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/fa/ - Fashion

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8820397 No.8820397 [Reply] [Original]

What does effay think of BBS? I love his stuff but will never be able to cop

>> No.8820401

it's trash and derivative of better designers

>> No.8820405

Same as all the rest of the avant designers.

>> No.8820406

Very hit or miss for me.

>> No.8820410


How about you say the full name you fucking retard instead of doing shit abbreviations.

>it takes me 3 seconds but i rather be cryptic as fuck so only the fashion connaisseurs like myself will understand it :^)

>> No.8820414

Couldn't be bothered to type it out.

You're full of pent up anger, aren't you?

>> No.8820419 [DELETED] 
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its more accessible and inferior ccp for the most part.

although some of the looks/designs are not without merit and its all well made. its not at an artisan level, and the quality and derivative/samey design is certainly not enough to justify the retail pricepoint.

if u like the aesthetic and cant get any ccp, picking up some bbs secondhand not a bad idea.

i like aw12 'glacerism'

>> No.8820425

>and its all well made

You never touched a single piece in your life.

>> No.8820427


Boris Bidjan Saberi

Wow that sure was hard.

As for angry, indeed i am. Because there's a tendency on this fucking board to make everything as cryptic and tedious as possible. For everything.

>> No.8820430 [DELETED] 
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shut up fag

>> No.8820429

Go outside.

>> No.8820431

>garbage basics

Nice work on proving my point with that shitty stitching.

You have never handled anything actually worthwhile.

>> No.8820433

Stop visiting the board if it annoys you so much, who knows, you might find real life with its real problems more interesting

>> No.8820435


pick one

>> No.8820439

Oh, okay. So it's not 'I've never handled any'; it's 'I'm a fucking retard who has no idea about quality or good work'.
Who knew?

>> No.8820442 [DELETED] 
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>shitty stitching.

>> No.8820444

Just stop, if you think pigfuck doesn't know anything about quality in garments you're fucking deluded, a newfag or both.

>> No.8820446

>reaction image
gr8 argument

why the actual talk about fashion, mods been fucking you a bit too hard lately? Or did somebody push some sense into that kike skull of yours?

>> No.8820447

Good post, just proving everytime you have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.8820448

Hadn't thought about getting any second hand, I'll have a look around

>> No.8820450

Damn how dare he abbreviate a long ass name to 3 letters that literally anyone whose been on this board for more than a day should know. You're such a fucking dumbass. Leave.

>> No.8820452

He's right though. I've handled enough bbs and its not very well made. Pigfuck only has 2nd hand raf that's H&M tier at best

>> No.8820455

Shilled way too hard on sz

Refers to his BBS clad disciples as his warriors - literally the lady gaga of fashion

Will never be CCP

BBS fits will always look like you're cosplaying as an anime character

Absurdly expensive with no sign of slowing down

Derivative and more like BoreUs bidjan saberi

Is there any reason to like this hack?

>> No.8820456 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8820458

>thinking pigfuck knows anything about quality
>calls someone a newfag
how new can you get?
Just because he has the money to swipe secondhand raf off jap sites; posit himself a 'collector' and sell to fuccbois

>> No.8820459

He knows more than the average fuccboi, that's all I'm saying.
He might be a dick but in terms of knowledge he's up there around here.

>> No.8820460

>he's still up around here
fucking pigfuck defence force
if you think this is praise, how fucking knew are you

>> No.8820465

polite sage

>> No.8820468

Are you really doing this?
Who do you think knows more about fashion as a whole, pigfuck of some tripfag like New Year?

>> No.8820480 [DELETED] 

mod was probably posting in the thread and couldnt handle the bants

so he went and did it for free all up in here

>> No.8820484

>pigfuck knows more than some new tripfag straight out of highschool
>pigfuck knows a lot about quality/fashion
The first does not imply the latter.
As he said, just because he has the money to buy secondhand Raf pieces off rakuten or yahoo!jp and styles himself a 'collector' doesn't mean he knows anything substantial, or of value.
Notice how when taken to task on his defending the quality all he can post in banal reaction images? Yeah.

>> No.8820485

you shitpost on a teenager's anime forum for the exact same as the mods and janitors (and at the very least, they've probably got scripts to be doing it for them)

>> No.8820489 [DELETED] 

>implying i dont get paid
how naive are u

>> No.8820494

pigfuck JIDF shill confirmed
screenshotted for posterity :^)

>> No.8820495

mod deletes shit, pigfuck posts shit. 16 hours a day, into the trash it goes. They do it for free. Isn't it ironic.

>> No.8820501 [DELETED] 
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daily reminder

>> No.8820507

It took him months to even consider picking up a page or two to cook a few, banal paragraph of trivial information on Raf Simons.

>> No.8820511
File: 189 KB, 983x1280, Eyes of Hate, A candid photograph of Goebbels after he finds out his photographer is Jewish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>baaaw b-but my shitposting

go away jew shill

>> No.8820515 [DELETED] 
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>picking up a page or two to cook a few,

>> No.8820519 [DELETED] 

Speaking about the gamergate Zoe shit on /v/ wasn't video games.
What's the problem?

Mods delete what they need to delete, take sexism and racism to /b/, it's always been that way piggy.

>> No.8820522

>reaction image.png
So, would you care to enlighten us again? Clearly not.

kike shills like pigfuck get frustrated when you can't do whatever you want on a privately owned and run website.

>> No.8820523 [DELETED] 

>it's always been that way
ive been browsing 4chan since 05, this isnt the case, sorry love.

>> No.8820527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.8820528

Seems like you have a fulfilling life.

>> No.8820531

>I've been browsing 4chan since 05
Jesus, and you think this is something to be proud of?

>> No.8820534

>all these teenagers actually arguing with pigfuck

You're even dumber than him. Stop egging him on.

>> No.8820536 [DELETED] 
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>reading comprehension

>> No.8820549

the /fa/ board on master isn't even a thing yet. there are only a couple of pictures on it, so why are we discussing this here? it's not like anyone gives a shit...

>> No.8820561 [DELETED] 

its too small for a working niche board like fashion atm

>> No.8820566
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>> No.8820568

you think master actually has potential? 4chan is still populated with newfags who still think they're hot shit for finding out about it during the "fappening"... 95% of the people on this imageboard aren't nearly ready to move on to something else. this might be a good thing to oldfags who want the "old" 4chan back, but master doesn't look like it'll take off anytime soon.

>> No.8820593 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 881x889, epic for the win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

master should appeal to the brand of people that made 4chan good in the first place, the same kind of people who are diametrically opposed to the SJW/tumblrification/political correctness of 4chan.

the people who are ruining 4chan, either consciously or purely because they're fucking stupid and dont know any better(the majority) probably won't appreciate master's philosophy or what it represents, and therefore(hopefully) will stay away.

its a win/win, the right people migrate and the scum stay behind. master wont ever be as popular as 4chan, and thats ideal, 4chan's popularity was ultimately its downfall.

>> No.8820596


i would hapilly move to whatever fucking board if you aren't present on it

>> No.8820600
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>> No.8820603 [DELETED] 

there ya go partner, probably more in line with your sensibilities as well ;)

>> No.8820604

Just stay here. If you are actually annoyed by pigfuck (or take him seriously) that says everything :^)

You just don't 'get it'. And that's fine, 4chan is for you

>> No.8820614

BBS is well known on /fa/ like DBSS, ILU, HBA etc so learn them

>> No.8820637
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>> No.8821821

His designs are aight, the price point is not imo, but the free Ben Frost show yesterday was baller