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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 31 KB, 220x302, Terryrichardson01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9615427 No.9615427 [Reply] [Original]


Why is Terry Richardson so cool and likeable? I really want to dislike him, but I just can't help myself.

>> No.9615436

Because he's honest and upfront. He likes to fuck young models and isn't ashamed of taking advantage of them.

>> No.9615438

you cant hate someone you wish you could trade places with.

envy if anything, but not hate.

>> No.9615560

Nailed it.

>> No.9615581
File: 214 KB, 960x960, 10420778_1395242290791978_6143510537086792746_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty jealous of fashion photographers. You get to make your money taking photos of horny 17yos who will literally lick your asshole for fame

this is kind of why I don't go after girls who dress well. The ones who dress like they go to Church are always more innocent and worth your time

>> No.9615590

>this is kind of why I don't go after girls who dress well. The ones who dress like they go to Church are always more innocent and worth your time

Correction: You are unable to get laid with the girls who look good and dress well, and this makes you uncomfortable. You deal with this by telling you that you're better off with the not-so-hot and more accessible "church girls". You are then able to be content with bedding the lower hanging fruit instead of trying to reach higher and fail.

>> No.9615599

I'm sure nothing I'll say will make you believe otherwise. Girls who dress well are easy, at least in the US (Seattle particularly). I'm not sure why but if you tease them they'll instantly hop on your dick, but they're not fun in the long run at all.

>> No.9615622


sometimes i feel like this about my roommate
like anytime theres an objectively attractive/hot chick on tv or out and about or something and i comment on her he's usually got something negative to add on like 'i dont like her such and such' and cool whatever maybe shes not your type or whatever but still, hot chicks are hot. like, i think you might just think that those types of chicks would never go for you so now its this whole fox and the grapes situation. id bone a frumpy ass homely chick too but id sooner snog the girl with huge bazongas that dresses well and smells pretty.
like fuck man. a hot chick is a hot chick.

>tfw hes the one whos been a relationship the past few years
>i havent even gotten laid in more than 2 years
>im the least happy person out of all the people i know
>all 3 of them.
>sometimes you feel like you're doing everything right in life
>but wheres the payoff?
>when does it end
>it isnt a longing for death
>it's a need to stop life.

>> No.9615624

I feel you brah.

>> No.9615633

I believe you. I just applied something I regularly see here. <3

>> No.9615641

Yeah. It's about reducing something called "cognitive dissonance" in psychology, by cognition modification.

Sounds to me like you could use someone to talk to, bro

>> No.9615643

What I love about him is that he's a proof for the concept that you're as good as you think you are.

This guy is ugly, dresses like shit, has tattoos that look like he got them ironically and just between us guys - he just takes photos of people. There's literally no way to really distinguish his photography from that of any other photographer.

But NON of it fucking matters because he knows he's the shit.

>> No.9615673

learn to find happiness within yourself brah, you can't rely on other people/events

>> No.9615698
File: 16 KB, 458x451, patrick bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find happiness in yourself before you go full on Patrick Bateman.

It may be Hip to be Square, but not hip to be TOO square.


>> No.9615700

You only find him likable because he's a sociopath, just like you, yet he somehow managed to get hot girls to fuck him. But he could only manage to do so through sleazy methods - promising fame to those who suck their dick. Nobody would fuck him if he wasn't a famous photographer with connections. He's ugly as fuck. So that is who you admire, an ugly man with a shit personality who managed to fuck models (by taking advantage of them, of course). And you now delude yourself into thinking he's likable, because you too are ugly with a shit personality, yet you want to somehow fuck models like he does, regardless of how deplorable the means are to do so.

Also, didn't he photograph himself fucking a sheep? Very "likable," indeed.

>> No.9615707


i keep telling myself that and i keep trying but, HOW?

i really dont know how to allow that

>> No.9615733

dont listen to these retards with their 'happiness within yourself'. you need a super effective super quick fix RIGHT now, and that is usually a girlfriend. srsly, dates and all that shite, sseeing your gf and possibly having sex will fix your biochemical brain shit like no other thing will.

>> No.9615753
File: 72 KB, 640x868, rainbow kush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be extremely depressed and sort of lost in direction.

Then I smoked pot with a friend, and now I've almost completely changed mentally. Call me a stoner hippie, but it honestly helped me a lot.

>> No.9615755

You seem to be in a real depression, or at least a place you shouldn't be in and don't have to be in. I think talking to a therapist could help you.

Another life is actually possible.

>> No.9615768


>> No.9615777

> a place you shouldn't be in and don't have to be in.
not him
but that's me
im terrified of just one thing
actually turning back right now, you know
disappointing family and clan and all that shit
going nowhere in life
think about suicide everyday, even worse - I started thinking about killing other people before I do off myself
I just need someone who I will love and who will love me back

>> No.9615802

nice trips.

Well, you know, it's actually completely possible to change the way you are. One thing I've learned from studying psychology at Uni is that human behavior is very malleable.

When I've felt really down, I found comfort in realizing that I'm so very wrong about a lot of things about myself - in the sense that I'm so much better at things and more meaningful than I often realize. The thought that I, and you, could have an actual rich and happy life is really motivating to me.

That kind of life can be like trying to imagine a new color when you're down, and that's why it's so mindblowing and powerful. I like that.

I've spent some time writing this now, for you, and I want you to know that you can change the way you are, and your situation. You just have to give it all you got, because you deserve to feel good.

Therapist/psychologist/friend/family member/online communities.

>> No.9615804
File: 114 KB, 500x375, Hello Life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You need to relax in nature and smoke some weed. Seriously though, it can be life changing.

I went from a hateful piece of shit that wished death upon people. but now I honestly want to help them.

>> No.9615805

Yeah but then when she dumps him it'll all come back plus interest

>> No.9615819

These are the rapists judging your fits, /fa/.

>> No.9615826

Stop telling people to start smoking weed to deal with depression. I've had too many friends try that and instead just worsen their life. Stoned shut-ins not interested in anything.

People with depression require activation, socialization, meaningful activities, sometimes medicines, and often therapy.

>> No.9615829

I do it socially, not by myself.

>> No.9615836

yeah that was what happened to me tbh
I'm >>9615777
still, it was good, it was SO fucking good jesus christ I'm grateful I had those experiences at the right time of my life
but now ofcourse I'm fucked up cause we broke up like 1.5 years ago.

weed doesnt do shit for me. I dont know. also nobody to get it from and nobody to smoke it with.

>> No.9615838

>socialization, meaningful activities
depressed people need to smoke a doobie and then do these.


>> No.9615845

why no response


>> No.9615861

You obviously haven't smoked weed for a long period of time, not that it's something to be proud of. You get anxious and incredible silent when socializing while high.

>> No.9615865

Oh, well, sorry mate. I know most of that shit, I know that I can make myself feel better, we're all just brains and body with chemical activity in it we can manipulate with various methods, substances, practices etc. I'm jsut extremely fucked up somewhere, a little bit of anxiety, a little bit of everything, no gf, I dont see any perspectives in my future, have no passions or interests to pursue etc. wasting my time and my parents' money to get 'education'.

I consider just taking a chunk of money I will be sent to pay for education and going on a backpacking trip to thailand and some other south east asian countries or something. because if I dont change something drastically I will become another autismo, who will kill somebody before he kills himself

>> No.9615874


i cant smoke, it makes me paranoid and anxious instead of calming me down and doesnt allow me to enjoy anything any better.

ty i started going to counseling and that really helped

i think lately my biggest thing is realizing that pretty much everything comes down to me. and only me, my friends and family can be proud and supportive to an extent but my own happiness and success doesnt come from anyone else but me. and that's kinda been a real big thing for me to realize and come to terms with.

but fuck it, yall niggas have been super helpful. of course i can get over this and actually start to be happy with myself someday soon.

>> No.9615920

>of course i can get over this and actually start to be happy with myself someday soon.

that's the spirit

I hope you have a good life


>> No.9615950

I hate him for promoting the overexposed polaroid aesthetic of ironic obscenity and glamorized cheapness.

Basically for allowing Miley Cyrus and Cara Delvingne to become "cool" through second-degree grossness.

>> No.9616093
File: 174 KB, 1200x1200, miley-cyrus-bangerz-album-cover_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you talking about... AESTHETICS???

>> No.9616121

Even if that was the case, Im happy and thats all that matters. Take your pseudo-phsycology shit back to reddit.

>> No.9616142

Or do those and not smoke weed. Less chance of growing bitch tits.

>> No.9616175

only if you have issues that are causing you to be anxious and incredibly silent.

i have been smoking for years, and while i have had times like that, they were because i wasn't facing something that was wrong in my life.

generalizations like that can't really be applied to any drug, everyone reacts differently to each one

>> No.9616640

because most rapists are very charming.

>> No.9617400

photographers are the most overpayed, talentless, futile shits in the universe

but damn I would give anything to be in TR's position

>> No.9617740

Not pseudo-psychology.

Cognitive dissonance, and thought processes related to it and the modification of it, is very established.




>> No.9617788
File: 196 KB, 1300x853, aabush_purple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait that's depression?
heck I can't recall last time I actually felt happy, was probably somewhere in high school, nowadays it's just getting through the day, day after day.

I don't think I'm depressed though, I'm just in a situation where I have no sense of direction in life and I feel trapped/stuck. Hopefully that'll change when I finish uni
>at least two more years of uni to go

>> No.9617822

at least you're at uni lad
this neet living has broken me

>> No.9617854

I'd rather be a neet at times, right now I'm just doing what's being expected from me

>> No.9617941

tips armchair psychology

>> No.9617997

>not wanting "church girls"
wtf is wrong with you? are you that much into degenerate used goods?

Cute, innocent girls who actually have interesting stuff to talk about are the best.

>> No.9618030


I am in the process of becoming a psychologist though <3

>> No.9618039

>going to a liberal arts graduate for life consultance

>> No.9618286

It's a 5-year program to become a clinical psychologist. This program is one of the hardest to get accepted to in the country, together with our med school and lawyer school. I'll provide mental healthcare to patients. I'll also probably make about +5k a month in private practice so...

I wouldn't have any troubles accepting life consultation from that kind of person.

What are you doing with your life? :)

>> No.9618302

why would i want to trade places with an old piece of shit hack like terry?

>> No.9618309

you think as a clinical psychologist you are able to judge other human beings with more expertise than others
you're fooling yourself
have fun reading the DSM's and applying it to everyone who vaguely show signs of whatever condition you're willing to assign to them.

>> No.9618333

lol all these passive aggresive smileys and hearts

U type like some1 trying not to seem mad but ur doing a bad job @ it

>> No.9618360 [DELETED] 

Well, of course. We're studying rather intensely for several years to become experts on the processes governing human behavior. It's not like it's completely arbitrary. We're starting to get a really well-founded picture of how humans work from a biological (neurological) and evolutionary perspective, rather than the pseudo-scientific navel-gazing that early psychology is known for.

Pathologies aren't

If any patient experience problems in their lives that they want to have fixed, then a diagnosis can sometimes be meaningful and helpful to them, in terms of understanding themselves and managing their problems. It is also the key that allows us to give them certain kinds of treatment (both psychotherapy and medicine).

>> No.9618364

Well, of course. We're studying rather intensely for several years to become experts on the processes governing human behavior. It's not like it's completely arbitrary. We're starting to get a really well-founded picture of how humans work from a biological (neurological) and evolutionary perspective, rather than the pseudo-scientific navel-gazing that early psychology is known for.

If any patient experience problems in their lives that they want to have fixed, then a diagnosis can sometimes be meaningful and helpful to them, in terms of understanding themselves and managing their problems. It is also the key that allows us to give them certain kinds of treatment (both psychotherapy and medicine).


>> No.9618373

just fyi:

this post:
was completely benevolent.

the "<3" was used to SEND LOOVE to the other person. did you read the actual text in the post?

you know, some people actually wish good things upon others

>> No.9618396

you know he actively shoots actual editorials for big magazines, right? yeah, he just takes effortless snapshots but he isn't trying to display some master art effort with them.

hes obviously famous for his old controversial photos though.

>> No.9618611

which model is that?

>> No.9619816

somebody just finished reading Nietzche

>> No.9619884

>17 year olds
really did this actually happen?

>> No.9619916

how can you not like this guy?

>> No.9620554

Bro just ignore the trolls.

>> No.9622481

Tyler the creAtor told this guy to fuck off in the oldie video.

>> No.9622525

that was really funny, I remember that