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/fa/ - Fashion

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9252790 No.9252790 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.9252805
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>> No.9252812
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I'm coming to realize I need to completely redo my current shoe collection.

>> No.9252824
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>> No.9252825
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>> No.9252829
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Would you believe I'm the guy who posted all those pin roll sweatpants fits a week or so ago

>> No.9252832


>> No.9252833


>> No.9252839

you're getting there

>> No.9252844

You only realized that now? haha.

>> No.9252845

Don't like this one. Hate the shirt, even within the frame of your aesthetic

Jeans too skinny for big shoes

Shoes are fine, top is good, utilize better pants

Let's see the back

>> No.9252849

Would you believe I have no idea who you are talking about or who you are because you aren't recognizable or special? This is still shit, how about you do this. Stop posting shitty fits like this, develop some actually style and taste, come back when you are able to post fits that arent total trash. Ok? Awesome

>> No.9252856

ayy lmao
ayy lmao
ayy lmao
ayy lmao
ayy lmao

>> No.9252857

Post fit

>> No.9252858

It isn't 1970 and you aren't a gangster and this isn't Las Vegas

>> No.9252863

>invoking the law of TSPF

>> No.9252871


>> No.9252872

>not recognizable
>assigns me traits based on past posts

Lmao son, looks like you're just getting…

Mad On The Internet!™

>> No.9252876
File: 92 KB, 1198x899, 13218318854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw have to completely remake my fit and wait until tomorrow because the lighting was shit

>> No.9252877

Of the 3 pieces, pick one because none that works

Also your hands look monstrously large find a way to fix that

>> No.9252891
File: 475 KB, 600x416, Screen shot 2014-12-26 at 3.52.16 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going to b&n so i went for the corporate bookstore shopper look

shoes are rachel comey suede apollos

>> No.9252896

Player, that fit is nowheres near good enough to boast.

You can never hate somebody you truly know

Read a book shorty, it'll calm you down

>> No.9252905

Nice try dude :^)

>> No.9252908
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Going to Santana Row today, how'd I do?

>> No.9252910
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Repost, because I only got one reply in the last thread.

>> No.9252911

what si colour cordination?

>> No.9252912


>> No.9252915

Got nothing but love 4 u fellow man

>> No.9252916



>> No.9252925

Don't know what you mean m80

Give me a direction to go, What should be swapped

>> No.9252926

what color is that jacket, shoes, pants?

>> No.9252934


Just really new to /fa/. Wanna know if im heading in the right direction.

>> No.9252943

It's kinda hard to see but the jacket is dark green, the shoes are navy, and the jeans are a washed black while my shirt is black. I know it's not the best color coordination but I thought I looked good.

>> No.9252959
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>> No.9252969
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I got some cacti

>> No.9252973

no. everything is no

>> No.9252982

learn to change filenames boo boo

>> No.9252983

pretty nice
v bad
this bad too

>> No.9252984
File: 146 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


iPhone problems, this one should be right side up

>> No.9253008


Shoes are weak. Plus the pants, there's too much weight to the bottom with all the black. The texture of the sweater/sweatshirt doesn't work with the bottom half, and the colouring is too dark for it to hold interest of its own, but not dark enough for for uniformity or balance. The sweater belongs with jeans, the joggers or whatever pants belong somewhere else, and the shoes belong with like, jeans and a white tee. None of the pieces are awful, they just don't synergize well

>> No.9253022
File: 96 KB, 723x1280, IMG-20141226-WA0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9253035

Very good points, thank you.

I should mention with the intricacy of the color theory that you're talking about that I hit the auto adjust and it made everything more vibrant, especially my black jeans

I'll heed that into the future though, thanks

>> No.9253057

dare I say your older fits are better
anyways, shoes are ok, invest in pants and lose the scarf

p.s. merry christmas qt

>> No.9253076

the sweater is a bit too dark/toned down to go with black
and also shoes.... nah, they kinda go with the sweater (only because they're the same color) but not with the pants (same reason for the sweater)
it's pretty clean and minimal, but put more effort into color

>> No.9253089

Copy on the sweater

The shoes are black, does that change anything?

Damn why am I getting such solid responses today. This is abnormal

>> No.9253098

you actually copped skinny jeans? are you getting bullied like you said you would be?

>> No.9253100



>> No.9253103

What're you thinking of getting Birthday? Dont fucking ignore me you worthless kid i'll wreck you you absolute faggot

>> No.9253146
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Am I doing it right? I put on two jackets.

>> No.9253156
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>> No.9253164

extreme waywt thread needed

>> No.9253167
File: 38 KB, 800x800, 1415967534785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all fits posted so far
Haven't been here for a month but is this some elaborate b8 or is this what /fa/ has become?

>> No.9253168


Dude want to watch some football and play some Halo BRO?

>> No.9253194
File: 1.70 MB, 1888x1399, brrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9253195

the board is slightly more shit but not to a ridiculous extent
waywt quality is really bad generally now but that doesnt matter at all really. unless you just come here to look at other people's fits. people posting in waywts are generally trying to improve, so fits arent going to be amazing. I'd excuse birthday though

>> No.9253203
File: 36 KB, 540x960, 10868059_10204451568262245_2556816014748558735_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

family dinner outfit

>> No.9253212


>> No.9253229

Entirely embarrassing. Lurk more, lose weight, idiot

>> No.9253232

Bar Mitzvah-core

>> No.9253244

congrats. you guys have the only good fits in this shitty thread.

>> No.9253247
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>> No.9253251
File: 1.06 MB, 640x364, 5fe2e_phblazer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont really have any definite plans just some abstract ideas, but they are all expensive especially considering I'm going to college next year. But anyways heres a rough idea of what I have in mind(feel free to call me whatever you feel is necassary for my choices)
I guess I should start with where I want to take my style in general. I would love to take my wardrobe to a mor relaxed and billowy direction(CDG, Yohji, JJVE, etc) but also a more distressed look as well(think alot of Altieri related stuff and offshoots(Im not descibing this correctly but you get the idea)). I have been growing towards this style for a while now and I'm finally now just starting to take my wardrobe in that direction. So for shoes I obviously want something that works with this style well. I'm thinking Rick, Guidi, CCP. Recs or ideas are very welcome if you have any idea. Now the big problem is finding the money for all this shit.

>> No.9253252


>> No.9253254
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>> No.9253256

fucking rotation man

>> No.9253258

Cool as fuck

>> No.9253265

When's the baby due

>> No.9253267
File: 158 KB, 640x1136, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best fit

>> No.9253271

Ive had these before i started posting, no one bullies me.

>> No.9253274

Eh, I'd still hit it.

>> No.9253305

really nice, lose the shoes they look like they belong on a clown

>> No.9253383


>> No.9253398

you look sad
what's wrong buddy?

>> No.9253412

What's going on with this fit? why post?
It's like you just posted just because you can. I can't see your shoes. Your top is just as horrendous as your leggings. You are 25+ years old why would you want advice from anyone here. You're pathetic. Go back to >>>/soc/

>> No.9253414

>shoes are black
doesn't really seem like that in the pic
pls take a new pic, it would be a darn shame if a fit with such potential goes to waste

>Damn why am I getting such solid responses today

>> No.9253416


the nike acg's are still dope. what are you planning on copping?

>> No.9253422
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>> No.9253426
File: 2.18 MB, 3840x2160, DSC_0312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

girlfriend broke up with me on Christmas, I got let go at work today, and I'm a fatty. Destroy the rest of my self esteem. (restitution, resuton, and notuser need not apply)

>> No.9253433

poster is obviously not pictured you fuckwad, look at the tumblr filename

>> No.9253470

How do u

>> No.9253471
File: 137 KB, 666x952, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Ayy lmao
Nick Frost is that you?

>> No.9253479

nice thighs gurl

>> No.9253484
File: 265 KB, 839x2002, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't use color correction this time

Playing with money bc I don't know what to do with my hands

Reposting for

>> No.9253524
File: 2.94 MB, 1000x1500, meandmynewbf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love this sword so much!!! knoch if you're still around i could use some help identifying it; great-grandpappy came back from the war with it & i know nothing about it

i like these
your proportions are kinda weird & your torso looks long, but i'm not sure if that's just the angle. either way i'd go for a shorter chain on that necklace
i can normally tell what you're going for in a fit but all i'm getting here is "bulky"
what's it look like w/o overcoat?

>> No.9253529

you make my dick so hard in that fit. pls be in london

>> No.9253534


>> No.9253537

Shoes look disproportionate, they have no business being in that fit.

>> No.9253542

Embarrassing. Please stop posing on this website.

>> No.9253544


whodo white american women always dressthe same

>> No.9253550

would punish/10

>> No.9253554

ITT: Johnathon calls every single fit embarrassing so his seems best by default.

>> No.9253555

Those shoes are shit. What size feet are you? they look massive

>> No.9253556

pls b in san diego


>> No.9253562
File: 652 KB, 946x1428, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really boring, is shit, etc (referring to me)

>> No.9253566

Details on the pants please?

>> No.9253581

W2C pants?

>> No.9253584


stop buying clothes
goto the gym

>> No.9253587

I thought you were someone's grandma and your original post was a joke.

>> No.9253591

q_ko i used to reallylike your fits, but i feel like this style really doesnt suit you

>> No.9253594

are you secretly a dominatrix

and are you looking for a servant

>> No.9253603

If u liked my fit does that mean we're dating

>> No.9253613

i think this would look cool w/ that parka you were wearing in that blue line fit pic you posted a couple days ago
i'm only 5'4"; probably has something to do with it

>> No.9253615
File: 2.09 MB, 1894x1280, nice one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk if you meant physical details (in pic) or what the pants are
uh they're vlas blomme from fw14. very cute brand based in japan!!! i recommend checking them out

i dress for myself, not for you

>> No.9253616
File: 56 KB, 540x960, goofninja1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just got new coat in

>> No.9253631
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shit camera is shit. oh well.

>> No.9253649

looks good

do u play sports or workout? nice quads



looks good

>> No.9253664

Im liking this one.

>> No.9253667

would be too shy to talk to/10

>> No.9253675

Is this what /fa/ likes now?

>> No.9253679

Levis 510
I got them tapered though.

>> No.9253720

did you specifically ask for boots that match your skin, or is that a coincidence?

>> No.9253721

id on trousers?

>> No.9253727

friendly anon from another thread posted something that may help you out. this is what he said Thanks!

Basically, I just calculated my BMR and Macros with http://www.1percentedge.com/ifcalc then I went on a high-protein, moderate fat, low-carb diet. Pretty much stuck to foods in the picture. THIS IS KEY. Yeah, counting calories is a chore but you kinda get used to it after a while. It's a mental game, making yourself push through. The trick is having a positive mindset.

I ate a small meal and then a huge meal (my BMR minus a 500 calorie deficit) within an 8 hour window. Then I fasted for 16 hours. Right before breaking the fast to eat, I go on an hour-long walk because at that point, my body is almost exclusively burning fat for fuel. That was the only exercise I did. I lost like thirty pounds the first three months just by eating right and walking. When my body fat started dipping under 20%, I started lifting and following this http://examine.com/leangains-faq

>> No.9253737

nudies long john

>> No.9253751

loving the coat

>> No.9253754
File: 1.94 MB, 2448x3264, IMG_1175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9253761

Honestly the worst fit I've ever seen

>> No.9253765

not digging the shoes
everything else is nice

>> No.9253767

Thanks anon, I actually worked at a job that required walking 10 miles a day, I just need to go to the gym more often since i won't be getting those miles anymore.

>> No.9253769

cheers hun x

>> No.9253771

Change every thing you're wearing

>> No.9253777

as is right, I am very cute

>> No.9253778

more than exercise, you need to change your eating habits
and stop tripping

>> No.9253781

What pants? Nice fit

>> No.9253785

top half is nice
bottom half, not so much

>> No.9253787

wtf!?!?! when did q_ko suddenly become the most patrician person on /fa/

did you step into a hyperbolic time chamber or something? great fit.

>> No.9253795
File: 310 KB, 2448x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore cringeworthy tooth paste on mirror

>> No.9253808

this is /fa/, not /Iclearlyworkinanoffice/

>> No.9253823

wow simply e p i c

how long did it take to think that ether up

>> No.9253840

fits are getting shittier by every new waywt

>> No.9253855

post a fit and improve it or stop saying the same thing every thread

>> No.9253887

you really can't style those wedges at all

>> No.9253907


>> No.9253916


Wut, the boots aren't even the same color as me.

Thanks, pants are boohoo.com.

Lel, I wish.

>> No.9253953

Best outfit

i hope to see you further in other WAYWT threads. I can't stand anymore those shitty fits people are just wearing plebian tier brands

>> No.9253968
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>> No.9253969
File: 1.07 MB, 1152x2048, 20141224_181906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing special on way to dinner

>> No.9253976

i like this a lot


>> No.9253983
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>> No.9253987

i was gonna buy that sweater yesterday but i bitched out

>> No.9254004


Dope sweater

>> No.9254005
File: 575 KB, 1407x819, lmASSo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and bought a stripey t shirt instead

>> No.9254011


>> No.9254038
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>>9252805 not fashion
>>9252812 yea maybe
>>9252824 bad
>>9252825 good
>>9252829 probably... its good but idk about the N shoes tho!!
>>9252891 could be the angle but looks weird!! and boring :/
>>9252908 not that good.. needs more color
>>9252910 not bad!! you kinda look like mario haha
>>9252959 looks really cheap in a bad way... needs improvement
>>9252969 nice!! my cactus had flowers once lol
>>9253022 both pretty bad unfortunately
>>9253146 nope.. jacket kinda reminds me of Raf tho
>>9253156 too black dude.. wear more color :D
>>9253194 dope!!
>>9253203 your clothes are too small...
>>9253247 i love this!! looks awesome
>>9253254 needs shoelaces... you kinda remind me of kids at my highschool lelel
>>9253422 too dark!! wear more colors
>>9253426 aw dude that sucks :/ hope it all gets better in 2015 though!! and if it makes you feel any better, i actually like the way you dress!!
>>9253484 decent!!
>>9253524 great dress but shoes are too big :/ good tho!!
>>9253562 not boring at all!!!!!
>>9253615 rekt him p bad haha
>>9253631 cool chelseas!! SLP??
>>9253754 love ur hair and sweater (w2c?).. you should wear comfier shoes like NBs tho
>>9253795 your pants are too tight.. i can see your dingdong
>>9253968 love the adidas stuff!! one of my faves overall :D
>>9253969 p gud!!
>>9254005 woah i really like your style dude... good cop

>> No.9254050

That looks nice aswell, but i feel like the sweater would have been the better choice, even tho it might be a little more expensive. But still, good cop!

>> No.9254053


Dope as fuck, best itt
Outside the box fits

>> No.9254058

I can't tell if you're another resuton spin off

Regardless goddamn way to take the time for that

>> No.9254075

this isn't fashion, your wearing a shitty mall-core shirt and chinos

>> No.9254077


>> No.9254207

the top half is a grey fucking sweater

you sound like an idiot and that was horrible criticism. i can tell from that post alone you dress like complete shit and shouldn't be giving advice

to the guy in the pic: basic as fuck. nothing special at all, but nothing horribly wrong. if you have to ask for an opinion on a fit like that, smh

>> No.9254215

>comes to /fa/ as a high schooler
>literally months later, starts talking about how he wants to transition into CCP, rick, guidi, etc etc insert random goof faggot here

so glad i'm not an impressionable young faglord

>> No.9254229
File: 82 KB, 704x960, 10884769_478452568959624_850543958_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's hard to be fa in Aussie summer

>> No.9254230
File: 127 KB, 700x1090, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey at least he has his own style!! nothing wrong with that....

yeah but it's a pretty decent sweater!!!

>> No.9254239
File: 823 KB, 2227x2784, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9254248

Not trying to be rude here but it doesn't really follow the aesthetic you're aiming for, know what I'm saying?

It kinda looks like you took a regular t-shirt, hoodies, tee and converse fit and just swapped everything out for its Rick version. It doesn't really look like what Rick envisioned with the drapes and shadows and folds etc., hope you get it? But you'll get there man don't worry

>> No.9254251

hate the shoes

hate pants fit

Hate jacket

hate undershirt

>> No.9254255

i like simple

>> No.9254259

looks fine, fix the pants

>> No.9254261

why couldn't you just save the time and say you hate everything? faggot

>> No.9254270

Simple and good, nice.

This dude has no idea what he's talking about.

>> No.9254320
File: 81 KB, 480x640, fa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9254352
File: 337 KB, 900x645, 03 - K1j5jc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been here over a year now but w/e. I know I have moved through quite a few styles but I think that's necessary for improvement and growth. Without those I wouldn't know what I like and don't like and works and what doesn't. Also if we are going to be technical CCP really isnt that goth ninja same with guidi at least on there own. Im quite happy with how I have progressed and maybe its only me but I find it pretty impressive how fast as well. Thanks for your concern though.

>> No.9254364

Don't hate the black shirt


>> No.9254377

ah ok, my mistake

carry on

>> No.9254406

what do you expect people to tell you about this

>> No.9254440

your out of season and you look like you listen to pop punk. everythings cheap and your hair's shit, never come back

>> No.9254441

That really sucks, dude. Sorry to hear that.

>> No.9254446

No, No Clarice. You were doing fine. Until those fucking shoes.

>> No.9254456

sorry about that mate, hit the gym though, it'll help with everything. sweet fit though

>> No.9254463

i love u and ur fits
ps do another pantsu webm

>> No.9254471

what kind of bitch breaks up with u on christmas jesus did she take ur present and not get u one too?

>> No.9254477
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>> No.9254518
File: 111 KB, 600x800, IMG_20130722_WA0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic is fairly old

>> No.9254535

lose 40 pounds
shit fit

>> No.9254550

basic n I dig
shoes meh but good
cute dress and body, not digging the giant bricks on your feet
I like
alright, not a fan of timberlands tho
Digging it
one of the best fits so far
Very good

>> No.9254553

looks like target merona

>> No.9254554

shitty review

>> No.9254555

newbalance are shit
oh my god, you again. buy new pants, that actually fit, you jewlord
tumblrcore shite
wear boots instead but its pretty solid
meh, not bad. i wouldnt suggest wearing graphic tees
are these jokes?
tough to tell but it's better than most itt i think
everything's too small and you're a bit skinny fat. buy new clothes but for the love of god, get them tailored.
too nextlevel for me
why even post
way to steal kanyes fit. its okay though, you pull it off better than him
why do people insist on wearing these fucking awful shoes
pls go
looks clunky, get a smaller shirt or a bigger cardigan but not bad

>> No.9254566

Shit taste
Dont do this again

>> No.9254570

agree with most of these

>> No.9254576


sleeves look long but might just b cuz ur bending down

>> No.9254599

It's time fellow fuccboi to move on and take a walk to the gym and loose those fats later on when you're /fit/ go to the bitch and say fuck you that bitch would regret dumping you

>> No.9254776
File: 245 KB, 1125x691, 45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not

>> No.9254827


5/10 jacket too big, cant see how pants fit


5/10 average normalfag


5/10 proportions look weirdas fuck, probably because of the lenght of the first layer, trousers dont fit


3/10 tumblrfag, get new posters, a less shitty cap and sneakers


5/10 i can see what you want to look like but youre not there yet


4/10 ridiculous bottom half


2/10 i can how flaccid you are even with your clothes on, everything fits bad, second hand geomemes wont save the fit


id bang, shoes look retarded with this dress though

>> No.9254864
File: 198 KB, 933x696, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stole this jacket from my mom

>> No.9254880

Please stop posting

>> No.9254886

Tell me why and I'll consider it.

>> No.9254902

>shoes on bed
scum of the earth

>> No.9254912

that's not a bed they're drawings i made

>> No.9254921

>shoes on bed
>same fit over and over
>stupid pose
>boring shitty fit
>no personality in the outfit unless you really want the 90s gay predator
>no taste
Would you like me to continue?

>> No.9254925

Alright man, you've convinced me. I'll miss you guys!

>> No.9254927

dude come on we know its your bed stop being a pussy about it and just stop fuckin sitting on your bed when you take fit pics its not a hard problem to fix.

>> No.9254938

why dont you believe me
are you racist or something seriously

>> No.9254948
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Really love the original fits you're posting

>> No.9254960

okay so i drew over my real life drawing on the computer whatever,stop bullying me

thanks for the praise though

>> No.9254996

>what is sarcasm?

>> No.9255019

i just want to run away and never come back

>> No.9255026
File: 2.59 MB, 1900x3440, IMG_20141226_001302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeezy has a song about people like me.

>> No.9255043


You're doing better! The pants look good, and the shoes are alright for now you can get new ones . Avoid the graphic tees, and try to get something that's more fitted.

>> No.9255050
File: 180 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 12-27-14 at 12.22 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s-kuzzed out homie

>> No.9255051

hey ya got new shoes!
those are a lot better

>> No.9255052
File: 135 KB, 521x933, Photo Dec 27, 12 14 24 AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took all of your advice and lost some weight... tell me what you think?

>> No.9255054

what jeans are those? look good man

>> No.9255058

nice ur skin is now as dark as ur soul after ur gf abandoned you

>> No.9255072

Im clueless on shoes. All shoes look bad to me.

>> No.9255074


stick to being handsome and wearing pants that aren't completely fucking retarded pls. i'd even forgive the shoes if they weren't paired with sir lancelot's dress garb.

>> No.9255078

thanks dude
jeans are poormode h&ms

>> No.9255079


>> No.9255086
File: 53 KB, 514x438, wallabee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep lurking
you'll get there

>> No.9255087
File: 25 KB, 480x360, Gilligan's_Island.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


nigga you look like alf on gilligans island lmfao.
she made u lose ur heart, now u're lost on an island!

>> No.9255096

is this a joke

>> No.9255112
File: 1.42 MB, 1638x3565, vest-censored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

got this vest for a winter biking mid-layer. is it something I could wear out too?

>> No.9255124
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>> No.9255125


Le funny joke xD

>> No.9255135
File: 45 KB, 720x960, IMG_152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me and my friends decided to try on some classy clothing at the mall

>> No.9255145
File: 75 KB, 687x1000, 9099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u like to dress up too?

>> No.9255162

woah you dress weird

me and my friends thought we should start look a little more adult

>> No.9255168

the pussy patrol about to hit the town

>> No.9255169
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life's hard for a spider, I guess.
_ _

>> No.9255179
File: 64 KB, 450x286, air-jordan-13-retro-white-grey-university-blue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But im from the ghetto dude, this is the shit I like.
That's why I try to look based the fug out all the time

>> No.9255188

damn straight

>> No.9255197
File: 68 KB, 447x517, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fur coat because it's snowing. The shoes were black 1460s, sorry about the hotel mirror.

>> No.9255209

I think your pants should never be past your belly button.

>> No.9255211

Switzerland ?

>> No.9255215

what the fuck

>> No.9255220


u from the metatherians??
cuz ur body is meta as fuck baby :^)

>> No.9255232

how much do you charge?

>> No.9255261

Pants aside, what else can I improve?

>> No.9255264

The fur coat is bad. I think it's my personally preference. It doesn't look good at all with that top.

>> No.9255265

Is it bad?

>> No.9255272

Would you please post a picture of your bare feet?

>> No.9255274

Is it the boxiness of the coat that makes it look bad? I was definitely aprehensive about wearing it in the first place because of how it fits.

>> No.9255288


>> No.9255292

Alright. What can I do to prevent other horrible outfits in the future, barring burning my wardrobe?

>> No.9255303

Post feet.

>> No.9255322

yeah post feet and i can help

>> No.9255332

That fur coat completely kills the whole outfit. Also the jeans look a bit too tight. Whole body picture would have been better, sometimes the shoes can either make the fit or completely destroy it

>> No.9255338

Thank you for the advice, I'll definitely keep it all in mind.

>> No.9255373

Why aren't you posting your feet?

>> No.9255515
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boxing Day work fit

Uniqlo, Y's For Men x2, levis, Docs

>> No.9255526



>> No.9255529

I don't like it sorry

>> No.9255533

sideburns are back

looks fine, coat could be better but whatever

>> No.9255534
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>> No.9255537


Why should you be sorry lol

>> No.9255585

idk for some reason whenever a girl posts i start worrying about their self esteem & shit if I'm too mean

>> No.9255613
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>> No.9255639

q_ko, please never leave

>> No.9255640

lets see the back

>> No.9255643

you look like you've just started going to the gym a month ago

>> No.9255661

3 months

Suck it fatty

>> No.9255670

oh, much better now
shoes aren't my taste but are good to go.
now not so sure about the sweater... do as you please

>> No.9255683

This reply made me feel old.

Am I the only 25+ in here? 26 btw.

>> No.9255688

>implying that is difficult to obtain
nice, but unless you're a fit fag theres no need to post it here. i dont like showing off my body because it just makes it more surprising when your shirt comes off for a good reason (ie other than taking selfies like a fag)

>> No.9255691


p-progress and routine?

I'm 1 month in. You're looking good.

>> No.9255693


I'm 25.

>> No.9255707

u need some bleached mom jeans under that and some white hitops

>> No.9255715

maybe the fur could come of as tacky but I do like the jeans , maybe u can bleach em

>> No.9255743
File: 831 KB, 832x876, Screen Shot 2014-12-27 at 4.06.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found this coat in my basement. Can I pull it off or is it just too shitty?

>> No.9255761

are you underage?

>> No.9255775

no, 20
and yeah, it's huge. But I didn't know if it was the kinda big that looked good

>> No.9255784

I like it, but different strokes for different folks.

>> No.9255787

If it's so easy to obtain then why don't you have it?

>> No.9255789

>different strokes for different folks.

Yeah, that's what your mum always says :)

>> No.9255815

you should pull it off and then i'll rail you in the ass

>> No.9255821


>> No.9255826

The girl I like is not really reciprocate so I feel kinda depressed. on the other hand I'm worshipping sport and planning on doing tough mudder next year

>> No.9255829

you should be like me and become /fit/ and then nothing gets better so you just drink every night. welcome to the rest of your life

>> No.9255858
File: 708 KB, 500x889, asfvdfv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time posting in one of thease threads...

>> No.9255862

Summer fits are difficult. I like what you did with the colours. Not sure about socks though

>> No.9255883

holy FUCK dude your wardrobe is so bad I'm sorry but I hate every single one of your fits

>> No.9255889

let me wreck you please

>> No.9255895

love it man

>> No.9255906

yo this isn't a cbt on fit stop bragging faggot

>> No.9255950

MMmmmmm AAAhhh

>> No.9255951

Fix the shoes and lose the scarf, jacket looks nice tho

>> No.9255958

That looks fucking great, what are the parts involved?

>> No.9255959
File: 68 KB, 538x618, ss+(2014-12-26+at+11.14.05).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9255961

lol looks like shit besides jacket and mayb tee is kinda acceptable

>> No.9255962

I disagree, those pastel colors look great

>> No.9255964
File: 49 KB, 800x800, 1.0x0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

burgundy pants are thesame level with tan boots
which is fuccboi tier

>> No.9255965

what tee is that looks p good

>> No.9255974

this is good nig, dont listen to haters. colours could be a bit better tho, but the pieces themselves and their fit are great

>> No.9255976

better than last time, still bad. trash the tee pls

>> No.9255989

kill yourself

>> No.9255992

dis is good

>> No.9255994

>trousers dont fit
what doesnt fit

>> No.9255998

is the sweater uniqlo

nice fit yo shoes are ok wouldn't be any better with nb shoes

>> No.9256001
File: 39 KB, 300x300, 1414624393727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9256063

that t-shirt is horrible
dont go breakin my heart
best fit in here
those patterns on your tie and shirt clash. get a less boring scarf. also pink looks weird on you.
did you sell your shoelaces for internet money?
ha ha!
honestly? i like your fit, lose the sob story.
I dislike the shoes and the sword. You should rather go with a dagger.
are you going out for a jog? But i really dig the sweater. w2c ?
that sweater is amazing
get that sweater in brown and you are set to meet her parents and leave a good impression
you need to do some squats or smthn
i dislike the shoes, but the rest is solid
i like the oversized jacket, dislike the shoes and also ... why on earth do you put your shoes on the bed? Stop!
basic .. not bad, not good
same as above. But i like the midriff
fit is good, but the glasses look a bit tacky
post bare feet
its okay
>those shoes with a graphic tee
dude, stop!

>> No.9256076

grill? i feel like those big parkas look best on short azn grills and im none of those besides short lol

love the fit tho

>> No.9256085

h&m slims

>> No.9256092

it's be better with different jacket and not being fat

>> No.9256094

You could go bearmode. Do it now!

>> No.9256102

Some buttero boots might also fit the description for your footwear choices. They had some prior colabs with guidi last time ive heard

>> No.9256144 [DELETED] 


Legit tho, not too bad. Could do with some colour, maybe a navy button up shirt would look nicer. Fellow Ausfag, I know your pain.

>> No.9256473

this is how you memechrome properly

>> No.9256508

Are those the H&M ones? If so, how are they?

>> No.9256513

Meant the chelseas btw.

>> No.9256552
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>> No.9256729


which war?

>> No.9256750

I like it
but cool

>> No.9256757



Looks like it might be something like this. Though it's hard to tell from that picture you took.

Not sure if I like the fit btw. A slightly longer dress with a splash of color would work way better for you.
And, as noted before; ditch the shoes.
Work on your calves.

>> No.9256774

Shit dude, do you know where you got that jacket from? Like, do you have a link or something?

>> No.9257078


>> No.9257088
File: 64 KB, 320x240, Youknowdamnwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9257409

No, they're Bellfield

Oh yeah? Link me to the fit I 'stole'.

They're long yeah but I like them like that.

>> No.9257451

are you trying to dress like my grandma