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/fa/ - Fashion

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9077024 No.9077024 [Reply] [Original]

What's your curse?
for me I'm bald

>> No.9077045


>> No.9077048

i have a personality often described as toxic or cancerous.

>> No.9077053


>> No.9077065

My arms are so fucking thin. If I take my shirt off they seem to go on forever.

>> No.9077073


>> No.9077084




>> No.9077089

I don't know if there's a word that could describe me but I'm so opinionated that it drives me mad if someone doesn't like something I like.

>> No.9077095

5'5 but i might actually be 5'4.5 and i dont want to check

>> No.9077107


>> No.9077141
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Can relate

>> No.9077186

My problem too. The fact my veins pop out makes it worse.

>> No.9077210

ears too large

>> No.9077221

Hardly a curse. Spend 6 months going to the gym and you will have decent looking arms.

>> No.9077229

but I want grill arms

>> No.9077243

wide hips
fuck this gay earth

>> No.9077247

I was too depressed to take proper care of my teeth for a few years and now I have to force myself to closed-mouth smile all the time so nobody can see what I've done to them.

>> No.9077255

i'm not a grilll

>> No.9077259

i'm so short and skinny that most clothes fits huge on me. The thing is I had a late puberty and i'm still growing and i'm not sure how much more ill grow, so i'm unsure whether to get mediums or smalls

>> No.9077260

left leg shorter than right leg by greater than a quarter inch. pain, limp.

>> No.9077269

oh, also too small for men's sizes to fit, too long in the torso for boy's sizes. barely have any shirts. maybe six or so, plus three button-downs I've had for 4+ years.

american apparel xs doesn't fit either. h&m does sometimes. gap I can sometimes find something.

this is probably more of a pain in the ass fashion-wise than the limp.

>> No.9077274

Tailors are your friend.

>> No.9077312

Weak chin

>> No.9077336

i've been browsing 4chan since i was 12 years old.... 8 years ago. In that time I have become a tasteful snob who looks down on the base acts of niggers degenerates women children homosexuals bisexuals asexuals pedophiles bronies anime obsessive autists video game players turks spics and anyone who is under 6'0".

>> No.9077337

>Bad hairline
>can't have hair upwards
>side bangs
>look like a dyke

>> No.9077341

Not white..
Big ears...
Everything else I'm okay with

>> No.9077354
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> tfw will never wear 'just a t-shirt'.

Sucks because I have a nice body, just shitty puffy nips.

>> No.9077357

big nose. ugly teeth

captcha: gureher SURGICAL

>> No.9077364

>mild acne
>5'11 manlet

>> No.9077370


>> No.9077379

>tfw I can fit an 8inch baseball cap
M-monster noggin m-master race r-reporting I

>> No.9077401

absolutely nothing

>> No.9077404

get that shit fixed bro

>> No.9077408

thats actually not too bad enless its like huge compared to the rest of your body. like if you were short

>> No.9077421

i feel for you, brother

>> No.9077427

slight gyno.

it does not bother me and i can even weat a tshirt if i want but i dont think it looks good.

i feel for people who have it worse, i cant imagine. people pretend its not a big issue, but it fucking sucks.

>> No.9077430

I'm 6'0 exactly. Finding a suitable haircut that doesn't make my head look any bigger than it already is is damn near impossible.

>> No.9077431

Disgusting tranny body
Can't be effay without being attractive :(

>> No.9077435

so much this

>> No.9077457

Bulbous nose and receding hair line. I used to be such a good looking kid, but puberty really fucked me over ;_;

>> No.9077539

i know that feel all too much..since 12

>> No.9077543

5'7 jarl of manlets

>> No.9077567

This and 5'7
I like my personality though and my friends like me, I just rub off strangers the wrong way sometimes. Apparently I'm too blunt and arrogant

>> No.9077575


>> No.9077576

Bigoted. Im the exact same now I think about it.

>> No.9077596

Short, hairy, shy. Cute face, though

>> No.9077599

The Mummy's.

>every time I wear metal it melts and burns me
>eyes dry and are swarmed with wasps every full moon
>hair falls out every new moon
>piss blood constantly
>every cat attacks me
>everyone around me dying of sickness
>extremely bad luck in general

I shouldn't have picked up that pharaoh icon in the pyramid, man.

>> No.9077605

I can honestly say that I'm content with my looks, just my personality is shit and im antisocial and shy. I can literally see the interest fade from girls eyes the first minute of convo. I'm not saying I'm a 10/10 but I'm decent enough.

>> No.9077617

My overall appearance. Working on my body though. A slow presses but I will get there. That won't change my brown eyes though. Expectations are hard on females.

>> No.9077632

social anxiety

>> No.9077689

pectus excavatum
social problems
future baldness likely

those are the only major things

>> No.9077713

>tfw half indonesian, half dutch
>tfw mixed skin (light-skinned, but very yellow undertone)
>tfw tan so easily
>tfw platinum blonde hair
>tfw my natural hair doesn't match my skin tone, makes me look yellow
>tfw blonde eyebrows too
>tfw i look like a white basic bitch if i dont dye my hair and hide from the sun

>> No.9077716

This is exactly me. my PE is very minor though and I probably won't go completely bald, just have a wicked receded hairline so what's the point.
Also small dick.

>> No.9077728

ayy :(

thankfully, at least it's fixable

>> No.9077736

Bull shit

>> No.9077753
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>low self esteem
>shit personality (i always look and act disinterested/bored)
>small dick
>dry and frizzy hair

>> No.9077757

5'4 but I'm to scared to find out im shorter than that ;-;

>> No.9077760

I'm not white and 5'7. I also have a crooked nose.

>> No.9077771

sunken chest like a mother fucker, makes my rib area look wierd to. will post pic if wanted

>> No.9077772

I've been dyeing my hair for years. If I find a picture of me naturally, it'd be of me when I was like 9 or 10. I dye my hair a medium ash brown. Makes me look normal. My eyebrows luckily have darkened over the years.

>> No.9077773


>> No.9077783

Long nose.

>> No.9077785
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>> No.9077796

who u be? mines not that bad. but still noticable when a t shirt is on

>> No.9077808

What's wrong with not being white?

>> No.9077821

i'm poor

>> No.9077833

at least you don't have it like me, anon. post your chest

>> No.9077836

>Not white
>Not privileged

>> No.9077867

>thong tan line
>male I think
>human I think

>> No.9077873

ultra pleb

>> No.9077910
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>> No.9077947

i like food

>> No.9077964
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PE right? I have about the same as you along with flared ribs. It sucks the most when wearing button shirt. Lifting does help a little but not as much as people think.

>> No.9077968

I've always had a horrible metabolism and been a little chubby, though trying to change that. I used to sweat a lot, but with a new, shorter haircut and lost weight, that stopped. At just under 5'9" I guess I'm kinda short too

>> No.9077984


>> No.9077988

giant feet (5'6, 11)
big ears

but im not complaining. life is p good right now

>> No.9077997

how big is you dick? For research purpose.

>> No.9078013

>only 6 ft
>all my friends are 6'3
>thick curly hair
>cant grow full beard

>> No.9078015

6" on a good day. really late puberty tho so still growing

>> No.9078021

I'm so fucking lucky to have good genetics, I've got an alright face I dare think... I can grow hair/facial hair pretty well, it always comes in clean, I've got a pretty well proportioned face, and I'm pretty fit and healthy.

My only quirks with my body is that one of my ears sticks out a tad bit more than the other, and I'm blind in one eye.

>> No.9078034

To think that he probably began lifting because of his sunken chest. ..

>> No.9078038
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My anxiety. I can't talk to new people or even go in public sometimes. It's passed the point of being a case of "manning up", as I now have physiological symptoms like eye-twitching and tremors.

>> No.9078042

6'' is big for your height. I think it explains the big feet.

>> No.9078053

Wide nose

>> No.9078071

Yeah I like to think that as well

>> No.9078085

I'm ultra pale, and very average looking.
It makes me look sick and weak.

>> No.9078093

>have just about every single thing going for me
>below average (or maybe if I'm lucky JUST average) Wang
I can deal with all my slight imperfections, but this is the one thing I can never change or adapt to

>> No.9078098

>and I'm blind in one eye
did you really just throw that at the end of the sentence

>> No.9078102


>> No.9078108
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Sebhoeerric Dermititus

>> No.9078112

"cute" face
slight gyno

At least I'm not a virgin

>> No.9078116

my friend has vitiligo, and even though it's not that bad (hands and chest mostly), he tells me it makes him really self conscious all the time. Most people think it looks cool; don't let it get it to you

>> No.9078118

I'm short. And bacne.

>> No.9078120

just need to find the person whose hole your thing fits into like a puzzle piece<3

>> No.9078125

I know that feel.

>> No.9078128

>tfw potentially found her
>tfw I had a gf when she was single and she has a bf now that I'm single
>tfw she lives in another country anyway so even if/when they break up I'm never getting in there
She comes over to my country every now and then though so we could have had this great friends with benefits relationship. Plus we admitted to each other that there's definitely sexual tension between us. Plus she's petite as fuck so my dick would be gr8 for this situation.

Guess I'll go jerk off again instead though

>> No.9078132

I dunno, I didn't think about it until after I had completed the sentence, so I just kinda finished my though.

Having no depth perception does suck though, and I didn't think it took priority over my ear thing, at least fashion-wise. You can't really tell with my eye I don't think.

>> No.9078151

acne, only 6.5 x 5.5 inch penis, but i guess i should be happy

>tfw girls always ask if i have a big cock
>show them cock
>"its smaller than i thought anon"

>> No.9078154

>Pronounced nasolabial folds that are made even worse by the fact that I've only got one dimple, so it looks lop-sided
>Receding hairline, though if genetics are any sign, I probably won't go bald
>Apparently look 3-4 years older than I am

I just turned 21. I know there was a point when I was attractive growing up, but that's quickly passed.

>> No.9078155

>girls always ask if i have a big cock
I am a man of the world and have had this happen to me maybe twice. Who on earth do you hang out with.

>> No.9078174

just random girls that ive picked up at clubs and such

ive only pulled it off once, a girl texted"are you big baby" and i said yea, she said "u better not be lying to me" and i said "y u gonna punish me ;)" and i ended up banging her that night and a few more times after

oh and i go for a lot of milfs 30-40ish so maybe thats why, they got cavernous pussies or maybe just got used to ex'es or big dildos

if i just had .5 more inches i think i could impress a girl with it, i think im gonna start jelqing nigga

>tfw a bbc makes a girls jaw drop in a porno and that will never ever happen to you irl

>> No.9078188

Actually, that's just my face. I'll cover everything else
>Suffered from severe anxiety at an early age, which made me bite both my fingernails and the skin around them; still have the scars
>Thought bulimia was a good idea at one point, so who knows what havoc that wrought on my innards
>Plenty of body hair, but can't grow a beard
>Small dick (4.5")

>> No.9078194

>only taller than 88% of the population.
Such feels

>> No.9078204

>just random girls that ive picked up at clubs and such
You're bigger than average. stop hitting on childish retards with porn standards.

>> No.9078205

>plenty of body hair, can't grow beard

Shave the rest of your body and then tape them to your chin.

Problem solved.

>> No.9078206

Living is my curse. Above average looks. Apparently intelligent. Tall, good hair, big dick. Great face.

My personality is shit. I'm self-absorbed, I try caring about others but it ultimately comes down to just being about me. I'm anti-social and I try doing many little things at once, but never complete anything. Talentless without purpose or passion. Bi-polar even.

I'm happy though or at least I pretend I am.

>> No.9078232

6'2, 135lbs, 28/34 pant size... muscly cyclist thighs

thank god for joggers otherwise pants to not exist for me

acne on the sides of my face

slightly large neck and weak-ish jawline if im not sticking my head forwards

extremely judgmental and open about it

average size penis

not too bad, have gf so

w/o acne maybe i could be heroincore model

>> No.9078677

you got a beard? I've got a weak chin, too, but there's no way to tell when it's veiled in face fur.

>> No.9078693
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>be 23
>fairly well socially adjusted
>good friends, nice job
>women/men finally showing interest in me
>tfw terrible anxiety whenever I think of having sex with anyone
>tfw will never be able to do it because I am scared i would suck and it would completely ruin my sense of self worth
Fuck, my heart is beating frantically just thinking about actually having sex.
Any Anon dealt with this successfully?

>> No.9078696

small dick

that's pretty much it actually, i like to think i'm blessed in other ways

>> No.9078700

breeding supports the capitalist agenda stay woke

>> No.9078707

Half of my face is highter then the other

>> No.9078708
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>fucked up teeth
>folliculitis on ass
>5'7 , 175 lbs
clothes are my only source of confidence. working on losing weight now. been hitting the gym and drinking lots of water and making a conscious effort to get lean, which will hopefully help with the ass zits.

>> No.9078715

chest looks like a cubist painting

>> No.9078723

Fuck people you don't know nor will ever see again, or let someone you trust take your virginity and let them know that it's your first time

Jesus christ why would you leave it this long

>> No.9078726


it shouldn't be a big deal at all
well unless you're 30

>> No.9078730

The worst part is that I have actually somehow managed to make everyone believe I have had sex, including my closest friends.
It fucking sucks and I am constantly worried that I might just blurt it out when drunk or something.

>> No.9078744

Hairy and sweaty
Extremely long torso. I worked it out onetime, it's longer than like 93% of dudes in the US. Makes for short pants and long shirts and I only really look well proportioned in shorts but it's really not that bad.
Also most importantly:

But none of this really bugs me cus I'm working to get /fit/ before I get /fa/. I have decent genetics, 6' tall, wide chest and big shoulders, visible collarbone despite being pretty fucking fat. Good facial hair, olive toned skin.

Most importantly, I don't have the extreme lack of self confidence this board seems to be afflicted with, and have a friend group and am comfortable meeting new people or talking to girls or whatever. But being aesthetic... Well I know I'll get there eventually.

>> No.9078747

Sounds like you're a loser imo

>> No.9078751

Wrecked my nose scuffling. Now I gotta pay 10k just to be myself again

>> No.9078760

Easily stretch marked.

>> No.9078761

That's what you get for being poor.

>> No.9078762

I hate being told I look like Tina Fey or Drew Berrymore. Iv never found them to be attractive. I feel so underwhelmingly average looking.

My torso is too short and my ribs don't match and my breast are too large for my frame.

>> No.9078763

Boyz only club, pls go

>> No.9078765

had perfect skin until i was 17 now i have decently bad acne
>tfw would almost rather be a manlet

>> No.9078769

>Long face caused by massive nose and chin
>Shitty hair
>Shitty teeth
>No personality

>> No.9078775

>go to dermatologist for acne
>get measured height and weight
>stand on wall shoeless
>"5' 11" and 3/4
>fa comes out of my personality
>"you can just round up"
>"nope, doctors must be exact, 5'11" and 3/4"
>I need this
>let me have this
>"get on the scale"
a- at least i got some accutane

>> No.9078776


Not even mad. Vaguely okay with this.

>> No.9078782

Wide hips are cute imo

>> No.9078787
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Acne scars.
Acne scars.
Acne scars.
Acne scars.
Acne scars.
Acne scars.

>> No.9078789


>> No.9078817
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godawful thick, dry, curly ass hair.

>> No.9078823

oh boy where do we start

>5'7 manlet
>unathletic body (not fat but not sinewy)
>bacne scars
>bad skin

>> No.9078824

Is your dad Jeremy Clarkson?

>> No.9078849

Eye bags

Bad teeth

>> No.9078850

If its dry, dont use shampoo/conditioner, just water.
Let your natural oils nourish your hair.
Over 2 weeks it will go from really greasy to becoming your best friend.

>> No.9078865

That's why I always tell guys dick size doesn't matter. It's mostly a mental thing. By the time you get to that point with a girl it won't matter. I understand guys wanting huge dicks, and who wouldn't, but if you don't have it, don't worry about it. It's interesting how guys with huge dicks have a different set of problems.
And don't worry about a girl talking bad about your dick either. That shit means nothing. If a girl likes you she won't say you have a small dick, and if she hates you she'll say you have a small dick.

>> No.9078868

Question about gyno:
I never thought about it before, because i was just thin or skinnyfat. Now that i've been working out and seeing some pecs come in i'm worried i may have gyno...

>> No.9078895
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Gigantic head, compared to my friends heads, mine is twice as big.
Also long curly hair, adds so much volume and my head gets even bigger.
If i get a buzzcut i will look like cancer kid with hydrocephalus.

My other parts is okay, but that head, i cant wear any glasses, they are to small to wear, cant wear a beanie, it looks like swimming hat.

>> No.9078924

6'6" size 16 feet. no designer clothes or shoes for me

>> No.9078942
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>Be in highschool
>Realise I aint the best looking kid when I notice myself in pictures with friends
>Decide to work on it.
>Start going to gym, start eating healthier, get a nice haircut and style it regularly, use a ton of different skin products and brush my teeth 3 times a day
>After a few months of this new routine start feeling better about myself
>Start buying nice clothes and actually want to go out to the mall with friends
>Walking around with mates, havin a laugh
>Cute girl walks by
>Shoot her a smile
>She starts to lose it, laughing like crazy
>All I can make out is 'ahahaha, his face omg'
>Break down inside

So yeah, I'm ugly

>> No.9078945

shave your head and grow a beard if you can. it will make your face appear longer and your head balances out

>> No.9078949

in any case a huge head is better than a tiny head because in the worst case scenario you can always increase your body weight to match. imagine having a tiny head!

>> No.9078952
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dry scalp
bad skin (acne)

>> No.9078954


>> No.9078991

it might have been your paranoia. even if it wasnt why do you care about some random bitch? move on and be stronger

>> No.9079006

My toofs

>> No.9079023

Good face but, perpetually high hairline, weak chin and big lips...
Still catch qts mirin' though.

>> No.9079051
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>Mfw amerifags can't get this shit fixed for free.

>> No.9079082

oh my god dude the lies are so much worse than the truth, you have dug yourself such a fucking hole that I'd consider just revealing to everyone that you're a virgin and dealing with it

>> No.9079087

>guys with huge dicks have a different set of problems
I really feel for them cos like, who the fuck are you allowed to complain to? Like, no one will give you any sympathy if you're complaining about big junk, but there must be a fuckload of problems

>> No.9079095

English skin, chin and teeth ;_;

>> No.9079113

That's pretty much how life goes. The whole "walk a mile in someone else's shoes" stuff. Every good has a bad, etc.

I'm sure that guys with big ones are more confident in a lot of ways, but at the end of the day they have the same problems with girls everyone else does. It's a different type of insecurity. A guy who is known to be good in bed MAY have a lot of girls lining up for him, but here comes the gay part - he'll still feel lonely because the girls are around for the wrong reasons. It's the same type of head game insecure guys play. Insecure guys just think having a bigger one will fix all their problems.

>> No.9079133


losing weight is hard when ur neet

>> No.9079193

bushy eyebrows, crooked nose


>> No.9079210

is that because you only talk to ppl on league of legends

>> No.9079248

I have gyno, and my nipples look weird when I'm wearing thinner shirts

>> No.9079261


>> No.9079286

Would it help to hear about "experienced" people having really bad sex and how they dealt with it?
Don't tell anybody you're a virgin, not even the first girl you hook up with. Just say "it's been a while" if you cum too fast or something. Most people don't have insane skills, and it's not that hard to improve.

I lost my virginity at 16, but i've had bad sex with other girls after that. It just happens sometimes, especially if you abuse alcohol and/or drugs.

Guys put this huge stigma on their virginity, but it is not that big of a deal. Notice how everybody thinks you AREN'T a virgin? That shows that it isn't as big of a deal as you think.

I know one guy who is like thirty nine at work, and everybody clowns him because he's a virgin. I've talked to him about it, and it's true. But everyone clowns on him because he acts like a retarded desperate loser around every girl he sees.

Lose your virginity, feel "weird and awkward" for a few days, and then realize that sex is sex.

>> No.9079303

>you seem so cold and arrogant, we were afraid to talk to you
>overly honest, usually end up in shit situations
When they get to know me, people usually thinks I'm nice, but When I have to say something I just say it and it is not always welcome apparently.
>my nose
Looks like it doesn't belong in my face

>> No.9079322

five head. Having a five head = you're always unphotogenic. Imagine being unphotogenic in the age of selfies.
pectus excavatum
stretch marks on inner thighs
penis is so thin that when i wrap my hand around it my thumb can touch my middle finger
under 6'2" (6'1" fuck my life)
under 8 inch dick (7 inches i swear being an inch too short is the story of my life)

>> No.9079323

Terrible acne scarring. I wish there was a way to kill myself without causing irreparable harm to my parents and sister.

>> No.9079325

I can't walk

>> No.9079353

big head
short legs
passive-aggressive personality

>> No.9079360

no particular passion or skill that i can boast

being average is the new shit tier (for men at least)

>> No.9079368

looking really good from the front, but not nearly as good from the side. its like im another person when photographed from the side, it makes me always face and sometimes stare at other attractive people simply because i dont want them to see the side of my head...

>> No.9079409

have a doctor check on that

>> No.9079413

lol starving yourself

>> No.9079418

>moderately fat
>socially awkward
>unremarkable intelligent
>being a weeaboo

>> No.9079420

You know what it's all from anyway, manning up isn't ignoring the issue, it's dealing with it.

>> No.9079452

>Red Hair
This is irredeemable, most girls will not even consider you because of this fact.

>> No.9079465

work out gay boy

>> No.9079481

moderately twisted sternum (so similar to sunken chest)
most likely going to go bald
anxiety and depression
issues with my teeth and gums ever since I broke my two front teeth when I passed out

I'm essentially a genetic monstrosity

>> No.9079819

>jew nose
>social anxiety
>horrible teeth, getting braces in december though

>> No.9079835

you must be butt fucking ugly. most girls i know are obsessed by red haired guys.

>> No.9079839

Mental Illness.

Thanks to genetics and head injuries.

Also crippling social anxiety and social awkwardness but that is being addressed.

Also my arms are too skinny. I need to lift.

>> No.9079856

Have you ever lived in a religious household with strictly religious parents for about 20 years of your life?

You can't really bring any member of the opposite sex around.

>> No.9079857

>birthing hips
>hardcore social anxiety
>socially retarded

>> No.9079873

Social retard

>> No.9079874

my friend has this condition
you can make it disappear to the point it doesn't matter anymore if you gain muscle mass on chest area
working out is modern couture

>> No.9079878

Not white
unwell, but getting better

>> No.9079914

Bad skin
Social anxiety

>> No.9079933
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I just took this pic. I'm not asking if i'm fat, I'm asking if it looks like I have gyno. I know that fat people get similar looking man tits, but i'm not sure if that's what i have coming in. or if i'm just now realizing i have gyno.

>> No.9079946

I'm black

And a manlet

>> No.9079951

Fat man leave pls

>> No.9079952

So you're saying it's not gyno??

>> No.9079974

You're just fat

>> No.9079979

Bad skin. I mean like spots and acne all over me. On my face, my neck, chest, shoulder, and even on my head. Doesn't help that I'm balding.

>> No.9080025
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I'm bulking bruh
jk jk

>tfw no gyno

>> No.9080139

>135 lbs

jesus christ. there are athletes your height that weigh nearly 100 lbs more and aren't even fat.

>> No.9080231

Asian and black
5'8 but with a decent face and pretty good proportions besides size 11 feet.
black nose, black lips. fit my face but make me self conscious.
don't look black at all so everyone thinks you're filipino.
can't complain otherwise. ottermode without really working very hard and Asian hair is amazing. never had a problem with girls

>> No.9080245

>mfw im half black half filipino but dont look mixed at all.
>mfw i have size 11 feet
>mfw im 6'0 doe

heh. you half japanese or soemthing?

>> No.9080258

and I may have a bad personality. people who get to know me like me a lot, but I crack too many dry, lowkey jokes, which makes me seem like an asshole.

>> No.9080285

Lol, I weigh 60 more pounds than you without being fat

>> No.9080292

missing half my eyebrows people think I'm a lunatic

>> No.9080306

Regardless of how much weight I lose, I have muffin top.

It's not too bad, but bad enough

>> No.9080318

baby small child hands someone please murder me I am so self conscious of my baby man gay fag hands

>> No.9080319

Lol at that, catholic parents.

>> No.9080328

I was born in the wrong sex

>> No.9080347

eczema and psoriasis, thanks dad

>> No.9080382

Thanks man. This made me feel better.

>> No.9080410

Big cheeks, not even fat just a very round face.

>> No.9080429


Well to be honest I would be pretty fucking desperate if I was 39 virgin.

You have to actually do it to realize it's not that big of a deal, but when you don't know the pressure and desire is just too big.

>> No.9080435

Delusions of grandeur

>> No.9080473

you got thyroid issues nigga

>> No.9080495

my dad's family is all 6 foot plus except for him. I blame him and cigs. :(

>> No.9080498

I'm 22 and jerked off 3-5 times a day since I was 12 until 19. My dick doesn't really work anymore. I've been taking Cialis to get hard again but still need to pull out and use my hand to cum. It's better, but not ideal. I feel like I missed out on some form of socialization by not having a "dick to guide me in my life". Instead I am rather sociopathic about how to act. I generally live life seeming like a top fucking alpha cunt who's willing to ease back and let others feel comfortable. I'm not sure if I really feel anything at all

>> No.9080548
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bad teeth
frizzy thick wavy hair

>> No.9080690

I'd bet a lot of people jerked off that much, and don't have that issue. I don't know if you were just saying that or if you went to see a doctor about this, but that sound weird to me.

>> No.9080712

>I'm self-absorbed, I try caring about others but it ultimately comes down to just being about me.
That's human nature you idiot, did you think humans are altruistic at heart?!

>> No.9080731

>for free
Idiot detected. Guess what, that european healthcare is funded by YOUR HIGHER TAX RATES, it's not "free".

>> No.9080751

You're right, but it's still a lot more affordable (since everyone contributes to everyone elses expanses in that domain) than if you had to pay for it all by yourself.

>> No.9080826

>be an American
>can't get on my parents' insurance because i'm not in school
>can't get health issuance through my employer because I'm not working full time
>get free state healthcare
>comes with dental
>covers any orthodontist procedure until you're 21
>my wisdom teeth start to grow right when i'm 21
>by 22 they cause my teeth to misalign to the point where I develop an overbite that turns my 8/10 face into a 6/10
>due some arbitrary age limitation it now costs over $5,000 to fix something I could've done for free a single year ago
>don't have the money
>don't have the credit to borrow it
>I now feel ugly and have absolutely no self-confidence
>I got out less because of this
>my /fa/ lifestyle turned into browsing 4chan and reading all day
I hate this country.

>> No.9080839


>stay on parents healthcare until 26
>not so bad eh

>> No.9080878

The insurance my parents had to shop for after Obamacare became law doesn't cover orthodontic procedures either. They now actually have to pay for ALL dental appointments, including checkups, while the insurance they had before Obamacare covered literally everything. So i'm fucked either way.

>> No.9080880

Fast metabolism. 120 and 5'9". Can't gain weight unless i eat 6 meals a day

>> No.9080886 [DELETED] 

5'7" on a good day (bad posture).

>> No.9080895

>one inch away from six feet
Fuck off.

>> No.9080906

If you're still a teenager PE is very fixable with surgery.

>> No.9080925

My jawline isn't very defined. Anyone know tips or tricks to get a more defined, chiseled jawline?

>> No.9080930

>5'7" on a good day (bad posture)
>barely 105 lbs
>can't gain weight no matter what I do
>size US 7 (EU 40) shoes
>pectus excavatum
>worsening widow's peak
>red patch on side of nose from hyper-pigmentation
>hairy as fuck lower body, hairless upper body

I'm not gonna make it ;_;

>> No.9080941

Death grip. Been masturbating several times daily from the age of 14 to 22. I practically never took a day off. I haven't had a full erection since I was a young teen. I have to beat it hard to get it to do anything now.

>> No.9080971

Drink boost very high calorie, two times a day once in the morning and once at night. Work out, it doesn't have to be super intense. Two months ago I was 5'8" 115lbs, now I'm 130-135lbs. Shit works man. Also try to minimize fapping, retain that testosterone instead of spewing it to pixels.

>> No.9080975

no fap works. i went from having to watch the most degrading shit just to get a semi, to getting hard walking by a Victoria's secret ad by not jerking off or cumming for 3 months

>> No.9080997

Did you have to buy a new wardrobe? I imagine you went up a size or two in pants?

>> No.9081004

Can verify, nofap works miracles. It's not fucking easy at all though. I just got off drugs after being addicted for 3 years. It's harder for me to not fap than not take drugs. The adverse effects aren't as noticeable as drugs, but you'll realize how crippling fapping is once you give it up.

>> No.9081017

I wore a 28/30s. Now I wear 30/30s, it's so much easier to find sick pants. I have shit posture too, but drinking boost and working out seldom has made my chest look so much fucking better. I actually have some fat/muscle on my pecs for the first time in my life and it's awesome.

>> No.9081019
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In regards to being /fa/? Tan very easily into a nice gold brown but i'm highly vulnerable to skin cancers

>> No.9081024

tfw 7.5inch on 5'7

>> No.9081026

Post that on /pol/, could use a laugh.

>> No.9081030

7.5 inches on 5'5"
It looks comically long sometimes, but it's not even thick enough to feel big

>> No.9081033
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Receding chin, coffee stained teeth, balding, comically large feet

>> No.9081067

Bullshit, cals in -> cals out. Eat more, drink protein shakes, browse fit.

>> No.9081090

I have a long nose, it doesn't look bad from the front though.

I also have super thin wrists.

>> No.9081104


>tfw im ugly
>tfw jew nose
>tfw no strong jaw
>tfw little eyes (no asian too)

i hate myself, i only like my body
>tfw no bald

>> No.9081236

I guess that my face looks too kind, if you understand what I'm trying to say. I'm not ugly, I'm not fat, it's just that I don't feel I have a very manly face. Yet it is not a babyface.

>> No.9081242

Lift weights to compensate.

>> No.9081245

give yourself a mean lookin scar

>> No.9081262

that's retarded

>> No.9081268


>> No.9081270

bad nearsighted vision that gets even worse every few years

>> No.9081277
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>Acne Scars
>Skinny but have babyfat
>Sickly fucking pale

>Still get hit on

>> No.9081308

can't grow a good enough beard

>> No.9081333

cut your nipples off

>> No.9081341

heyyyy you're cute

>> No.9081342

Baby Face
Athletic Body

>> No.9081364

relatively weak uneven chin which looks even worse because of my overbite

i have one of those faces that you would feel grossed out if you had to lean in real close

just an awkward ugly leering face with retard mouth

i want to be able to press my face into a qt without being self-conscious ;_;

>> No.9081366

>color blind on very easy level
never bother me. i find out in the army tests.
>under wight
60 kilo on 188 cm (start with 53 and keep going)
>scoliosis on easy - madium level
>acne on easy - madium level
> one legs shorter than the other. may what couse the scolisis
>overbite teeth.
my gum are showing when i smile. and when i close my mouth my chin little wrikled.
>eyes dont see good.
wear glaases

other that im all fine.
going too kill myself brb

>> No.9081440

can't you fix most overbites with braces? look into it

>> No.9081478

>Extremely Skinny
6'4, 150lbs

>> No.9081489

my mind.

>> No.9081501

I read this article about how low IQ people tend to think they are better and smarter than others. It made me laugh, because I have very low IQ and think the same thing. In the same respect, high IQ people don't realize how smart they are.

>> No.9081511

It's more about someone's ego rather than their intelligence.

>> No.9081517

on average maybe? or dunning–kruger effect?

anyhow it doesnt mean there arent high iq people who think they are the shit

I'm in triple nine society and I think this way, even though I havent achieved shit in life

>> No.9081520

>One eye droops and is a lazy eye

>> No.9081522

I dont even know if I got this. Sometimes my nipples puff out and sometimes they look normal.

>> No.9081537

unporportionately large thighs. just annoying having to go way out of my way for good fitting pants. also makes my silhouette look weird sometimes imo

>> No.9081538

By the way, the reason low IQ people think they are smarter and better than everyone is because they get to feel like they overcame some challenge more often. For example, a normal IQ person will hear something, and already understand several aspects of the statement. A low IQ person will understand one part, and overtime figure out the rest, thinking he is a step ahead everyone else. He doesn't have any idea how far behind he really is.

A high IQ person doesn't feel that way as often, and doesn't realize how much easier things come to him. He thinks most people are able to comprehend things the same way, so when he misses something, or can't figure something out, it makes him feel behind everyone else.

Ironically, the low IQ's stupidity allows him to feel smart.

My IQ is 77, btw. I've tested it several times, and got it professionally tested. Obviously i've never told anybody IRL, but it's amazing how I don't feel stupid. People online will say "with a 77 you shouldn't even be able to read or write" but I have a full time job, and can support myself. If it wasn't for the depression in my families history, and introverted personality, I bet I would actually be a great person to be around. Or maybe I just think that because i'm stupid hahaha

I can clearly recognize how dumb I am sometimes, and I think some people notice, but I really don't know. A lot of people seem really stupid.

>> No.9081566

IQ is a poor method of describing someone's potential of being successful. Some of the dumbest people can be successful by having the right amount of knowledge and a drive to succeed.

>> No.9081590

as a stupid person, i can backup this statement.
not about smart people though, idk how they feel.

have curlgurl or someone chime in on that

>> No.9081613

But you have to appreciate the humor that a stupid person only feels smart because he thinks everything he does is an amazing accomplishment. I always wonder what it would be like to have just an average IQ, to step into that brain and see how different life is.

>> No.9081684

well you might be talking about something else, but there's a name for a similar phenomenon when it comes to skill:


>> No.9081702

That's exactly what I was talking about.

>> No.9081713

and at this point i don't even remember if i'm lying or not

>> No.9081718

i had that feel, got surgery
definitely worth it if you get it young

>> No.9081813

social anxiety
>been losing weight
>30 lbs down
>depressed more than ever
>girls smile at me now
>feel even more depressed
>I need someone to love me the whole day through

>> No.9081821

>birthing hips
>big thighs due to running and tae kwon do
>nigger nose
>braces atm
>ears a bit huge with short hair
>small dick 5"
>small feet US men 7
>small hands
>in the future probably gonna be bold
>still a lossless virgin at 18
I'm okay

>> No.9081867

sounds like you're still 12

>> No.9081958

Barely any hair at 20. Beyond that, I'm pretty happy with myself.

>> No.9082004

No, it's actually a decent indicator of income and, surprisingly, health. It's not as simple as the richest people have the highest IQ, but people with higher IQs are more likely to have higher paying jobs.

>> No.9082008


>> No.9082031

Fucking same here. Can anyone clarify?

>> No.9082126

ur doctor can

>> No.9082174

i've had long hair since i was 16. I have cut it a few times, but never really short. normally it stays around my shoulders or a little longer.

I'd like to cut it but wouldn't know a good style.
Any suggestions for me? The only style i am completely against getting is that hitler youth cut that everybody has now. anything else i'm open to checking out

>> No.9082355

acne ALL over my torso. no scoop necks or taking my shirt off to swim or nuthin

>> No.9082366

dr bronners magic soap & 10% benzoyl peroxide (clearzit) will get rid of it really quick unless its horrendous

>> No.9083051

shit jaw

>> No.9083065

>a bit above average looking
>large dick
>full beard
>skinny but putting on weight
>high paying good job

why can't i appreciate any of it

>> No.9083069

because there's more to life ~~

>> No.9083117

ayyy, we're on the same team. It's so god damn embarrassing. Girls always wanna touch my teddy bear hair, but I get weird and freak them out cuz I'm so conscious of the embarrassment that will follow.

What do you do to "fight" it?

>> No.9083147

Thanks anon
I needed this

>> No.9083167

I look like John Newman. :'(

>> No.9083196

Jawline not strong enough
Cheeks are too fat for my liking
Eyes are shitty hazel instead of blue
Slight case of bitch hips but I'm working my shoulders double time to compensate

I hate how I look on photographs and generally don't like my appearance that much but apparently I'm still attractive (countless people said or implied that). So I cannot really complain.

>> No.9083201


>> No.9083204

i have vitiligo

>> No.9083213

depression and low self-esteem

>> No.9083217

>too benevolent
>can't form romantic relationships
>no luck with girls
>can't deal with too much input from social networks and feeds
>depressed sometimes

>> No.9083218

I'll trade you that for my shitty acne scars

>> No.9083225

Good, i'm glad it was helpful, and it's true too.
Understand that most people aren't amazing at sex. Sometimes people are just naturally skilled at it, and some people aren't. Some people won't get better at it either, because they don't bother thinking about HOW. I've dated girls for long periods of time when my sex game was bad. A lot of girls don't even know what good sex is. Not sure what the percentage is, but it's been said that most girls won't experience a real orgasm. Many girls just like knowing they made their guy cum.
I'm the first guy to tell someone sex is crucial to a relationship, but I know there is more to relationships than just sex. What's important is a girl who is turned on by you, and who wants to fuck you.
Obviously you want to lay pipe like a pro, and that is something you can teach yourself to do, but it isn't something you are EXPECTED to do.

And the thing is, you can learn how to give girls orgasms without even taking your dick out, just by using your hands.

>> No.9083236

It's worth mentioning that one time I hooked up with a girl and had absolutely awful sex. This was a situation where I knew she was frustrated by how fast I came. We fucked twice that night and I couldn't last even five minutes both times.
Guess what... she still wanted a second date.

>> No.9083246

5'3 maties
whoops you already beat me

>> No.9083247
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Stretch marks all up my back and on my shoulders from puberty.

I wasn't even fat I'm just tall.

>> No.9083373
File: 58 KB, 720x720, 9eb102c9-afd8-4ff3-a3d9-389f48c2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 inch dick. only 18 and my brother and father were l8 bloomers so hopefully it gets better. I'd be happy with 1 more inch and some girth. also have mild phimosis
>lazy as fuck with everything. never motivated to do college shit.
>have 1 really close IRL friend and 1 who lives on other side of the country. few acquaintances.
>don't know what the fuck I'm going to do with my life, can't figure out what interests me. slightly depressed because of this. don't know whether I should go to uni
>high ass hairline

At least I'm not fat or ugly

pic unrelated not suicidal yet

>> No.9083403

Then eat 6 meals a day dumbass

>> No.9083413

wide feet
very noticeable sebaceous filaments on nose.

fucking why.

>> No.9083423

op here, thanks for sharing you ugly ducklings.

and to the beautiful people out there: there's a lot more of us than there are of you.


>> No.9083461

>slight gyno
>severe body acne
>mild facial

>> No.9083466

>and my shit personality
>fucking depressed right now, broke with gf

hating myself a little

>> No.9083492

>5'7 or 5'8 cant remember and dont want to check
>20 years old and the past few times I had sex I couldn't get or keep an erection
>girl offer blowjob and I accept but couldn't get an erection

what is wrong with me

>> No.9083525

your hair looks nice dude. keep it the way it is

>> No.9083533

really? I would have said the nose.

no offense

>> No.9083537

>good looking but entirely nonthreatening
>can sit silent for hours when in a group of people

>> No.9083668

> but it's still a lot more affordable
No, it's way more expensive for everyone except the absolute bottom-rung who couldn't afford health insurance.

>than if you had to pay for it all by yourself.
Healthcare isn't paid for in that way in the US either, you get an INSURANCE for it.

>> No.9084154

Massive broken nose and cynical af

>> No.9085180

>Good looking but can't be fashionable because I'll look funny

>> No.9085187

>mfw 7' in dick but girls will always assume it's small because you're short