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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 46 KB, 656x421, Transgender-Miss-Universe-contestant-Jenna-Talackova-Photo-CNN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
9010192 No.9010192 [Reply] [Original]

Is being transgender /fa/?

>> No.9010204


>> No.9010205

>inb4 shitstorm

>> No.9010214
File: 143 KB, 399x600, 456882424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah dude grrr argh i'm so angry about this post, degeneracy am i right why can't the world be the way i want it

the shitstorm is here hahahhh

>> No.9010326

No it's fucking gay

>> No.9010333

It's on the same level as MLP, mentally deranged people who are given encouragement instead of treatment.

>> No.9010336

ayy lmao


>> No.9010355

more like gayy lmao

>> No.9010373


yeah, we should really treat those transgendered and gays. and while we're at it, we should also treat the blacks and browns and women and cripples
with zyklon b.

>> No.9010382


faggot alert

>> No.9010403

Well we tried to start the master race before but people cried about it. While we are at it we should oust the genetically inferior. Such as those that aren't born with naturally straight teeth. Or any male under 6'0" and any female under 5'5".

>> No.9010420
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>a man believing he was born a woman and chops his penis off isn't mental derangement

>> No.9010422
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Is it me or is it only spoilt white people that suddenly decide they want to be another gender?

I partly blame oversaturation of entertainment. Recent generations have had the time and comfort to become "bored" that they must question inwards and discover whether they're a special snowflake or not.

Like you don't get subsistence farming chinese peasants questioning their gender roles.

>> No.9010439

Orange is the new black
Do you watch it, bitch?

>> No.9010442


yeah, lets go toil in the field and kill infidels.
allahu snackbar

>> No.9010452


ayyy, we got an anthropologist here.
solution to all the problems plaguing or weak and effete society? bring back serfdom.

>> No.9010456

It i most definitely the least /fa/.
It is a mental disorder and needs to be classified as one.

>> No.9010468

Muslims and trannies are both are the same degenerate level m8.

>> No.9010480

all shit shitposting

your born
look at your crotch
if there is a penis= congrats you are a male
if you got the vajine= congrats you are a female

not that hard
sure go ahead dress up and pretend that you are...but youre not and you will look like a god dam freak.
>what about my freedom?! everyone should accept me?!?!

no suck it up. you look like a fool and the world knows it

>> No.9010493

>tfw 5'4
>tfw male
>im still a qt

>> No.9010495


It's a sad fact that I think you're a based motherfucker for just telling the truth.

The West is doomed.

>> No.9010498


wait, but i thought many islamic states were full of hardship, heavy manual labour, subsistence farming and the most rigid gender roles practiced today.

takfiri islam is also extremely intolerant of anyone that doesn't adhere to the letter of its views and advocates putting them to death. other than that a lot of the people who practice it being brown, >>9010422 must see it as a social ideal.

think about it, no-one there even dares questioning their gender. and they don't have annoying sjws or dumb cunt feminists either - walking around without head scarf & sharia court gets yo ass decapitated.

well, except for the whole brown thing.
nevermind, gas em. can we have something like radical purifying flames of islam but for the aryan ubermenschen???

where art thou, pigfuck

>> No.9010502

my minds tellin me no
but my body
my bodys tellin me yes

>> No.9010513

Islamic countries are full to the brim of homosexuality and paedophilia

They also worship Satan

>> No.9010518

your right but takfiri is an extreme sect

in islam homosexuality and transgenderism is a sin
its so true.
there are some modernists who still hold true but those are very rare.
some of the shia from what i know are based af

>> No.9010536

Imagine this. You meet a qt, fuck and such and find out maybe a month into the honeymoon phase of your relationship she's trans.

How would you feel?

>> No.9010539
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>fuck and such
>find out it's a man a month later

>> No.9010545

We won't kill you just sterilize you, can't reproduce but that is overrated anyways.

>> No.9010550

you are so fucking dumb.
please re-read and try again

>> No.9010552

How'd you miss the dick,Adams Apple, the manly screams of yes, the weird fake vagina?

>> No.9010570

I wouldn't really mind apart from the missing vagina and no children part.

>> No.9010584

Is it a crime for a man to pretend to be a woman to get some dick?

I feel like it's a step below rape, like a straight man would not consent to sex with a tranny if they were aware at the time.

>> No.9010591

next level concealment

>> No.9010597

well i dont know when i marry a woman i actually look for her being able to give birth from my seed...
not a hormone filled latex fuccdoll that was once a man
its blatantly obvious if hes a tranny.
plus why go to the police? id put him 6 feet under #edgy

>> No.9010656
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>/fa/ hates trannies
>The old stereotype of gays hating other types of gays rings true

>> No.9011366
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>> No.9011380
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Complete opposite actually

>> No.9011399
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>you live in a country where pointing out mental deficiencies makes you the bad person

>> No.9011434

Well you know equality and ignoring biological facts because we can't have reality be a thing anymore.

Autistic? No he is a special genius.
Schizophrenic? Creative genius!
Gender confused? An individual that was just born in the wrong body, ignore science that doesn't exist in this instance for you.

>> No.9011472

I really can't wait until a new "Hitler" rises and gases the absolute FUCK out of faggots like you. Jesus H. Christ that will be the day :^)

>> No.9011480


>> No.9011484
File: 97 KB, 1600x967, OiLPA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a hero to fix our problems, not repackage them as unique traits out strengths.

>> No.9011557
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Our new hero.

>> No.9011581 [DELETED] 
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they're mentally deranged
wouldnt mind sticken it to a few of em though
putten it right up em

>> No.9011588 [DELETED] 
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save me a bite

>> No.9011592
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Effay as fuvk

>> No.9011601

It's just you


>> No.9011612
File: 38 KB, 400x366, Ow_the_edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Fags hating other kinds of fags to feel less faggy

Never change, 4chinz

>> No.9011621

implying trannies are a type of gay

why is there even a t in lgbt

when was that just tacked on there

while im at it why b there too

fuck lesbians

>> No.9013744

I just don't get why people care som much not like trannies are affecting you in anyway.
Just sounds so fedora tippingly butthurt when people get pissed at em.

>> No.9013756

its overblown for sure.
but the issue any logical person has to agree with is allowing gender change surgery to be covered in nations with public healthcare.

here in canada they lobby day and night to try and make tax payers cover the cost of gender change surgery which is total insanity.

the fact they support this outrageous policy is the main reason i do not support nor condone it

>> No.9013798

Oh right yeh I'd agree with you there

>> No.9013807

well thats where most people get up in arms about this topic.
as well i shouldnt have to hear how ur trans and how i have to respect you.
the cold hard truth is no one should be forced to be quiet out of fear of "political correctness"
this guy puts it bluntly>>9010480

>> No.9013895

I'd rather have Andrej Pejic as my gf than most of the women.

>great body
>endless amounts of anal

>> No.9013907

Personally, I think taxes should go to make most healthcare affordable, so trans related elective surgeries don't really phase me.

>> No.9013920

No, not at all.

I'd fuck baily j in the pooper but that doesn't make it fashionable

>> No.9013942
File: 26 KB, 403x403, f5yHvIDMifF46TAeLtfuNsKUG_tt6mgY1w6BDcPkfUxsd_tqj7AuBpRJr-kuqFbs-YOpK6MKXnm6cG5I0mcECqOY8yR0rXJ2ZMLoQvDqyzEnVgIC1F75bqLmsEX9OAzdpxIDBrghIQUrOfs8A1WjmX8YBZI=w403-h403-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw hitler invaded russia and ruined everything

Think about how much better the world would have been. Education and economic prosperity in europe, no holy wars in israel, no kebab in europe. God it would have been great. Instead Germany is shackled to a bunch of losers and Germans stopped having kids.

>> No.9014025 [DELETED] 

>itt armchair scientists

btw i kike that /fa/ loves plastic surgery, but hates gender reassignment

lol ok

>> No.9014036

>itt armchair scientists
btw i like that most /fa/ loves plastic surgery, but hates gender reassignment
lol ok

>> No.9014044

jesus christ i'd suck her dick

>> No.9014051

>no holy wars in Israel

I'm a Christian, but I'm just wondering here do you support the existence of Israel? Israel as in the land itself.
To me it's the most important place on the planet.

>> No.9014058

>To me it's the most important place on the planet.
kike pls

>> No.9014064

Great response dude.
What's the most important place to you then? London? New York?

If you don't think it's the most important place in terms of religion and history you're a genuine retard, it's as simple as that Anon.

>> No.9014110

implying killing millions of young russians/eastern europeans is cool because they were born in the wrong country. but fuck me right? what do i know as ethnic german

>> No.9014111

>most important place of history

>> No.9014130
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it's just you, look at Thailand and Brazil for example. Also throughout the middle east sex with young beautiful males dressed up as women has been practiced for thousands of years.

t. professor

>> No.9014141

it's shit

>> No.9014173

>implying its chill to be trans in other cultures
>implying there's multiple genders in other parts of the world

lmao faggot

>> No.9014256

The funny thing is if there was a new 'hitler' they would be a cuckold sjw whoreson and would only execute the master race aka straight white successful males. And then the world would be full of fat feminists and niggers. I for one hope there isn't a new Hitler because they would turn the world into complete shit, more so than it already is.

>> No.9014412

What? Those are all true, honky.

>> No.9014423

>not getting the joke that I was being logical in greentext and shitposting in response

lmao faggot

>> No.9014433
File: 11 KB, 260x195, badnewsbears-44820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the amount of prep and cleaning is not worth it.

>> No.9014734

Well I think it would be better spent on research. Stem cell maybe?
I would rather treat a cancer patient than a loony who wants his knob off.
Or even better have dentistry covered in public health care.

>> No.9014741

An ethnic German would have punctuated correctly.

>> No.9014746

Hey, do you kiss fred phelps on the lips at night?

>> No.9014750


Cheeseburgers and beer
Guns and deer
Chevy and ford
thank da lord
I be a free mang
In dis land of prosperity

>> No.9014754

I'm in England, but good post I like it dude, you almost convinced me with that hot fact and opinion.

>> No.9014755

it is when you are giving

>> No.9014760

cutting your dick off is taking it to the extreme just like pumping gallons of botox into your face is

>> No.9014761


Do you drive about in a horse and carriage too?

>> No.9014774
File: 66 KB, 872x654, 03405034007567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice, if I'm not an Amerifat I'm Sherlock Holmes.

>> No.9014799

So you're saying you're a christian colonial living in bongistan who hasn't taken a history class?

>> No.9014855

>trap thread
>people talking about islam and hitler
>no trap content

>> No.9016669
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Who says that he chops his Penis off you fucking pleb?
If you really want to get rid of it you let it ( surgically concerted into a vagina and the contrary for a woman.

Don't be such a dipshit, if you like being an average asshole with nothing that sets you apart from the masses besides your weird little fetishes and browsing this website you can just be quite about it, everyone is like you.

And if people chose to be a woman/man what do you care? It's not your problem anyway because you don't even have to pay their bill (assuming your stupidity and ignorance stems from being amerifat).

>> No.9016681
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>Muslims and trannies are both are the same degenerate level m8.
>are both are the same
American education in a nutshell everyone

Kill yourself you fucking pleb and stop visiting this board, you're better off at /b/ and /fit/

>> No.9016693
File: 80 KB, 504x470, relaxing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Germany and I have never even paid a cent into the health system(18y/o) but seriously, I would rather want every transexual to get a surgery than to live in the shit hole that is America where I am bankrupt when I'm breaking my arm by chance.
Why do people have to get offended by everything, can't you just try to get along and let others live their life to the fullest?
I mean the money that you pay is gone for yo ass anyway and after all I think that money is better off helping people find their true selves than helping some asshole to get even richer while fucking up other people.

>> No.9016696 [DELETED] 

you're violating the sites ToS by posting here, young one, you must be 18 an older, ive alerted the authorities

>> No.9016796

Because you're all the same to normal people.

>> No.9016826

people that get it are insecure
insecurity is not /fa/

they'll just find some other aspect of themselves and overcriticize themselves and ruin their body further.

>> No.9016829

yeah, i don't know a lot of instances where trans people didn't go too far with the cosmetic surgery.

>> No.9017388

lol no, there are TONS of black and asian trannies.

>> No.9017549


Lel Look at me and my edgy trolling :^D

The real "mental deficient" is ignorant fuckwits with sadistic tendencies.

Transexuals aren't responsible for the prenatal hormones that make them that way but you are sure as fuck responsible for the malicious stupid shit you say.

>> No.9017603

In Greece, Rome, Japan and other places homosexual acts between men reinforced the social hierarchies. It was not taboo to be gay until Christianity was introduced. Not that the acts weren't used to subjugate the young and low status, cause they were but none of the participants was ashamed/imasculated by it.

Captcha : linject yielding

>> No.9017980

Had no clue /fa/ was this backwards and prejudiced. I thought you were cool, guys. Well, sort of.

>> No.9017988

You'd be surprised how callous and elitist a bunch of dudes serious about clothes can be

>> No.9018012

As a religious person Israel is only important to Jews and Muslims. Christians created a false importance to Israel do to apostasy and the Christian religion changing to be more acceptable to the pagans of the time. Yeah Jesus lived and died there but that's not even the important or most important part of the whole thing. Jesus could of died in south Africa for all it really matters.

>> No.9018017

But these are people that consider themselves, if not cultured, then "hip". Yet they seem to possess little to no knowledge on this subject which is currently a very relevant social issue. Oh well.

>> No.9018026

Trannies pls go

You're mentally fucked and deep down you know it. It's seriously disgusting.

>> No.9018058

>4 Chan
Pick one

Seriously are you retarded?

>> No.9018070

He's probably a he-she, what do you think?

>> No.9018073

/pol/ get out of /fa/ please

why do you constantly hate on everything you irrational pieces of shit

people not being secure with their gender dont affect you in any way, shape or form

>> No.9018081

Stop trying to force your sexual tranny fetishes on /fa/

>> No.9018089

>look at me i'm shitposting i'm not even making an argument
u sack of shit
no one's forcing you anything
people are asking you to just be a decent human being

>> No.9018097

Calm down, deer-kin or whatever kind of tranny you are this week.

>> No.9018100

go back to /pol/ nerd

>> No.9018103

Not that guy but gb2 tumblr

>> No.9018107

It may shock you but the majority of people don't support you mentally ill freaks.

>> No.9018108

Don't really care if they are a Tran, but seriously 4chan and cultured should never even be thought of together unless talking about yogurt or milk.

>> No.9018451

Romans were only allowed to be tops, it was looked down upon if they were the bottoms, which was reserved for slaves and other races.

>> No.9018493
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>is being mentally ill /fa/


how would a man pretending to be a woman look good in anything

>> No.9018709

you seem confused
is that why

oh ok

i see

Viva Israel!

sounds like someone found Jerusalem on the map

>> No.9019316

that's a biological woman

>> No.9020637

jesus christ i didnt realise /fa/ was so ignorant/disgusting

>> No.9020642


fuck off you fucking mentaly ill piece of shiet

>> No.9020683
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I think it's because /fa/ is about aesthetics and detail. /fa/ is critical of their own bodies in their given gender. So for someone to dress worse than a basic bitch with their adams apple and broad shoulders / narrow hips apparent, it's basically a big fucking joke.

>> No.9020686

>the amount of prep and cleaning is not worth it.

It's like 5 minutes, with foreplay.

>> No.9020690
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>mfw she looks like a qt azn girl who works at the cafe I always go to

oh lord

>> No.9020691
File: 284 KB, 640x480, stay_pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Idk what you faggots are taking about, I've BF'd grills at least a couple hundred times, pulled out a shit dick like 3 times total. ~1.5% rate of failure.

>not drawing symbols on her back in her own poo
>not getting on my level

>> No.9020701


if i was 6 feet under i'd still be 3 inches above ground

>being a manlet

>> No.9020910

so where do i go to learn about fashion without ironic shitposting that may have been funny in 2012

>> No.9021008

>master race aka straight white successful males.
But your not a successful white male. If you actually take the effort to post in this thread to point out how superior you are. Trust me your not. God this thread is full of austism. I'm not even a lgbt supporter. Sometimes they even annoy me. Just let it fucking go, who cares what they do. As long as they keep to themselves, they are fine.

>> No.9022280


>> No.9022287

>is being a mentally ill self-mutilating faggot fashionable
It's about elaborately appealing to the norm, they fail horribly.

>> No.9023134
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most american republicans / conservatives in the US believe this. they believe it is our duty as a country to protect them. they also don't believe in evolution or climate change.

>mfw having to put up with 30% of the population being this retarded

>> No.9023450
File: 48 KB, 700x393, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As long as they keep to themselves, they are fine.
They're doing the complete opposite of that you fucking mong.

>> No.9023801


>> No.9023829

how many times are you gonna make this post

>> No.9023842

i know me neither

seems bleak

>> No.9024023 [DELETED] 

being trans is fashionable always has been do you even hang around the cultured elite?

>> No.9024027

pretty sure fashion has always been half obsessed with destroying the gender in clothes. like look at fucking coco years ago and think how many times they are like "oh its got a really masculine/boyish look but it goes so well blaa blaa" fashion is most defiantly dripping in trans cum

>> No.9024033

Where does that person say they're shccessful you thick cunt. Please go back to tumblr.