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File: 72 KB, 680x1022, y4xroe33aobocar0yeew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9529206 No.9529206 [Reply] [Original]

Price of the "yeezy season1" has been revealed. What does /fa/ think ?


>> No.9529221
File: 99 KB, 960x720, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knitwear will begin at €800 and wind up in the neighborhood of €1,500
>outerwear will start at around €1,600 and reach a staggering €3,500.
>underlining these steep prices, however, is absolutely top-notch quality that will give luxury houses a run for their money

Who remembers Kanye saying he wants everyone to be able to buy his products?
Kanye is a fucking joke, a complete hack, he has no place in the fashion industry.

>> No.9529225

"Everyone will be able to buy my clothing"

>> No.9529228


I don't show interest nor plan to buy anything made by a nigger whatsoever.

I don't support his music, i don't support his clothes. He has no place in the fashion industry, neither are the clowns buying his stuff.

>> No.9529245

what the fuck ye

>> No.9529266

Why would anyone drop that much money on Ye? At that price point, I can shop for an actual good quality designer that will look better, and have a better level of craftsmanship.

This stuff is literally marketed to richboi Asians because no one else is dumb enough to drop money on this shit.

>> No.9529267

not copping/10

>> No.9529279

>tfw having to sell car to afford adidas

>> No.9529299

how will a adidas collab produce the quality theyre talking about

absolute bs
and its ugly and a ripp off of other shit


>> No.9529315

>Each piece is made in Italy at some of the world’s best factories, using only the finest materials.

>> No.9529330

>adidas can only use chinese sweatshops they use for their shit tier shoes for everything they produce
ur fucking dumb

>> No.9529334


>Paying €3000 for something made in a factory.

>> No.9529367

adidas fucks him

>> No.9529407


Kanye would have spoken prices before designs.
If Kanye was srs about making things cheap and accessible, he would have investigated other options.

>> No.9529412

Absolutely nothing that is produced in a factory deserves to be that expensive. Especially when it's ripping off other designs.

>> No.9529416

tell kanye that on twitter


>> No.9529420

>I don't support his music

>> No.9529422

The thing is, it will still sell.

Which disgusts me to an extent, but then again, Kanye is a fuccboi sweetheart on every level.

>> No.9529441


Only to gooks. Even young-money hardcore fuccbois I have spoken to say that the prices are ridiculous and they would rather drop that money or Rick / YSL / Yohji.

>> No.9529476


I can only see rich brown people buy his products, and that's a small market.

If you count the gay brazilian millionaires and 50 years old african-american hip hop producers, that's still a niche market.

>> No.9529490

Kanye is legitimately autistic, he lacks the self awareness to realize what his comments mean in the real world.

>> No.9529514

adidas set the prices, not him

>> No.9529526

yeah, exactly, he's LITTERALLY said this, and in that last zane lowe interview he mentioned he was gonna try and get shit fixed for season 2

>> No.9529532

Fucking stupid im officially sick of ye

>> No.9529545

why wouldn't you just buy rick for that price?

>> No.9529553

I'm copping the 350's but fuck I thought he said he was making affordable what does this guy think affordable clothing is

>> No.9529874

lmao exactly. Kanye is a joke in the fashion industry.
Rip off other designers, ASPIRE to be fucking Zara-lite, still price your junk clothes at hundreds for fucking knock off hoodies with holes in them.
Cmon man, cmon...

>> No.9529878

Yeah I wanna take things I like to wear, aka ripping off other designers, and give them to the masses at a reasonable price... Aka not reasonable at all.

>> No.9529883

guhhhhh its not my fault my fashion line failed its adidas cuz I didnt set the prices and gave up control or didnt get control to do that buhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.9529917

This guy looks like he just climbed out of a dumpster. This is fashion?

>> No.9529935

what the actual fuck

>> No.9529941

correction it's yeezy season 1 lol! not just adidas :)

>> No.9529942

o damn i really like that black chicks vest. everything else ive seen has been really crappy.

>> No.9529952

A lot of new money chinks and white kanye dick suckers will buy it

>> No.9529954

yeezy is trying to hard, idk why he did his line with adidas except to cut costs. if he truly wanted to be recognized in the fashion scene couldn't he start an own label. he sure has money to invest i guess.

>> No.9529967

Nigga's a billionaire, so it's pretty obvious he's out of touch. Dude probably thinks Visvim is cheap.

>> No.9529994

As a new money chink, I can attest to this man's sound judgement

>> No.9530210

>dont support his music

you must have shit taste

>> No.9530217

literally plebs

>> No.9530221


>> No.9530222

no ur the plebe m8 until proved otherwhys :^)

>> No.9530230


>> No.9530236

>implying pleb isnt a meme

we're all just shitposting here bruv

god bless

>> No.9530237

Lol the comments
>well, seems like I gotta go back to balmain, margiela and zegna. adidas is too expensive for me

>> No.9530263


>> No.9530268

pleb is the original shitpost. go away shitposter.

>> No.9530448

So because he doesn't listen to Kanye he has shit taste in music? Fuck outta here.

>> No.9530472
File: 73 KB, 594x396, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off

nothing wrong with factories


>> No.9530671

come on yeezy

>> No.9530688

>daily reminder that he's tried not once, but twice before to be "high-end designer"

>daily reminder he failed twice



This will fail too.

>> No.9530739

>paying thousands for knockoff pieces "designed" by nigger manlet

>> No.9530819

>nothing wrong with factories
unless those factories are in third world countries filled with underpaid workers.

>> No.9530897

Kanye West is better than Helmet Lang, Rick Owens & Raf Simons. He is the hero the the fashion industry needs but doesn't deserve.

>> No.9531193

800 euro for a knit isn't what is necessarily bad, it's just if its 800 euro, I'm going to buy something from a high fashion brand, and not from a made in china adidas colab

Putting aside whether Kanye or not is a bag of dicks, the adidas name and quality that comes with it doesn't demand that price point

>> No.9531202

you guys keep talking about Adidas's quality but it was good enough for Rick and Raf. and everyone is cool with spending hundreds on that collab

>> No.9531206

underpaid workers who determined working at the sweatshop is better than whatever other options they had, all on their own. cry somewhere else socialist.

>> No.9531247

Lol, everything in this probably cost <$2 to churn out. Not to mention Kanye West is probably a good contender for the stupidest, most ignorant person alive

>> No.9531255



i strongly disagree with your post

>> No.9531262

But for knits and jackets... we've only had pricey kicks before and that's palatable but adidas isn't known for their quality outerwear etc. I think it will sell well because there are a large number of cashed up consumers who aren't necessarily there for the quality but the recognition/hype. It's sad

>> No.9531267

this shit looks like down syndrome 90s helmut lang

>> No.9531271
File: 1.74 MB, 400x372, mother banana protecting its young.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being cucked by a black manlet

>> No.9531272

adidas certainly has the ability to make high quality shit....

>> No.9531280

and it's more expensive than archival helmut lang incl pigfuck tax
: - D

>> No.9531301

Tbh, it's probably going to be contacted to a/a bunch of Italian factories that will make them. It would surprise me if they're not the same ones that also make clothes for other high end designers

>> No.9531305

Kayne's cool and all and the clothes was also p cool but I'd pay tops $100 for any of those pieces. For those price points I'd rather buy rick somthin.

>> No.9531373
File: 41 KB, 470x313, unnamed (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I really wanted one of those knits. And some of the jackets were kinda cool

>> No.9531525

>At that price point, I can shop for an actual good quality designer that will look better, and have a better level of craftsmanship.

Sounds exactly like something that would be said in a Windows vs Apple debate. It's simply a status symbol.

>> No.9531604

If you seriously think that Kanye has no say whatsoever how the collections is priced as the designer then you need your head checked.

In the event that Adidas actually doesn't alllow him to say jack shit about the pricing then his previous critiscism against Nike for constraining him when he was working with them is actually hilarious since he was singing Adidas praises for the freedom, and then it turns out he doesn't even have a say in pricing.

Ridiculous how he talks like he want to make pricing on zara levels and they end up way up there with most expensive designers, for what's essentially a collection of knockoffs.

>> No.9531636
File: 187 KB, 965x1280, tumblr_njwpsjECAa1smny82o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Margiela in '98. Can anyone source any other images from the runway?

It looks incredible similar. I'm ok with Kanye being derivative in this sense, but when he hypocritically goes against his ethos and charges more than the original work that he is inspired by it's just absurd.

>> No.9531643

OOPS *Helmut Lang

>> No.9531653 [DELETED] 

its shit
and anyone who likes it is shit

>> No.9531660 [DELETED] 

its actually good that it has a high price point, the only 'people' who like this shit are poor teenagers and blacks, by alienating his core audience with high prices kanye is ensuring it will flop. this is positive.

>> No.9531666

You forgot newmoney asians

>> No.9531675

good for elitists like me

>> No.9531684 [DELETED] 

i think most of them have a little more sense than to spend their money on kanye wests latest 'offering'

the only people who will buy this are blacks who smehow have money, tasteless 'mixed' children and misguided brainwashed whiteys.

>> No.9531696

Asians are the most hypebeast niggas alive are you serious

>> No.9531699 [DELETED] 

yeah but for kanye west? idk most asians have a negative opinion of blacks

you see many tragic fashion victim asians rocking yeezys and watever else? i dont

then again i dont follow this manlet moron and his filth so who knows who is buying it.

>> No.9531710

lows only €190?
will def cop

who the fuck will pay €800 for some knitwear though

>> No.9531712

Not urban asians they flock to the culture

>> No.9531716 [DELETED] 

stupid people like you

>> No.9531718

except with more money

>> No.9531729

This is what the normal under 21 asian looks like

>> No.9531736
File: 78 KB, 960x655, hypebeasts-yeezy-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.9531741

in no way similar

just because he also incorperated bullet proof vests means nothing
even Krissvanassche did that fw14

they have literally nothing in common

>> No.9531743

hahahaha yeah thats how it works

>> No.9531758 [DELETED] 
File: 50 KB, 435x640, fuckhead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a fucking retard
holy fuck i wish you would stop posting

the kanye bp vest is a 1:1 copy of this helmut iteration

everything is the same, even the contrast velcro

you're an ugly dumb faggot

>> No.9531761

i know it's the same

it's one piece you mong

just because dior homme uses derbies every year, doesn't mean its the same collection god dammit

>> No.9531763

Except those kva vests didn't have the same obvious similarity to the Helmut ones..

>> No.9531767

After the tantrum he threw about wanting to get into fashion, you'd expect something a bit better

>> No.9531769

KVA is as much of a fraud as Kanye is

>> No.9531770

i mean have you even seen the show?
completely different from anything hl has ever done

>> No.9531775


>> No.9531776

I mean the menswear is derivative garbage but the womenswear is a joke, is that the best he could come up with?

>> No.9531778 [DELETED] 
File: 1.40 MB, 4256x3447, wide hips small dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

arguing earnestly with people as stupid as you is a futile exercise so i am just going to insult you and make fun of your appearance and intelligence.

nice acne
nice hips
nice brain function
nice inability to properly analogize a comparable similarity
nice having the personality of a cardboard box
nice knowing that if you stopped posting today no one would care
nice feminine penis that you're ashamed of
nice erectile dysfunction
nice never made a woman climax

>> No.9531780

It's a simple google away holy shit how are u that useless, just google "Kris van assche fall/winter 14 menswear"

>> No.9531781

literally the first result

>> No.9531784
File: 16 KB, 333x517, 8b0fdb78_hpafsIpl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You guys know my influences. I’ve got four influences and it’s written all over the face, you know the combination. Just as much as Drake is influenced by Kanye West, you know my influences. You see Raf Simons right there, you see Helmut, you see Margiela, you see Vanessa [Beecroft], you see Katharine Hamnett. It’s blatantly right there. I’m not going to try and act like I was influenced by a dog walking down the street that broke its ankle that I had a heartfelt discussion with. I had a heartfelt discussion with all of these Helmut Lang images that I stared at for so many years. I had a heartfelt discussion with my Tumblr." - http://www.style.com/trends/fashion/2015/kanye-west-adidas-originals-interview

it's blatantly and unabashedly helmut

>> No.9531785

Nice fit!

>> No.9531786 [DELETED] 

>I had a heartfelt discussion with my Tumblr
there are people out there who EARNESTLY believe that this man is talented and intelligent.

let that sink in.

hell they browse this board.

>> No.9531787

aha dumb fag
it's obviously Helmut inspired u fag, look at the other outerwear

oh that's right ur FUCKEN delusional and the only thing u know about fashion is common projects Achille lows

>> No.9531791

Why price something so high that is this blatant?

>> No.9531793

someone link his tumblr please

>> No.9531795

Because they can, and sadly it will all probably sell at release

>> No.9531796

because with west's name attached it'll still sell, adidas knows it

i dont think it's public. probably blends right in with 100000 other fashion blogs reblogging archival helmut, raf, margiela

>> No.9531797

You can't really expect someone who looks like a massive fashion victim and a tool to know anything about actual fashion m8 don't be too harsh on him.

>> No.9531800 [DELETED] 

dumbapemorondeludedintothinkinghestalentedwheninrealityheszogmarketingandpropgandadevice. tumblr.com/

>> No.9531814


pgiafuck you need to calm down

you need to realize that this board is mostly composed of underrage or people under 20, or even worse : asians

for me asians, not as creators, but as clothes wearers, are the cancer killing fashion, they have no taste whatsoever and usually dress with the latest meme and hype clothes, or straight out copy niggers, not to mention they're manlets 99 % of the time

which is useless because it's not the clothes that makes the man shine, it's the man inside the clothes

but still i'm going places, what i truely don't understand is why pasty white lanklets would buy clothes made by a nigger, which not only look atrocious, but are extremely overpriced

>> No.9531817
File: 512 KB, 946x1846, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you really spend the time to type this out?


are you just mad that some black guy raped you when you were 12 and you never recovered?

what's with the long face haha
(get it? your face is freakishly long lol)

go and sell some dumb shit to asians so you can keep paying your mom th 200$ rent she charges for the back of the trailer

>> No.9531819

turning brown nosing into a competitive sport

>> No.9531825 [DELETED] 


>> No.9531828

ispired yes
but in no way should these two runway shows be used in the same sentence

one was revolutionary
the other a hack thinking he can buy his way into the industry

>> No.9531833 [DELETED] 

>but still i'm going places, what i truely don't understand is why pasty white lanklets would buy clothes made by a nigger, which not only look atrocious, but are extremely overpriced
because of marketing, same reason people think kanye wests music is good, they're told its good by the zog entertainment industry.

kanye west sells music about how much he hates white people to estrogenised self hating white idiots.

the man is seething with hatred, jealousy and self loathing, like every black he wishes he was white, like most black he lacks complex critical thinking skills so his inferiority complex and jealousy manifests in vitriol and hatred.

i can understand black people like kanye west, what i can not abide are white men liking him, white men liking any rapper is the most pathetic, weak shit, these 'people' hate you, they despise you, they often come out and say so in their 'music' and yet you cheer along like a good goy retard because the only entertainment you're exposed to through the zog msm is black singers and personalities.

the death of white rock n roll was no accident.

>> No.9531840

PigCUCK getting BTFO

>> No.9531842

it's inspired by HL
he said it himself
so yes they can be used in the same sentence

man I'm surprised a guy like u doesn't like Kanye

>> No.9531848

you should listen to the shit he said about arcitecture

he demeans any artistic endevour he sets his hands on

also, while it is inspired my it, it gives off a completely different vibe

>> No.9531849 [DELETED] 

>equates people pointing out how derivative and blatantly plagiarized the shit is with people thinking the show is the same as langs shows

you sure are stupid

did i mention you're really fucking dumb?

personality often correlates with intelligence, its why stupid people are so often insufferable bores, you have no personality, you're a stupid fuck and you dress like shit.

>> No.9531855

you think you're quirky and hillariously edgy
it just comes over as desperate

>> No.9531860

>He has no place in the fashion industry

Sincerely, the official gatekeeper of the fashion industry (definitely not just a kid posting on a chinese fast food message board)

>> No.9531862 [DELETED] 

also ugly, i mean not ugly i am going to be real with you so you dont think im being hyperbolic and then you dismiss my insult as exaggeration.

you arent necessarily ugly, you're just ugly looking, like your face is very annoying and gay looking. like no one is going to point at you and think

>"fuuuuark that cunt is ugly"

its more like

>"fuck that kid looks like a little fag lmao, what goober"

you just look like a dweeb, like a contemptuous dweeb, like a coward dude. you look like a guy who wouldnt step in for a friend in a fight, you look like a dude who bitches about his friends to females and other dudes, you look like yu wouldve dodged the draft by any means necessary, you look like a snitch, a rat.

you're just a limey looking dweeb with a very unlikable face and an awful mediocre personality.

>> No.9531865

>you dress like shit
Ayy lmao, give us more of your prime fits
Fuckin' hoodie or jumper with some black jeans yeah sick m8, top fashion

Fucking autistic faggot.

>> No.9531866

I would never go out of my way to Google an interview with Kanye west

and what the hell r u goin on about,
inspired, copied, poorly executed whatever, he still had helmut Lang in his head and u can tell from the outerwear that it was HL inspired and he even said it himself so yehhhhhn stop

>> No.9531867 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 500x633, 1404401632559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ayy lmao'

mmmmmmm not quite my tempo

>> No.9531869
File: 137 KB, 1067x1600, _AG18856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kanye bp vest is a 1:1 copy of this helmut iteration

yeah no

>> No.9531871

retarded argument and you're obviously backpedaling in your more recent posts. obviously there's countless names that have taken influence from helmut in the last decade, too many to feasibly list in this post. obviously it's not a surprise that a designer like kris van assche might have elements of helmut lang in one of his shows such as a reinterpretation of an iconic piece such as the ballistic vest, re-imagined in his own design vocabulary within the context of one of his collections. the issue is that the kanye pieces aren't re-imaginations, reinterpretations or subversions, it's as if he sketched archival pieces from memory (with help from hours of heartfelt conversation with his tumblr dash) and handed the scribbles to his design team with adidas. he says himself he's not a designer.

>> No.9531876

>sidesteps criticism by nitpicking
Nice going champ

>> No.9531882 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 297x500, 12554335354_dc76174137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any closer and he might as well have bought one off of me to send out on the runway lmao

nitpicking little nigger fuck off back to kanyetothe

>> No.9531885

Wow, it's a fucking vest, I can really see the similarity
What's next, is he ripping off Helmut by using shoes?

>> No.9531886 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 320x240, not quite my tempo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>criticism is saying ayy lmao( a tumblr meme) followed by stale 5 year old insults

mmmmmmm not quite my tempo


>> No.9531887

3 straps is just probably just a play on the Adidas symbol

>> No.9531892


>> No.9531898

stop typing like a nigger unless you want to die like one

>> No.9531901 [DELETED] 
File: 626 KB, 186x183, boom.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop typing like a nigger unless you want to die like one

>> No.9531906


Kanye even said so himself that he was directly influenced by Helmut Lang.

You just lack the knowledge, the points of reference, the taste, the awareness of fashion and its flow of visual language over time, to understand this

"Just a vest"? Sure, but Helmut was the first to bring it into and popularize it in the context of high fashion. You're only able to be SEEING it as "Just a vest" EXACTLY because of Helmut's introduction of the piece / look, and its advancement into mainstream aesthetics that followed.

You really, really have no business trying to argue anything related to fashion here. Know yourself, know your place. Despite overwhelming evidence against your "claims", all you do is deny concrete facts and resort to elementary modes of thought like strawmanning.

Be honest, how old are you? Like seriously, I'm actually asking you because I'm curious. It genuinely disturbs me that I share this board with people this lacking in cognitive abilities.

>> No.9531911

Doubt you're going to get an honest answer to the age question from him

>> No.9531928
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>> No.9532607
File: 90 KB, 724x538, kim-kanye-titanic-w724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanye definitely lied. And definitely doesn't has pricing control. Season 1is for rich fuccbois to forever hold as a grail. Season 2 might honestly be different price wise. That being said im probably gonna just cop the the 750 and 350 boost and some of the other shit if i find a decent replica. Yeezy honestly just made a bunch of Chinese niggas rich this season

>> No.9532611

sick insight

>> No.9532773
File: 295 KB, 1366x2048, ianconnors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ian connors did this really well
5*10 did it for me and you could see it nicely the set was lit well if youre in a theatre screening but not so greaat inside
end track binded it together and i felt like kanye represented himself as the sticky red wax on toppa velvet letter and it was just perfecyt.

the way the model walked and slouched and the attitude displayed was brilliant

the diversity was a good aspect of this

>> No.9532781

also added to this was i liked how adidas gave kanye the creative freedom instead of sticking with nike's solely ticked stuck up attitude so it was well executed

>> No.9532790

the thing why plenty of designer hate comes to this is that kanye already has the pre packed yeezy fanclub. guaranteeing buys . guaranteeing a successful go with anything cause he has fans

>> No.9532812
File: 52 KB, 640x596, 1409595677119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bubububububu kva desgins for dior homme anon!!! it's not like that brand has a history of hiring hacks as it's creative designer r-right????

>> No.9533461


fuck off ian

>> No.9534346

your fits are shit and you're a wasteman. drop trip.

>> No.9534365

i like kanye and i wish i could be here for him but i would never buy this stuff. it's not good looking, it's overpriced, but worst of all it's largely derivative; rather than working on his own aesthetic he's really just kind of ripping on the feel of established brands. the guy just isn't a fashion designer, and he doesn't know how to make clothes; why would i ever pass up a rick owens garment, for example, which will make me look better, use more luxurious materials, and use more sophisticated construction to flatter my body and keep me comfortable, in favor of some nylon vest made by a rapper and a shoe company?

>> No.9534382

kanye has no say in the retail pricing
the production price is all on him
he chose the fabrics as the designer
and i'm sure as hell he chose the factories
the retail price is all corporate adidas

>> No.9534451

Don't forget over 9000 reblogs of himself

>> No.9534470

where to cop vest since he just ripped it off others?

>> No.9534503
File: 673 KB, 940x624, ricky-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only the boosts have dropped thus far, pricing for the clothing has only just been released. presumably it falls under outerwear, so you're looking at a $2000 nylon vest.

>> No.9534522

10/10 would shoot up a school wearing this

>> No.9534550

You really think if he said to them, "yo, imma take my name and my talent elsewhere unless we can agree on on some prices" they'd just be like, "okay, seeya?" He's got leverage if he wants to use it.

>> No.9534617

I meant who else has made that vest?

>> No.9534636

take a merchandise and product development class

>> No.9534638
File: 69 KB, 500x667, tumblr_ncyb6iPzqA1s0prk7o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

originally helmut lang, 1998 i think. various iterations were produced up until he retired. you'll still find them being sold on marketplaces or in consignment. not sure anything quite like it has ever been reproduced (until now i guess) but you'll see things like tactical vests/chest rigs returning virtually every season from various designers. this one is from rick owens fw14 moody.

>> No.9534652

the truth is in the middle of what all of you guys are saying. i legit believe that kanye wanted lower price points, but do you really think adidas signed him cuz they believed in his talent? they saw those resale prices and want high profit margins. my guess is they pitched a diffusion line to him (maybe with his own namesake stores selling both lines) in the future if this stuff sells. if it does theres no way theyll just throw away profits and start selling at lower prices

>> No.9534706

>tfw too poor and plebby to even afford Kanye

>> No.9534714

he didnt do anything well, hes a manlet nigger with bleached hair

>> No.9534715


Only plebs would buy Kanye's stuff though.

>> No.9534724

i agree with you 100%. his music is meh. there is enough hip hop out there that i could give a fuck about kanyes bullshit.

>> No.9536598

>paying more than $120 for adidas

>> No.9537419

WHy ain't NOBODY noticed dis? OP Pic male muddle is a guy that /fa/ recommended to go becum a male muddle and he did it.

I'm sure I ain't de only one who remombray him.

>> No.9537479

What boots are those on the model in the front?

>> No.9537532


First time I've ever heard wasteman used on /fa/

We Birmingham/London now?????
Pls respond

>> No.9538310

>buying meme clothing

>> No.9538311

>black model wearing bullet proof vest
well played ye

>> No.9538315

Nah, that's a different dude. That guy's ginger and taller.

>> No.9538331

just wondering, has this article been confirmed by a second source? and does the article mention a credible source? i'm hesitant to believe it after kanye's comments

>> No.9538367


The showroom in Paris is showing the collection buyers now.

>> No.9538447

as a primarily /k/omrade, I must admit those boots have me literally hard atm.