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/fa/ - Fashion

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9648164 No.9648164 [Reply] [Original]

I'm forced to dress like shit because I'm poor. Do you even know the pain, when you're actually stylish af, but can't show it?! Pure sadness it is.

>> No.9648168

just wear basics. this blog has a lot of well executed 2-poor-4-u basic fits, check the archive.

>> No.9648171

i'm not poor so i wouldnt know

>> No.9648172

That's pretty much how I live, but fuck, this shit gets me angry sometimes

>> No.9648185

>black jeans
>stan smiths
>white hanes tee
>long coat from thrift store

congrats you are now fashionable and on-trend.

there is actually no other point in history when it has been easier to be fashionable for less, try going back 400 years ago where you had sumptuary laws that literally made it ILLEGAL for you to wear certain colours and fabrics in order to aptly identify you as a poorfag.

>> No.9648324

>not thrifting or getting shit online

nah you look like shit bc ur lazy :~)

>> No.9648327

get a job

>> No.9648333

not hard to dress fashionably, live out of thrift shops and just cop basics plus the occasional splurge on shoes

>> No.9648345

>stan smiths
>$70 trainers
yes so cheap

>> No.9648350

If you ACTUALLY had any style, you could wear poor people clothes and still be stylish. You've mistaken slavish devotion to designer tags to be style. Fuck you, OP. You're cancer.

>> No.9648352

if you can't afford to spend 70 dollars on trainers you probably shouldn't be here. I work a minimum wage job and I'm in college and 70 dollars for shoes here is cheap asf. Stans cost 130 here

>> No.9648356

have to also be good looking for that to work well though

Poor people buy trainers that cost $20 mate

>> No.9648369

poor people often look like shit m8

>> No.9648374

yeah and if hes on fa presumably he wants to not look like shit
hence the thread

>> No.9648381


learn to diy shit, and dont be a trend hopping faggot.

if you are actually stylish you should be able to make what you want.

>> No.9648400

OP is just bitching this thread is a fucking waste of time, what OP wants is someone to show him a cheap solution that fixes his problems in a second because he's an autist that can't fucking think for himself. In reality if he wanted to look good for cheap he wouldn't be asking this board which largely consists of teenagers with disposable income. He should probably think for himself and learn to sew, find solid thrift shops in his area or just save his fucking money. If you have a fucking fashionable style money will not hold you back, you'll find a way to dress well for cheap, truth is OP probably thinks he needs all rick everything to look good.

>inb4 nice blog

>> No.9648413

This won't matter but I had my photo taken last week by a girl who is starting a fashion blog for my city. She said she'd only taken two other guy's photos this week so we spoke for a while about what I was wearing.

>A grey track jacket from River Island (£11 in a sale)
>A white t-shirt from KODXINV (69 Polish zloty, bought with money I got for my birthday)
>Black Uniqlo skinny jeans (£25 in a sale)
>Dr. Martens (£100 but I have had them for 6 years now)

I know most people will post and say I look like shit or something but basically what I'm trying to say is someone really liked an outfit that was really cheap.

>> No.9648421

in my opnion,theo is an inspiration to most of /fa/ because he is a good example of a well executed aesthetic while showing you don't need to break the bank to dress well

>> No.9648446

Do you happen to have any outfits with 'w2c' information of his saved?
Like, ones that show the total cost of the outfits as well as the individual costs of the items.
Im not explaining this very well.

>> No.9648473

Maybe his style doesn't ACTUALLY consist of shitty Hunter S. Thompson hawaiian shirts and Adidas vests.

>> No.9648487

oh like what you would see in a fashion magazine??

nah i don't think anyone really has those but you can check out his tumblr at
he's very helpful

however, when it comes to having a very limited income and fashion you have to be incredibly pragmatic and very smart about what you buy
don't buy shit simply because it's on sale or it's cheap or w.e. think about how you would wear a piece before you buy it and if it's going to fit into the aesthetic you're trying to achieve, this isn;t to discourage experimentation but, less money = less experimentation. also find avenues where you can get high quality clothes for very low prices, grailed used to be very good for this but, now it's just people trying to screw each other. if you really care about fashion as a hobby you won;t feel bad about dropping 100 on a shirt if you 1. actually want the shirt 2. is of high quality. there is no point in spending money on cheap shit that you don;t really want.
go out get a job, get two work your ass off so you can pay for the things you love to do

>> No.9648489
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he is wearing levis and old navy hoodie.

he does almost always wear expensive shoes but he does occasionally wear vans.

he has a really good camera and takes really good pictures. its not even about the cost he just seems so chill and un tryhard

>> No.9648528

get a job

>> No.9648557

Please tell me that's a girl on the left

>> No.9648673
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>mfw I can only afford uniqlos
I can only laugh at my suffering.

Ehh. Good thing I live in east asia. If I can't be /fa/, I'll just go with whatever basic tee and sweatpants around knowing I can get away with it because the country I'm in isn't such a /fa/ place to begin with. Cargo shorts are even just fine here.

>> No.9650552
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>> No.9650558
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>not pulling off old navy core

>> No.9650774

I earn $360/mo. I'm a pizza chef. How cool is that? I have to pay the rent, eat, live. I'm also studying at the moment. I can't buy shit online, because shipping costs more than the item itself. Our thrift shops are pure literal shit. Oh, and the clothing stores... We have like a few H&Ms and then hell knows what. Brandless clothes from 2013.
Anyways, how much would I earn as a pizza chef in the US? I'm fucking good at it.

>> No.9650786

>implying H&M can't be fashionable

>> No.9650801


>> No.9650822

ya this

op plz just go on sufu, sz, sf, or tumblr if u want and just find what u like and wear that

it's about feeling comfortable and dressing how /you/ want. otherwise it's just a costume

>> No.9650897
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It doesn't matter what you wear. if you're attractive, you'll look /fa/
If not, no expensive clothes will make u look good
Op confirmed ugly

>> No.9650905

>this is what badly dressed 6/10 people think

cleanliness is next to godliness

>> No.9650959

>It doesn't matter what you wear. if you're attractive, you'll look /fa/
>If not, no expensive clothes will make u look good
clothes helps a lot

>> No.9650971

H&M doesnt look bad for the most part, people just don't like it because it's generally low quality but if you're on a tight budget it's good

>> No.9650972

>stylish af
yeah fucking right

>> No.9650981

>theo's stuff is cheap

Let's check his last fits on tumblr
>adidas, y-3, reigning champ
>supreme, old navy, aa, undercover, y-3
>reigning champ, aa, if six was nine, rick
>supreme, cdg homme+, kapital, cps
>supreme, levi's, vans

I don't think you know what "cheap" and "being a poorfag" mean, my m8.

>> No.9651008

>poorfag here
i browse their website sometimes, i hate their stuff
also, i think the big fast fashion companies like h&m have shit quality compared to their prices
and if some piece will tear apart in 1 year i'll be very sad

>> No.9651024

This post frustrates me

>> No.9651035

Just make your own clothe, is not that hard. My mother is a seamstress and she taught me everything, its even cheaper to buy fabric and do it yourself

>> No.9651054

how much the fabrics cost you?
how much times does it take you?

>> No.9651157

being that h&m's stuff is cheap, how is the quality at all disproportional with the prices?

>> No.9651161

thrift sites m8 ebay has done me wonders

>> No.9651186


W2c a shirt like this so bad, can any kind fellow help me out?

>> No.9651203

with the same budget you can find better stuff than h&m

>> No.9651222

XL hanes shirt at walmart

>> No.9651249

Aw, boo hoo. Just shop at thrift stores where shit is cheap, you can make pretty decent outfits from there alone. Unless you're too poor to afford clothing and you're forced to walk around naked, you're not too poor for fashion

>> No.9651552

Second this, Search Designer, sort by newly listed, filter by price, happy shopping.

>> No.9651797

how do you know if it's real or fake

>> No.9651843

maybe good money if you worked in an actual pizza restaurant in the US rather than a chain

360 a month sounds like a bit more than I make at my part time minimum wage job, so just dont work at pizza hut or someplace like that

>> No.9651942

where the fuck do you live

>> No.9652056

prolly zimbabfrica

>> No.9652121
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if you have good taste you can dress nice regardless of money.

>outlets + ebay + second-hand + army surplus + no-name brands + china