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9444257 No.9444257 [Reply] [Original]

what things do you guys do to smell well? not just to smell good but also to keep bad smell away.

>> No.9444262

drink lots of water
so much fucking water
don't wear nasty synthetics

>> No.9444266


>> No.9444267

I like to do a bunch of cardio then sit in the sauna naked and let my clothes dry. Then I put them back on and go eat some curry. Everyone loves my musk.

Indian btw

>> No.9444269

Shower daily.
Wash private parts, armpits, feet.
Brush your teeth and floss twice a day.
Use deodorant once-twice daily.
Only use socks and underwear for one day.
Only wear tees for 1-2 days depending on the amount of sweat.

Possibly use a tongue scraper.
Possibly use some kind of perfume.
Do not smoke.

>> No.9444273

Yeah I do this every day except for the perfume, I wash my hair and body with shampo/body was twice and shower for like 30 minutes. I guess i just have terrible body odor although i dont really sweat much... It seems to have gotten better recently though

>> No.9444276

body wash*

>> No.9444280

Be asian.

>> No.9444319

Shower with scentless soap/shampoo
Scentless deodorant
Use perfume
Chew gum all the time
Brush teeth
No smoking

That's it basically.

>> No.9444371

I used to work with a guy that would smell extremely bad, it wasn't because of lack of hygiene but a fucked up chemical imbalance or something. His skin dripped this aroma that would get on anything he touched making that smell like him. The smell is hard to explain.

It isn't a BO but close to a funk mixed with rotting meat. Very close to fish oil mixed with diarrhea juice. he would use obsession all over his body and skin to try and help it but it just made it worse. Worst 3 years of my life

>> No.9444396

no thanks

>> No.9444405


Did everyone agree? I've read that sweat smells worse if you are sexually incompatible- like between family members. No one should hate your sweat more than your mother and sisters if you're a guy and vice versa.

>> No.9444408


>> No.9444414

I shower once a day with unscented soap and dont wear deodorant

Haven't worn deodorant in months.. I forgot to one day, and my then-girlfriend smelled me and asked me not to wear deodorant anymore. all girls since then have enjoyed my smell as well though I never tell them about my routine

>> No.9444438

I have noticed this too. But I work out. I think this, >>9444405, is true. My mom and sisters hate when I'm sweaty but my last two gfs have loved it.

>> No.9444947

That seems like it could have been TMAU.

>> No.9446926
File: 20 KB, 500x500, 41MzL55csCL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a lot of other anons said - shower daily, brush teeth 2x/daily, eat right, drink lots of water.

just wanted to emphasize that a tongue scraper actually does work wonders at keeping your breath fresh like literally all the time. i use a stainless steel one, pic related. dr. tung's, like $7 on amazon

basically you use it every time you brush your teeth, just scrape all the gunk and white stuff off your tongue. it works so well, you'll be surprised at all the nasty shit, food particles, etc that comes out of the little crevasses in your tongue. you might bleed a tiny bit at first, that's ok, it goes away in a few days once your tongue is used to getting scraped.

i started using one instead of doing mouthwash like a year ago and i'll never use anything else.

>> No.9446933

Febreeze everything, weekly

>> No.9447399


>only use socks and underwear for one day

does this really need to be said?

>> No.9447406


i wear the same draws 3 days in a row sometimes, there is only one key and that is to shower right after you shit

>> No.9447416


I don't care what you do, the number one unbroken rule for hygiene is change your drawers every day. I don't shower some days and I guarentee you thats alot healthier than trying to make my damn drawers last 3 days! Fuck man hanes are cheap! *smh*

>> No.9447423


>> No.9447424

nobody likes your shit stink.

>> No.9447460

I got the nasty in the back but I just cant do it without vomiting man, especially in the morning. Would that be effay?

>> No.9447473

>knows nothing about synthetics

>> No.9447490

Lose weight

>> No.9447498


nigger please, i shower once twice a day and sleep naked, i am cleaner than you will ever be in your pathetic life even if i felt like wearing boxers 7 straight days

if you realistically need to change them every day you have shitty genetics. not that doing so isn't optimal, but it is certainly not necessary unless you live with your mom gf or maid who does your laundry

>> No.9447503

No it does not because it's not true, at least for socks. If you wear good quality wool socks and your feet aren't sweatboxes you can wear the socks for several days. Just use judgement and wash your shit when it smells/is dirty. It's not rocket science. Underwear obvs for one day only.

>> No.9447509

>shower everyday
>odorless deodorant
>fresh tee every day

>> No.9447520

lmao my sister wouldnt shut the fuck up about my smell when i was living back home, and everytime i told her to shut up my mom would be like "shes right though". My gf doesnt mind at all unless I drip sweat on her during sex lol.

>> No.9447873
File: 535 KB, 1275x764, homer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I am in flavor country.

non smoking, kek...

>> No.9447946

>does this really need to be said?

>> No.9448691


fresh shirt, socks and undies everyday, never sleep naked, grow up you filthy immigrant.

>> No.9448708

I change my underwear 2x a day.

Do none of you fatties work out?

>> No.9448750

Its just smellz

>> No.9448942

Its not really that hard. I live in the tropics and very few people smell bad, if you can't do that in a colder climate you must be really gross. Then again Americans have a bad reputation here for usually stinking like shit and bathing once a week.

>> No.9449498

I think he's referring to poorly made.

>> No.9450005

Yes, being bulimic and/or anorexic is very effay. Go for it anon.

>> No.9451781

when you do it then squeeze your left thumb tightly in a fist, you'll be a 5 times champion deepthroat king in no time

>> No.9452336

>smell well
I'm a dog

>> No.9452365

As a white girl I would never date an Asian guy. I find them unattractive and I can do much better than that.

>> No.9452372

Your racism is about as attractive as your face without makeup, piggy.

>> No.9452373

>gunk and white stuff off your tongue
stop eating cum dude lmao

>> No.9452387

omg so funny u should try making some fresh memes bro i bet theyd be wicked funny

>> No.9452395

this. i would never again consider kissing somebody that doesn't use a tongue-scraper. it's just disgusting to not clean your tongue.

>> No.9452400

As an asian guy, I would never marry a white girl. They have an expiration date for their hotness at age 30. Ever wonder why white women over 30 are considered milfs in porn?? Its the nature of beast, the hotness of white women peak a lot earlier (age 15-18).

But also the fact that most white women would not date an asian guy is what makes love banging white escorts whenever I go to vegas

>> No.9452402

what can i do to get rid of bodyodor caused by medication? I noticed that i start to smell very shortly after showering and applying deodorant. this wasn't the case before (got antidepressants). i take care to drink enough and i shower daily. what else could i do?

>> No.9452502


>> No.9453757

they all smell like fish lol

>> No.9454561

Sounds like pup

>> No.9454637


>> No.9454993

thats a actual medical condition. forget the name right now tho