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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 393 KB, 1280x1920, 00600h_1280x1920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9378628 No.9378628[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

u jealous?

>> No.9378644


>> No.9378657
File: 61 KB, 418x625, 25252345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not jealous.
but i sort of do wish I looked like that.
I bet guys like that have cool gfs.
and plebs don't bother them in public/think they are somehow patrician or from a higherclass/rich drug addict

>> No.9378659

>I bet guys like that have cool gfs.
most of them are gay

>> No.9379914

SLP suiting has the best arm fittings.

>> No.9382181

hungry skelingtons pl answer.
how big r ur thighs
like measure that shit.
i am close to this but my thighs too big

>> No.9382226
File: 374 KB, 1366x2048, slp2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to be that skinny (6'3" 150 lbs) but then I had to focus on grades and thus I study and snack like crazy... Now I'm like 6'3" 180... This all happened within like 3 months too lol.
>p.s. Hedi will never top FW13

>> No.9382403

are you skinny fat now?

>> No.9382431

dude are you serious???
all of dior homme is better than this trash.
also even for just SLP that was his weakest. christ

>> No.9382437


gay clothes for gay boys

>> No.9382446

6'1", 148lbs this morning - thigh is 18.5" at thickest section

>> No.9382454

wish i looked like this

>> No.9382457

is this the guy that didn't go to the slp after party because he was "hungry"?

>> No.9382459

>actually wanting to be skinny

>> No.9382470



>> No.9382526

damn didnt think anyone would actually do this thanks.
are your legs generally quite pipe looking???

>> No.9382566


that feel when 5'11", 130lbs with 20" thighs

if only i could remove thigh width and add it to my height

not willing to stop working out tho

>> No.9382760
File: 28 KB, 525x700, jeans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

16 inches

>> No.9382797


>> No.9382810
File: 61 KB, 720x960, basic as fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125 lbs
17" thighs.

>> No.9382817

Anyone know how to lose muscle in your thighs? I'm a runner so I have a very muscular thighs.

>> No.9382821

not this dude but
anyone know how to work out legs without getting big thighs?

>> No.9382832

Do long walks at a brisk pace as opposed to running

>> No.9382839


>> No.9382860

what about things at home

>> No.9382874

probably a lot of walking/running

i see them with lean muscle opposed to disgusting bulk

>> No.9382875

sorta yea

>> No.9382878


stop running

but honestly giving up physical fitness just so you can be skinnier is beta as fuck

>> No.9382904

yeeah i dont want to be unhealthy
isnt there like a fit skinny?
that's still as skinny but involves not being super out of shape

>> No.9383035

I guess my thighs will always be big. 4:13 mile is worth it right :'(

>> No.9384054



i run a 1:56 800m and thats worth more than looking anorexic

>> No.9384095


>> No.9384108

dude what

look at top tier endurance cyclists at peak leanness. They're skinnier than any anorexic fuck on here that i've seen, it's scary.

Triathletes have a nice physique if they train right, check them out. They're less on the "skinny as fuck, ew" side and more well rounded.

>> No.9384171
File: 208 KB, 540x601, th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're skinnier than any anorexic fuck on here that i've seen, it's scary.
No, they're not. Most of them have pretty normal adult bodies (a /fit/izen would disagree). They're def. bigger than /fa/ skeletons.

Of course there were some hungry skeletons like Michael Rasmussen. But just watch their time trials. They got BTFO'd every time because these skinny weaklings couldn't put any power on the bike.

>> No.9384177

How do you get such thin thighs?

>> No.9384918

came back.. didn't expect pix thanks so much
i guess I would have to weigh FUCK all to get that look at only 5'11

>> No.9384940

The skinny cyclists are usually doping

>> No.9384946

you have a massive head compared to your body, just doesnt look right

>> No.9384950

>tfw 24" thighs

>> No.9384970

this is fuckin' scary dude

>> No.9384976

Calorie deficit over a long time.

>> No.9385069
File: 5 KB, 265x190, bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

drug addicts end up looking like this

>> No.9385094
File: 7 KB, 276x277, 1415478370636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 6'1 guys on /fa/ with legs as thick as my arms

>> No.9385097

I've always been very thin, but at 6'3" 150lbs I'm having a hard time believed you weren't just skinny fat.

I'm 6'4" and when I was 140 I was just barely leaving the skinny fat zone.

>> No.9385101

I think he's hot

>> No.9385120

i have had you saved in my thinspo folder for a long time