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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 101 KB, 824x670, ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9157045 No.9157045 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever feel like the truly beautiful people in the world are among some genetic elite and you will never be a part of it? How do you deal with this feel? Maybe /fa/ finally got to me but I can't help but feel aesthetically inferior knowing that people that look like pic related exist.

>> No.9157053

Yes. The fact that my hairline is as high as the highest mountain and that because of it I can't pull off most short hair haircuts (like pic related) doesn't help either.

>> No.9157061

no, because my flaw is just bad skin which i can clear up when i can be bothered
also people aren't that beautiful, you've been overcome by anorexic teenage girl emotions

>> No.9157642
File: 32 KB, 560x365, alaindelon1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, because beauty fades away. It might seem like a great asset, but it's pretty horrible to see it dying.

Intelligence is way, way more valuable than corporeal beauty. You can keep getting more of it, and it helps your outlook on life, and also can guide you to truth.

Meanwhile, beautiful people all get rather desperate in their mid 20s, when they realize they're actively losing looks each year. Then the middle age crisis kicks in, and it's shit. If you're not prepared, then you're fucked.

If you're handsome AND smart, though, then you're doing pretty well. But the corporeal beauty will fade away just the same.

>> No.9157674


Imagine if you're playing an RPG and you're given the opportunity to choose between a perk that gives you a permaboost of 10 hp, and one which gives you a temporary boost of 100 hp (one time only).

If you pick the second one, you're retarded. We always live in the present, and once it becomes past, everything's gone. Beauty fades away.

>> No.9157736
File: 18 KB, 270x360, x4P8hE_DbAyZV9042ABfrrqpK43shXjcQb-0lADIXAIM9_-27L29gu91VaaonDk86TUP7XSmi2DBAVk5RMlv6lJV5mlmPamhvdV3ml-sNGc2Rj3-WCkdLRWThqMa4LtliASMXrs=w270-h360-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you don't take care pf yourself.

Also all of the smartest people I know are good looking.

>> No.9157797
File: 410 KB, 656x1030, 20141202_152837-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


His face looks like a fucking sports car, that's a weird looking guy imo

In the interests of full disclosure, this is my busted-arse asymmetrical ginger head

>> No.9157806

No, I'm not autistic.

>> No.9157826


you look quite handsome but do something with that beard m8, too pube-like.

>> No.9157828

money > beauty

>> No.9157837

As-salamu alaykum brother

>> No.9157849

Nice internet insult

>> No.9157862

Thanks, guys. I actually feel a bit better.
I guess continually comparing yourself to others isn't attractive to begin with.

>> No.9157870


I've been slack about trimming it, thanks for the reminder


You have a great day too lol

>> No.9157926

Autist pls go

>> No.9158038

>ugly people actually have rationalised that there exists a tradeoff between intelligence and beauty
Attractiveness and intelligence are positively correlated. You are likely neither (particularly the one who chose an RPG analogy).

>> No.9158050

ugly person detected

>> No.9158084 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 500x394, ever2-small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least my skype says I'm handsome

>> No.9158165

Seems you're the dumbass here; they just said that beauty doesn't matter too much because it dies, whereas other qualities can last forever. OP was sad about not being handsome, but beauty fades away, it's not such a great thing. If we are to choose between being handsome or intelligent, for example, intelligence is better.

>> No.9158211
File: 1.27 MB, 933x1400, http%3A%2F%2Fimagescale.tumblr.com%2Fimage%2F1280%2Ftumblr_me6y3xptlW1qlm842o1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen how hideous some of the fashion designers look? Like that anon said, intellect has more worth.

>> No.9158231
File: 71 KB, 736x1105, UlYuR9B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9159010

>implying beautiful people can't be intelligent. They aren't mutual exclusive

>> No.9159293
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1416943847382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen how hideous some of the fashion designers look?
I have noticed this. It seems almost as if they want to flourish and be beautiful, but must put their hard-worked upon pieces on unoriginal models who receive all the attention.

I'm depressed and anxious.

>> No.9159966

just b urself m8 :^)

>> No.9159988

This person is spot on!

Beauty comes from being smart enough to know when and how to treat your body with the right amount of food and exercise as well as what to change to make your lifestyle more healthy and sustainable with a routine and a purpose. I believe almost anyone can be beautiful if they are smart enough to make a series of small lifestyle changes that over all improve your health and mental well being. That and knowledge and experience make will change how people perceive you and in turn create an identity which is FAR more attractive then simply looking really good. Personal Development, Will Power, Authenticity, Integrity, Personal Identity, Knowledge and Intelligence are the key ingredients that make someone attractive to me.

>> No.9160006
File: 208 KB, 1280x1024, 1324506663128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone from here been or is from Sweden or Norway?


Like. Actually. What the fucking fuck is fucking going on?

Guys, around age 16-40 ... are almost all model tier. Like, 8 guys out of 10 could easily score with any fucking female on the planet.

Image related. Makes me feel like this bad boy.

>> No.9160043

>captain sweden

>> No.9160599

Yes, but—I've always found it real easy to score with Euro babes, specially in Sweden, I'm half black and 1.74 tall, it's my skin they love to lick, or to take pictures with the black on white.

>> No.9160605

So question is: why are we fugly bastards still around with our genetically inferior looks? I love being ugly and fucking hot chics—more so if they've handsome boyfriends.

>> No.9161613

they just give you this impression.

>> No.9161618

You can be successful without looking good.

Stop making excuses.

>> No.9161621
File: 286 KB, 640x402, madame-october-2010-carmen-dellorefice-by-tim-petersen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not if you're diligent in taking care of yourself. Pic related, she's 80 years old.

>> No.9161629

Are you that ugly motherfucker that is fucking super hot chicks and I'm basically an idiot click here?

>> No.9161655



>> No.9161656

What is makeup
What is good lighting
What is professional photography
What is plastic surgery?

>> No.9161691
File: 130 KB, 1067x1600, IMG_5604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tasteful plastic surgery and good genes.


Right? So common. She would be considered a dog at my local nursing home!!!!

>> No.9161701
File: 365 KB, 826x977, P-41-MUSHROOM-HEAD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9161716


>> No.9161738
File: 394 KB, 1280x1920, 6633343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw no sassy cool /fa/ grandma

>> No.9161772

>Attractive boy friends HATE him

>> No.9161836

Holy ressentiment, Batman!

As if intelligence doesn't fade away, as if it's not horrible to watch intelligence die - have you ever done it?

I'm not even talking about outright dementia, which I haven't personally seen first hand, but most people just decline after a certain point. Most acutely, though, I'm thinking of someone for whom "mentor" is probably the closest word, though not quite right, before and after aggressive chemotherapy.

And as if "intelligence" was a real, definite, single thing (beauty isn't either, more later), or that any trait can be said to be "worth more" "in life" or whatever... please, really, if you want to actually try after being smart you have to start with calling yourself on your own inherited bullshit. To try to be less basic. This brains-beats-beauty spiel is a trite upper every semi-smart, not conventionally attractive kid believes at some point(s) in school, and they believe it because it was propagated out to them from old, ugly, vry srs, think-they're-smart men who tell it to themselves to feel better, too.

Feel better about what? "Their mortality," that, newsflash, everything "fades away," that we exist in time and then we don't and nothing is exempt. Holy fucking God, you're heading for Woody Allen tier if you can say something "fades away" and don't figure out fast that means you, too - you'll spend your time obsessing and making clever-neurotic wisecracks about it in between raping children until you die, telling yourself you still had your genius.

As far as this:

>Do you ever feel like the truly beautiful people in the world are among some genetic elite and you will never be a part of it?

Like, sure, but it's hardly that simple, and if you know anyone like that you'll know (like most elite statuses) it's a situation horribly fucked in its own way.

>> No.9161840

Something else you just have to get used to existing as a constant presence in your life: inferiority in aspects. You'll always be less something than someone. Welcome to being human! Enjoy your equal worth and right to a life, whatever that means in the light of our common smallness set against the rest of existence! Now don't fuck it up and go make whatever you are something satisfying and worth being!

"Truly beautiful" "genetic elites" are also not nearly as common as you'd think from carefully produced fashion images. Self-pasta from something I wrote once when someone asked "Why are most models so fucking ugly?" that's pretty much everything I believe about "beauty:"

>> No.9161850
File: 193 KB, 1237x679, edie-campbell-lily-mcmenamy-by-juergen-teller-for-marc-jacobs-campaign-fw-20141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lily is amazing. A lot of people on the Internet, and a lot of fashion people have talked so much shit about Lily and have called her “ugly” and I’ve always defended her. Last night, I was hanging out with all my sisters from the house of Chez Deep, and they follow fashion but they’re not cued-in to all these models or whatever. We’re going through the American Vogue September issue super stoned and we get to Lily McMenamy in that Marc Jacobs ad and Colin Self—this amazing contemporary artist and performer whom I look up to very much—places a finger on Lily’s face and says, “that is the best face I have seen in this entire magazine so far.” Lily appeals to insiders…people who get it!

Hari Nef, http://bullettmedia.com/article/performance-artist-hari-nef-on-prada-dick-pics-and-giant-burritos/

One of the most liberating lessons possible is that beauty isn't really a thing, certainly not a single thing. Not even in a "everyone is beautiful!!!1!" way. But that everyone is beautiful and everyone is ugly if you look at them the right way. "Subjective" doesn't even begin to cover it, because to most ears that'll just make it sound like it's up to stable, endogenous personal preferences in a fully autonomous subject, as if that were a thing. It's way more particular than that - you can find someone beautiful or ugly depending on your mood, it can change with a conscious effort to see their body in a certain light, it can change on the literal light.

>> No.9161851

old age will be cured within our life time, everyone will be young forever. dont kill yourselves yet anons

>> No.9161857

But I think the main thing lies in everything about the person besides their meat body. First, of course, where they read as being in the whole social clusterfuck of class, gender, race, etc. Second, on their manner, their bearing, their own idiosyncratic charisma. It's like Cara Delevingne's Twitter bio: "Professional human being." The only thing seperating Cara from every rando beanstalk blonde is that she's Cara, goofy, engaging, laidback, conventionally pretty and classed enough to access everything the world promises good white girls but choosing instead to access other things, sure and untroubled by those choices. Who wouldn't want to engage with someone like that, to look at them, to be in their presence?

At the end the thing that makes someone attractive, sexually or otherwise, I think, is the sense that in this nutso, constricting world they can help us be more fully human, more autonomous, more self-determined, more alive and sensate and creative, as opposed to being meat machines hemmed in, thwarted, dulled, flattened by circumstances. The fashion system exists to [make a buttload of money because they] create and sell us garments that promise to be tools for that. Models are the means by which that promise is made, and they're hired on [a codification of] that basis alone. If they're not quarterback or cheerleader next door types, it's because those people are suburban and basic, and because to ascend to confidence and desirability when the ability to fail at those is inscribed on your *face* speaks to a greater aptitude.


>> No.9162622

But you're posting a photo of a beautiful old man who could probably fuck 80% of girls he finds in any given bar worldwide

>> No.9162752
File: 118 KB, 758x597, 29475435635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from Sweden. this was me yesterday night. wouldn't consider it representative in any way, though.

>mfw browsing /fa/

>> No.9162788

wow well said

>> No.9162789

why did u captialize all those words??

>> No.9162798

>old age will be cured within our life time
implying that's biologically possible

great writing (really)

>> No.9162821

>chill the fuck down u fucking fishing nerd /& enjoy ur fucking stupid fish

>> No.9162911

damn you look like william s burroughs when he was young

>> No.9162922

I used to think that way but its interesting how those same beautiful people have their own peeves about their looks. One of them I won't name the name, actually despises that people only look at him as something pretty like a prop. He appreciates comments about his abilities and talents even more than anything. Basically we are all the same despite our exterior. Yes its nice to see someone as beautiful, handsome or whatever but its all on the outside inside they are just humans trying to make it in this crazy life.

>> No.9162933


>> No.9163238

Oh, but that image is a rather extreme example. guess I agree about the most anyways.

>> No.9163248

>the truly beautiful people in the world are among some genetic elite and you will never be a part of it?

also the rich and famous
as a female, maybe I would stand a chance, under right circumstances
as a male, probably not

like, I can score an 8/10 with tons of hard work
but I wont score a world famous super model, or an actress, or someone like that
hard to explain in words

>> No.9163681

>only 80%

>> No.9163693

it's a copypasta you tool

>> No.9163733

man this thread is really depressing. It's like a bunch of exitential nihilists discussing that death is inevitable. There is no point and the conclusion is that shit sucks and you can't do anything about it.

Move on insecure kiddies (myself included).

>> No.9163819

he 's 79 on the left pic ....

>> No.9163823


right *

>> No.9163833
File: 11 KB, 251x251, 1368250803505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of all the things in the world you should be worrying about you guys worry about how people are beautiful and you are not.

>> No.9163881

I have a male model friend who is 10/10 in looks and gets laid on the reg with many women, for some reason he's really depressed all the time. He spends most of his time when he's not working just smoking weed and doing nothing productive.

If only he knew what he could accomplish, so much wasted potential

>> No.9163988


>not just as susceptible the affects of age as beauty

If not more so, jesus christ you people are dumb

[sp]and probably ugly[/sp]

>> No.9164022

Beautiful people are the most fantastic thing about our world

I'm totally honest about this too

>> No.9164127

these people are very few. if you walk around your city for a whole week you might not even see one person who is truly beautiful.

most people are varying degrees of average. what you hope for is a hope so far reaching that most people don't even bother with it and you'd be happier if you didn't either.

>> No.9164131

i dont give a fuck lol,
sometimes looking normal feels more /fa/
to me then not, feels real. I don't know, thats just me though.

>> No.9164136


fuck this feel good bullshit, we're talking about aesthetics not "inner beauty" now fuck off back to the disney movie you came from pussy

>> No.9164306

now that's a compliment


>> No.9164325

Talk to him about his depression, let him spill it out. Just listen to him. Be a good friend. IK i wish i had someone to talk to.

>> No.9165779

Will never understand how nihilism got such a stupid terming in the mainstream.

>> No.9166025
File: 346 KB, 627x427, 14325334643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should I be a mudel?

>> No.9166055

WhAt is that?

>> No.9166104


>> No.9166136

for baby gap

>> No.9166144

only if you're 6'1" <10% body fat

>> No.9166145 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, 1417632283709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9167262


THIS. Age is a bitch. I am handsome man. Women have always been very nice to me. However, two things.
One: I am 26 now and my hair is thinning all over my head and by 30 i'll be baron von baldo. This single fact has made me quite miserable for basically a whole year. I'm used to being very attractive and so much of my self worth is tied up in this single fact. Yes I know that this is narcissistic.
two: My good looks haven't helped me get laid. I'm a shy and private person, so I've never had the balls to pursue anyone. I've only had relationships with women who have actively seeked me out.
So take heart if your ugly. Beauty fades, and it doesn't really get you laid. Only confidence does. Also, look in the mirror every day and thank jesus you aren't bald.

>> No.9167734



>> No.9167839

it's not that great

50% of people will love you for no reason and 50% of people will hate you for no reason

you will make people insecure constantly. you will have to fend off passive aggressive attacks from jealous weasels in the workplace/social situations/etc. people will constantly treat you like shit for "thinking you're better than them" or "needs to be taken down a notch" you have to surround yourself with stable beautiful rich people asap and just cut off interacting with the peasants because they WILL drag you down to their level if you let them. also the constant attention can be maddening if you have even a hint of anxiety.

>> No.9167842

Ayy underrated post

>> No.9167846

Hey thanks for this

>> No.9167864

Take a break from /fa/ homie.

>> No.9167866
File: 26 KB, 400x343, sad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Finnish...

>> No.9168954

you're included as well!

>> No.9168999
File: 6 KB, 193x261, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw aryan master race

>> No.9169065
File: 65 KB, 255x255, 42XOEMq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw finnish and good facial aesthetics

I got lucky with genetics I guess

>> No.9169074


>> No.9169124
File: 174 KB, 578x620, face_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a decent one

>> No.9169160

okay hoang tzhu

>> No.9169360

>it doesn't really get you laid
lol it totally does bud

>> No.9169369

>This single fact has made me quite miserable for basically a whole year.
so you havn't taken finasteride and have instead opted for a whole year of sadness? good move bro

>> No.9169371

lol good facial aesthetics

you look like your mum just died and you've not eaten in 2 days

>> No.9169391

>dat pic
>good facial aesthetics

>> No.9169439


Being genetically elite isn't and never has been about looking good, otherwise we would all look like OP's pic.

>> No.9169629
File: 15 KB, 240x194, 1821870271_d5129bba41_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for a male is it really being beautiful? or being fucking virile and bad ass

>> No.9169667


>> No.9169706

Not with those tiny ass lips

>> No.9169769

No, one is a certified genius and a physics major and the other is a chemical engineering major. I'm also pretty smart and good looking.

>> No.9169872

not bad
will probably mature nicely


>> No.9170570

you don't need to be smart to study

>> No.9170575

woman lips

>> No.9172072 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 368x362, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how fucked am I

>> No.9172079


you will probably be able to land a good job, and get a good wife/husband and spawn/adopt some kids.

no worries.

>> No.9172084
File: 145 KB, 768x1280, IMG-20141113-WA0036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I ugly?
How bad is it?

>> No.9172087


as long as you have confidence, income, fashion sense, you will be able to get laid and do other things in life and be happy.

>> No.9172088

Get a haircut
you look like a bro in a good way

>> No.9172103
File: 1.21 MB, 375x204, killyourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9172114

How 2 pull in clubs. Ive been cockblocked 14 times so somethinga up with my game.

>> No.9172120

I don't think you understood me m8.
I'm Finnish.


>> No.9172219


>> No.9172454

Do you live in Georgia by any chance?

>> No.9172705

First off, youre right, but Intelligence and beauty often comes in hand, its like good genetics also give you a good brain along with good looks. And intelligence will fade away too. Delon looked handsome as fuck when he was 20-29 Id say, after that he wasnt as cute but he still looks pretty good considering he smoked his whole life and the right pic is him at almost 80 years...I wanna see other men looking that good at that age.

>> No.9172712

You dont deserve a reply but you are wrong with both statements.

Your skin looks like shit because you eat shit and you are shit, I guess you look like shit too and the skin is only the tip of the iceberg, if you would look good you would try to get rid of that shit.

Also there are really beautiful people out there, of course theyre not the majority because what would beauty be worth it if everyone had it. Like good skin, its something to be happy about.