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9474275 No.9474275 [Reply] [Original]

>“I’m not into his fashion thing. I think he’s fine as a rapper. I think he’s a joke as a fashion designer.”

>“I mean, it’s not, he’s not legit. Have you seen the product? Didn’t he have his own line in London, which was a disaster that he spent $10 million to do, that no one wore?”

>“I just think that you should stay focused at what you’re good at. Just because you’re a good rapper doesn’t mean you’re going to be a good fashion designer. I mean, we’ve seen that over and over. Sean John is a really successful line, but you know, no one in the fashion industry is waking up and going, ‘Hey did you get that … did you like, trade up your Moncler for your Sean John?’ No. Nobody’s saying that.



>> No.9474287

Why should I value Kelly Cutrone's opinion?

>> No.9474292

She is...who? I should care (about said topic or said irrelevant whench's opinion)..why?

>> No.9474308

>“I just think that you should stay focused at what you’re good at
>Just stay in art school
>Just stay a producer
>Just stay a rapper

>> No.9474337

Well she didn't lie. His first attempt at a line was a huge failure and considering how cocky he is I thought he would give up on the fashion biz for good.

>> No.9474345

Shit I'm a racist and I still feel it's fucked that the only reason she compared Kanye's clothes to Sean John is because he's a black rapper.

You've gotta give him credit, he's at least a bottom feeder of the high fashion world. Puff Daddy doesn't even try to be a part of that world.

>> No.9474350

literally who

>> No.9474351

I thought it was great. Uninspired, but he succeeds at making his fashion line a cohesive extension to his music and live performances. I don't find what he does innovative at all since his whole aesthetic has been done by kids on SuFu and Japanese fashion houses for years. But still, he makes me feel like I'm buying a part of a wardrobe for a movie. Also, I like how she didn't say shit about his APC line, which was great and achieved what he aimed for it to do.

>> No.9474360

Did Kanye ever get that Pastelle clothing line up and running?

>> No.9474366

Kanye West is a rapper and fashion "designer" who married Kim Kardashian.

>> No.9474370
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>> No.9474379

Hating Kanye is the popular thing to do right now. This line was derivative but I don't think that's a bad thing. I view it as Kanye's take on designer clothing that he wears.

>> No.9474403

She jelly.

>> No.9474468

i didnt love kanyes line but how is she gonna hate when she's fat and old smh

>> No.9474491
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why do white people like kanye so much

>> No.9474532

>the London line was literally 3 years ago
>lol ppl don't learn from their mistakes
I mean he even said he doesn't consider himself a designer since it would be offensive to other designers. Give him some slack jeez

>> No.9474539

I can smell the butthurt.

Who cares if it cost $10,000,000 or if it was "a disaster." Its not like kanye cant afford it. If he wants to make a fashion line then why not?

>> No.9474561

cause kanye doesn't only do dirty south trap

>> No.9474574

i don't need to know who she is to see she's right

>> No.9474580

what other male musician tries to pull off a big fashion line?

>> No.9474585

Lots of male rappers have tried. Hell, Jerry Garcia makes ties.

>> No.9474594

keyword: big

>> No.9474599

Those people are all trying to pull of a big fashion line. They're literally trying to appeal to the lowest common denominator.

>> No.9474617

Does she even design? What would she know

>> No.9474621

the fashion industry is known to be kinda ruthless. why should they bend over backwards and be ~nice~ to kanye

>> No.9474634
File: 998 KB, 500x699, tumblr_mr8bz7yMkR1qhkvg5o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So some lady who prob thinks she has more clout in the fashion industry than she really does missed the entire point of Kanye's foray into the fashion world and is trying to tell him what to do.

He has said time and time again that he doesn't want people to tell others NOT to do something they'd like to try.

It doesn't matter if its film, fashion, fine arts, music or whatever if he wanted to attempt something creative and new then poeple shouldn't be telling him to stick to what hes done before.

thats why hes always rambling about how ppl told him to stick to producing instead of rapping..

like I thought his line was rip off garbage but he wants to try and he wants to learn, this girl missed the mark entirely... Instead of critiquing his line she told him to never try something he enjoys again.

what about this is so hard for people to understand?

>> No.9474653


In this interview he explicitly states who he drew inspiration from and how he does not consider himself a designer. I thought he was a total poser but he just wants to do what likes

>> No.9474664


Jerry Garcia is dead and the ties are just some fun merch, not really an actual attempt at breaking into menswear

>> No.9474680


Lol at the comments on that site agreeing with her and shitting on kanye. The women really didn't like it at all.

Also reminder not to take fashion advice from 5'7 manlet who married a poor dressing basic bitch hobbit.

>> No.9474693

She doesn't even say anything about his new collection.....

His old fashion line was shit, he had no idea what he was doing.

>> No.9474724


>> No.9474731

>implying people are born with only one talent
great b8 m8, way to limit innovation.

>> No.9474999

He admits he's a fraud and this is something admirable to you people? Jesus, I know its difficult to develop taste but please put forth some effort.

>> No.9475006

Except he isn't innovating. Criticizing Kanye is not the same thing as saying no one should do something they like. She's using the fact that he isn't good at it as backup to the central argument that his fashion is shit. "Stick to what you are good at" is not being said in a general way, but directed at Kanye who is clearly riding on his fame and money to "make" his fashion.

>> No.9475022


All successful people in the world started out as frauds. You have to fail time and time again before reaching success.

>> No.9475036

who is the fat cunt ? never heard of her

>> No.9475062

learn to read

>“I just think that you should stay focused at what you’re good at."

>> No.9475066

>"Stick to what you are good at" is not being said in a general way

...? Yes it is. She didn't say "I just think Kanye should stick to what he's good at" -- she instead phrased it, you guessed it, generally.

>> No.9475097

Tyler the Creator

>> No.9475126

>Sean John
Aw shit this takes me back.
Is this brand relevant in any way or form anymore? I remember Sean John having it's own shows on fashion week and was probably Diddys biggest bussiness venture back then. Hell Nick Cannon even made a shitty feature length film which was basically just a one big Sean John commercial.

>> No.9475145

you are an idiot and clearly some retarded 14 years old kanye west dickrider.
west is an egomaniacal individual who clearly seeks success and acceptance. he wanted his clothing to be worn by every single person on the planet. he didn't make a season as a hobby. he isn't nearly rich enough to throw 10 mill for some passing fancy.

>> No.9475171

yeah i'm sure tyler will present on the runways next season

>> No.9475196

>He has said time and time again that he doesn't want people to tell others NOT to do something they'd like to try.

uh??did you miss the years he went around whining like a bitch because houses didn't want to endorse him? if he want to create he can create in his own bedroom and pay for his own shows. nobody is obliged to endorse him. he went on and on on whatever radio and tv show he could find for years making an ass of himself and rambling because nike or ralph lauren didn't want to pay for this guy's caprices. he paid for his own show and it was trash, and he was butthurt cuz muh oppressive elitist fashun world.
ralph and the others started by themselves. people bust their asses for a place in the fashion world. nobody fucking spoonfed them. nobody kickstarted them straight into paris.

nobody is physically holding the guy back, he wants to make clothes, he can, but he can't expect people to take him seriously. years of grind are expected before maybe making it into fashion, but no, mister entitled bitch wants to

-have a line with a big company straight away
-have people buy is shit even if it's utter trash
-have fashion people laud him as some sort of fashion steve jobs

i'm actually proud of the fashion world for once, they didn't bend over backwards just because some entitled celebrity wanted to play fashion designer. now he started to understand the rules and played mister lowkey in his last interview, his line is still garbage tho, so he won't go far. and it has to stay this way. the real talents must be pushed.

>> No.9475203

>Hating Kanye is the popular thing to do right now
The only thing more pathetic than Kanye are his fans. People just can't stop suck this guy dick.

>> No.9475316

Kayne never said he was a "designer" he's doing what he likes. He likes fashion, he likes clothes. We like fashion, we like clothes. I'm not even a huge Kanye fan and you guys are totally reaching for bullshit ways to justify his envolvement in the hobby. I swear sometimes people get so caught up in other people's lives it makes me sick, you're just wasting your time.

>> No.9475426


>> No.9475447

fashion industry is one of the few msm industires in the world not plagued by political correctness.

kanye wont get special treatment because hes a monkey, people are going to call a spade a spade.

his shit is shit and the less i hear about this fucking moron and his teenage simpleton fans the better.

>> No.9475457

You people fellating Kanye's ego are pathetic. You know he's never going to sleep with you, right? You know this? He wasn't even good at his other jobs, he exists entirely on reputation and making an ass of himself. His fashion stuff is completely uninspired. You can't tell his drek from K-mart racks.

>> No.9475464

You are literally YouTube comment tier. Where the ever-loving fuck do you think you are?

>> No.9475468

No they didn't. A fraud is someone who lacks genuine interest, does not have a spirit of self-refinement, and attempts to change the rules of a system instead of changing themselves to adapt to that system. RL is legit. Kanye is a fraud. Kanye is a habitual fraud, there might not be a single thing in his whole sham of a life he gives a shit about doing and protecting.

>> No.9475471

He is that rich, though. He makes ten times that in a tour. I hate the man, but don't underestimate his ability to create funds out of being a worthless cock.

>> No.9475474

Cause because he never said doesn't mean he doesn't think it. He thinks people should worship him over the literal trash he puts out. He's an entitled whiney nigger just like you're a fuckface.

>> No.9475478

No, she's Kelly.

>> No.9475487

People take Asspizza more serious than they take Kanye as a designer. That's fucking hilarious to me.

>> No.9475492


Did you read the interview? It hardly seems like his motivations are uninterested and stagnant in their development, especially if one views him through the lens of his whole career.

>> No.9475500

Kanye like most rappers has no ounce of talent in him. He's a product to be sold to the masses. Just like whatever the fuck his new fashion line is. He doesn't belong here.


>> No.9475501
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>> No.9475502

Couldn't have said it better myself. Kanye has no solid profile to work off of and whatever is in his background like Pastel is utter shit

>> No.9475505
File: 56 KB, 640x397, its over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9475512


mods ban every pro kanye poster itt

16 year old suburbanite pieces of shit

tired of this trash on a fashion imageboard

>> No.9475564

This. Too many cucks on this board.

>> No.9475572

Who is she?

Meanwhile KanyexAPC sold out, red octobers go for 3k, and kandidas finna sell out realquick

def getting the duck boots

Kanye's a household name at this point, who can have an opinion about him that would hurt his image? That's why you only see no name like this pushing these type of opinions.

>I just think that you should stay focused at what you’re good at
What kind of logic is this? You should never try to further yourself in any one field besides the one you happen to be best at? lol

>> No.9475575

lol old overweight salty white women

>> No.9475577

I bet she's a republican

>> No.9475583

look how fanny flustered niggers get when you insult their monkey king.

>> No.9475584

who the fuck cares what Kelly thinks?
she's a hateful washed up bitch, seriously, she can go fuck herself, Im not even dickriding Kanye's fashion game and I dont give a fuck what Kelly things.
Have you ever seen her on ANTM? she spends all of her screen time being a massive cunt, and never helps anyone; half the time it's just Tyra and Miss Jay refuting anything she said.

>> No.9475586

bro IM PIST no srs fking ANGRY RN

>> No.9475588

Exactly, there will always be fans who are willing to buy his clothing, that doesn't mean he will ever be successful in high fashion. The fashion world is not going to take him seriously because he is a celebrity and has fans, nor should they.

>> No.9475591
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So visionary

>> No.9475597

Who do you believe buys these high fashion pieces?

The hip hop community, what I mean by this is blacks, control our women. We are all cuckolds. They win bro

>> No.9475599
File: 144 KB, 595x1041, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone seeing these kanye tweets???


>> No.9475618

Oh please, yes wealthy black people buy designer clothing, as do wealthy white people, asians ect. What is your point?

>> No.9475642

when did he tweet those?
they aren't on his twitter, or I dont see them
didn't he admit his shit is Zara-lite?
designer pieces made available to those with far smaller budgets?

>> No.9475662

lol, he's a fucking idiot

>> No.9475693

repeat what you said in english ? most of us don't understand monkeyspeak.

>> No.9475718

notta nigga in da crowd

>> No.9475725

Kanye needs to leave the fashion industry, fashion right now is becoming less and less about the artistic motivations and messages and more about "dope" pieces, and it's fucking pathetic.

Tumblr is what fashion is now, it's just black and white clothing, red shoes and gold necklaces.
Jacob Keller is the new king of fashion.

Whatever, Kanye is ruining fashion and I hate you all for supporting him.

>> No.9475730

you sound like a fag

>> No.9475732

great response my man *fistbump* pow haha :~)

Kanye Omari West sure is an innovator, a manlet hack who's only capable of copying >>9475591 whilst thinking he's changing the fashion game and inspiring millions
I hope he kills himself.

>> No.9475743

Is this the same bitch that was hating on Hedi back in SLP collection #1

>> No.9475744

this, totally this
Kanye raped and killed my family, I hope he dies.

>> No.9475804

what's fern malis and saint maritn?

>> No.9475805

what was the story about the line he released for women a while back?

>> No.9475806

they told kanye to just be a producer

>> No.9475812

nobody gives a fuck about a random dumb bitch and this nigger talk is boring already

>> No.9475816

Do you know a single fucking thing about Kanye West? He says anything. He's like a god damn line segment, he's all front.

>> No.9475819

There is literally nothing wrong with black clothing or red shoes. Those pieces go back thousands of years. You're a moron.

>> No.9475821

yeah I forgot tumblr fashion blogs revolve around royal and historical clothing instead of hypebeast trash
suck my greasy cock

>> No.9475906

>google 'kelly curtone'
>top positions is her 'criticism' about Kanye

Oh Ye, you're giving money and fame even to those who try to brag about you. You are truly a Jesus of our generation

>> No.9475911

His point about fame being looked down upon in design is spot on. Most designers in the world do design as a service for clients. Design is used to provide innovation and meaning within the clients business model. Perhaps the name of the designer is important in some luxury design markets, but most designs are anonymous for example the Nokia 5110 GSM mobile phone, who was the designer for that?

On the other hand, if Kanye want to be a designer, then I hope he uses his fame to promote the design profession. So perhaps it'll be good for design overall, even if kanye's work is bland.

>> No.9475920

Central Saint Martins is an art and design school in London that has a fashion design programme, he's probably referring to that.

>> No.9476394
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>those faces in the very bottom row

>> No.9476757

kanye is only valued at about 100 million, boy done dropped 10 percent on his dream and failed lol

>> No.9476762

She has her own successful line, so yes.

>> No.9476770

isn't it a violation of the 13th ammendment for the fashion industry to own Kanye like this

>> No.9477871


>> No.9477894

no she doesn't? she is a publicist and a judge on ANTM

>> No.9477918

True, his clothes are for meme teens

>> No.9477927

I agree, I hate niggers

>> No.9477931
File: 118 KB, 700x400, SmuckersNaturalFruitSpreads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit load of jelly


>> No.9477932

but what if meme teens actually are the real people

>> No.9477934

you're not including kim's money

>> No.9477936

I'll never hesitate to take a NIGGER out and kill him, I hate niggers