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/fa/ - Fashion

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9060919 No.9060919 [Reply] [Original]

It's hot as balls in australia right now. how do I deal with this /fa/?
>no layers
>no jeans
>35+ evry day
>only thing thats bearable is shorts and tees

>> No.9060934

suck it up and wear jeans. it's not that bad, plus you're saving your skin from sun damage. get light, loose jeans, it's not an issue if you're not wearing faggot skin tight jeans.

other than that, light weight materials like linen and cotton.

>> No.9060946

>suck it up

I don't think so Tim.

>> No.9060961

i do it. it's hardly worse than shorts. just stop wearing skin tight faggot jeans.

you're a pussy

>> No.9060974

Post fit

>> No.9060984

It was 36 yesterday, I stayed the fuck inside. I guess wear breathable fabric like linen and stuff with a lot of airflow, but imo take it easy.

>> No.9061015

been looking at some skinnyguy naked and famous. are those about the right fit?

>Alice Springs
kill me

>> No.9061023

I wear a singlet, footy shorts and thongs in the summer.

Not /fa/ but fashionable in Australia

>> No.9061026

>fashionable in Australia

It's not even fashionable here, unless you live in the bogan areas

>> No.9061032

Or live near the beach

If you're young and tanned it's easy to pull off. If you're fat and old you look like a yob, yeh.

>> No.9061037
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>> No.9061046

w2c linen ls tees

>> No.9061161
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I was actually gonna make a similar thread like this.

Anyways, someone post Aussie summer inspo, for when it's like 40 fucking Celsius. I need some idea

>> No.9061172

I have no decent inspo for hot weather fits :(

>> No.9061179

I usually just wear a white t-shirt with navy shorts and white lowtops or black t-shirt, black shorts and black roshes.. Basic af

>> No.9061231


>> No.9061247


No pictures. I'll take some tomorrow if the weather permits and post in this thread if it's still going or the next Australian/Hot weather thread

>> No.9061312

I was in upcountry Maui so I don't know if it would be hotter or cooler but

Footie shorts but especially sarongs and silk pants were life savers especially against mosquitos because I don't use repellents

When I wasn't around mozzies I just went shirtless with my hair tied up and a sarong with bangles and leather stuff on my arms and neck and went scraggly

Deserted island look basically which was fine because well I was just hitchhiking around and foraging until I got bored and then just left

>> No.9061324

fuck jeans, breathable cotton jogger pants or shorts for me

>> No.9061354

yeah would love to do that but I'm land locked so it'll look retarted

>> No.9061373

light fade jeans, hemp fabric shirt, NBs.

all day

>> No.9061389

Are you legit in Alice Springs?

>> No.9061394

sucks balls here

>> No.9061404


Do you guys even get internet there
Do you even have water there
Isn't it just a big desert

>> No.9061419
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fuck australia in summer

>> No.9061426

>do you guys even get internet there?
I'm one of the few people who has unlimited internet granted its only 1.5mbps but hey unlimited is unlimited

>Do you even have water there?
theres a massive underground reservoir that will last 150 years [citation needed] we have no water restrictions

nah its mostly rocky we live right next to a huge mountain range

>> No.9061433

lmao i imagine alice springs turns into something similar to the purge when all the abos are in between centrelink payments

>> No.9061442

my haviannas died

should i buy some birkenstocks or just grab another pair for like $20

>> No.9061448

they mostly fight amongst themselves
being originally from america its extremely weird getting used to everyone being so openly racist

>> No.9061451

>its extremely weird getting used to everyone being so openly racist

They brainwashed you good

>> No.9061452

get the haviannas their classic and you won't look like a try hard

>> No.9061462
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Well then nigga you live around eclectic artists, creative's, tourists and natives who don't give a fuck

Go crazy man, dress like you came out of The Dreaming

>> No.9061463
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just do this like every other cunt

there is no point trying to fight it

>> No.9061468
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>> No.9061472

lol i lived in DC
>being the minority
so you can see why im not racist
>be year 12
>hang with the rich kids
yeah thats not gonna happen

>> No.9061476

>minorities can't be racist


>> No.9061479

inb4 he gets bashed for being a faggut

you ever live in a country town?

you can't dress /fa/

>> No.9061485

>dressing well is the same as being a raging flamboyant homosexual

How about no.

>> No.9061488



don't think i could justify spending >$100 on a pair of sandals anyway

>> No.9061493

Anyone know where to cop some nice linen shirts for this weather?

I'd like to maybe wear something other than a singlet or drapey tee during this heat.

>> No.9061494

white minorities can't be racist or at least show it
I've had lots of friends who aren't white, in fact the white ones were the ones who turned out to be douche bags

see >>9061472

>> No.9061496

He is implying he is white

DC until recently was majority black

Dude come on I did that, it's not bad :3
Yes I do know what it's like but also Alice Springs is hippie as fuck and I know literal fags who go their and fag out in the rocks

He will be fine

>> No.9061503

>not loving the heat

honestly i reckon u can teach urself to love the heat. just wear a sweater and jeans every day in the heat for a week, after that u'll get use to it.
i wear jackets with tees, jeans, etc.. i'll bring out the shorts if its 40+ but when its that hot no point even leavin the house

>> No.9061506


>sweater and jeans in the heat

jesus how; don't you get sweaty as fuck?

Once it gets to 30+ I start rocking the shorts+tee/singlet.

>> No.9061508

bump for drapey tee
dont get me wrong I've got a decent amount of money, and im slowly becoming /fa/ just finished being /g/
>1, $4000 computer later

>> No.9061515

/fa/, /g/, /k/, /cgl/ are probably the most expensive boards to browse

>> No.9061527
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My /fa/ starter kit (based on the sticky)

>> No.9061528


that post was me.

nah it gets good after a while, it was 37 a couple of days ago and i honestly thought it was around 25 i was that fine. just wear a sweater with and or a jacket for 5 days straight in summer, and then anything less will feel dope. kinda like if u put the fan on the highest settin straight away, u're not gonna appreciate it, but if u have it on low, and then you're still hot, and put it on medium, you're gonna appreciate it so much more. only thing that sucks about summer is when u can feel the sun burn your skin.

>> No.9061533

Wait you guys dont make the things you want at all?

>> No.9061534
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>> No.9061542

I don't get pimples but honestly that seems excessive

I have

a exfoliating towel
a black soap
a distilled alcohol for the beard and neck area
Pastured organic leaf lard for eye area

Seems perf for me

>> No.9061545

>tfw working on a eucalyptus plantation over the summer
>Hot as fuck, carrying tree branches into a harvester all day
>Plantation is infested with blackberries, have to endure having legs torn up when the vines wrap around them
>The trees are full of spiders
>Old rabbit warrens threaten to break ankles with every step

Kill me.

>> No.9061548
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>> No.9061551
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>> No.9061555
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>> No.9061559
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>Loose jeans

>> No.9061568

just ask for moe sizlack

>> No.9061590

w2c good shorts in aus??

>> No.9061602
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depends, try weathered http://weathered.com.au/

but i kinda like saturdays surf NYC's shorts this season, pic related

>> No.9061701

awww toady

>> No.9061724

oversize tee
sport/swim shorts
low sneakers

>> No.9061728

I've given some thought to this and your shoe game needs to be on point, you can make your fit more diverse by throwing in a watch

>> No.9061740

who are you talking to?

>> No.9061762

>you will never watch toadie's wife dying for the first time ever again

>> No.9061764

Obviously the original post you retard, if you can't conclude that you probably have autism

>> No.9061780
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then reply to the original post?
plus a watch looks shit with casual wear especially aussie casual wear
btw i am op

>> No.9061788

as in shorts and tee

>> No.9061791 [DELETED] 

It's generally a given that unless there is a specific post number being replied to, it's to the original post

Sperg lord

>> No.9061793

why are you so hostile? lmao

>> No.9061799

I always thought of it as if you were directly answering op's post you reply to op. You just put it out their if its a general reply

>> No.9061812

aw shit alice springs 0870 mein nigger post fit

>> No.9061831
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you first sempai

>> No.9061870

If you wear an informal watch with casual wear you can pull if off easily

Fucking sperglords

>> No.9061891


>> No.9062052

who here is going to wet n wild world w/ there parents for school break? i am :D

>> No.9062081

Afends have a decent summer range atm.. Go buy some.

>> No.9062087

filter store reopening this month in adelaide, anybody else gonna be at the opening?

>> No.9062093
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Iloveugly are opening a store in Melbourne in a month, which should have a good summer range. Some of their shorts look nice, just hoping it won't be expensive as shit

>> No.9062152

im just going sockless,white kicks and cropped jeans and light t shirts tbh

>> No.9062261
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sup m8s

anyone got any opinions/expeirence with



I want to cop me some steel toed tims for werk and these are like the only place to get them without 3rd party shipping.

Selection is fucking massive, almost to good to be true I think..

>> No.9063151

Anyone know where to cop good swim shorts around the 30-60 range?

>> No.9063966

Can you imagine having to live in Australia?

Europe 4 ever (even with muslims)

>> No.9064023

Kiwi here, build quality is shit dnc

>> No.9065611

As colour beach shorts look alright, I'm thinking of copping a pair. Anyone else have any suggestions?

>> No.9065652

I've got a pair, slim fit is essentially bootcut without being dadjeans-loose at the thighs.

Make sure you get the right waist sz as raw denim streches.

>> No.9065697

Dress like an urban explorer, red button up short sleeve shirt, brown leather belt, dark tan shorts, and brown leather shoes

>> No.9065755

Ascolour beach shorts are so comfy and great length for the winter leg gainz

>> No.9066017

>expensive as shit

How can anyone be this poor in Australia? Unless you get on the piss and spend hundreds going out every weekend I don't understand how you can't have money to cop good quality clothes.

>> No.9066116

Range of colours isn't that great though, any other similiar shorts?

>> No.9066179

It's called linen, you plebcunts.

>> No.9066184
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Does anyone own a pair of Uniqlo linen shorts? They look pretty damn comfy, I'm a little worried about the elastic waist and no belt loops though

>> No.9066191

>elastic waist
>linen shorts

dude your dick is going to be so fucking visible even in the slightest gust

>> No.9066194

Haha okay, I've never owned anything linen before. Should I opt for the chino shorts instead?

>> No.9066203
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>> No.9066209

taking a picture of your dick flapping out

>> No.9066210

just shut thefuck up bro

>> No.9066214

mrsimple has a decent range. The shirts are really nice and light as well. Just copped this last week and it feels great.


>> No.9066216


>> No.9066218
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>> No.9066226

I've got the same one in a light blue, it's real nice and light. Good to wear over the top of a white tee with the sleeves rolled a bit

>> No.9066232

>anon why the fuck are you wearing jeans
>what the fuck anon it's 35 degrees
>anon jesus fuck why do you care so much about looking cool
i dont think so

>> No.9066407


>> No.9066956


>> No.9066978
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>hot outside
>sleep all day
>wear pants at night

what's so hard? literally did this all summer. work has AC. anything with my friends or grills happens at night anyway.

>show up to party
>grills all wearing bright colored sun dresses, basic bitchness overwhelming
>friends dressed up in frat boy core khaki shorts, polo shirts
>wearing black shirt, navy pants, black shoes
>tfw realize that I'm that guy in the corner on 4chan
>sip beer awkwardly
>15 min later smoking bud outback with grills
>qt*pi compliments my barely audible iPhone music selection I turned on for smoking
>forget all about autism and get on with night

>> No.9067006

just wear a black crew neck tshirt, tan chino shorts and black vans all summer long.

>> No.9067181
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>> No.9067214

>double-edge razor
>V-neck t-shirts
Pls don't

>> No.9067252

those trousers look awful.