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/fa/ - Fashion

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9310061 No.9310061 [Reply] [Original]

What kind of things do you do to make your lifestyle /fa/?

Sure you can buy cool clothes, but actually living the life of a fashionable person. Having a cool job, hobbies, /fa/ girlfriend, nice apartment. What kind of things do you do to make your entire life effay?

>work minimum wage job
>save up months to purchase 1 pair of ricks
>open the box in your tiny apartment in arkansas

doesn't sound fa to me.

>> No.9310683

Rare candles r /fa/

>> No.9310729
File: 2.42 MB, 3264x2448, apt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My apartment would be kind of /fa/ if it weren't such a mess all the time. Pic related is its current state. And I live in nyc which is better than Arkansas I guess, but I really can't achieve any /fa/ minimalist zone like in OP's pic since I'm such a slob. Feels bad man (my own fault tho so I can't complain)

>> No.9310740

D-do you have a gf?
If not I'll come over and clean your apartment for you ;)

>> No.9310745

>be poor as shit from working class family
>work min wage
>network like a motherfucker, lots of rich friends
>go to social events and parties and experience the life of some trust fund aristocracy faggot
>have gone skinny dipping with models and smoked weed with the kids of ruling party Chinese politicians
>tfw you blew all your money on a suit so you wouldn't stand out when you leave the house
>rich asian prick is bragging about how he blew through 30 grand on a two week trip to new york
>some rich cunt makes fun of you for always wearing the same tie
>just blew a few hundred on a suit why did I not think of getting a couple ties from goodwill or something
>sneak out the back and cry in the bathroom
>the bathroom is made of fucking marble and there's gold trim on the god damn mirrors
>first time you've cried in years and you're sobbing like a fucking baby because you know you're not going to fit in to this life ever
>don't want to be working class like everyone you grew up with because it's a miserable life and most of your childhood friends are working dead end jobs or too fucked up on k h and x to even care
>secretly hoping for a communist revolution so you can push some of the assholes you rub shoulders with against the wall and put a bullet in their heads

On the plus side I've started seeing this qt girl with a fun personality whos family's worth like 20 mil and I'll probably someday be able to whore myself out of poverty someday.

This isn't /fa/ but it's as close as most people here can ever hope to get and at least that's something.

>> No.9310749

also everyone who's seen my room ever has complimented my interior design skills so hey.

>> No.9310759

i have a bf ;^)

>> No.9310762

w2c networking skills?
You should write some deep literature about your life and become a bestselling author.

>> No.9310764

W-wanna be friends? I-it's not like I wanna pet your qt cat or anything.

>> No.9310765

Live in great apartment.
Have a 9/10 girlfriend.
Study business.

>> No.9310769
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damn that's a crazy story bro. Don't wait for a communist revolution tho, wait for a national socialist one :)))

>> No.9310770

Are you sick anon? I hope you get better soon!

>> No.9310771

did you post about this on /biz/ the other day? if not, then 4chan must have a lot of manwhores who know rich women. how do i join the club

also found out /biz/ is full of autistic savants so actually nvm i don't want that life

>> No.9310772

cool story bro
i hope you get rich too one day

>> No.9310780

Do you change your tripcode every hour or something. Filtering you should not be this hard

>> No.9310783

I guarantee you all of the stories on /biz/ are fake, whether they're success stories or sob stories.

There isn't anybody there with the slightest shred of intelligence.

>> No.9310786


The struggle is real.

>> No.9310788

dank meme bro

what a quality post from you

>> No.9310791
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It's 90% luck, 10% looks.
Except for the political stuff (it helps to be involved in politics/community events) every 'group' I've befriended has been because I've dated/fucked some upper-middle class/rich girl and she's introduced me. No one mentions this in those networking classes but sticking your dick in a girl and befriending her friends is way easier than actually making friends yourself.

>> No.9310797

I already have the looks part nailed down (i'm a 10/10)

Where did you start meeting rich kids?

>> No.9310800

thnks m8

No I don't browse /biz/, is the thread still up? Sounds interesting

>> No.9310803
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>not playing up the povvo angle and being their "authentic" trophy slum friend
You should dress like the hobo you are. Can't beat them at the being-rich part.

>> No.9310806

don't bother going on /biz/
like 50% of the threads are "i have $100 dollars, how do i turn it into $1 billion" and the answer is always "become a prostitute" or "buy dog coins"
you can check if you don't believe me

>> No.9310809

Does the same thing still apply if you're a girl?
Maybe you should start teaching networking classes.

>> No.9310810

not him but go to the preppy rich clubs, university events etc

>> No.9310816

like what kind of uni events? there are lots

>> No.9310819

You don't. You get luck as hell and sleep with a rich girl at a party. Or you get involved in those social events where rich people pretend to be concerned citizens so they can have dinner parties and boast about charities. Depending on where you live, groups like Rotary or Toastmasters are decent for getting to know upper middle class people who know actual rich people, or befriend someone who goes to a boarding school/ivy and befriend their friends but mostly it's a matter of luck.

>> No.9310824

Exercise. Capability is /fa/.
Also, I shoot guns. Guns are perceived dangerous, therefore they are sexy. Any skill done well is also an added /fa/ bonus.

>> No.9310828

Thanks, that makes sense. So you just gotta set yourself up where you have a chance at meeting the right people.

Just curious why but why don't you just get one of your cool rich friends to hook you up with a job better than min wage?

>> No.9310831

I don't see why not, it's probably easier if anything. The gold digger stereotype exists for a reason.

I try to pull of a kind of charming authentic lower class prep style but if you get too "hood" they'll get scared off. Besides I want to be them someday, not just be around them.

Preppy ones. Look for things relating to charity, politics, "high art", and music.

>> No.9310843

Sounds cool. What's your major? Good uni?

>> No.9310850

Because they're trust fund uni kids and I don't know their parents. I did get a pretty decent summer job babysitting for this Harvard prof last summer but it was only part time. Still made a grand for doing nothing but taking his kids to the pool for a couple hours every day so I can't complain.

I've got a friend who said I could get me a job teaching English in China easy for 50-60 grand a year so I'll probably do that after I graduate.

>> No.9310891
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Belgrade is 3rd world New York