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/fa/ - Fashion

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9656319 No.9656319 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not trying to be rude here but i genuinely want to know why you guys pay ~$3000 for a generic piece of clothing. On every waywt thread all of the outfits look like they could be bought at a thrift store for around 20 dollars but you guys spend thousands of dollars on a normal looking jacket and pants. Why?

>> No.9656331


What is quality/materials/construction

>> No.9656332

alot of the people in the waywt threads are poor-er so they often use thrifted stuff
thrifted =! bad though,
i sincerely doubt people here actually drop $3k on a single piece, i think the most expensive piece i've ever seen posted on here would be python geos which a guy estimated to be like 4.5k

>> No.9656335

you can tell the difference

>> No.9656336

does anyone REALLY care what material your clothes are made of though

>> No.9656341

leave please

>> No.9656344

at that price point I really don't think quality has scaled all the way to 3k a piece

>> No.9656345


It should only matter to you if you appreciate clothing and aren't a poorfag

>> No.9656352

>its okay eating at mcdonalds! its just like any burger you can get at a restaurant since its just meat between bread
>its okay driving a civic! its just like any other car since it takes you to point A to B

>> No.9656358

>On every waywt thread all of the outfits look like they could be bought at a thrift store for around 20 dollars

Because they actually are. If you think anyone on WAYWT has anything close to even ~1000$ outfits, you're retarded as fuck.

I do pay for expensive clothing, but I would never post on WAYWT. Why I pay for clothing? Unique design and superior materials and fit. When I put on my Belstaff leather jacket, I look like a god, when you put on your $500 leather jacket, you look like a bag of shit.

If you don't wear well-made clothes, you're wasting your good looks.

>> No.9656359


That's because you are also paying for the fit/cut/style of the clothing as well, basically paying for everything you can't buy that's poorfag tier

>> No.9656361

that's really different and cars are also the same. spending a lot of money on a car isnt acceptable either

>> No.9656365

maybe you don't post in the waywt because you're scared of the comments lol

anyone can lie on an jambonaise butter ranking board

>> No.9656366

how is food different?
shouldnt you be eating soylent since theres no aesthetics but you satisfying its core functionality which is fulfilling hunger and daily nutrients?

>> No.9656374


Yeah you absolutely get diminishing returns on price/quality, and so many people don't seem to understand this.

An increase in price will mean an increase in quality up to a point, but it tapers off and you pay for the brand with designer items. I mean, you're an idiot if you think your $2000 geoboxes which are made of leather from halal cows slaughtered by Rick Owens himself and stitched withstrands of saffron are significantly better quality than a good pair of ordinary leather boots

>> No.9656381

im sorry but its impossible to take any of you seriously, you're all so dumb is irreversible oh my god
makes it so much worse you actually think you have integrity

>> No.9656382

Why are clothes so expensive seriously tho

>> No.9656387


Wow you are so smart and cool

>> No.9656388

>you're all so dumb is irreversible

>> No.9656393

i didn't understand a single word

before talking about how superior you are, at least learn to write

tard lol

>> No.9656393,1 [INTERNAL] 

LOL you retards, this you

>> No.9656431 [DELETED] 

says the fa retard
yea ok

let me know when you actually make friends in real life and dont post on manga board talking about your new goth ninja fit

>> No.9656435

says the guy who posts on the same anime internet forum
Stop being such a gaying gay lord

>> No.9656438

do you have friends

>> No.9656444
File: 112 KB, 945x589, 1425177776858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you won't believe h-how much pussy I get everyday
but srs
fuck off you fat piece of neet and wear your sick old navy cops

>> No.9656453


haha go wear some old navy (that will teach him heh heh heh)

like i said beyong saving

>> No.9656479

sick reply bra
if you added some memes I would have replied with a "kek" or "lel" and would have screencapped to immortalize your post but your meme levels were too low
Sorry pls 4chan better next time kid
nothing personal

>> No.9656489

don't project so much kid. I've already posted myself in some threads here. I wouldn't touch WAYWT with a rake.

>> No.9656499

>better quality than a good pair of ordinary leather boots

Just that they're not leather boots. This is why you /mfa/ fags will never understand fashion.

>> No.9656502


>> No.9656515

Nobody can tell your clothes are "low quality" by looking at them

>> No.9656518

let me guess
still in high school?
>high schooler
>hurr durr ppl don't care about what you wear

>> No.9656522

maybe the poor people can't

>> No.9656531

they're advertised as boots and sneakers on multiple stores

also they contain an air pocket with rick owen's semen on each pair, which explains the pricing.

>> No.9656535
File: 59 KB, 150x192, 1341021837313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9656551



>> No.9656571

>"I don't know how be an adult!!!"
keep on digging that hole m8

>> No.9656573

1) They are sneakers officially.
2) There is a lot of differences in the design between even the highest quality black leather boots, and Geobaskets. If you can't recognize and appreciate these differences, then you don't belong on a fashion board.

This is like going to /fit/ and saying "hurr durr, why even lift weights, I can sit on the couch and also gain mass. What's the difference between fat and muscle anyway? Is there some Zyzz semen in muscle so that's why it's so hard to get?".

>> No.9656578

I can tell from a mile. You've obviously never owned any quality clothing, that's why you think that way.

>> No.9656592

being an adult means buying the right clothes? man I like looking nice, but /fa/s board philosophies are fucking retarded.

>> No.9656627

I just like the feeling of exclusiveness and success.

>> No.9656644


Because you're too stupid to understand them?

>> No.9656652
File: 11 KB, 150x150, 1362288220120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That's a strawman but my greentext wasn't

>> No.9656666

Phyton geos are only 1.2k retail

>> No.9656671

u mad bruh?

>> No.9656673


That's not me though

>> No.9656678



>> No.9656682


>> No.9656685

piss off

>> No.9656690

u scared bruh?
pussy ass hoe nigga

>> No.9656693
File: 499 KB, 580x580, scottish-knit-580_9066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm more into textures and textiles more than specific fits. A simple example are knits, a cheap polyester knit isn't going to come anywhere close to this.

>> No.9656761


Yes, the people who buy them do

Has it ever occurred to you that some people bought these things to impress themselves more than to impress others?

>> No.9656934

god damn I wish I could afford norse projects

>> No.9656947

the winter stuff is on sale right now.

>> No.9656950

aim higher and youll be swimming in nps

>> No.9656958

High quality materials are expensive, man hours spent constructing the garment, bricks and mortar are expensive, overheads are expensive, small runs of clothes are expensive, pattern making for original designs, textile design... list goes on.

>> No.9657415
File: 29 KB, 352x240, diehardarcade-8a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PRO-TIP: As with every board on 4chan, the wide majority of people on here are the absolute trash of society. Socially inept outcasts who live in their own mental construct, which is mostly dictated by their psychological complexes and internet "culture". Do not take anything you see/read on here seriously.

/fa/ggots think they look/dress nice, but in reality look like the misfits they are. Let them spend their parents' hard earned money on the entrapments of fashion cartels who cash in on them.

>> No.9657456


The people in WAYWT threads are all wearing cheapo shit. There are people on here spending multiple thousands on RO/CCP/MA+/whatever, but they sure as shit aren't posting in the WAYWT threads.

>> No.9657464

what nikes is the guy on the right wearing.

>> No.9657471

bad phone camera selfpics taken in the mirror might not necessarily broadcast all the details of a piece of clothing and even then some of the visible details might still be lost on you. they might be concerned about ethical labour or high quality textiles, other things that aren't immediately visible to you or to anyone else. how basic/generic/expensive something is isn't a good way of gauging how much enjoyment somebody is getting out of something, would their spending be justified if their clothes were flamboyant and loud? you also have to consider that they might be shopping at a different price bracket then you, while you might not find it fiscally responsible to buy a $400 t-shirt other people may not have to worry about an expense like that. many people are willing to pay a large premium for clothing that is a cut above what you'd usually see.

>> No.9657656

same. i'll just have to make do with my am appy (at least the designs are pretty modern nowadays)

>> No.9657704
File: 484 KB, 1280x960, 66 corvette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spending a lot of money on a car isnt acceptable either

You sound like a poor eurocuck who's never driven a car with 200+ hp

>> No.9657736

no but YOU should care about the quality of your clothes. I'm guessing you've never worn an expensive pair of jeans before, shit feels ca$h son.

>> No.9657967

Talk shit post fit faggot.

I've never understood why people lie on an anonymous Korean trolls foot forum.

>> No.9658007

Fashion is an exclusionary market

Clothes are rags that we adorn ourselves with to

a)hide our shame
b)protect ourselves from the world
c)show others how much better we are than them.

/fa/ is totally about c.

>> No.9658042

>my am appy

What's that?

>> No.9658624

Amish Apparatus