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/fa/ - Fashion

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9486041 No.9486041 [Reply] [Original]

/fa/ how have you changed since you first started coming here? What's the worst and best thing? Most embarrassing?

I feel like a lot of people change very drastically in the first few months and the. Realize what they did and try to fix it so I'd like to here similar stories.

>> No.9486055

i cut off my middle-school skater-tier long hair
i hate most of my wardrobe now and only wear 30% of it
i stopped using shampoo
i started washing my face and drinking a shit ton more water to keep my skin healthy
i stopped using axe

the worst thing about how i changed is that i'm more anal about my clothes and how they fit. it's a good thing in the end but now i'm a little self conscious about how my clothes fit

>> No.9487710
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I stopped being conscious about how other people think of me. I had already had the foundation for the attitude, but I really cemented it.
Started dressing in what I think looks good and what I like, not what is normal really.
My self confidence went through the roof. I had created a lot of fake confidence to compensate for how shitty I had acted in the past and I just replaced all of that with real confidence in how I dressed and acted/felt.

>> No.9487717

I have become very close friends with the Chinaman at my local dry cleaner, everything I buy is immediately taken in to be tailored.

>> No.9487734

I don't browse here often, but sometimes I come here to get inspo.

the frag threads are nice, but basically I already had preferences, I just make sure what I'm wearing isn't common.

90% of what I wear is not /fa/ approved but looks perfectly fine, and I don't really feeling inadequate because it's not a lifestyle that I feel particularly attached to.

>> No.9487736

i feel more comfortable in my skinny ass body

>> No.9487746

Very little. I basically just pay more attention to colors of my fits now and bit more on how my clothes actually fit, also my taste in general has changed to be more 'high end' and I'm more critical about the quality of the clothes I get.
The worst thing is my color palette has narrowed a bit cause I'm lazy and can't be assed to build fits so I just go with few colors so everything goes together.
Best thing is that I'm more critical towards myself, so for example I sold some old clothes and carried some to a thrift store because I realized there is no reason to hoard them when I don't really wear them or they don't go with anything I own.

>> No.9487752

Finasteride has saved my self-esteem. Best damn thing this board has done for me. Thanks /fa/

>> No.9488444

My self confidence is at an all time 0, I started staving myself and I hate my parents for my shitty genes.

>> No.9488448

Also forgot

Recently giving 125 euros for a tee shirt doesn't seem that expensive and stupid.

>> No.9488456


>> No.9488463

well not really, still wear what i believe to underline my features as dark haired, 5'11 skeleton. im thankful for some inpirations i got here like palladiums and several knitwear items but such things solely make the collection of mine bigger than defining it

>> No.9488468

realized 5'10 isnt tall (could care less tho)
Stopped being a hypebeast
Stopped caring about streetwear
Learned a lot about clothes
recreated my wardobe
yeezy2saintlaurenthooodbyairakanyebikerdenimsidezip"highfashion" faggots with a burning passion now.

>> No.9488472

Seriously i fucking hate that "high fashion" shit. you have on an extended tee from represent clothing, slp denim, and some fucking jordans.

>> No.9488491

just learned that people are judgmental as fuck about people's taste in aesthetics. and insecure as fuck too. and worry more about fitting into a specific style with perfection than just wearing what you like.

>> No.9488500

spending more money

>> No.9488510

This basically.

>> No.9488517

>palewave shit everyday
>anime shirts everyday
>shitty shoe collections everyday

i learned fa is just /soc/ light with everyone trading tumblrs

>> No.9488588

I feel like I've kind of gotten everything out of /fa/ that is relevant to my life at this point. It took a couple years of online fashion forums, but I'm now pretty much comfortable with picking out clothes that look good in an objective sense that I still personally enjoy.

After a certain point, I feel like you just kind of outgrow /fa/. Once you're comfortable with your clothing choices, all that's left here is occasional inspiration but mostly pointless arguments.

I'm slowly transitioning from here to /fit/. Never thought it'd happen, but being a really skinny guy in nice clothes just isn't better than being a slightly muscular guy in nice clothes when it comes to the real world.

Fashion gives you diminishing returns after a certain point. Yeah, I could pay $200 more for a sweater that looks a little better, and it's a nice temporary feeling when you get that sweater. But you get used to it so fast that it's just an endless cycle of buying more expensive shit for a hobby that doesn't have many tangible benefits. It's a totally fine hobby and people can spend however much money on clothes as they want to. It's just kind of gotten old for me, personally.

Now that I have the clothes, hair, and skin, I'm starting to hit the gym. I already have increased self confidence and more energy. Being both /fa/ and /fit/ really is the best combination.

>> No.9488620
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I cringe at my mfa dadcore early stage when i took interest in fashion, that stopped when i discovered fa, which transformed me into zaragoth rick-dickriding fuccboi, now i just spend more time and effort when i buy stuff and sometimes lurk fa for inspo.

>> No.9488632

>Recently giving 125 euros for a tee shirt doesn't seem that expensive and stupid.
Haha this. Five years ago a $150 shoe was an expensive and high quality shoe for me. Now I barely think there are any shoes under $300 worth buying, and under $200 I wouldn't even give a second glance because I know the quality isn't going to be up to par with what I want.

>> No.9488717

I think about what I wear
I can't stop thinking about what I wear

>> No.9488791

Not that much.
I mostly wore memeochrome when I came here, and I still like black/white outfits, but also started wearing more grey.
I mostly stopped wearing shirts with prints, and nowadays prefer blank ones.
I am also considering getting a haircut like >>>9483937

>> No.9489250

I think that I'm really overweight
I critique everyone's clothes even if I look like shit
And i got some new shoes and wear basically all black

>> No.9489283

Realized my wardrobe is shit (it really is). Need to cop pretty much new everything.

Actually have decent fashion sense just never cared much for some reason.

>> No.9489305

>could care less

>> No.9489306

I don't have the money to get /fa/ yet, but since coming here I take notice of what other people are wearing more often now.

>> No.9489416

>best thing
Lost quite a bit of weight, acquired a personal taste, basically forced myself out of my basement and started a social life, found out that I'm not nearly as bad looking as I thought I am, lost virginity, found friends, managed to overcome my social fears and awkwardness (not completely out of the woods but I made enormous progress compared to what I was).
>worst thing
Had a long period of caring way too much about my weight, haircut, facial aesthetics, looks in general. Felt for gothninja troll but didn't buy too much stuff that I regret (thank god for that).

>> No.9490324
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>at first
Skeptical of all the actual fashion threads and knowledge, thought anything that expensive was bullshit.Just posted in spam threads and the usual garbage(hair,watch,fuccboi gen). Eventually gathered the courage to post a fit and people were way to nice so I started posting much more.
>last summer
Engulfed in the meme. Completely delusional to my situation and how awful of a person I had become. Posted every day every minute every second. Made shit tons of threads, if you posted in any WAYWT that summer most likely I created it. Basically I was just starved for attention and most of my posts reflect that although there are a few I can look back on and agree with.
>beginning of school year-winter break
School actually based me and forced me to take my actions into perspective. Actually started developing my style and knowledge instead of just moving in a directionless pattern. Dropped trip. Became slightly less of a shithead. Really the biggest part was kicking all my shitty personality habits and depression. After that I could finally be happy and truly me which was incredibly refreshing.
Accepted meme status. Still trying to develop my style, still trying to make my own opinions and find my own passages for learning about fashion. Happy

Most Embarrassing:
The one thread I tried to compare Rick and Raf over some really frivolous and just plain wrong detail and got btfo. But it was also one of the most important, after that I realized I actually had to know my shit and kind of solidified my love for fashion.

>> No.9490335
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Well I have two. First one was one night when I was really drunk and just relentlessly shitposting and told trunks we should start and cult together and he could father my children. No shitposting would probably be any time a really good thread is created and the usual people show up and actually discuss or even argue rationally with each other. It's really nice to see becuase other forums are great but almost always way to slow and this site allows for a much more real conversation. Sometimes it's nice to take part but really I just like reading what everyone has to say. To bad they seem to be happening fewer and fewer times lately.

>> No.9490354

You're actually being down to earth and introspective. I like this side of you. Stay this way.

>> No.9490924

Bad things
>started smoking
>now i buy expensive shoes
>hate 90% peoples outfit irl
Good Thigs
>help gf being more fashionable, she loves it
>people ask me for advise on fashion and compliments me.
>now i know a lot of exclusive online shops
>masturbate less

i think it worth it

>> No.9490940


>> No.9492669


>> No.9492715

Basically. I only browse /fa/ when Im high or bored. I've developed my own style and would prefer to be fit rather than skinny

>> No.9492754

I'm able to work with what I have much better, can do great on a budget, I thrift more often and find good stuff.

Brother is more /fa/ now. Friends ask me for advice. Found a cologne I really love. Small shoe collection on the low, copped all on sale.
Have a better haircut, always complimented when I get it cut.

NO CONFIDENCE THOUGH. Still painfully shy.

>> No.9493365

What's the point if youre not confident? Find some hobbies or get /fit/ both do well with building confidence imo.

>> No.9493562

realized how ugly and badly dressed the average person is (especially on here)

>> No.9493584

I have graduated from normalfag (clashing colors, fucked patterns, shorts n tee) to greyscale basicbitch

>> No.9493698

I agree. It's a bad place to be stuck in. Working on it.

>> No.9493727

Became more judgmental of people in general, especially basic bitches.
Became more memorable around my uni campus and friends/strangers often compliment me on my fit/makeup.
Feel like I don't really fit in as much anymore as I generally don't share the same hobbies/interests as other people.
Creepy hispanics try to start convos with me more often.

>> No.9493849

i turned gay

>> No.9493875

>self esteem at an all time low
>used to be fine with less than perfect skin, now I got accutane
>dislike 90% of clothes in stores! insanely hard to shop for
>only want expensive stuff
>$100 for a t shirt isn't crazy anymore
>$400 for shoes isn't crazy anymore
>developed eating disorder
>grew fucking man bun
>grades dropped
I got a girlfriend though
D-did I make it

>> No.9493888

Hey you're alright, birthday

>> No.9494069


You're now effay. Grats.

>> No.9494092

I've always been cripplingly self conscious, but I guess its more constructive than self wallowing now.

From all the bullshit on this board I've learned that any personality/clothing can be desirable if you wear it well.

I've had a harder time talking to grills because its hard to see past flaws I wouldn't have noticed before ;(

>> No.9494630

first 4 months of /fa/
I used to eat like 1200 cal a day, i was 72 kg, Started acutane, got a nice undercut, following every trend possible, started stacking basics, started using exclusively skinny black jeans, all black. Started exercising.

I am 61 kg 183 cm. (133lbs 6'), I got visible abs thanks to calisthenics. I dress like a cartoon character/lookbook model. No branding, no stacking, no more than 2 main colors, a nice hair, a nice body, nice clean shoes, no faded jeans, no facial hair, I trim my eyebrows, I shave my whole body.

My girlfriend and her friends always tell me that I look like a movie character,

I became more and more judgmental, more materialist and so minimalist that I don't really know where my life is headed. I dispose everything now, Love letters, precious memories, souvenirs, I sold my old books, my old videogames my old xbox, my old ps2, my old computer, I throw away everything I own that have no use. My room is kinda depressing: Is all white with my bed, white bed shits, a white pillow. A black table with my laptop, my charger, my phone, my school books. A rack with all my clothes, 4 pair of shoes and a box with my underwear.

I don't really know if I'm depressed or not, I threw away all the stuff with the excuse that everything is disposable expect for my own memories, I some kind of lame motto I made for myself, to prevent me from being materialist. But now I am more materialist than ever.

Fuck you /fa/ now I started questioning my own existence.

>> No.9495171

That sounds like more of an underlying problem. Did you really sell all your possessions for sick cops.

>> No.9495180

I learned the basics of dressing yourself

I became vain and self-conscious about my clothes.

>> No.9495197

When I started, I went #MENSWEAR. Then I realised that particular style looks out of place anywhere, at least when you're under 35. Now I mostly wear Scandi-streetwear.

>> No.9495208

First I went menswear, then streetwear, now I just dress like working-class bydlo again because I realized fashion is for faggots mostly.

>> No.9495222

The very first thing was I stopped wearing graphic or logo t-shirts out in public

>> No.9495424

Started off as a fuccboi who was overweight

Ended off the same fuccboi same shit fashion and severely underweight and had to go to hospital :)

>> No.9495552

I like you now

>> No.9495561

Do you regret it? I went from being fat to dangerously underweight and I don't regret a thing because being fat sucks.

>> No.9495610

They had to force feed me- that I regret.

>> No.9495617

dude, that's not minimalism
sounds like you have some sort of anti hoarding disorder
you should kill yourself before it spreads

>> No.9495636

I'm hoping I'll outgrow /fa/ soon too. I want to stop caring about clothes but somehow I still can't. Finally it's come to me that it's better to be fit in some mid range nice clothes than skinny wearing a $2k outfit every day looking like a special snowflake. And it's not just about wasting money but it's also time consuming. I spend whole afternoons browsing multiple fashion forums, blogs etc.

>> No.9495654

Why not be fit with 2k outfit?

>> No.9495696

Well, I can but as I said, I want to stop caring about clothes so much. Feels like I'm just wasting money on expensive stuff when I can spend that money on stuff I actually need.

Also realized my fashion sense kicked in when I started developing social anxiety disorder and lately I feel fashion has been a way for me to compensate for my not so great social skills.

/fa/ in a nutshell huh

>> No.9496183

Sick fits child

>> No.9496185

>I feel fashion has been a way for me to compensate for my not so great social skills.

That's /fa/ in a nutshell bro.

>> No.9496729

Seriously. The texture of that jacket is fucking beautiful. Also might have to copy the long coat, shorts/cropped pants, boots look this summer. Maybe if it looks a fraction as good as it does on him I'll be alright.

>> No.9497886

It's sad that people only realize this once it's happened to them. Same with almost any hobby someone takes up.

>> No.9497935

My family thinks I'm gay now
Trashed most of my wardrobe
Drink around 5l of water a day
Use creams for my skin / get jelly about people skin
pretty much it + buying comfy clothes every time I can

>> No.9498558
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>Pre /fa/
Enjoyed hanging out with friends, didn't give a fuck for what I wore, smoked a lot of cigarettes, had a qt3,14 gf

>After /fa/
Enjoy hanging out with friends, give a fuck for what I wear, smoke a lot of cigarettes, have a qt3,14 gf


>> No.9498576

Don't dispose of souvenirs, memories, personal and sentymental stuff.
If something traumatic happens to you, it's going to be so much harder to get better.
And I can not describe you well enough how bad does it feel to be depersonalised when the things start going down. Sure, now everything might seem great, but when things are not great it can be very dangerous.

>> No.9500172

we are indeed material people. We can't survive without depending on our personal stuff. I figure that out after throwing away 10 years of memories in one week.

I indeed feel vulnerable, unidentifiable, I can't find my self over the mirror, I know I can't be mentally ill, My family hasn't a single case of that. I guess I know what I did wrong in order to become so distant of my own persona, but I don't really know how to solve it.

>> No.9500178

See a psychiatrist
seriously I'm not joking

>> No.9500225

Ha... after being so judgmental about crazy people, I finally became one.

Kinda ironic. well thanks, I guess.