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9261786 No.9261786 [Reply] [Original]

If, theoretically, you became so effay you could acquire any gf you wanted (assuming you're not gay):

Would you date a fashion model?

>> No.9261814

Yeah why not

>> No.9261817


I probably would, just to say I had, but I don't think it would last. It would probably be one big cycle of cocaine, vomiting and not food.

...and she'd never be home bc of photoshoots.

>> No.9261850
File: 25 KB, 300x400, Zizek-wedding.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ugly as fuck though, my only hope is to become an overrated writer

>> No.9263781

I have dated models, super as well as entry level, they arent amazing but its more a status thing

Also the photoshoot thing


>> No.9263873


my friends sister is a decent model(in terms of career -- made 30k of a dior contract) and she's a total fucking bitch.

she made a snapchat story of her drinking wine and she said along the lines of
>"its funny how my exes are dating girls that work in resturants and im drinking 1000 dollar wine
>*puts lips outward in a tryhard attractive fashion*

i'd date a nice little NYC fashion girl

>> No.9263903

no, preference is short/brunette with brown eyes and a cold demeanor/ go a few months without speaking to SO at a time

>> No.9264513


Agreed. 100%.

I'd much rather date the person designing the clothes than the model.

Models are pretty, but not a lot of depth.

>> No.9264521

She is obviously overcompensating. To reassure herself of her worth, through material aspects.

>> No.9264536


>> No.9264677

Yes, my goal is to have a shallow relationship with a beautiful girl which we mostly have for mutual gain.

>> No.9264689

Yes, to try and plant my seed into her and make her have my children so that when she is old and ugly and otherwise useless she can assist me in raising my godlike beautiful children to my exact spefications

Am I a misogynist yet

>> No.9264696
File: 22 KB, 403x245, tfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt hungry skelly model gf who's genuinely in love with you

k-kill me now

>> No.9264715

Not all females are the same. Granted theyre pretty similar, but they wont all do this.

>> No.9265716

Yes 300%

>> No.9265719

I'd want someone who loves me not someone who wants me cause I dress well
Yeah I watched too much disney movies when I was a kid

>> No.9265723

>Models are pretty, but not a lot of depth.
Because you have met and know every model ever
Protip: You will find shallow people and assholes in every fucking profession ever and intelligent people on every profession ever

>> No.9265876

this edgy post serves no purpose

>> No.9266221

this ffeeel

>> No.9266811

nah man, can't generalise like that, some models are pretty fuckin cool. I've dated a model before and she was funny as fuck, just a proper goofy person. however the whole all models loving their cocaine/md thing is true

>> No.9268848

No, they are way too skinny for my taste. I'd rather have a /fit/ grill.

>> No.9268868

No, I wouldn't. Most of them seem boring people. They are literally walking coat hangers. I'd rather date a designer.

>> No.9269234
File: 1.35 MB, 2336x3504, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, wtf? I hope you're aren't serious, because that's really fucked up.

>> No.9270930

Pig disgusting.jpg

>> No.9270946


>> No.9270964

>a "writer"

>> No.9270970

does he write? well, he's a writer then
he gets money for it? he's a professional writer

get you autism outta here

>> No.9270975

i briefly dated a fashion model when i was 18

>> No.9271208

One of my friends i used to have a fwb relationship with is a 6 ft tall model (and also a yoga champ).
Sex was pretty good, tried some weird positions that would have never worked with a shorter less flexible girl.
My current gf is not a model, she is cute though.
I date people i fall in love with, i wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a girl that works as a model and who's constantly out traveling and partying without me.

>> No.9271276

dated a model, knew it wouldn't last but was fun while it lasted. don't think I'd date if I wanted a serious relationship

>> No.9271447


quality trip

>> No.9271515

And taking mysterious foreign cocks inside of her from men who are better looking than you while you are a beta cuck faggot trying to impress her with your meager earnings. She isn't even into you any more, she's only with you because it amuses her.