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/fa/ - Fashion

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9116724 No.9116724 [Reply] [Original]

What do you do when you see a girl mirrin at you, /fa/

>> No.9116734

Get sweaty palms and say 'h-hey you live h-here often?' while looking at the ground.

>> No.9116751
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She is so perfect, seeing her in It's Always Sunny made me fall in love at first sight.

Anyway to ops question. Nothing, I'm too shy and being shy isn't /fa/.

>> No.9116757
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>> No.9116776

smirk and wrist flick wave

>> No.9116778

shy boys are cute

>> No.9116796

I usually clench my jaw, because get wet when men do that.

>> No.9116802

Stare straight ahead or look at the ground and walk away quickly like an embarrassed anime character.

>> No.9116803

it's always an ugly girl that does it, so nothing

>> No.9116812

>wrist flick wave

>> No.9116815


>> No.9116901

if i like her - make eye contact to confirm, approach her to talk

if i don't - smile to politely decline her interest

>> No.9116931


>> No.9116964

she initially looks because your clothes / hair / height, whatever catches her eye. the eye is to see if she either matches your glance and smiles, or quickly looks away. if she looks away it means "oh shit, never mind he's ugly as fuck"

>> No.9116967

>the eye

meant "the key is to see"

>> No.9116970

look even angrier stare at the floor and continue walking with confidence

>> No.9116989

>catch girl looking at me
>she smiles
>quickly look down at shoes

>> No.9116998

I know that feel bro

>> No.9117002
File: 38 KB, 476x540, 1460237_745503935485026_8278834609470074957_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be walking past cafe
>qt girl double takes at me
>actually manage to smile
>she smiles back
>clothes instantly soaked in sweat
>manually walk away quickly
>she gonna get the d later fuck yea

mfw wasn't even wearing my best fit

>> No.9117003

make eye contact

she'll break it

if she looks back at u again soon she's prob interested

walk up to her say hi

fucking easy dude

>> No.9117004

O-or she could be shy, r-right, anon

>> No.9117007

You have to look which way she looks away. If she looks at the ground she finds you intimidatingly attractive and can't keep eye contact. If she just looks to the side you ugly as fuck.

>> No.9117010

eh, i guess it would depend on where you are from. maybe in tokyo they could be looking away in shyness, but here in los angeles it's waaaayyy more likely it's the latter

>> No.9117011

confidence is more attractive
am a gril
this is untrue
stop being delusional

>> No.9117016
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smile at her. Dear god the autism of this question.

>> No.9117020

>hurr durr it doesn't apply to me it doesn't apply to anyone else
Just shut up

>> No.9117023

look behind me to see who she's starring at

>> No.9117044

>tfw you see the 6'3 jared leto looking hipster standing right behind you smiling back at her

>> No.9117048
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Think that I'm smiling back at her when I'm probably still just sucking my cheeks in.

>> No.9117062

then post on 4chan about how jared letto is an ugly bitch-looking skinny faggot who is nailing pleb bitches in whatever outfit she was wearing and how you're too good for her anyways

then play farcry 4
and check your empty okcupid inbox

>> No.9117071
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i wake up

>> No.9117097

So is he trying to look like modern Mick Jagger or

>> No.9117106

t o r o n t o

>> No.9117112

hey where u at in toronto? Lets hang out or something

>> No.9117120


is toronto good? really want to move to canada

>> No.9117131

best place in canada to live for sure if you enjoy what a big city has to offer

Canada's not the best country in the world to live imo, but I just like places with lots of people

I really liked Seoul, visited for a few days, pretty cool place with lotsa nature even in the city

But don't take my opinion I'm just a guy on a internet board, do ur research to see if toronto is right for you ok

>> No.9117138

are there many jobs? im a software engineer

>> No.9117154

not as much as San Fran or Dallas or Seattle imo but look into it dude do ur research

I know nothing about software engineering job openings

>> No.9117158

>jus bee urself :^)
but in any case i'm sure it was just being polite, i am hideous

>> No.9117164

well obviously i am doing other research but i feel like literally asking someone who lives in toronto about how nice toronto is to live would seem like pretty fucking decent research don't you think

do many people speak french there?

>> No.9117169
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>What do you do when you see a girl mirrin at you,

Ignore her.

Because anything I could possibly say to her would constitute as sexual harassment

>> No.9117173
File: 1.95 MB, 300x227, 1412178195356.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9117174

>playing the victim card
>being this beta

>> No.9117205

>dress in just jeans and a t-shirt
more like jeggings and a titshirt. Her clothes are so tight and she has huge tits and a curvy ass of course she's going to have nigger hollering at her.

>> No.9117216


ugly guy complimenting woman: Sexual harassment

attractive guy complimenting woman: Flirting

$20 says i can go 'mire some chick right now and she'll post something on facebook about this "creeper"

>> No.9117218

don't be so self conscious dude

If you start out with a defeatist attitude like that you have 0 chance

"U miss all of the shots u dont take" - some sports player

your personality is more important

look at nick vujijic as an extreme example of what I mean, he's married, has kids, is a genuinely great person

Probably a small amount but for the most part everyone speaks english

French speaking parts like Quebec or Montreal would prob be the opposite but have a much higher french population

And I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings dude no need to say bad words

Sorry if I came off that way

>> No.9117228

Sieg I see that you've accepted your unattractiveness

How does it feel? Was it hard to come to terms with? Does it make you angry?

>> No.9117230

Not projecting in the slightest.

>> No.9117235

meanmug her hard and then go home and cry

>> No.9117251

I come home and post on /fa/ with rene_descartes.jpg

>> No.9117327

i make a crane out of a napkin and hand it 2 her gently and say "this is almost as beautiful as u" and then I wink and walk away hehe.

>> No.9117462

kek this is perfect

>> No.9117474

>complimenting strangers
It's like you don't live in Scandinavia

>> No.9117521

>Charlie used to get to the Waitress

>> No.9117545

no one ever mired me.
how does it feel to be handsome ;_;?

>> No.9117551
File: 49 KB, 300x345, I'm glad it's over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manually walk away quickly
Pretty much this OP.

>> No.9117552

People think he's having a seizure when he clenches his jaw so they pour water on him to help him come to

>> No.9117561

>If I keep telling this to myself maybe I won't cry as hard every night before bed!!!1
Lmao what a spacker

>> No.9117585
File: 10 KB, 304x171, 1 new fb message.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be britbong
>walk past 2 chavettes probably around 15
>one says my mate thinks your hot
>slowly accelerate walking pace

>> No.9117629

i do the same thing. it's literally all i know to do especially when i see a girl in a bar or s/t

>> No.9117640

Every so often theres a girl in the hallway when I come out of one of my classes, we usually tarde glances but very quickly because I'm walking and she's usually talking with some fat bitch. Couple days ago she was at the end of the hallway so we stared at each other for like 10 seconds, she didn't smile nor look away and neither did I. What the fuck was that?

>> No.9117641

do females in bongistan really refer to their other female friends as "mates"?

jesus christ your country is worse than i thought

>> No.9117853
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>'h-hey you live h-here often?'

>> No.9117854
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Yeah in some parts and 'man'

>> No.9117957

turn look her in the eyes and give a simple smile then turn away

>> No.9118450

east york is where its at

>> No.9118458

really? it's kinda boring, i'd rather live downtown

>> No.9118778

I still have low self-esteem so when they size me up then look away when I catch her eyes I always assume she didn't like what she saw.
I try to smile though, but at the risk of looking like a little bitch.

>> No.9118790

I'm reminded of-- was it Skins where the gay kid gets his ass beat by some chav girls because he wasn't dtf?
What was the gay kid's name again? I liked him and that episode made me sad.

>> No.9118838

Make eye contact if I like her.

Always make eye contact, if you do it with confidence and without looking like a creep you'll assert dominance. You can look ugly as fuck but girls mainly look for confidence first. When I wear a dope fit it's definitely a confidence boost for me and people notice.

>> No.9118863

This is important. Having a strong gaze is helpful in any situation.

>> No.9119010

"Wow. What a nice dream."

>> No.9119054

>tfw never really approached a girl out of the blue
>tfw they always approach me
>act aloof
>use them as means to talk to their friends
>girl gets jealous amd makes great moves
>her friends try to compete
>draw attention by diking out on my couch
>tfw 6'3" fit white male with a solid job while still in school

Life is truly easy mode

>> No.9119084

>tfw girls travel thousands of miles to meet me
>tfw they take off their clothes the second they see me
>tfw i make friends with every girl i meet after i bang them
>tfw fucked cara, freja, and every supermodel
>tfw i try to avoid all of these beautiful model girls but they won't leave me alone
>tfw 6'9" white male fashion model, CEO of an $100m tech firm, studying at Harvard, only 18 years old

I wonder how it must feel being this delusional.

>> No.9119249

I dont even know if people notice my sick fits

>> No.9119265

probably cuz they're not sick

>> No.9119292

lol you niggas fr. it's basic human nature to break eye contact when someone meets your gaze. it's a completely natural thing to happen, you can only keep the gaze going unless you really try to.

>> No.9119515

people only notice fits if they're horrendous
looking good makes you confident and that's all that anyone notices

>> No.9119939

It was did and they beat him up because "he was gving us cheek m8"
Gay guy is named maxxie

>> No.9119981

>tfw lost my job as a waiter
>i wont get the same attention of grills mirin at my skinny chinos and chelseas everyday
>i wont have enough money as to go partying every saturday to get grill atention

i just used to smile back or nod

>> No.9120004

>skinny chinos

can't believe it
no wonder they mirin

>> No.9120014

well, its black chinos, they look like skinny jeans but with a softer texture