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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 92 KB, 625x937, man bun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9066904 No.9066904 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a man bun yet?

Hitler youth is so 2010

Man buns are the next big hipster thing. Get on the bandwagon now to stay one step ahead.

t. London urbanite

>> No.9066912
File: 72 KB, 500x750, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9066913

May all hipsters burn in hell..

>> No.9066916

>man buns are the next big hipster thing
3 years ago, yes
you're late, plebeian

>> No.9066917
File: 99 KB, 500x500, nigga plz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9066919

>Man buns are the next big hipster thing. Get on the bandwagon now to stay one step ahead.

Wow, are you posting this from time machine?

Man buns are already dying, afg.

>> No.9066922
File: 83 KB, 500x750, dem bunz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9066933

You're out of the loop brah. Move to Paris London or New York and start hanging out with actual cool people.

>> No.9066952


hint hint: your friends are dated plebs

>> No.9066977

Man buns are gay shit

Undercut is timeless

>> No.9066987

Because it gives me a headache

>> No.9067026

man buns came back for a month and are already on their way out

why would we listen to some british highschool pleb anyway

>> No.9067045



>> No.9067097

>implying i don't have one
they are cool but if you do something like this fuccboi >>9066917 you're a pleb, either grow all your hair out or don't do it,

>> No.9067115

Whats going to be the new hairmeme for 2015 on this board? We should probably figure something out.

Bowl cut?

>> No.9067222

Grow it out longer, let it be a relaxed bun

>> No.9067225
File: 22 KB, 500x500, 1411070436278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9067240

hitler youth and it's variants may not be as trendy anymore but it is a timeless look and will look good on most people. would you rather look good or be a trendhopping memewhore

>> No.9067258

Because my hair is still ~six months too short for it to look good.

>> No.9067268

stop trying to force this, no one thinks it's funny now

>> No.9067276


bowl cut for increased popularity until kids gets bullied by their parents for it

>> No.9067470

People have been saying bowl cut for a year now. Buzz cut is the only way to go.

>> No.9067476

I have a couple of friends with bowl cuts.

>> No.9067478

The bun is done bro.

>> No.9067550

in Paris currently...everyone and everything fucken sucks

>> No.9067579

I have an afro, so no st8 hair 4 meh

>> No.9067618
File: 475 KB, 649x544, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

growing out right now 6 months in and first time today i could take off my snapback without it looking weird
it's longer than what it looks on the pic, ~ two cm past eyes if i pull it down

>> No.9067654


>> No.9067734


These guys show signs of male pattern baldness right?

When this happens at such a young age does it tend to progress or is it just how their hairline is?

>> No.9067746

>he thinks those gentrified tourist traps are 'cool'

>> No.9067747

the main signs of male pattern baldness is a changing hairline. if the hairline hasnt moved they probably arent balding. some people just have weird hairlines.

>> No.9067770

they're already played out and worn exclusively by chavs where i live

>> No.9067779
File: 111 KB, 461x958, 10629681_643187859130290_5346136880758546130_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not having glorious rockstar tier long hair

Are you fuccbois even trying, or what?

>> No.9067793

had friends years ago that were asians &most had hair in bun

>> No.9067841

>These guys show signs of male pattern baldness right?
Lol what are you talking about anon

Also, unrelated, but I've noticed on the mobile chon I can see how many individual posters have contributed to the thread. Was this talked about in a news post by m00t? Is this an old feature that I just haven't noticed?

>> No.9067856

Hey /fa/ how to shape beard like this guy? I already have more beard than that

>> No.9067902

Bowlcut was the late 2013/early 2014 hairmeme, how the fuck did you all miss it

Buzzcut is NOT the way to go, ever. Very few people can pull off buzzcuts without looking like fucking munters.

Hope not, but potentially. I think the 80s scared everyone enough to have us safe from mullets for at least another 20 years.

widows peak =/= mpb mate

If you're talking about the "i" in the catalog, that's image replies. If you're talking about something else, then I have no idea but it sounds cool

>> No.9067933

I don't think having those indents on your hairline could be considered MPB. That's natural, I see it on almost every guy as they age.

>> No.9067968
File: 81 KB, 480x800, tmp_Screenshot_2014-11-11-14-09-45-203290731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, check out the bottom of my image

>> No.9067974

Lol, just noticed the 11/09/14 blog post, m00t does talk about it there. Interesting.

>> No.9068521

i dont think that i have the facial structure for buzz, so im letting my hair grow, yep im ignoring all this manbun is oficially out now thing, but idk if a manbun would work, also mohawk is looking a bit tempting too, what u guys think of it?

>> No.9068551

hideous face tho

>> No.9068697
File: 28 KB, 640x480, snapshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still a good 6 months away :/

>> No.9068708


a good 6 years away from growing a decent beard too

>> No.9068721

Better than none, amiright

>> No.9068793

i cant grow long hair, cause my hair curls like crazy, i dont know what to do with it during the too long for short, not long enough for long period, so i always stay with hitler youth, anyone knows any good haircuts for curly people?

>> No.9068815
File: 53 KB, 960x720, wearingaparkainsidethebathroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tying it on the back
>not on the front
feels like you guys aint even trying

>> No.9068816


Shit you have good features. Lose some weight until you get your hair done and you'll drown in pussies.

>> No.9068825

man buns are played out

I'm sticking with my boring dadcore hair and dad beard for now

>> No.9068888

such....... big eyes ... so kind....

>> No.9069108

Please, fucking PLEASE tell me this is a picture you got off the internet and not actually someone on /fa/

>> No.9069111

>reverse image search
>zero results
noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo this person is fucking real

>> No.9069118

or just someone goofing around?

>> No.9069295

fucking white people...

>> No.9069320

>Why don't you have a man bun yet?
because my hair doesn't grow

>> No.9069331

Oh yeah man, he got that haircut, grew that beard and bought those clothes as a funny goof ha ha XD crack up

No, he did this intentionally and oh my fuck it's awful. Thank god he's good looking otherwise this would be straight up unforgivable. But he's like a 7 like this, if he sorted his shit he could be like a high 8 or 9

>> No.9069342


>> No.9069438
File: 652 KB, 720x1280, 982b14a7-e802-4158-83a0-9db89a397.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.9069472

lel, this guy WAS on the hitler youth bandwagon, he just decided to let it grow out a few more months

>> No.9069500

My hair is at about the same length. How much longer do you figure you'll have to wait? I'd had mine as a sort-of undercut until September, and haven't had it cut since then.

Also, how often are you getting it cut on the sides?

>> No.9069881

Sam, we just have to get /fit/ and get an ivy league.

>> No.9069935

>getting a haircut that's been talked about on shitsites like buzzfeed

le mao

>> No.9070034


>> No.9070036


god this better be bait i really hope people like this exist

>> No.9070044


>> No.9070051


i really really like this haircut. but i don't know if this fit me, maybe because im spic and because i have a jew nose

>> No.9070068

>le man bun
>not Asian
Shut the fuck up and leave

>> No.9070087

" cool" people had this hairdcut ~2 years ago. It's definitely very old now.

>> No.9070094

whats the new wave now?

>> No.9070107

w2c a bf like that ;_;

>> No.9070116


>> No.9070194

kill yourself.

>> No.9070283

u sound mad

>> No.9070290


yeah literally every pic is pulled from this one TOP TEN REASONS MAN BUNS ARE SEXY article

>> No.9071630


buzzcut is out

>> No.9071650


>> No.9071656
File: 16 KB, 320x240, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My cut

>> No.9071688
File: 51 KB, 400x381, KenRequest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grow it out a bit and rock a mustache. Become kencore.

>> No.9071694
File: 55 KB, 500x375, spG4lZe3I_r4ipbkV8W3f4bAjKSo9pb0QxrhfRqjve_o5PwDt1wd6bSBm8r3c9E4mGFWc6RtmD00rZnIyMplaUwntCrryEKQrLoqE-gdTr9H5BUcJXgGxA=w500-h375-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying mullets aren't amazing

>> No.9071696
File: 100 KB, 453x500, 1396186586133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god your face is so fkin femine or are u a girl

>> No.9071716

You can see it on computers as well.


>> No.9071721

Stop trying to force bowlcut.

>> No.9071770

I have long hair and always wear it down. I get a decent amount of compliments. I've worn my hair in a bun around friends and co-workers but they never say anything about it. I'm afraid to go out with the bun. How do I decide wat to do?

>> No.9071863

I used to have an undercut shaved like this, but it was down to my ribs. I would put it up in what is now called a MANBUN all the time, no one else did this at the time
Cut it all off when I was 21, no ragrats

>> No.9071898


>> No.9071903

If you don't already have a manbun don't even try

It'll be entirely out in a third of the time it would take you to grow one

>> No.9071935

you need good beard genetics to pull it off

>> No.9071942


sorry but you look like an ISIS terrorist