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/fa/ - Fashion

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9580067 No.9580067[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone else hate niggers and kind of just accept they're inferior ape like subhumans? actually scratch that, apes arent as bad as niggers.

>> No.9580072
File: 9 KB, 236x164, 52e51cf45fa070e3fb763883cbc1298a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes :D

>> No.9580081

...no? Who the hell has time to go around being a dick to everyone who's slightly different than them, anyway? Find a hobby, mate, PLEASE.

>> No.9580083
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>tfw living in a country with no niggas
>schooltrip to italy
>class sees nigga
>they take pics with nigga

>> No.9580088


nigga is what niggers and wiggers say online

>> No.9580091

go back to reddit faglord

>> No.9580094

Oh right, I forgot, /fa/ is full of basement-dwelling NEETs who have never actually been outside or interacted with anyone outside their immediate family. Apologies, carry on.

>> No.9580098

Not all blacks are niggers

This thread is kill anyway, so /thread/

>> No.9580099

if anything the basement dwellers would be more accepting of them. the truth is anyone who goes outside sees that the vast majority of them are completely deserving of their stereotypes.

>> No.9580104
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lmao get a load of this fucking faggot lads? the only fucking losers who like niggers are sheltered liberal cucks who've never met one. no faster way to make someone hate niggers than to have them interact with a fucking nigger.

>> No.9580110

THIS! a million times THIS!

Why do racists and bigots think they can come to this board and own the place? This is 4chan, I understand it's culture and history but please, it's 2015, I thought we would of developed as a community, especially on a fashion board where the community is probably over 50% LGBT.

so PLEASE, i cannot stress this enough PLEASE keep your bigoted comments to yourself

signal boost

>> No.9580111

most people hate niggers, its science, you're dumb if you dont hate niggers.

>> No.9580121

Where are you guys? Here in Chicago, blacks and whites are pretty equally stupid (at least from my experience). There's a few non-jackasses of both shades though. Wherever the hell you guys are, it might be weighted more towards black people.

>> No.9580123

>fashion board where the community is probably over 50% LGBT.
did you pull this out of your ass

>> No.9580129

smaell penis white loser detectd

>> No.9580130

nice anecdotal no one cares

its called a joke, reddit0r