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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 103 KB, 1024x976, Jpfydd7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9627031 No.9627031 [Reply] [Original]

>be rolling in money
>dress like shit

why are football players so tasteless /fa/?

>> No.9627034

Rafinha's fit is pretty good. Not outright offensive like the other ones

>> No.9627035

messi's lookin qt

>> No.9627036

Because what you consider shit isn't actually shit.

>> No.9627038

>football players

those look like soccer players

>> No.9627039

* why are all athletes so tasteless

I respect them for not paying a fucking stylist though like most celebrities

>> No.9627041

Messi is looking like a proud new father or something. So sensible, kind, and boring

>> No.9627043

Holy shit those guys play football?

They must be rolling in money mostly due to hazard pay.

>> No.9627044

What shoes is Nerman wearing?

>> No.9627050
File: 80 KB, 700x500, timbrasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

must only be american football players. australian footballers always look fuckin hot

>> No.9627058
File: 45 KB, 600x448, CBBm-tlXEAAFhgb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where to cop ronaldo's shoes?

>> No.9627059

kill yourself

>> No.9627068

fucking die fat american idiot

>> No.9627078

>those fuckin gold shoes.

Got me gold kicks
Goes with me gold Ak47 on CoD

This is fuckin /v/ tier.

>> No.9627102
File: 48 KB, 500x676, 968full-paolo-maldini-grande-capitano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all the football players

>> No.9627162


>> No.9627179


>> No.9627192

fuckin messi

the mans a world class athlete, looks like a complete doofus

>> No.9627203

>emaciated football players

>> No.9627204

because most of them didn't even finish high school, never learnt how to handle money and are completely overpaid.

>> No.9627214

because brazilians cant dress for shit
like the people but damn

>> No.9627221

Messi looks like the driver of a touringcar for the yearly trip of a British bridge club

>> No.9627261 [DELETED] 

Holmes, this is an American football player.

No European (including Australia) could ever deal with this.
That's why the rest of the world doesn't play real football. It would be Hiroshima all over again.

>> No.9627270
File: 44 KB, 600x656, danieladongo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holmes, this is an American football player.

No European (including Australia) could ever deal with this.
That's why the rest of the world doesn't play real football. It would be Hiroshima all over again.

>> No.9627294
File: 512 KB, 640x857, casual pirlo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

casual Pirlo is casual

>> No.9627299


they look like GTA characters

>> No.9627304

He is autistic/assburgers

>> No.9627307
File: 79 KB, 800x566, George Elokobi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a football player in Europe

>> No.9627345

The difference is the American's muscle is functional, because he does physical activities beyond tapping a ball with his toe.

>> No.9627355

the guy all the way on the right isn't TOO bad

>> No.9627369


Someone put that on him you dumb nigger...


>> No.9627372

that guy is africa black, he probably got that physic breaking lion jaws

>> No.9627377
File: 80 KB, 633x375, Beckham-HM-campaign-2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was gonna say David Beckham was /fa////

But other than his hair and maybe his tats... Dude looks pretty av.

Link related...


>> No.9627379

I can't unsee this now

>> No.9627388

which one is rafinha

>> No.9627403

right to left

Messi - Adriano - Douglas - Dani Alves - Neymar - Rafinha

>> No.9627406

messi looks like such a dad lmao

>> No.9627408

His muscle is atrophied, now that his new sport is pure cardio.

>> No.9627417

He already has a child and there is another one on the way. So I would say the look he has in that picture suits him and his personality quite well.

>> No.9627427

dani got my slp grails and hes making them look like complete shit

>> No.9627436

Rafinha>Douglas>Messi>Adriano>Dani Alves Neymar

You could say for Neymar that he has a nice suite under the leather jacket but the kicks ruined it.

>> No.9627479

>tapping a ball with his toe
What sport is this?

>> No.9627484

Aren't those soccer players? They look a little to gay to be football players.

>> No.9627492

Didn't he do a horrible modelling thing for H&M?

>> No.9627504

ah /fa/

hiding insecurities behind layers upon layers of clothing

>> No.9627562


You mean... Left to right?

>> No.9627572

yes, my bad.

>> No.9627580

He looks like an albanian mafia boss

>> No.9627835

Because they wouldn't be playing a pleb sport if they weren't plebs.

>> No.9627890

do you really need us to define young money for you?

>> No.9627909

Its like dad-Messi took all the huedren to a concert or something

>> No.9627912

blue blazer and all black are good

>> No.9627923
File: 79 KB, 659x960, 64189_10151656362636794_875110738_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Julian Draxler in Damir Doma

>> No.9627925
File: 171 KB, 620x453, raheem02_zpsd9ba69cf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627939
File: 20 KB, 500x330, hidetoshi nakata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627941

are u kidding?
obviously their stylist made them dress like this
u really think an athlete is going to wear saint laurent by choice?

>> No.9627949

what like stopping every 1 minute and charging once. and bundling on top of eachother and running? cool

>> No.9627954
File: 394 KB, 870x1538, honda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9627964

Interesting, now explain soccer.

>> No.9627986

Its expensive shit

>> No.9627991
File: 40 KB, 650x366, greg-inglis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not as muscly as your boy, but better at running at other humans.

>> No.9628034
File: 40 KB, 630x430, andrea-pirlo-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pirlo always killing it.

Sexy bastard

>> No.9628066

inglis would literally erase that cunt tbh
streetsmarts brah

>> No.9628198
File: 286 KB, 690x1173, estilosos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9628205

Truly smorked friendo

>> No.9628221
File: 93 KB, 634x599, 26E86B0400000578-0-image-a-138_1427072118471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9628226

>wearing a shirt

>> No.9628274

good wealthcore

>> No.9628330

God-tier fend.

NRL thread nao

>> No.9628464

kicking a ball, lots of pussies faking injury etc, the sports you can't really compare. but rugby, you can compare, which is european, and wins in the so called "MOST TUFF MOST PHYSICALLY DAMAGING" sport. either way i don't give a fuck but american football is a farce compared to rugby.

>> No.9629118
File: 124 KB, 968x644, john_carew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just loves purses.

Also, he has "Ma vie - Mes Regles" tattooed on his neck, which means "My life - My menstruation".

>> No.9630106

underrated post

>> No.9630121

minus the gold shoes, salmon pants, and earrings, they don't look like shit.

half of them look decent already, except for the awkward dude on the far left that can't button his shirt

>> No.9630144
File: 106 KB, 634x367, dhntolzklvgmwikvk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is italy the most effay team?

>> No.9630284

nice wealthcore fit though

>> No.9630299

They are actually dressed by Dolce & Gabbana

>> No.9630359

that awkward dude on the left is one of the best footballers of all time kek

>> No.9630361

>he doesn't know the GOAT

>> No.9630367


>GOAT implies he has won a world cup, kek

>> No.9630388

>needs to wear armor to protect his baby bones

>> No.9630413

>Ma vie - Mes Regles
Means "My life - My rules" you dumb fuck

>> No.9630483

He wanted 'Mes Régles' but he got the circumflex wrong, he actually has 'Mes Règles' which means my menstruations.

>> No.9630507

Ya but the word has 2 meanings, menstruation being one of them

>> No.9631055
File: 799 KB, 3110x2073, brismeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brismeet syndrome:
fits get shittier as you go to the center

>> No.9631624

Who's the one that looks like a xe

>> No.9631643

When you're rich, fit, and get all the pussy you want; you dress the way you like, not the way 4chan's fashion board tells you.

>> No.9631710

You're so wrong just shut the fuck up, bitch

>> No.9632893

Giuseppe Zanotti.

>> No.9632898


>projecting on the internet

>> No.9633252

let's see how you rank on rugby world cup this year

>> No.9633254

how is this even a question?

money can't buy taste obviously

>> No.9633257

balo lookin ballin

>> No.9633359

They seem to hire the same stylists as Asian pop stars.

>> No.9633370

No it's not.
>all black
>fugly ass shoes

>> No.9633375

Except it actually is.

>> No.9633398
File: 42 KB, 650x366, GreenMachine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, this. Inglis would fucking fend that americunt into the dirt. Inglis fucking kills people on field. 1.95m tall, weighs 110kgs of lean muscle

Vid related

>> No.9633411
File: 959 KB, 956x1600, 1427110875767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thread needs more Pirlo.

>> No.9633415

>implying any of that matters once I pull out my glock 27

>> No.9633420

>implying any of that matters once I pull out my pipe bomb

>> No.9633454

Yeah he actualy do dress pretty well at times, atleast for a footballer/multimillionaire.

It can also be read as "my menstruation". It made a big fuzz in the media over here, lots of people had their say and experts concluded that both translations were correct, I believe.

>> No.9633455

He and Zidane are my fav players of all time

>> No.9633457

Corr. I ment to reply to this guy:

>> No.9633474

glock is the only brand that always demands a resounding "meh"

wow glock 43...meh

glock 27...qc issues meh

even holding their mainstay 17/18 is meh, aming a brick down range, racking a round the slide even "mehs"

stippling is.....there....

"glock, it is what it is"

a colt 45 on the other hand......just fucking feels good in the hand

i learned to shoot pistols on a colt 45 and it was just so fucking natural

first fucking shot with a colt makes you fall in love with firearms,

from a how the fuck do you work this thing to a bang, satisfying clank for the target (metal playe 45 yards) to the natural recoil

glock 17 just never felt GOOD

people always argue that you have to just "get used to a glock" but 300 rounds later....it's just not a satisfying weapon nor would i stake my life on one in a situation that demands a firearm

magazine capacity is nice, but 9 rounds is more than enough im not going to war. just defending my fam/ varmint hunting

>> No.9633512

>tfw french
>tfw didn't know this

thanks, you've possibly saved me from writing an embarrassing email to my colleagues

>> No.9633653

Messi is so goddamn cute

>> No.9633674

>Anonymous 03/29/15(Sun)00:57:24 No.9627214▶
>>>9627031 (OP)
>because brazilians cant dress for shit
This is so damn true. I love brazilians but they are by far the most unstylish nation of all time.

>> No.9633676


Rugby union is way better

>> No.9633681

>>Anonymous 03/29/15(Sun)00:57:24 No.9627214▶
>>>>9627031 (OP) (OP)
>>because brazilians cant dress for shit
new maymay?

>> No.9633736
File: 107 KB, 655x770, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok inbred looking fatass, go away now.

>> No.9633743

Don't talk to based sieg like that or he'll roll over you

>> No.9633785


did someone photoshop that dudes neck?

>> No.9633789

The guys on the ends aren't that bad

>> No.9633799

kek 9/10 for the unexpected agressiveness yet accurate insult

>> No.9634215

Because they still get pussy irregardless of how they look. Just look at balotelli.

>> No.9634218

Mfw I dress like red pants guy on some days.

>> No.9634362

I mean I get that y'all see american football as pussy because pads are worn, but in the defense of the sport there are more hits in football, done in a different way as well, and honestly I find rugby to be absolutely retarded but also really fun. I mean jesus christ sometimes you have to draw a line between being a manly cunt and not having constant concussions and broken bones.

>> No.9634381

