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8854489 No.8854489 [Reply] [Original]

Is it just be or Palladiums are fucking gr8?

Let's see:
>Tons of variations
>Solid build quality
>Masculine design
>Different ways to wear

Pic related. I bought one black pair recently and everyone is miring. Saying they look very cool and better than other, even more expensive boots I have.

>> No.8854504

Cept they look like shit. Sorry lunar lander. Shoes are gay as fuck

>> No.8854508

I owned these and sold them, they are trash, I've explained this every time somebody posts these exact shoes.

>palladium have never made a show without that cap sole rubber shit
Fucking embarrassing.
If you want to cop them please don't cop the baggy's.

>> No.8854514

Im wearing some now. They are fine. Fuck the toe box though

>> No.8854524

Why did you sell them? Why are they trash? Please explain.

>Cept they look like shit.
This is an opinion. I, and many other people think they look awesome.

>Shoes are gay as fuck
If anything, Palladiums are not gay. Chelseas and other feminine shoes would be gay. Palladiums are legit lumberjack boots.

>palladium have never made a show without that cap sole rubber shit
What's wrong with it? That's their design.

>> No.8854526

Also, people will say 'nice shoes Anon' to you because they're the elephant in the room and everybody likely thinks they're stupid.

They're just breaking the ice, with shoes like these they are laughing behind your back.

>> No.8854537

>Also, people will say 'nice shoes Anon' to you because they're the elephant in the room and everybody likely thinks they're stupid.
Not really. I think that's subjective.

I've asked friends about many different shoes, and they tell me honestly which they like and which they find gay. These ones they like. Girlfriend likes them, too and asked me to wear them more often, because I look tougher in them.

Why are you so negative? Post some good alternatives then.

>> No.8854539

They just didn't work with my style and I saw them as ugly, look at them from a front/side angle and they look like an aborted AF1.

Also there's nothing 'wrong' with the cap sole thing, it's just that's all they fucking put out when their shoes could look much better without.

>> No.8854542

>because they're the elephant in the room and everybody likely thinks they're stupid.
I think you meant Rick Owens.

>> No.8855674

>Shoes are gay as fuck

>> No.8855709
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>fuggbois talking shit about the best shoe since the invention of vulcanization

>> No.8855732

I think I'd like them more if the soles weren't so extremely grooved, it makes them look like combat boots.

>> No.8855762

No don't buy into this hype. Palladiums have shit silhouette and fucked up looking toe. Sure they are quite durable for the price you pay but if you're looking for something to look good in, pass them.

>> No.8855813

Same, I actually really like the design but I can't get past the sole.

>> No.8855851
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>> No.8855857

god damnit baldchan
i love you

>> No.8855862

palladium ARE combat boots... french and israeli army used/use the pattern

>> No.8855918

oh god

>> No.8855922

ayyy lmao

you guys like these

my local ross is filled up with them

ugly and cheap as sin

what the hell is with the random rivet and that vertical bar at the second eyelet

they're like shoes 2006 emos would wear if they couldn't afford converse and wanted to be a doctor marten

>> No.8855928

Good work.

>> No.8855951

except they are pretty gay. I guess it depends on where you are but in berlin it's mostly a homosexual shoe that i copped at a placed called boyz r us. so....

the canvas baggy look nice, but they suck. they start shredding after a few months of wear and despite being comfy, it's just not something i expect to happen in a well built shoe. The design is nice but the build quality is inferior for the canvas ones. your better bets are with their other materials and never special edition.

>> No.8855961

Being this new :/

>> No.8855997
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>> No.8856037

Copped me a sport cuff wp2 for winter

They look aite, def worth 130

>> No.8856124
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Only sandniggers and whiskey tango wear palladiums over here in Sweden. Also they look like you wanted boots but then your autism prohibited you from not getting your standard sneakers so you compromised

>> No.8856617

What are some good canvas boot alternatives? I'm going to be using them for urbex.

>> No.8856665

>I haz the canvas ones
>they're great
What is it about boots that brings out such cuntery. As an interloper here, y'all some shallow fucks

>> No.8856741

Upset because people are talking about footwear they like? Footwear is necessary for most people, so I don't consider it shallow to try to get something you like.

I'm sure you discuss inane shit all the time. People need to wear clothing, and no one is going to think you're cool because you spend 15 minutes at Kohl's every year to stock your wardrobe. Shallow of you to not put thought into clothing, something most people use nearly all the time.

>> No.8856934
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black timbs

yay or nay?

>> No.8857032
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>tfw Isrealis are using them for combat operations


>> No.8857306

You mean Ye or nay?

Srsly I'd say cop.

>> No.8858116
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Pretty much every boot that doesn't make you look like you're on a duck hunt.
I've seen a women with those shoes and they looked as shitty as a guy with them. They have no good looking silhouette and honestly they're plastic garbage, the cap only tops it off...I'm sorry for you if you honestly think those are good design, Timberlands are more masculine than those (even though bitches are wearing them all over the place) and they look good.
I'm wearing Black Stacy Adams, high, they might look a bit feminine and wanna be fuccbois and dumb bitches might think they're gay but I look pretty good and the shoes do too.

>> No.8858160

o shit, so if I'm against Israel can I not wear them?

>> No.8858176

mos def not

>> No.8858189

Fuck mate, you are insecure as shit

>> No.8858210

damn jews ruin everything

>> No.8858216

>I'm wearing Black Stacy Adams, high

>> No.8858365
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Recently copped them in waterproof & black on black. Super comfy, feels really solid and quite versatile.

>> No.8858487
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>stylish shoes are gay and I only wear my Fake Yeezy's

Get the fuck over it you wanna be rapper

>> No.8858492

Do you know what "gay" means?

Pink stilettos on a gay might be "gay", not this.

>> No.8858495

>Also they look like you wanted boots but then your autism prohibited you from not getting your standard sneakers so you compromised
How are you supposed to wear sneakers in wet autumn or winter?

>> No.8858501

>calls certain shoes gay
>insecure about his own shoes that are gay

come on now

>> No.8858506
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Theres a sale on them right now, just started today so probably quite a few sizes left.


>> No.8858522

not many sizes but prices are close to absolute zero

>> No.8858606

I remember when they used to make sneakers. I owned a beautiful pair of lemon yellow athletic ones in high school. Wish they still made those instead of these goofboots.

>> No.8858738

I'm not insecure, I'm proudly wearing them, I am not this hard of a beta to give a fuck about some random immigrants opinion about my clothing.

>> No.8858766

shoes are played out

>> No.8858920

Man, I always contemplating getting these but I don't know what the fuck I'd wear with them since I'm not tricky rickycore. They look cool, but too feminine for anything other than all black.