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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 49 KB, 300x300, belly-fat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9673433 No.9673433[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

yo /fa/ im a fat guy and i want to rock streetwear. Any idea what could fit me?
Not posting my gut so im gonna post someone elses gut

>> No.9673446

eat less and healthier, drink water instead of sodas, do some exercises. while u r not fat anymore start buying clothes. that's the only way.

>> No.9673452

are you fat or muscular fat?
Muscular fat people can pull it off

>> No.9673459


i always drink water when im thirsty. Yeh i fucking exercising man. I dont really hate doing it, but the preparation is the worst.

fat (in my opinion)

>> No.9673471
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>> No.9673486

it's fat af. there's no other option than eating less

>> No.9673496

what's up with the second picture, you in a fucking playstation game?

and i donno, just dress plain if you're fat, trying to be stylish will just bring more attention to yourself and you shouldn't want/need to

>> No.9673501

alright, are there any certain diets than eating less? I can cut out the fucking 2 croissants i ate today.

>> No.9673521

>are there any certain diets than eating less?

amphetamines, something ER like dexedrine

or alternatively, if you wanna work on respondent conditioning, eat a breakfast like two glasses of water, an apple, and a bowl of dry cheerios, have cigarettes and diet colas for lunch and take two percocet/vicodin for dinner

after a month, you wont wanna eat anything, and you're on your way to upsetting your parents and looking effay

good luck

>> No.9673528

"Diets" don't work, you finish them and then you get fat again.

Reduction in calories is how you get thin. I don't believe in cutting out any food groups or starving oneself. Eat your meals, just half the portion size and don't snack in between meals; over time your stomach will shrink making you less hungry and it will become exponentially easier.

Exercise, weights are good at burning calories and you can avoid cardio if you want (though I don't recommend it because cardio makes you feel good). This will not make you thin on its own it just helps, abs are made in the kitchen not the gym. Eat less and be happy.

>> No.9673545

I recently learnt that eating off dishes that are blue can help suppress appetite and can be helpful for dieting. Probably because from an animalistic level we associate eating something that is blue as poisonous. There are few foods that are naturally blue.

>> No.9673546

yeh im not gonna poison myself, sorry

i guess i will write everything i ate today on a paper. And count the calories.

>> No.9673550
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>"im not gonna poison myself"
>is fat and overeats

>> No.9673554

i dont eat chips or snacks all day. I overeat on, i dont know. Fruits and bread i guess

>> No.9673558
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well, overeat bread and look fat, or get high and look skinny

this is /fa/ not /fit/

>> No.9673563

Wish my boyfriend would lose some weight, he has god tier facial aesthetics, is 6' something, and has a good underlying body structure, but ruins it by being a bit tubby and careless with what he eats.

Might join the gym and have him tag along. I think he's just got anxiety about going to the gym and seeing other men that are stronger or fitter than him when you all got to start somewhere.

>> No.9673565

>gets fat on fruit and bread
Cmon son, dont lie to yourself. You know very well what you fucking eat and it aint fruits and bread that caused it.

>> No.9673575
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>yeh im not gonna poison myself, sorry

>> No.9673628

Fruit is really high in sugar. He could just be eating fuckloads of carbs and sugar. That would make you gain weight

>> No.9673642

Depends which fruit. Bananas are but berries and citrus fruit are pretty low.

>> No.9673655


I glutton on fucking grapes and apples. I could also get down with tangerines

>> No.9673775

Calorie counting certainly works, once you do it for a few months you will be able to instinctively estimate how much you eat/have eaten in a day so you can just do it off the top of your head

>> No.9673789

seconding this, and adding

you will feel like shit the first few days if you restrict your calorie intake but in a week once your blood sugar levels balance out you'll feel great

>> No.9673889

Brah, diets only finish when you want them to.

Just sayin.

>> No.9673967

Sounds like you eat "healthy" food. I bet you down Orange Juice like a boss and perservatives know your system better Russian teens know the joy/hell of anal play.

>> No.9673976

use the loseit app to count calories.

>> No.9673985

I can't agree about the snacking part. You should eat well proportioned meals with small snacks during the day. If you work out properly and intensely, you become fit faster. I don't know about getting thin, but what's the point of being lanky when you can be fit and thin.

>> No.9674010
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go clowncore

>> No.9674030

are you a fucking idiot
is this an american? i think so
diets aren't starving yourself nor eating less, some even include eating more, break out of your buzzfeed articles telling you juicedieting is healthy
just eat keto and enjoy your weightloss if you're not a fucktard that can't control your carb cravings

>> No.9674036

>Chemicals are poison
Back to mac donalds with you, fatty mcfatty.

>> No.9674038

Why assume he's american, people have shit diets all over the world now.

>> No.9674042

because i've mostly seen the diet this diet that explosion in america
i dont see anyone here 'filtering out toxins' by only drinking water/juice for 2 days

>> No.9674046

I don't think you look fat but that's me.

>> No.9674201

this is top kek anon, top fucking kek

>> No.9674214

not him but why?

low carb high protein works for me
allows me to eat very low calorie and not lose much muscle