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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 61 KB, 620x413, sahara-desert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9391357 No.9391357[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>my vagina when a guy has a bigger shoe collection than me

>> No.9391372
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>your opinion

>> No.9391379
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>my penis when a girl thinks I revolve my hobby around her

Jokes on you, I like guys anyway. :~)

>> No.9391382
File: 29 KB, 400x267, perfect spaghetti on fork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick when your closet is filled with nothing but Forever 21 and VS Pink.

>> No.9391413

>my dick when a girl wears uggs and a north face jacket

>> No.9391437


>> No.9391485
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>my vagina when I find out a boy takes fashion advice from weaboos on a chinese cartoon forum

>> No.9391486
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my favourite show to watch when im having fun with friends

>> No.9391487
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>> No.9391494

can i grow weed in it?

>> No.9391508
File: 34 KB, 460x276, Stormy-seas-in-the-Southe-008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my vagina when a boy wears roshes, joggers, and a v neck

>> No.9391509


>> No.9391512


so that's why it reeks of fish

>> No.9391518


>> No.9391736


>> No.9391747
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>> No.9391748

10/10 bread

>> No.9391756
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>My dick when a girls with a fat ass is wearing a short pencil skirt

>> No.9391761

fucking rekt

>> No.9391769

>log out

>> No.9391775


>> No.9391783

be more new

>> No.9391806

>misusing meme arrows

>> No.9391816


>> No.9391837

that's a big desert

>> No.9391839

>picked up on that instead of the "forum"
Get out

>> No.9391857
File: 72 KB, 960x959, 10429483_1255574891218512_5513743884812686881_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i saw this on facebook

>> No.9391886

might as well say "boys who wear clothing"

>> No.9391892


>> No.9391971

it's true

>> No.9391992
File: 109 KB, 576x768, am_79225_6775688_771150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick when a bitch suck dick like she suck dick

>> No.9392006

w2c pants

>> No.9392008

>people jumping to respond to this not realising that it's actually amazing bait
heh...it's too easy

>> No.9392053
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>this is what /fa/ has become after the passing of moot

>> No.9392071

> Your vagina whenever anyone in this thread says "my vagina..."

>> No.9392106


>> No.9392131
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>> No.9392135

embarrassing post

>> No.9392141

I caN relate to this

>> No.9392177


>> No.9392191
File: 2.26 MB, 1920x1200, GUSHING.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Milfs' vaginas when they see my r/mfa fit.

If dressing in nu biz cas is wrong then I don't want to be right.

>> No.9392203
File: 37 KB, 768x471, 02909024757578493089029023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick when a girl has a ponytail

>> No.9392224
File: 169 KB, 1024x808, Diamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my dick when a girl

>> No.9392225

>not diamond

>> No.9392229
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>> No.9392256
File: 61 KB, 511x511, sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sides when this whole thread

>> No.9392315

underrated roast

>> No.9392325
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>b-but pic related is so much more effay

>> No.9392620

mods plz ban

>> No.9392645

I'm p.sure /fa/ has more gfs per capita than any other board though.

>> No.9392646

but thats a sick fit yo
wud suck benis

>> No.9392650

More like guys who work out

>> No.9392658
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>> No.9392760

i doubt it. maybe more bf's though

>> No.9392770

The straight demographic does. I have one. This is probably the least autismal board here that isn't a porn board.

>> No.9392777

I'd say /k/ and /sp/ are up there too.

>> No.9392787
File: 830 KB, 250x192, no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no gf
>tfw keep falling for girls who already have a bf
Why does this always happen to me.

>> No.9392800

Yeah, but sports are for mindless plebs, I doubt they have any girls worth having. Guns are cool, I have 7, but they aren't cool enough to talk about because you can't play with them every day. I wear clothes every day.

>> No.9392805

>not autistic

>> No.9392814
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>sports are for mindless plebs
>guns are cool

>> No.9392816

There's a lot of married dudes on /k/ I actually know a lot of rednecks that go there and don't even know the rest of 4chan exists, it's really really bizarre.
Just sayin.

>> No.9392836

I mean watching sports. I play pick up at the gym but I don't obsess like a retard over other people playing. People just sit there and root for people playing that they don't even know. Then they affiliate themselves with an arbitrary team, probably in a city where they don't even fucking live. Like do something creative or productive with yourself. At least actual television and movies have plots that require some thought and understanding and make a statement. Sports don't give you anything to think about. It's like "wow what a great play" and then forgotten.

>> No.9392848
File: 381 KB, 1407x819, pathetic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9392889

I was only able to find out they already have a bf after I had feels for them.


>> No.9392893

elliot rodger is that you

>> No.9392912

How the fuck do you have feelings for a girl that you haven't even had sex with yet? Once they put out I let myself open up enough to start falling in love with them. It happens naturally. For me love comes after trust, not before. I was like you when I was 16 though.

>> No.9392927


>> No.9392934


>not bringing up if she's single or not within the first one or two conversations if you're interested

stay beta

>> No.9393232

Spoken like a true neckbeard.

>> No.9393236

i laughed. thanks

>> No.9393250

*tips fedora*

>> No.9393263

well shaven?

>> No.9393270
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>> No.9393276

>log out
top lel anon, you're even newer than I am.

>> No.9393308

You are both too stupid to even defend yourselves with a competent rebuttal. You just proved me right. Only idiots say they dislike something without being able to convey and argue for their line of reasoning. Tell me why you like to watch sports. Tell me why my argument is wrong. Use your words like a big boy.

As for the neckbeard accusation, the odds are ten to one that I'm better looking, more charismatic, and more articulate than you are.

Again, I like to play sports. I just dislike watching them because it bores me.

>> No.9393323



>> No.9393331
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>> No.9393343

>Tell me why you like to watch sports.
because they're fun to watch?
because I don't define my personality with how I entertain myself? watching sports is one of the many ways I socialize with those around me. it's an enjoyable thing. drink a beer, eat a brat, shoot the shit, talk about who's quarterback is better, etc.

it's a fun past-time

sorry you're too much of an autist to be able to enjoy something as simple as social interaction

>> No.9393350

You could have just said "I don't like watching sports, it's boring." And left it at that instead of going into that whole rant about how you can't understand why people watch sports, it doesn't help your case that you're on 4chan a Mongolian Pokemon weebley.

>> No.9393380

How are they fun to watch though? They seem incredibly boring to me. I'm learning nothing from them as I watch and I'm not being shown another's viewpoint. It is under-stimulating to me. As for the autist insult, as I just said I'm very socially competent. In fact I'm going into outside pharmaceutical sales because of that. I just like worldly people who also enjoy absorbing new information and ways of thought. When people come over we smoke weed then put on a comedy and talk over it. Movies bring up so many more topics than sports ever could.

>> No.9393384

Get out you faggot

>> No.9393396

Because it seems so stupid to me. When guys flamboyantly associate themselves with some team 300 miles away and care for seemingly no reason it makes me embarrassed for them. I've read in a psych book that the reason they do is because of the feeling of being part of something fills a void they have. It essentially makes them feel loved.