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/fa/ - Fashion

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9279758 No.9279758[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you spend your New Years Eve /fa/?
green text stories, feels, cops and waywt

We had one last year which popped like a motherfucker so lets go again

>> No.9279763

watching hitler documentary:

>> No.9279764

>wake up at 3 PM
>skype with friends and do nothing at all productive on my computer
>gather friends and go to J-Town at 9 PM
>eat food at 10
>come back to my place
>limply celebrate the coming of the new year
>drive them all back home
>get really sad when they're all gone and realize I'm completely alone
>rinse and repeat

It's looking to be another mediocre year. Maybe I can get more scholarships this time though

>> No.9279768

>debate dropping into party for a few hours
>get drunk and watch x-files

>> No.9279770
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woke up to cold ass house for some reason, sounds like its raining, never felt this cold.

go out side

fucking SNOW


water in radiator is obvious frozen, no block warmer because California car....

Chihuahua is shivering, so put darth vader in her star wars sweater


see legacy pauper event coming up, so build U/R delver-cruise utilizing netdeck sites


play/beat Grand theft auto 4 DLC - the lost m/c one

play pokemon online for some weird reason
since I just collected the base set ones as a kid.

the game is broken as fuck

and easy to build around. for example the trainers you can only use one of in, and the dual energy/colorless pokemon being over powered

also whoever is winning, gets more of an advantage due to the prize cards but whatever

been grinding that pignite/emboar deck

>> No.9279773

post qt dog

>> No.9279778
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My one was awesome but in a fucking lame way, it's really not /fa/ at all

>New Years Eve party had a smart dress code
>quickly cop a pair of 1461's (which I liked but deep down I knew wasn't /fa/)
>also copped a pair of Topman trousers (because not only am i not /fa/, I'm also poor)
>go predrinks and only half of us have dressed smart ffs
>turn up to the house, whole squad is wit me
>I look good, my friends look good, I feel good
>I never get drunk so I got bored pretty fuckign quick
>A friend let me smoke out of his pipe, it was really good
>Some girl handed me her own spliff, thought I could take it, had a coughing fit
>felt like a dickhead
>Walk with a few people to get a Doner Kebab
>I was already full so it tasted shit half way through, even though the memory of it tasted fantastic
>Go back to the house in time for the countdown
>Everybody's in the garden, we count down, I kiss a few girls and hug a bunch of guys, the vibe was pretty awesome
>The neighbours two doors down started shooting fireworks, the highlight of my night (I've never seen fireworks that close)
>Stayed for an hour then caught the bus home because the party was obviously dying down.

It was an alright night for me tbh

>> No.9279779

she's sleeping right now. i'll get a pic of her later in the day

she's just a black Chihuahua wearing that sweater with a lightsaber hilt keychain on her collar

>> No.9279782
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Got to kiss the girl with the fattest ass at the party.
>I grabbed

>> No.9279783

sucks that suburbs have sensors around so if you shoot fireworks, or fire arms police come to your door the next day

>> No.9279784

went to see a friend's band played
they killed it
went out for drinks with another friend
popped into the bar where I work for a free drink around midnight
went home
good times

>> No.9279785
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>tfw all ur freinds are out of country
>tfw at home, younger siblings invite their bestfriends
>tfw smoked a giant bowl @ ~10
>tfw got too high and fell asleep
>tfw woke up at 12:30


>> No.9279788

>primary partner in fl
>no $$$ to go to friend's party
>roommates hung over and don't wanna hang out
>on /fa/

>> No.9279789

> woke up to a foot of snow here in southern California (first snow in 10 years)
> went snowboarding around my neighborhood
> played video games the rest of the day
breddy gud

>> No.9279799
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I just watched Lawrence of Arabia.

>> No.9279811


>> No.9279812
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Drank and played poker with a good friend and a guy I don't know.

Went out to the city smashed before midnight, saw fireworks, screamed in the woods a lot. I lost my voice shouting.

>> No.9279817

went to bed at 11.

new years eve is for casuals, going out when everyone else in the world thinks they have to party is not a great experience. but if that's your thing, i hope you had fun :3

>> No.9279819
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>> No.9279820

i was in bed by 10
i dont even know anymore

>> No.9279821

Woke up at 2, returned some gifts from urban outfitters, wrote some lyrics. Talked to my musician frand on steam all day. Not much, don't really have a life lel

>> No.9279824
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>> No.9279828

it's just crowded everywhere and there is this vibe of being forced to have fun. also fireworks everywhere that pollute the streets, kids throwing fireworks at people, etc. etc.

>> No.9279833
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>> No.9279913
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>Go Carbid schieten (pic related) with friends at 3 pm, eating all kinds of end-of-the-year foods and drinking Glühwein and beer.
>6 pm we go to a friends house and make some food and drink some more
>watch police academy 5 for a bit
>get bored and go for a walk with a few friends, occasionally lighting some not totally legal fireworks.
>come back, watch some more tv with the group, drink some more
>watch the lottery results, we didn't win
>countdown to 2015
>go outside to watch all the fireworks
>take a long walk to a friends parents house to say hi
>aren't there
>well the walk was okay I guess
>head back, drink some more

It was okay, last years NYE was nicer, but this year was better overall.

One of my friends' girlfriends was all over me, don't know why. Maybe because I don't take her shit. + he's ready to jump to another girl.
That was interesting I guess.

>> No.9280113

Yeah i had the same thing lol i new years kissed a girl and her bf was watching

>> No.9280129
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Got really hammered and slept with a girlfriend of mine that im really regretting right now. How to deal with this?

>> No.9280133

New Year New You it and never talk to her again

>> No.9280134

indiscreetly boast to /fa/ about it, presenting it as a problem

>> No.9280146

>be staying at Melbourne hostel with couple of friends
>have dinner, go out to bars, watch fireworks at midnight
>summer night, city packed, good vibes
>end up in sweaty, packed but fun club
>both friends dancing, each with a guy
>think "fuck it, I'm not gonna be alone tonight"
>dancing with random qt 7/10
>kiss for a while
>break away, dance a little more
>something feels wrong
>"yeah I'm gonna get a water now"
>go to bathroom instead
>look in mirror
>red lipstick smudged around mouth
>so that's why things went weird
>cringe intensely
>never return out of shame
>I'm one of those girls now

>> No.9280147
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I cant do that were still good friends, but i told her that we should forget what happened and just dont talk to anyone we know about it.

>> No.9280157

keep your head up it was probably sexy

>> No.9280165

mdma at an east london rave. stayed out till 10am. was fun

>> No.9280180
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My New Years tale is one of insanity

>Be working, unsure of plans for tonight, do I go to party my friend who's a girl asked me, name of H for now or do I go to my usual hangout and get stoned as fuck with the boys?

>Choose party because not seen girl in ages and we get on v well

>get stoned and drunk with a cool bunch of people, but I'm one of the oldest there and defo one of the most /fa/

>night begins quite casually, just chillin killin with tha girl and 3 other dudes who are not into the screaming drunk atmosphere of the 18/19 yo girls and guys who are here.

> I end up getting hounded all night by 4 diff girls. and in my stoned stupor i'm creating fantastical images and stereotypes in my head. I turn the situation into an almost movie like situation

>Girl 1: is cute but super innocent, v eager to impress, has never smoked before so is attempting all out to fit in and be cool with our little group, she's loud in a non-offensive way, just sorta shouting out of turn about silly things, including that she wants to have my children.

>Girl 2 : Toxic, really harshens my buzz, is fuck ugly and rude, acts out of turn and is desperate for attention, greedy and repulsive. Truely floats around this party like a bad smell. Noone likes having her around.

>Girl 3 : Desperate to appear mature, in a sophisticated way she's elegant however she gives it away by pandering to me so much. While talking to her I tell her about my life, my two jobs and uni course etc and EVERYTIME i see her after this she bleats it back to me, that she knows things about me. Screams desperation, a shame because she could be better with her sense of style and figure.


>> No.9280186


>> No.9280188

"> dinner with Gf
> we got in a fight over something stupid
> we rarely every fight -_-
> dinner kinda ruined
> on the way to reunion/party
> get a call that its canceled
> spend new years at her house with her strict mom
3/10 at least I wasn't alone"

>> No.9280193


Now I realise I'm essentially living the dream here, for years I've wanted to feel this NOTORIOUS, I'm the bad ass hot fashionable drug taking friend of one of the party goers, to these girls I'm the bad boy, the good guy, the hippie and the sensitive caring type all in one. (though this isn't me)

> The night now takes on a cyclical formula. We four, Myself, H and the other guys float from a small room upstairs where I roll the Joints, to downstairs in a shed where we smoke, we 4 are always making the first moves and when we arrive at the destination we have a great time, 10 mins of peace and four beings in unison, we chat about the night and this insane shit that's going on

> As much as my ego is getting stroked, I'm super in tune with H, it's strange but we just understand each other? All these other girls are so see through and eager to impress all it really does is turn me off, I want a higher calibre of female.

> getting more stoned and drunk, and as many of you have probs already guessed, there used to be a thing between myself and H

> The result of this "female entourage" that I've gained has obv amplified this, in a way she's jealous, she used to fancy me and i used to fancy her but she ended up going out with the "love of her life" It's strange, the way she acts around me tonight there is attraction for sure. She even says "we could never do anything with each other, well we could, but we shouldn't..."

I am hammered at this point and high as a kite too


>> No.9280196

i wanna hear more b

>> No.9280207


> get alone with H in a room later around 1, she's bonding with me and we're laughing over this mad situation while she fixes her make up in mirror.

> it's low in the ground so she's slut dropped to see it, heels, tight jeans, tight crop top etc. Sex appeal right?

> I explain that this is what the other chicks lack, that raw sex appeal, she says "I thought you'd be happy to see me like this tonight" obv I was, an insane situation, her bf is a great dude.

> Nothing happens, I begin explaining how close a bond I feel we have and that I think we have a connection on a very personal level. This freaks her out (understandably and so she jets)

> gets picked up by bf later, everything is cool and we say goodbye, no love lost, just an understanding that we always come to when we get hammered.

> End the night getting sucked off in the toilet by Girl 1.

tl;dr - went to a party, tried to pull the moves on best pal, she shrugged it off though certainly was into it. Got a blowy in the loo. Oh and broke my phone..

>> No.9280212


Sorry this isn't told better, I'm stupidly hungover. Tired and god damn, I get stoned every friday with my best mates, I don't suit this bad boy role that I was thrown into..

>> No.9280216
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That story did something to me

>> No.9280227

Everyone had gone to the beach so I was left alone in the city. I was watching LPs on YouTube out of boredom, at one moment I laid back on my bed and fell asleep. When I woke up it was 1:17am already.

Worst NYE ever.

>> No.9280234


I wish I was more creative, last night had so many characters and their own subplots and arcs, some of the guys there were jealous but handled it in different ways. I feel bad for them, because they were all great people

>> No.9280248

As a 22 y/o virgin I say fuck you dude I hate you and your story

>> No.9280252

>my best friend didn't invite me to his party
>asked other friend if I could come to his house party, never got an answer
>I don't know why they treat me like this
>scared that my friends suddenly hate me
>spend the night alone watching tv and binge eating
>have to struggle not to go back to drinking all day and fucking up my life

I don't know why everybody suddenly decided they don't like me. Fuck this shit.

>> No.9280258


Be assertive and pull them up on their bullshit. Start this new year being a dominant force and in control of your own life. Your stagnating and because of that you appear meek and weak-willed. BE A FUCKING MAN and don't tolerate people WALKING over you

>> No.9280261


These dudes are meant to be your fucking friends, don't wallow in pity take some fucking action and initiative! Easier said than done? Fine, sit there and do nothing and your life will never change

>> No.9280266

what the hell are you me?

>> No.9280269

Confront them, if they don't like you find better friends :)

>> No.9280272

That's the plan, I'm tired of taking shit from anyone. I'm just bummed because I never expected that kind of behavior from them.

>> No.9280273

>go on famous bar/pub crawl from 5pm till about 9:30pm with best mate and two good female friends of ours
>around 10:30pm arrive at the bar we were all planning on going to
>pints are £1.50 but I'm already fucked
>New Year rings in
>tfw no new years kiss
>got even more fucked up, had to sit outside chainsmoking for a while to try and sober up
>got in at about 3am feeling shite

New Years Resolutions:

>stop trying with girls
>do uni work in my downtime instead of squandering it/getting high all the time
>do more drugs and drink more

>> No.9280277

I feel you friend, my so-called friends pulled that shit on me, when I was in my early teens. Took me several years to recover, and build a new existence. Also partvof the reason I'm still somewhat of a social-retard :/

>> No.9280288

Sup, melbourne fag here
the streets were completely packed in the city,i work in fed square and it took me about 30 minutes to get across the road to the train station.
also, i saw a fair amount of club sluts that night, hope you are too /fa/ to be one of them

>> No.9280298


>> No.9280304

Your story was shit, you came of like a dick and no, it really wasn't anymore interesting than you made it seem.

You basically tried to make a move on a taken woman, who got creeped out and left for her real boyfriend. It's alright though, you were one of the most effay there s-so that mean's you're the coolest r-right guys???

>> No.9280336

>on vacation with the gf in the caribbean
>walk to local bar
>bar is practically empty all night, when NYE comes there's only 6 of us in there
>get my new years kiss
>bar closes soon after midnight, get lost walking home
>too drunk to fuck when we get home
>wake up around 9am together and fuck
>cum inside gf

all in all a 9/10 new years. only better thing would have been if we could have been some place busier

>> No.9280355

Not exactly a new year story (27th december) but worth telling anyway
>went a bit of a gather all party for a certain music festival workers (i am one of them as well)
>get asked to work the bar a bit for the night along with 5 other people
>met a girl I know who likes me a lot for some reason (she is lesbian though)
>she brought her friend, 7.5/10 pretty cute
>couple of hours forward, chilling on a couch after my shift
>that girl comes over, strikes a conversation, seem really interested in me overall
>I'm not making any move or anything, just too damn tired
>place is about to close, those two girls ask me if I want to go to some generic pub with them (basically dragged me by my sleeve)
>that pub is lame as fuck, but I get to spend some time alone with her
>judging by her body language I see where things are going
>2 hours forward, we are at lesbian friend's place, dancing to Dean Blunt in drunk stupor
>at this point I've been awake for 24 hours so I just crash on a bed (where cute non-lesbo is already lying) and close my eyes
>after a minute I feel one pair of hands taking my shirt off and another pair reaching for my dick
>I'll skip the details, but shit was very cash and that lesbian girl wasn't a pure lesbian after all
>spend next 3 days together with the other girl, fucking like bunnies every time we had an opportunity

That was the best Christmas/New Year gift I've ever had.

>> No.9280370

>it's 8 pm, some piss drunk guy gets on the tram
>he seems like problem
>starts off by harassing an older lady(early sixties), tearing her lucky charm or some shit
>starts smoking and talking shit to passangers
>there's a gothninja guy w/ his qt3.14 gf sitting across from the asshole
>he randomly calls them far-right supporters and racists
>they lol
>anyways old lady's husband and I decide to throw him the fuck off the tram
>we grab him at one of the stops and take him towards the door
>fucking driver closes the door
>nigger you what
>he knows what's going on, but doesn't give a shit because it's New Year's Eve
>whatever, we leave the drunk guy on the floor
>he talks shit to us for another 10 mins
>we get off the tram, the old couple thanks me for my good-fellowship
>mfw I did something for someone else and it felt p good

The party itself was nothing special, I got shitfaced, got my New Year's kiss from some chick, who seemed a lot prettier last night, one of my mates dislocated his shoulder and had to be taken to hospital, etc etc etc

>> No.9280372

>was mean to my parents

fuck I feel bad

>> No.9280389

>wearing boss white shirt and jean-paul like some new money fag
>go to a house party
>eat and drink
>see the fireworks
>go out
>cold as fuck, luckily I had my wool-kashmir coat, a beanie and a scarf
>meet some girls
>go back to the house party with them
>it's coming down, many have already left
>play some games on ps
>smoke some weak weed
>go home

>> No.9280406


>> No.9280416

Party from 6 to 6

>> No.9280417


east london rave?? how hip, how underground, how cool!! how was the train ride back to Cambridgeshire

>> No.9280425

i'm from hackney

>> No.9280429

Most comfy story. Sounds like a solid nye

>> No.9280449


>> No.9280453

>alone in my sisters house rehearsing monologues and being sad.
i hope im not depressed but i kinda want to be tbh

>> No.9280463 [DELETED] 


LOL are you actually acting like hackney is still a bad area?? its full of white hipsters

>> No.9280467

yearly reminder that if you didn't get a new years kiss then you are not effay

>> No.9280471


hackney is hipster central

>> No.9280510

>sat around the apt watching Parks and Rec, smoking weed till ~10:30
>realize the time, get dressed, so some Adderall
>go out to local hip-hop show
>call the girl I'm into, she's got bronchitis
>call side ho, she meets me there
>do countdown, get kiss @ midnight
>meet up with best bro after, exchange xmas gifts and I get some weed off him
>chill with girl and friends till 3am, friends are going to afterparty but I sit it out
>drop off girl, go home alone

I'll give it a 7/10

>> No.9280518

>put feelers out to friends for a party around midday
>no response, stock up on booze, pringles, it's just another night right?
>get a reply late evening with a postcode, scrub up, shave, walk an hour to a block of flats
>it's all couples, besides one single dude
>kiss him at midnight


>> No.9280525

Worked until 10:30, then came home and played Freedom Wars with a friend until I went to bed. Nothing too different from normal.

>> No.9280527

youre a hero

>> No.9280564

it's gotten pretty bad in the last few years, but i can't help where i'm from. can i?

>> No.9280578


lol u hatin ma nigga, u hurting boo? does it upset u that girls aint crawlin after u? I only came across as a dick cause u got no fucking game. step up ya life playa, i'm doing it big

>> No.9280579

10 hawaiian shirts, 7 jaegerbombs, strawberry crocs, bandanna and bedazzled lab glasses was what i wore. hella party, spent today recovering.

>> No.9280585

went to a party my parents went to
found a room no one was in and sat there until everyone forgot i was there and walked home

>> No.9280606

>buddys band playing a pretty chill club downtown
>go see them with a bunch of friends
>no new years kiss but ended up making out with some girl and getting her number

good night but im a retard and dont know what to text her

>> No.9280622
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Be fully prepared to drink hella h8r aid nigga, cus y'all gonna see how good it is 2 be me, and how bad it is 2 be u.

>> No.9280672

>wake up
>grab a brush and put on a little make up
>hide the scars to fade away the shake up

>> No.9280680

nicely don

>> No.9280713

>go see grandparents and younger cousins for an hour or so
>go to some pub with parents and their siblings
>meet up with some family friends at the pub
>have a couple of pints and cocktails
>mother's sister gets really drunk and is more annoying than when she is sober
>keeps trying to kiss my step-dad's brother who is getting freaked out
>it was really fucking weird


>> No.9280723
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>mailed some gifts to anons
>made a list of books to read
>visited a used bookstore in a quiet coastal town
>a tiny cat followed me around and I had a nice but short convo with a staffer
>drove back home to find a package of boots arrived and they look pretty awesome
>spent the rest of the night having dinner with parents and then browsing 4chan while downloading some new music and watching an Elvis documentary

It was a good enough way to end a lackluster year.

>> No.9280724

plus the pub is basically like a middle class haven full of snobs and wannabe posh people

>> No.9280741

>made mean chicken wing munch for the mandem at my place
>friend flopped on finding a party for the night
>smash bottles of olde english in a fort we made in the woods until 1am instead

>> No.9280762
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thx bruh

but really
>wake up to surprise chipotle
>free food so happy rn
>pick out basic outfit
>talk to fam/friends far away
>a bit zooted rest of night
>order pizza and dessert w rooomie and bf
>comfy tv show
>new year kissyruffsex

i wanted to go by the shindig near the beach but my ride worked late-ish

>> No.9280801
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Had a few drinks, danced to 70's disco and went sledding with a bed I found by the road.

Pic: me and family members and friends.

>> No.9280815

i stayed at home and listened to east india youth whilst chatting with steam friends

at exactly 12:00 am i put a vermeer calendar above my desk

afterwards i played vidya and went to sleep

solid 6/10

>> No.9280823
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>ex calls me and invites me to her get together. I consider us friends, we just kinda put the relationship in the past it really isnt' a big deal to me. Like 2 years ago, so friendship really isn't hard
>I had nothing better to do, said yes
>not really my type of people (emokids and sk8rs I have a good 2 years on everyone at this party) so I kind of come off like a miserable cunt with everything I say, but still shared some laughs
>11:30ish bf calls and says he was TRYING to call her but couldn't get through. Her friend gave the impression that he's a douche, so I'm smelling bullshit but I don't say anything
>12:30 he finally surprises and shows up
>well maybe I just need to give the benefit of the doubt. She's so excited for him compared to when I was with her for a year, so he must be pretty special
>guy is an absolute fuck. One of those modernized rednecks, takes everyone except me and her out and they go smoke some marijuana vape outside
>while talking, he mentions he hates books and other nonfuckingidiot things (she loves books too what the fuck) and spends the next 20 minutes sperging over trucks
>I'm feeling bitter at this point, so I say I'm feeling a little out of lpace now and head home and spend the night bitter til I go to bed

Lesson learned I guess. I don't know why this really bothered me, but it did...it's pretty weird. Like, I expected somebody better than me but this kinda shocked me and made me frustrated that she treats him better than she ever did to me. Like, I guess he has something I'm lacking. Maybe I'm just too skinny and I'll see these problems go away as I gain weight. Or maybe I'm just a miserable cunt and I haven't figured it out yet, and that's why my most recent ex and I broke up and she found better.

Regardless, 2014 has basically made it very easy for me to feel okay about leaving my hometown for my next year of college, right up to the end. A fresh change will be nice. Happy new year /fa/, I hope 2015 is great for all of you.

>> No.9280846

Get fit. Chicks really don't care about your mind, they're after your body and how dominating you are.

>> No.9280856
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Me and my bf ate at a 5 star restaurant, they had a six course NYE special, then we went to a NYE party at a venue called the guild, they had free champagne all night.

>> No.9280869

>Stayed in with gf and quietly enjoyed the New Year together

Not very /fa/, but the sex was great.

>> No.9280870

Yeah, you are right. That's the goal anyways, even though it's rough.

No more skinnyfat/skeletonmode for me anymore this year, that's for sure.

>> No.9280872

>spent the night withdrawing from kratom (not even close to what it is like to withdraw from heroin, but still pretty miserable)
>drank beer and vodka with my sister's boyfriend while watching documentaries
>got a pack of cigs (quit a while go) and smoked a few
>got considerably more drunk and watched the end of a Silent Hill 2 Let's Play
>tried to sleep all night but that shit isn't happening no matter how drunk I am

Well, 2015 should be interesting. Probation will probably suck but I guess it is better than prison.

Happy 2015 /fa/gs.

>> No.9280874
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, feels mang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At new years party drinking hard
>qt 3.14 approached (wtf gurl im drinking you dont wanna be with me)
>talking and drinking
>complimenting my fit, and shoes. Taking pics of me while i am not looking.
>see a lot of signs, and decide to play with her
>fuck stop that, take her phone and delete the awkward ones. I try going for a kiss but she smiles and is surprised i made a move, i back away since I made it awkward
>ignore her and go dance, she come back and wants to dance. I dance for a bit, she tells me to come to her place and i leave.

I am supposed to be at her place now but been browsing /fa/ the whole morning. Give me motivation effay.

>> No.9280889

tell me about your new year's eve

>meet up with gf
>go to science and engineering museum slightly drunk from finnish salmiakki liquor
>at her place prepare salmon snacks and vodka jell-o
>get drunk on various shots made of chocolate, lime, brown sugar, cranberry juice, milk, heavy cream, etc. and eat snacks
>go to city centre to watch fireworks, cliché kiss at midnight powered by the contents of my fedora flask
>stumble back drunk, grab burger king on the way, eat jell-o
>beat each other on street fighter (alpha 3, ps1)
>deflower my gf, it hurts too much and some blood etc etc
>she gives me crazy blowjob that makes me cum up to my face not kidding
>she does it twice
>and in the morning

all in all a good start to 2015