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/fa/ - Fashion

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9024538 No.9024538 [Reply] [Original]

>Didn't know where to post this
>Forgive god-awful editing skills and un/fit/ body

Would either of these work as a first time tattoo?

I've been really eager to get a tattoo for a while now - but I'm not gonna get something permanent without the approval of strangers on the internet first.

tl;dr - yes or no?

>> No.9024541

Absolutely terrible don't

>> No.9024545

Jesus christ noooo

>> No.9024556
File: 1.07 MB, 1366x768, Smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are your pants hanging under your ass?

>> No.9024703

Dude, get what you like.
Fuck what other people think

>> No.9024726

If you like it, then go for it. You'll look like a tryhard retard though.

>> No.9024737

they're both shit-tier
you might want the space for something you really like later on

think before you ink

>> No.9025178

tbh I like the style of the drawing for the chest one but I think it'd be better if it was way, way smaller
which is probably good anyway because your first tattoo might be best as a small one

>> No.9025183

This looks good at first glance and then you blink, think for 2 seconds and you realize it's shit.
Don't do it, mate, grab a nicer design if you want a large body tattoo.

>> No.9025197

i've said it before but what is with dudes always showing off their manscaped pubes online

>> No.9025203

at this point, deer head/antler tattoos just trigger mild amusement in me. you should also get a forest around your wrist, a feather on your shoulder blade, a phoenix on your back, an anchor on your forearm and an infinity on the back of your neck

>> No.9025212
File: 441 KB, 383x488, cringe 2 the fallen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.9025238

> this thread

>> No.9025245
File: 48 KB, 469x600, 1259536200253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU FUCKING IDIOTS should have told him that it looks really good and suits him perfectly... then the faggot would have actually got it.

/fa/ cant into trolling

>> No.9025350

shut the fuck up

>> No.9025373

holy fuck. never in a million years.

you couldn't pay me enough to have that shit on my body for the rest of my life

>> No.9025375

kill yourself

>> No.9025441

> first time tattoo
hell no. Your first tat should be something small and inoffensive. Definitely not a pelvic or chest moose.

I think it looks a lot better than everyone in this thread is making it out to be, but that one anon has a point: antlers are a bit hipster and played out now

>> No.9025451

Watch a lot of Hannibal I see

>> No.9025708

>le anonymous face

>> No.9025716

This is one of the worst threads you could have possibly ever made. Not only do you discourage people from wanting to get tattoos, you make people with them feel ashamed by wanting such brotier frat boy work. Please do not get a tattoo if you seek approval from others.

>> No.9025723

OP you'll have the definition of douchebag rewritten if you get... That

>> No.9025734

Fuck off faggot, trollings for literal man children, grow the fuck up when you're ready to be taken seriously with the rest of the world.

>> No.9025788

So how's your freshman year of highschool?

>> No.9025813

Alfonso stops by just to tell you that your body is really nice and he admires your gains. <3
But the tattoo sucks

>> No.9025990

You've got a really nice body man. A body that I personally would never fuck up with ink, especially such an unoriginal piece like that.

That chest piece would be so gaudy and awful and the crotch antlers are just tacky as fuck.

>> No.9026796


>> No.9027020

Chest one wouldn't look bad if it was on the upper chest, and the deer's head was fully detailed, rather than half empty with squiggles and shit.

The belt line one is cringe tier, puke including, shit.

>> No.9026882

So you wouldn't get a tattoo for 100 billion dollars. Okay there bud.

>> No.9027102

do whatever you feel like man, but i wouldn't recommend either of these for a first.
get something small, somewhere you can hide under clothing for your first one.
my first one was on my left tricep, got a feel for em, gave me time to think of the bigger ones that cover my arm now.

>> No.9027277
File: 85 KB, 720x960, maddy is knew you were a slut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.9027340

I wouldn't do anything for 100 billion dollars, because if someone offered that I would assume it was a trick.

>> No.9028103
File: 7 KB, 241x251, 1275766759153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


AYY lmao so you literal autists photoshop tattoos onto yourselves and then post it to manlets and neckbeards asking for their opinion

you deserve to be trolled

hahaha , get rekt faggots

>> No.9028107
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Post fit, otherwise opinion discarded

>in b4 doesn't

>> No.9028152


i miss it too brother

trolling is a art

>> No.9028162
File: 21 KB, 367x451, 1252354177117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> taking pictures of what you wear and posting it on 4chan like some kinda autist

> having this much lack of self awareness

Cool kids dont do that. its cringe.

Stay autismal

>> No.9028177
File: 10 KB, 354x273, make-love-not-warcraft2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't post fit

Nice excuses, glad to know you have no fashion sense and dress like shit. It's okay to be afraid sometimes, especially for a basement dwelling unfashionable virgin NEET like you :^)

>> No.9028365
File: 90 KB, 537x543, 1252015506402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> blah blah

keep posting pics of your autistic meme clothing on 4chan . Really cool and fashionable.

Thats why you see so many of you being reblogged on actual fashion blogs, amirite :^)

>> No.9028389

>still didn't post fit

You realize your opinion on fashion is worthless, right? You don't get reblogged or repped and you're butthurt because you know your shit fits would get ripped to shreds

>meme clothing

Clarks desert boots detected

>> No.9028505

>not using photshop blending layers

>> No.9028731
File: 76 KB, 600x446, olli-erkkila-forkless-cruiser-bike-concept_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Still didn't post fit

i see you are unable to read or remember things properly.. here ill post it for you again..

> taking pictures of what you wear and posting it on 4chan like some kinda autist

> having this much lack of self awareness

i dont wear anything that is meme clothing. When i see people irl walking around in meme clothes , or meme styles, it is like walking around with a 4chan or reddit t shirt, but worse.

> mfw people seriously try to discuss fashion and post their "outfits" on anime imageboards

>mfw people photoshop reindeer tattoos on themselves on anime imageboards

> mfw they cant see the autism in this, and actually think they are cool

>> No.9028814

*tips fedora* im sure you're a classy gentleman that regularly posts on an anime board

>> No.9028841

you look like a homo. It's alright if you're a homo.

>> No.9028913

I've got a chest piece of a skull with goat horns, a rose on each shoulder and a rose in the skulls mouth. I really like it, and it's easy to ado to. If you like it man then get it, I would skip the crotch antlers though...seems a little much. Just my opinion or whatever

>> No.9029248

same, guys.


>> No.9029354

interesting points
but why do we dress the way we do, though?
probably because we want to attract a certain type of man/woman, right? we want to have more mating opportunities basically.

i find it interesting that people who bash others for caring about how they dress, usually also follow a strict "dress code" of what and what not to wear.

but again, posting your fits online is pretty fucking ridiculous

>> No.9029403

>un/fit/ body
who gives a fuck your body is literally a 9/10 in my book

please cuddle with me

>> No.9029703


i have a strict dress code too, but i dont post fits online because thats fucking cringey, embarrassing behaviour.

If OP just got his faggot tattoo , i wouldnt even think he was a complete faggot. But what he did ITT was truly autistic.