7x5.5

Big, but I'll never rip a girl in half...

>> No.9689118
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Bernini is incredible

>> No.9689159
File: 240 KB, 2080x1544, 1427313175137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw small dick
>tfw never really cared
>tfw out of nowhere start getting sex w/ qt grills
>tfw insanely insecure every time one sees my dick
>tfw they all comment on it
>I don't really care, I'm not that kind of girl
>they probably do
>they all probably tried thinking of ways to break off with me
>tfw I'm the one that ends it secretly to avoid that kind of pain
Other reasons too, but it's making me way more insecure than it should and causing issues in my life.

>> No.9689163
File: 382 KB, 1280x862, 1423339981072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big dick matters
girl cums multiple times during sex
small dick can't make a girl cum even once

>> No.9689167

talk dick post pic

>> No.9689169

Mine is 7 inches and average girth.

>> No.9689173

honestly most girls are used to, and expect to not cum during like penetrucktion so if you havea big d and can do it thats awesome and a plus but if you dont its like... they're used to it. its not a big surprise. so dont sweat it.

>> No.9689175


Ever seen the Callypigian Venus? I think that made me a Statuephile

>> No.9689177

am gril, as long as it's bigger than my finger it's good

>> No.9689181

>expect to not cum during like penetrucktion
why are girls so fuckin gay?

>> No.9689195

How big's your finger?

>> No.9689203

7 inches

>> No.9689206

and 6 inch girth

>> No.9689209
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>tfw 6 inches and pretty happy about it
there are more important things in life.

>> No.9689211

>tfw 5 inches
>tfw i'll never satisfy a girl
just might as well end my life now

>> No.9689214

reminder that if youre uncut then it is impossible for you to be /fa/ in anyway

>> No.9689219
File: 62 KB, 640x512, Ancient Greek sculpture - Tutt'Art@.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also this is now a ancient greek sculpture appreciation thread

>> No.9689223

how do you guys hide your bulge when wearing skinny jeans? I tried on the cheap monday him spray jeans last night because even slp was a little too big for me and the outline of my dick was ridiculous. I have to return them now

>> No.9689227
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enjoy your gross dried out penis and complete lack of sensitivity

>> No.9689228
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>> No.9689231

I got comments on mine saying it could ;-; it was on soc though
Why's it so hard to find girls irl?

>> No.9689232

Just become a twink or become a master with your tongue. Theres a small dick reddit and the dudes on there are like 2"-4".

iirc the average cock size was reduced recently after a new study

>> No.9689235

5 inches is enough dude for me and most girls i know at least

>> No.9689236

Cause you have no confidence and never go anywhere

>> No.9689239
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>average size

>> No.9689243
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god-tier sculpture reporting in

>> No.9689245

same here, i feel like i have a pencil dick

>> No.9689246
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>believing women

>> No.9689253
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>> No.9689257
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>tfw dicks for ears

>> No.9689266
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>> No.9689269

Before you go to the bed room, list in your head the girl's possible insecurity's. If she insult's your dick then list em off.

E.g. Massive cunt, Weird/small boobs, fat, fat ass, etc.

Good one is telling them that they stink, that shit really fucks with their heads

>> No.9689273

I've never measured my dick so I actually have no idea, but then I also don't really give a damn about my dick size, cause I can't really do shit about it.

>> No.9689280
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wow you must be fun at parties

>> No.9689283

>not measuring your dick daily
fuckin americans i swear...

>> No.9689291
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Being a sociopath is pretty based tbh

>> No.9689296
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>> No.9689313

7 inches is most /fa/, big and masculine but not so big that it makes you seem apish and uncultured. It's the ottermode of cocks.

>> No.9689315
File: 67 KB, 625x468, 9_carlotasantamarialovehoteltokyo1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you're a real hit with the ladies with that attitude. There's something to be said for treating them mean keep em keen but telling a girl she stinks and thinking that will make her sleep with you isn't sociopathic, it's fucking retarded

>> No.9689328 [DELETED] 
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This big

>> No.9689338
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Itt: a bunch of cucklords pretending that their dicks are adequate
>TFW 9 and strong

>> No.9689351
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>> No.9689371

The smelly thing is a burn bridges thing, if shes being a real cunt

>> No.9689390

Damn must suck having a small penis and always having one's defenses up

Besides girl's first diss is dick size regardless of actual size. Its one of the many petty things women are so adept at

>> No.9689446
File: 100 KB, 640x640, tumblr_nexx4l8g1T1sktp8ko1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is my 8x5 peckerino big?

>> No.9689493

ye u doing god's work son

>> No.9689525
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>> No.9689563

Little ladyboy dicks are most fa. They are cute as heck and when you jerk em it doesnt feel too gay. P gay tho but jist gay enough to be fa without flamingo homo shit

Im 7.5 but i always see people claim 9+ like they're .01% but in pics its clearly only 7 even with fancy camera angles. niggas need to stop measuring their ass to tip

>> No.9689589

7.5 master race

>> No.9689599

8.5 inch
i guess 6 or so girth, havent really measured but its the same around as my wrist near the middle
Have made some smaller girls(5ft) bleed, one liked it, the other was ambivalent towards the blood.

I dont wear underwear, so wearing shorts in summer is an exercise in self awareness of dick shape being outlined in cloth

>> No.9689618

Are growers or showers more effay? I contend that growers are because showers limit your options for clothing by requiring more space for your flaccid member. One that shows might be more impressive, but only for a little while.

>> No.9689635

> expect to not cum during like penetrucktion
how accurate is this? my dick couldn't be more average and my girlfriend has no trouble cumming from it. She's the only person I've slept with multiple times though, so I have no comparison.

>> No.9689642

I hope so because I'm maybe 1-2 inches flaccid and 7 erect.

>> No.9689646

Most girls don't get off much from penetration in the first place. Clitoral stimulation is much, much more effective. You're pretty lucky to have a girl that sensitive.
Or she's faking it. That's always a possibility as well.

>> No.9689651

Length doesnt get a girl off as much as girth
That being said, most girls want both

>> No.9689653

6x5 is the most effay dick size

>> No.9689657

inexperienced girls think they want both, until they get it, then readjust their desires.

girth is always important though, but past 8 inches you run the risk of not being able to go balls-deep in a girl without her getting pissed off

>> No.9689664

>Theres a small dick reddit

oh what a surprise

>> No.9689668

13 cm erected length, 2.3 cm erected diameter. I'm 191 cm height and 75 weight. How funny it looks, i wonder?

>> No.9689673
File: 886 KB, 1280x720, Lewandubski.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you're not cut you'e golden

check em

>> No.9689685

If u say your over 8 post pic with measuring tape

U wont cuz u aint

>> No.9689689
File: 2 KB, 125x89, 1359945785953s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw a little over bit 7 inches
>tfw almost 5 inch girth

Kill me now god.

>> No.9689691

I always find it amazing that almost everyone on this website has a huge cock. Its almost as if everyone is too insecure to say their actual size

>> No.9689712

go back to /b/

>> No.9689722


>> No.9689732


My penis is a massive 9 inches long but it curves 120 degrees to the right when it enter action mode. It's like Captain fucking Hook down there.

When I was a kid I was bloody prolific at skateboarding but one time I bailed and my penis got sandwiched between a rail and my thigh, thus causing scar tissue to form, the doctors said it was nothing but when puberty hit, I was suddenly a far right extremist in terms of phallic bearing.

I can only wank by massaging the tip, wading down to the shaft is just painful.

>> No.9689748
File: 172 KB, 500x447, BugsRei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I have a 21cm dick
>mfw i'm a faggot and 100% bottom because i can't feel anything while penetrating
>mfw other guys complain about their dick size

>> No.9689750

>tfw go on /soc/
>tfw get depressed on seeing how many people have such big and attractive dicks
a-at least i have good t-taste in fashion, r-right?

>> No.9689751

Aww thats kinda sweet :)

>> No.9689753

16 centimeters. Alittle above average.

I'm ok with it.

>> No.9689763

candy cane!

>> No.9689770

>i dont wear underwear
well memed my friend

>> No.9689776

Well copypasta'd friend

>> No.9689781

Don't let it get to you, girls only notice dick size online. Think about it, look at, for example, a pen, any pen, can you say exactly how long it is? It's the same with dicks really.

>> No.9689784

Same here bro, never gonna impress anyone but never gonna dissapoint anyone either. Feels like we're stuck in some sort of dick limbo.

>> No.9689852


>tfw 4x4
>tfw 6 foot 2

our god is a cruel god

>> No.9689860

i'm 5.5 and all the girls so far said i had a big dick

i'm just glad it's big enough to fuck with

>> No.9689875

Chicks don't really have a sense of size when it comes to dicks, especially since they rarely ever fall more than +-5 cm from the average. For all we argue about that extra inch or two it's really hard to tell a difference without any comparison for measure.

>> No.9689886

>dick limbo

kek'd. 16.x cm here and i couldnt relate to this more even if i tried to.

>> No.9689905

6 inches. Not big, not small.
Go away jap manlet

>> No.9690163

are you a manlet because that might have something to do with it.

>> No.9690175

Probably fucked more people than you tbh mate

>> No.9690183
File: 36 KB, 388x380, 1420412740737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw 6'1" and 5.5 inch dick

>> No.9690203

how 2 increase girth? :(

>> No.9690216

island inbreds with foetal alcohol syndrome don't count as people m8.

>hit a nerve
>an actual jap manlet
Top fucking kek, you remind me of that 5' angry jap manlet in high school who I'd laugh at every day for being pathetic.

>> No.9690242


>> No.9690358

>even remotely effay

pick one

>> No.9690367

>Dick fashion

>> No.9690433
File: 91 KB, 720x1080, Rick-Owens-_glamour_23jan15_getty_b_720x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small penises have always been more /fa/, unfortunately I have a six and a half, so I will never have a couture cock.

>> No.9690565

Wow suddenly I understand why /fa/ guys are so /fa/. Very few 7 or over itt and that is the only good size.

>> No.9690780 [DELETED] 
File: 422 KB, 1800x1800, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zach Hill dick most effay dick
Also how big does his look
I'm about 1/2 inch bigger but I don't have a tape measure handy

>> No.9690803

I've masturbated to that sculpture

>> No.9690817

I'd see it if u let me bb ;)

>> No.9690825


>> No.9690842

average is 5.5 though no?

>> No.9690856

well i have no choice so i have to enjoy it

>> No.9690874

>5.5 here
every girl ive had sex with has enjoyed it a lot (or at least acted like they did?) and ive had some nice complements on my dick before. not sure if im average or below but its never been a problem for me in the bedroom.

the only time a girl has ever said my penis was small was after we broke up and i destroyed her dignity and made all her friends hate her. she deserved it tho

>> No.9690875

As a girl, I can honestly say that dick size doesn't matter as long as you can make me feel good.

I'm usually more insecure about how my body looks during sex than caring about your dick size.

Just be happy in the moment and don't worry about it, bc most of the time the girl doesn't actually care unless she is a picky bitch.

>> No.9690886


>> No.9690891

i think it's the type of thing that most girls wouldn't care about unless you're an over-confident cocky asshole who has a small dick, then it's kind of comical. if you're just a regular nice guy who has a small dick then who cares

>> No.9691132

> Good, good, it's working...

>> No.9691213

7.25 x 5.5 , the only girls who ever said I was big were american... I've hit my fair share of cervix and imagine it's not the most comfortable of feelings, but other than that, girls rarely commented on my size in canada and europe

> only GG Allen had the /fa dick, anything more is plain vulgar

>> No.9691301

7 in length but 4.5 in girth :( feel so insecure about it because I feel like it makes me look like I have a small dick especially as it's weirdly curved like a banana so doesn't look as long as it is

>> No.9691311

>What do you want me to do with that? Floss with it?

>> No.9691330

mine is getting that way too.. is it because you jack off too much?

>> No.9691338

Yeah I think so,is this reversible?

>> No.9691339

strictly, being fa is about a silhouette. Almost any sized dick can be manipulated into not causing a break in lines or whatever, which is not the case with a woman's breasts, where only small ones are fa.

>> No.9691349

use other hand

>> No.9691354

No it like curves over, not left or right

>> No.9691364

How much do you think one would have to jack off with the correct hand in order to sculpt their penis into a straight form?

>> No.9691367

Same guy I also get a sort of 'hourglass' dick when I jerk to often. Although people say mastibation has no negative effects I'd advise all guys to be careful with porn consumption aswell as amount of wanking because too much of both of these are fucking up my sex life pretty bad

>> No.9691375

3.5 inch

my 2 lil bitch fingers put together at like 3 inch girth at the most can get me off and so im sure its similar for most other girls

>> No.9691398
File: 3 KB, 420x354, hourglass shape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like pic related?

i have the inverse of that

are you right or left handed?
which is your main hand when jacking off?

>> No.9691406

I'm right handed, and jacking off is auto pilot so not really sure but pretty certain it's left I use and yeah, but more extreme than that, like super skinny in middle then fat at head and just under and base and I sort of have to rub it out and correct it

>> No.9691410

if it curves up, you're good. if it curves down, i'm sorry.
how many years of damage are we talking about?
tell me about it, had to lay off the anal pron since I started having a so much detrimental effects... on top of numbing me down way too much, I started drifting more often and having a hard time keeping it up in the end. The real bummer it that I don't enjoy digging up girls poopers all that much. I still do it though

>> No.9691422

It curves down :( why I'd that particularly bad? And yeah I can't keep it up or cum so how can I solve this ? Just not wank for a long long time?

>> No.9691429

>>9691398 (the guy you replied to)
I'm a lefty lefty, and it's crooked to the left.

I remember when I was maybe 7 or something and me and my had to pee so we went on the same stump.
I commented on how bent his stream was and how straight mine was so I asked him what's up?
He said it wasn't always like that and warned me mine wouldn't be straight anymore one day.
It always stuck with me; wondered why but was afraid to ask. This was the first time I did and apparently most of you agree.

>Seeing mine bend as I furiously jack off over the years, I'm pretty sure that's what's up.

>> No.9691441

It's only an inconvenience for sex. Generally uncomfortable for girls in most positions, but that still leaves plenty of other ways to have good sex.
other than that, it's cool

>> No.9691447

>mfw between 5.5-6 (depending on level of heart disease and shit)
>never had any complaints
>dat average D

>> No.9691456

I'm gay anyway so grylls don't really matter to me. I guess it's easier to suck so hey, swings and roundabouts

>> No.9691476


curving downwards is better for fuckin arse, but we all know you are the one getting done here fuccboi, so i guess it doesnt matter that much

>> No.9691539

As a girl i would never fuck anyone with a dick bigger than 6"

it's not fun feeling pain, but dumb as fuck girls think pain=better pleasure

the best dick i took was around 5" pointed upwards, mission and reverse cowgirl hit ALL the right spots

also girth matters the fucking most. 4" dick? just give me some girth and you'll make me orgasm

>> No.9691555

It's curved that way because he keeps trying to put it up his own, m8

>> No.9691563

I'm right there with ya bud, average boys we present

>> No.9691655

7.9" length
5.5" girth

For some girls it's too long already, and I can't ram it in balls deep. And I'm 6'7", so it doesn't look that big. I'm satisfied overall, because I'm able to give crazy multiple orgasms with it, and the thickness isn't an issue, because good girls are tight anyway.

However, I do meet the occasional slut sometimes, and then I wish it was bigger, so big that she could barely fit it in. I guess that's the advantage of having an enormous cock - you can fuck all the sluts and they feel like virgins to you. But then it won't fit into the good girls.

TL;DR: Optimal cock size depends on the pussy you're trying to fuck.

>> No.9691660

>chode detected

>> No.9693596

>Being this American.

>> No.9693639

Can we at least agree that anything below 5.5 girth is suicide-tier?

>> No.9694625

6'1 really, socially 6'2 (shoes and posture)
6.5 - 7 , depends how you measure
rounding up to 5 here, kiegel flex
>Pant Size
30/33 I usually buy them slim and taper the legs myself (mother gave me her sewing machine)
receded but not receding hairline, 2-step undercut with 3 on sides, nose length on top.
Computer Science/Mathematics
>loves thai food
>i luv puzzle vidya

oh, thought I was on tumblr for a sec

>> No.9694665

>7" and some change cock
>average girth
> but still a 5'8 manlet

It's an uncomfortable look. i wish i had a smaller dick that fit my profile better

>> No.9694667

everyone on /fa/ has small cocks
if your wondering what a fashionable dick size is its 7"+

>> No.9694693

comparing dick sizes is so fucking queer


>> No.9694726

I remember being on a bus, and the the girl sitting next me whispered to her friend that my willy was small (mesh shorts). A few days later I confronted her. She broke down sobbing in tears.

>> No.9694743

kek how old were you?

>> No.9694754

did you show her your katana?
I bet you showed her katana

>> No.9694761

How do you increase sexual stamina?

>have 7.5x5.5 inch dick
>always get comments on size
>however complete shit in bed
>they always complain that i stop suddenly but its because i cramp easily
>completely exhausted within 10min

I'm not even fat but this is fucking with me hard. How do i do better /fa/

>> No.9694793 [DELETED] 

daily jerking off session for a hour
just keep on jerking it until you are about to cum and stop
Maintain the erection and browse 4chan or your mom's facebook page, do homework etc
Then go it at again, keep jerking it until you are about to cum and stop
Do this for a hour which will be 7-8 times and at the end your dick will be about to explode and be your mushroom tip will be a big mess of a red mass
Then get that spoon full of peanut butter and smear it all over your dick
Bring in your dog and let him suck you off and cum all over his dog fur
then kiss him and tell him to fuck off

>> No.9694804

daily jerking off session for a hour
just keep on jerking it until you are about to cum and stop
Maintain the erection and browse 4chan or your mom's facebook page, do homework etc
Then go it at again, keep jerking it until you are about to cum and stop
Do this for a hour which will be 7-8 times and at the end your dick will about to explode and your mushroom tip will be a big red mass
Then get that spoon full of peanut butter and smear it all over your dick
Bring in your dog and let him suck you off and cum all over his dog fur
then kiss him and tell him to fuck off

>> No.9695096
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>> No.9695141


w2c pubes that shit is fire?

>> No.9695607

lmao fucking kek'd

>> No.9695894

Literally yes.
I am blessed with 6 personally. 7 would be nice, but anything above 7 as most women will tell you is unwieldy and half flaccid all the time.

That's what happens when half of the blood in your body goes to not your head/heart. You pass out. So it regulates, and decides you don't need quite that much.

>> No.9695923

link r9k into this,loser suicide should commence now

>> No.9695964

7x6 here. 6ft tall and skelly mode. Girls say it looks disproportionately big to the rest of my body.

>> No.9696021

fat people have better stamina during sex. Proved fact. Dunno why, something to do with hormones i'm not sure.