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File: 5 KB, 1473x694, nike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9429724 No.9429724 [Reply] [Original]

My cousin just got a job as a temp at Nike in LONDON.

What should I cop if I can get staff discounts?

>> No.9429729

None of the sportswear or lab stuff is discounted for employees. Fucking sucks.

>> No.9429731

a fashion sense

>> No.9429763

air yeezy 2

>> No.9429837

I would personally be ashamed if any of my family members worked minimum wage retail

That's nothing to be proud of bro

>> No.9429988


>> No.9430043

>not working at Nike HQ in Oregon and getting access to the employee store that sells prototypes and merch at ridic markdowns
Copped flyknits a couple years ago for $75

>> No.9430240

>cousin married someone who works at Nike

She got me a Nike pro account.

>> No.9430259
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you can keep that

>> No.9430280
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>> No.9430285

It's meant to be an administrative job, I think, in one of their offices. She just finished temping at Ralph Lauren. I only heard a slight mention of it, so I don't know the specifics.

>> No.9430524
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better taste

>> No.9432079

Lol spoiled highschool kid. Get a fucking job and grow up.

>> No.9432209

As a Nike employee they should have a swoosh.com account. It's an employee only NDC and their prices are much lower than retail. Most anything coming out thats not a tier 0/1 release is released on Swoosh.

Don't rush into it,just keep your eye on upcoming products and buy what you like at discount.

>> No.9432215

what he could buy for even less on sales for everyday ppl

>> No.9432222

It just depends on what they have in stock. Almost anything on NDC is available on swoosh.

If you're into Jordans or whatever swoosh gets 95% of the releases for about 60% retail.

>> No.9433097

not spoiled
i have a really good job for a high schooler that i got myself
i also am more mature than you


>> No.9433212

underage banned


>> No.9433217

>its not possible to be in high school at the age of 18

>> No.9433232

thanks that's true
i'm not underage

>> No.9433271

>im more mature than u
"im only 15 but im really mature for my age"

>> No.9433327


>> No.9433334

stop projecting
i'm concerned about your mental well being

>> No.9433375

get on dat der health goth trend cop every black and white clothing yoose can cop

>> No.9433456

Ok then cuntasaurous, what do you do?

>inb4 you don't reply because your lying and your job is shit and you only make like 12$ per hour max and your some wiry acne teen faggot

>> No.9433591

>I am also more mature than you
kek right now in different threads you have...
>made fun of someone for not making a lot of money
>said someone has fetal alcohol syndrome
>wished someone a speedy recovery implying they have cancer
>general shitposting

your not fooling anyone, you might say you know fashion but you still have the taste of a high school kid. You think you know things but you don't and you will realize that later, your also really immature. fuck off already. child.

>> No.9433682
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>> No.9433825


>> No.9433919
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>mfw I was able to be a waiter at the age of 16
>yfw I made 500$ of tips in the end of the weekend

you can suck my motherfucking ball bitchboy

>> No.9433967


>> No.9434951

Tell that faggot to bring back the Nike dynasty high tops

>> No.9434991
File: 261 KB, 2354x508, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's actually pretty good

i got paid $1k for freelance seo consulting for this month

i only needed to spend a few hours to setup wmt, ga and a rank tracker
and comb through a ahrefs report to build a disavowal file

i dunno if they'll keep me for next month though, but i'll probably convince them to

ask me anything related to interweb marketing and i'll answer if u don't believe me x)

like i said it's a decent amont of money if you're living with your parents and you're still in high school and you have no living fees

so it's $1k extra i can spend on clothes or whatever

>> No.9435011

That's pretty good money. When I was in high school, I got paid minimum wage to work ten hours a week at a public skating rink

>> No.9435205

This is believable. However this fuck face >>9434991 is full of shit.

>> No.9435230

aight that's pretty legit then, I'm going for computer science in college right now so I'm jelly I didn't do something like that in high school. your still a faggot with a high schooler's fashion sense though.

>> No.9435253
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>extra $1k
>mfw might as well be $0 because you gonna spend it on basic shit tho

>> No.9435431
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I wouldn't lie. It's chump change compared to what I would earn after I graduate from uni (salary of an average Canadian is $48,250). But like I said dude, you can ask me a really obscure question or post your site if you want advice on it or anything.

>> No.9435466
File: 20 KB, 304x343, sidebar_pick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm pretty jelly you're studying cs haha. I applied to study business in uni, but I'm starting to have second thoughts. You don't need a business degree to start a business, and I would rather have a useful skill like coding or engineering. I'm trying to learn Python (not really learning anything tho) so all is good :)

>> No.9435492

meh, a lot of CS is of kinda marginal use. you learn like a language, it doesn't help you because X hiring company wants people who can use Y and you just know Z because that was in like a while ago. idk.
CS bubble is also finna crash, son. the silicon valley hiring cycle is the polar opposite of sustainable, and will be crashing soon, tons of fuckers will be sitting with a CS degree up their ass and no hiring market. business is never something that will really _bubble_, or at least not in a way that predictable, because you don't need a business degree to monkey unless a single corp gets a fucking insane market share and wants crazy fucking infrastructure which doesn't seem to have happened on the absurd scale that would make a business degree useful. what a busineess degree will do is stay useful, the economy shall live on, and knowing how a company works will be useful almost anywhere.
also, CS is for faggots, whenever you see a filthy code monkey, punch them straight in the dick and say, fuck your ellis act shit.

>> No.9435501


>> No.9435515
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>this nigga saying a business degree is better than a STEM degree

shit you are ignorant.

>> No.9435529

no, than a CS degree
it's in a bubble atm, people pick up on bubble, value appreciates, people devalue, value ends up lower than it was previously because market is so saturated with X product skill degree etc.
once market crashes, which it will, there will be hordes of people who are on the CS kick because they think that shit will make them rich, some will have been correct, but many will have been made incorrect by a sudden drop in interest.
i'm not saying, "all STEM degrees are fucking weak" because they are not, they are powerful and will likely continue to be so
but, a CS degree will not be worth much.
you've failed to comprehend my statement.

>> No.9435538

lmao this is hilarious
yeah there is big demand for CS people but there are two things that make this shit work
1.) the VAST majority of people holding CS degrees are FUCKING GARBAGE. not worth much to a company
2.) Software is going to be a central concern for the next 100 years atleast.

congratulations on not knowing what CS actually is btw, it isn't code monkeying. I think you are looking at IT

>> No.9435560
File: 183 KB, 1280x960, beck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can keep that.

>> No.9435562
File: 106 KB, 991x711, plugins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, I see what you're saying. CS degrees are unsustainable because:

1) It's hard to keep up with the latest languages
2) There are too many people with CS degrees


I would argue:

1) You don't need a business degree to start a business
2) Having knowledge on a specific subject (e.g. software engineering) is pretty much necessary to start a business in that area.
3) There are lots of business majors who have mediocre jobs, especially people who have less mathematical majors like HR or Marketing.

>> No.9435564

i do know what CS, but I also know that one of the largest fields of CS itself is code monkeying, developement, whatever you want to call that shit, language fluency.
>most of the people w/ CS degrees are garbage
but even so they'll beat out the new grads for hires because they have an employment record.
>software is going to be a central concern
yes, it will be, but the way silicon valley is right now, the center of the CS hiring, relies heavily on seed from VC and then revenue from advertising. when the market was fresh, new products shone more easily, making it an attractive investment field, now, with the way people pick up a lot of software being developed in the valley, through popularity, the possibility of advert revenue to a new firm as the present players become more cemented is less likely, making it a weaker field for VC, making its expansion slow, leaving, i'm sure, plenty of computer scientists with good jobs (because yes, them computers is useful) but a lot of new graduates, especially the ones who do not stand out, without employment, at least in their field. this is why i don't think a CS degree is a good idea. but, that's just my opinion, it's a helluva gamble. if you can get established at a strong firm before the crash, you would prolly be fine, but i wouldn't want to be someone stuck out in the cold, who picked CS not because they loved it, but for the $ then left without all of those tasty hiring opportunities.
feel free to give your input tho, i actually am very interested in this subject

>> No.9435574

>Software is going to be a central concern for the next 100 years atleast.

a bit of a stretch to say

>> No.9435579
File: 18 KB, 666x162, shortcodes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1.) the VAST majority of people holding CS degrees are FUCKING GARBAGE. not worth much to a company

The same thing applies to any other major, but the other guy is saying there is too much supply of CS majors. That means the standard of "garbage" will increase. If you're a decent developer today, it's not guaranteed that you'll still be hireable __ years from now.

>2.) Software is going to be a central concern for the next 100 years atleast.

Same thing; the skillsets you have today won't be relevant __ years from now. Either you keep up or you fall behind. Why are so many of the people working in tech really young?

>> No.9435580

sorry about that, running out of chars.
yes, i do understand that business majors aren't the gold fucking standard, but i think they're stable, safe. i think a business major will find their degree useful in most jobs, that it is adaptable, and applicable in some way to many fields and if not that, then the process of getting hired. (tho i admit i don't know too much about the field itself let alone more specific courses)
but, i don't think CS is just unsustainable cause of this, read my post here >>9435564
for a bit more on why i think cs isn't headed anywhere nice
but, honestly, i think that i prefer a degree relating to something one can find themself interested in, rather than economically stable in. so, keep that in mind as well.

imo, software is the next industrial revolution, i think it will change and continue to change the face of our world economy for quite a while at least, though maybe not software development. but, i think it will remain an important field in one way or another.

>> No.9435600

For some context, i'm a Sophomore at a well ranked public school for CS
first thing i want to address is
>but a lot of new graduates, especially the ones who do not stand out, without employment
You are 100% on the money. It's very easy to assume "hurr CS = jobs" but people who go to mediocre schools or don't apply aggressively for jobs are living in a pipe dream.
>but i wouldn't want to be someone stuck out in the cold, who picked CS not because they loved it, but for the $ then left without all of those tasty hiring opportunities.
I'm sure shittier schools 'let' the people who are in it for the dough stay, but my school has done an amazing job at weeding out those kind of people
I see what you are saying and I agree 100%. I work for a startup right now (gotta start somewhere) and thankfully we work with Universities so we don't rely on advertisement for dosh

>> No.9435605
File: 17 KB, 714x211, main_layouts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read your whole post, and I agree for the most part.

What I disagree with is that the tech world is some sort of 'bubble' that's going to 'pop' in the near future. Sure, I agree that the market is going to be saturated with mediocre developers and knockoff apps, but there's no way everything will just crash and leave everyone empty-handed.

Tech is playing an increasingly big role in our lives, and it's disrupting the 'traditional' ways of doing things (see: Netflix, Uber etc.)

The only thing a large supply of workers would result in is really cheap labor, making software dev a much less appealing job. Still, the people who are actually good (like good enough to work for Google) are going to be more relevant than ever.

>> No.9435608
File: 34 KB, 396x600, 0x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually don't get the advertising bit.

Is he referring to marketing (advertising) the company's product to get sales, after the product has been built with investor funding?

Or is he saying that advertising is a big source of revenue, which is NOT the case for a lot of startups?

>> No.9435618

should clarify, i don't think the whole tech world will, but i think silicon valley, which i see as the forefront of tech especially VC fueled tech, is gonna go under. some tech i'm sure will survive, but the rapidly expanding parts will dry up, and the excess jobless will end up flooding over into the other tech, clogging up the application stacks at the best and getting positions they shouldn't have at worst.

saying advertising as a revenue source is drying up, because capital is built based entirely on popularity, big user = little user etc etc.

>> No.9435631

I agree, but most startup CEOs have technology-related degrees, not business ones.

>> No.9435722

post a fit

>> No.9435819


>> No.9438178


>> No.9438679

Good thing I'm double majoring in CS and business :^)

>fucking master race

>> No.9438686

literally the worst trip