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/fa/ - Fashion

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9257152 No.9257152 [Reply] [Original]

how do I get into fashion?
I mean, I know how to match colors ,clothing and shit at least to some extent, but I can't seem to understand half as much about this subject as you people do.and my tastes and standards seem rather plebeian compared to yours.

>> No.9257154

read the sticky

>> No.9257158

You have to go to hell and come back

>> No.9257173

>tfw Dante was more effay than you

>> No.9257183

Don't go all out and buy a ton of clothing at once. Building a wardrobe takes a lot of time if you want to do it right. Buy one piece at a time. Two a month should do. Examine your envirornment.
is what determines what you wear, mainly. Where do you work? What age group are you surrounded by? What is the climate and weather? Are you in a formal or casual setting? What colors look best on you or the style you want?
Ask yourself this and in time you will know what to get. Try a different piece every now and then to see what you like. Get inspo from around where you live. You'll figure it out. Remember, taste and style is subjective. Whether you are a trend follower, trend maker, or simply want to dress how you like best is all up to you. Take criticism. But when the intent of the critic is malicious, that is what the block button is for.

>> No.9257210


mfa sidebar

/fa/ sticky


>> No.9257273

you can start by stop watching chinese childrens cartoons

>> No.9257339

>on an anime board
> talks shit about anime

you're a little stupid, aren't you?

>> No.9259481

>how do I get into fashion?
Don't listen to this board.
1) Stalk inspo
2) Buy look alike shit from Uniqlo
3) Profit
If you really dig it, step it up.

>> No.9259494
File: 66 KB, 640x628, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever you do DO NOT dress like /fa/ there are some /fa/ggots who eat together at my school and people legitimately make fun of them all the time, shit's so sad and cringy, one of them got beat up by this swag faggot before christmas break and it was all a big mess, he looke like your average /fa/ poster, skinny, girly looking etc etc.

>> No.9259539

/fa/ ≠ /a/ u fucking baka

>> No.9259558

oh wow, i would have loved to see that

>> No.9259578

>tfw no twink crew

>> No.9259582

you're one of them you idiot
you post here

>> No.9259594


so? doesn't mean he wouldn't of loved to see someone like him be beat up

>> No.9259607
File: 110 KB, 272x320, 009003121298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9259611

somebody sounds upset

whats wrong fox

>> No.9260223

did a twink steal your girl? Did calling him a faggot (behind his back of course) stop him from engaging in heterosexual activities with her?

>> No.9260233

>almost 2015
>still thinks 4chan is an anime board

>> No.9260378
File: 1.94 MB, 556x321, gjp-crying.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Replace all the lights in your room with fluorescents and start watching some sort of anime.
Then dress in pale and sometimes black.
Make your hair look preppy and well kept
Bathe everyday, start REALLY paying attention to your cosmetic health.
Work a shitty job whilst conversing with nobody by day,
Download a bunch of vaporwave albums and drive around aimlessly listening to them by night.
Literally stop caring what anybody thinks of the shit that you do or wear or whatever, so long as you are happy.

Not caring is really /fa/, anime is /fa/.
A lot of people will tell you that you need to do what makes you better, but life is about you, and it's not selfish to think that.