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8779858 No.8779858[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious question time. How many of you legitimately starve yourselves to lose weight?

I'm not trying to sound accusatory or angry, I'm just legitimately curious.


>> No.8779957

>you're suddenly aware that when these fatties say they're starving themselves it means eating 1200 cals a day

>> No.8779960

not purposely, but i got my wisdom teeth out and couldn't eat solid foods. it would take 10 minutes to spoon feed myself 10 ounces of soup, so i barely ate. lost 5 pounds in 6 days. 135-->130. i'm 5'6" for reference

>> No.8780065

>eating 1800 cals a day is starving yourself

please leave fatty

>> No.8780081

i eat 200 calories a day

>> No.8780094

I was around 185 pounds, and started running/dieting to lose weight, it eventually formulated into an eating disorder as my anxiety and depression got worse. I now starve myself and if I eat anything more than a light snack I have to puke. Nobody knows about it and there's nobody I can tell, currently about 150 pounds, but I don't see any progress, just still feel gross. Its shit /fa/

>> No.8780101


I eat a meal daily, so like 500 cals?

but I run and drink coffee in the morning so idk

>> No.8780102


I guess that makes you an anoretic dumbfuck

>> No.8780128

no, i just don't do anything all day and i don't need to eat 2000 calories a day from sitting on my ass.

>> No.8780137


still, if you keep eating 200 cals a day you will end up sick

>> No.8780141

i've been eating 200 cals a day and drinking copious amounts of water for the past two years and i have maintained my weight of 145, being 6 feet tall.

>> No.8780146

do you need someone tot all to man? I can give you my email if you need support

honestly though just see a psychologist you can get through this m8

>> No.8780240

Honestly, yes. I was 160 just last month. Now i'm at a solid 142. I guess it's not 'starving', but its eating 1 meal a day (maybe 2 if im REALLY hungry) and drinking a TON of water and some green tea.

I still feel too fat though, any advice? Most people would say i'm at a normal weight.

I'm about 5'5 if not 5'4 1/2 (yes i'm a manlet)

>> No.8780245



I feel as if i'm developing anorexia or something because I keep seeing myself as too fat in my head, any way to get over this? I don't wanna overdo it to the point where i'm sick in the hospital

>> No.8780279

Don't starve yourself niggy

Your body will self-cannibalize anything you eat and store anything you do eat as fat and you'll gain everything back when you start eating again.

>> No.8780296

I usually wake up around 10 or 11 and just eat one time around 7pm, it's not even that I actively avoid eating I just don't really have time to eat during the day and i'm not hungry when I wake up. Depending upon if it's a weekend or not I might grab a late night snack or something but usually i'm in bed by 12:30 or 1 so I'm not too hungry after dinner. I would say probably 1800-2000 calories a day? not sure never counted.

>> No.8780319
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What the fuck? I eat way less than 1,200cal/day

>cup of yogurt in the morning because I'm hungry
>baked sweet potato for dinner

>> No.8780330

Starving only really works if you're fat since you got all that energy reserves. That's how I lost weight the first time. I was eating 500 cals a day and walking/jogging on the treadmill for 2 hours everyday for three months. I tried eating that low recently and I could not do it. After the first week, I couldn't even lift my arms above my head for more than a few seconds. I was breathing heavily throughout the day like I couldn't catch my breath.

>> No.8780333

I eat 3k a day and have a 19 bmi.

>> No.8780338
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>I feel as if I'm developing anorexia
Holy shit, I know this feeling. I just got in a really messy break up and it started hitting me pretty hard. The night it happened, I literally couldn't eat anything, like I almost threw up when I tried eating something. I've been a wreck, but at least I'm losing weight. I've dropped 12lbs since she left


Holy shit I need to stop being such a melodramatic prick.

>> No.8780353


Yeah man, it's horrible. I'm talking with this total qt right now, and since i'm such an idiot. I pretty much confessed this problem to her. And she hates how insecure I am about this.

>> No.8780355

>tfw 6"4 and weigh 62kg

>> No.8780418

I do. It works great. I have a nicer body. I feel better about myself. I get compliments more often, and I can experiment with more styles, textures and silhouettes without looking bad. I can wear oversized tees without looking like a slob, I can fit into the skinniest denim in the store.

My jaw looks better, My cheekbones got more prominent making my face shape look younger. My skin is least greasy. My lips look nicer, I no longer have gyno, I have better confidence about being undressed or having sex. I go more often to the beach/pool. Girls touch me more when being around, having abs is like the greatest social boost I've ever had.


>> No.8780436

it can be if you're TDEE is above say 2800

>> No.8780439

your body uses well over 200 calories a day even sitting on your ass

>> No.8780445

My last gf broke up with me for making fun of fat people constantly because she's "body-posi". Fucking tumblr girls. I'm a /fit/ cross poster though and I just work out more when I'm upset.

>> No.8780464


Went through something similar earlier this year. Lost a bunch of weight after a breakup, then my new job burned off more of the fat. Down almost 50 pounds now. And now my ex comes over to get high and fucks me while her boyfriend blows up her phone

>> No.8780468

I'm on the poverty diet where I feel like royalty if I can eat more than 800 calories a day. I work at a bar/lounge that serves food and they'll have family meal which consists of a starch, vegetables, and sometimes chicken. Being a skeleton isn't fun since I have no ass, no real upper body strength to think of (-2 STR because vagina), and my hair has lost a good portion of its sheen because of my "diet." At least I fit into a size 0-1 now.

>> No.8780476

Women don't need strength.

>> No.8780485

It'd still be nice to have some kind of muscle definition. I have core strength out the wazzoo, but no definition. It's weird when guys put their hands on my and only feel skin and bones.

>> No.8780496

Nah, I've fucked a girl who was 6' and size 0 and it's cool. Plenty of guys into that.

>> No.8780511


>> No.8780549

how the fuck do you all do it? I'm 5'8". I weighed 195lbs. Down to 165 now, and still trying to cut (while hopefully losing more fat than muskle). Not willing to smoke or snuff to suppress appetite. Will fucktons of water, drowning myself in coffee/poppin caffeine pills like candy help? also if my end goal is like 135, will my skin get really saggy from losing so much weight?

>> No.8780561

I'm 6'4 and ballooned up to 203lbs and definitely felt a little more pudgy than I wanted to be.

I stopped drinking soda, and pushed myself to between 1500-1800 calories a day, which is lower than the 2500 I'm supposed to be eating due to my size. I've dropped down to 193 over the course of last month, but I don't know exactly what weight I want to end at so I'll keep it up until I start to become uncomfortably skinny then I'll pick up my eating again I guess.

>> No.8780584

You should be 195 if athletic, 180 for otter at 6'4". Any less than that is bitchboi lvl.

>> No.8780655

>You should be 195 if athletic
¨Athletic¨ people don't browse internet. ¨Athletic¨ people don't run two miles a day and lift for half an hour.

Athletic people train more than 3 hours a day, live by a strict diet regimen, and most of them don't have time to browse a Hawaiian cartoons based imageboard.

So don't inspire people to weigh more in order to become unaesthetic and fat.

>> No.8780675

You already look like shit. 195 isn't even big at 6'4". It's completely reasonable. I'm 6'2" and 190lbs atm cutting to 180lbs. I have a 32 waist and a 44 chest and /fit/ calls me dyel.

>> No.8780705

32 waist is not that aesthetic, except if you have big hip bones.

Growing big isn't exactly the main topic of this thread. Is about cutting calories in order to become more fa.

Oh, and you know shit about what reasonable stands for. The caloric standard in US, is 2000-2500 calories. Do you know how much is that? If I eat that kind of shit everyday I would be fat as fuck. But you know that's the ¨reasonable¨ weight. FUCK THAT. that's fat and period. If your reasonable weight means that I will look like a slob that doesn't care about his body, then I pass. I don't want to look reasonable.

6' 145lb Master race. We are on /fa/ not in /fit/ roidhead.

>> No.8780728

1800 or less is not starving yourself. Go to /fit

>> No.8780745

you're lying and you know it. as the other anon previously said, your body needs WELL OVER 200 calories just to exist. you could sleep the whole day and you'd still need more than 200. if you really did eat 200 cal. daily, within 3 days you'd be dead

>> No.8780748

Your survey is dumb, OP. Ask how large the deficit is, not how much they're eating out right. Someone who is 190 pounds eating 1800 calories a day is not starving themselves.

>> No.8780749

/fa/ isn't a good thing irl. I wear an m for bottoms and an L for tops. I enjoy looking like a trustworthy well adjusted attractive man. If you want to dress for your internet friends have at it. I wear dadcore all the time and enjoy the halo effect.

>> No.8780753


>> No.8780755 [DELETED] 

Not even him but 3 days total fucking bullshit. The human body can survive without for weeks.

>> No.8780760

are you 9 or just fucking stupid? your body can break down tissue to sustain itself

>> No.8780761

anon, do you have any idea how much energy it takes to operate a brain for a day?

well, I guess in your case it must not take much

>> No.8780762

I dont starve myself, but I try to only eat when I feel hungry or my stomach starts talking to me. I jump on my trampoline for half an hour to an hour every few days or so.

6'2 150lbs reporting in. was 220 two summers ago. feel gr8. wouldn't mind being more definition, but I might start working on that while I can't do my light cardio in the winter. decisions..

>> No.8780765

>I have to eat 5 of my microwave dinners to get up ot 1600 calories

1800 cals is somehow starving yourself. Negro, a huge breast of chicken and like 6 egg whites is around 250 calories. You would have to eat that 7 times, to get up to 1800 calories. The only way you would be starving yourself is if you're eating a bunch of high calorie shit and you have no idea how to diet properly. Most people have to eat around 1200-1600 calories to lose weight, so you are saying everybody needs to starve themselves to lose weight.

>guys I'm starving here I can only eat 1800 calories


>> No.8780767

You're fucking retarded.

>> No.8780772
File: 485 KB, 1056x1080, 1397607687409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're fucking retarded

>> No.8780775

Kek, I eat 2400 calories to lose weight.

Not exercising is like not brushing your teeth. Fucking disgusting.

>> No.8780778

1. Not every food is of similar caloric density as fucking chicken and egg whites
2. If you weight 220 pounds, eating only 1800 calories a day is probably unhealthy, and can lose weight eating around 2000 a day

>> No.8780779

suck my ass

>> No.8780784

yes but it will go for muscle first, not fat. 3 days like that guy said is totally wrong but with in a month you would be unhealthy.

>> No.8780789

>Not every food is of similar caloris density as fucking chicken and egg whites

well no shit sherlock, that's why you need to learn how to not eat like a retard. "Oh my god I can only eat 2 cheeseburgers I'm starving myself here"

>if you weight 220 pounds, eating only 1800 calories a day is probably unhealthy, and can lose weight eating around 2000 a day

1800 calories a day is not unhealthy for a 220 pounder to eat.

>> No.8780792

>actually believing this

you got rused son

>> No.8780796

it's not unhealthy. there was a 400+ pound guy who let researchers monitor him while he fasted for just under a year. he ate nothing but vitamins, potassium, and maybe some other supplements. no health issues, ended up at <200 lbs

>> No.8780806

195--->135 won't have a ton of disgusting saggy skin, but definitely some loose skin. But being skinny with loose skin is a lot better than being fat.

>> No.8780811

nope, wrong. stop pulling shit out of your ass

aside from glucose stores (which are depleted in a day or two), fat is the first thing your body breaks down. this is because of the lack of glucose, which your brain runs on, so your body turns fatty acids into ketone bodies, an alternative energy source for the brain.

>> No.8780822
File: 166 KB, 1024x683, hello yes this is auschwitz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 6'1" and 121 lbs. I don't starve myself, and I've been quite skinny my whole life. I think I may just have a low appetite or something- a normal day of eating for me consists of a big bowl of cereal for breakfast, a sandwich or two + fruit for lunch, and a serving of meat and some vegetables for dinner. I sometimes have snacks like potato chips and chocolate throughout the day, and I might go and get a fast food meal maybe once a week. I don't do any regular exercise whatsoever.

I haven't noticed any real difference between my diet and any average-sized person's, though I might just not be paying close enough attention, because it doesn't make sense to me that I eat like that and stay at my current weight, while other people talk about having to skip meals and still being unable to get to a size comparable to me.
pic for reference I guess.

>> No.8780828

thanks mr skeltal

>> No.8780830

I went and saw a psychologist, trusted them, and it came back to bite me, my mom is constantly worried, they told her that I was planning to kill myself. I have to be under supervision basically at all times. I feel like a terrible person for putting her through this, she had to take all the guns out of her house and shit. Plus my anxiety and depression have gotten a lot worse and I can't even eat a meal without looking in the mirror and feeling like I've gained ten pounds until I puke. I can't/don't want to go talk to a doctor again. Sorry for rambling, the anonymity of /fa/ is just a comforting place to vent/thread related.

>> No.8780840


>> No.8780846

Does it matter that I was much more stronk than fat??

>> No.8780853

You don't eat very much. I actually know how many calories I eat a day and it's like 2500. I've eaten about 1000Cal of chinese food, 200Cal of odwalla smoothie, and 450Cal of soup today. Now I'm eating swedish meatballs and some wheat thins and that's about 600Cal.

A bowl of cereal like you say is like 300-400 cal. A sandwich is about 400 cal. An orange is about 50Cal. Veggies are nothing, a full pack of green beans is like 90Cal and that would completely fill me up, let alone you. A small bag of chips is like 150Cal. You eat like my 5'2" gf.

>> No.8780861

see another psych and this time just don't tell them about plans of suicide. they have a legal (and arguably moral) obligation to tell your parents, that's just the line where doctor-patient confidentiality ends.

you have entirely treatable conditions, but you're not going to get over them on your own. seek a professional's help.

>> No.8780864

dude, how does your body impact your pussy game?

>> No.8780875

have you tried eating multiple light snacks multiple times a day? it may help. like half a handful of nuts (rich in calories/fats/proteins etc.) through the day, and eating light salads (with red wine vinegar dressing) for your more substantial meals. Build up from that.

>> No.8780877

Me. When I'm hungry drink water.
When I want a snack water.
When I want something too drink water
When I'm bored water.
When I'm popping water.
Literally it's great. Lost about 15 pounds in about two months. Really doesn't do much like affect me in any way. I still eat like a lunch like anything really. And I did cardio too so I wouldn't be just super skinny fat.
I leaned up a bit and have nice hollow cheeks.
I honestly would recommend.
I'm at 120 rn. But I keep losing weight when rn I'm trying too gain weight!? Sucks.

>> No.8780930

I honestly don't feel like trying anymore. I've wanted to kill myself for years, I feel like I need to just do it and get it over with. I don't wanna be an adult that worries everyone in my family, and has to be tiptoed around, I don't want to hear my sister try and help me and be scared anymore. If I do this they'll be sad for a few months, maybe a year, but the reality is they will move on, everybody does.

>> No.8780951

I am 6' 0 and weigh between 128 and 136lb. I eat a fairly average diet and probably snack too much but if I didn't I would lose weight which I don't really want. Size 28 waist and normally medium top.

Idek if I like my body

>> No.8780984

Not to a considerable degree. I have a pretty qt face so I'm able to pull attractive girls without too much hassle. It depends on the girl in question I guess, some love it, some think it's totally unappealing.

>> No.8780999

Anyone got a pic of the front? Wanna do my hair like this

>> No.8781010

>not eating good and lift to be thin and fit
learn some biology anorexic fags

>> No.8781014

Word I'm not advocating being a muscle freak but common you can be a boy forever.

>> No.8781032

>3 days

Good enough bait that I actually responded

>> No.8781040

Been there m8 went from a solid 160 to 130 in a month. When the ex saw me she busted into tears. Some people eat when there sad, i just don't have an appetite, can't stomach food since it feels taste less and empty.

>> No.8781042

I eat 6000 and am ottermode at 6'4"

Lift faggots

>> No.8781139

I am currently on a 1200 cal diet for senior year of HS. At the beginning of 2014 I weighed about 230 and through dick loads of cardio and dieting I'm now down to about 170. I wanna lose about 10 more pounds and I think I'll look great then. I've still got small man tits and a little fat on my lower abdomen but that'll go away at 160 I believe. Right now I'm smoking cigs to keep from eating (it works pretty well) and running about 6 to 8 miles a day. I feel like I'm about to pass out all the time but I only have a week left before school.

>> No.8781161

I just make sure I'm heartbroken most of the time and thusly have no appetite.

>> No.8781173

I needed to read this to make sure all the work I've done will pay off. I'm just starting to see the outline of my abs now.

>> No.8781189

No starving yourself is bad (assuming people on /fa/ don't exercise). Sure you'll lose weight, but once you start to eat 'normally' again you begin to gain weight faster than usual.
1lb a week dude.

>> No.8781270
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this chart man what the fuck was this app made by chimpanzees.

>> No.8781399

>Sure you'll lose weight, but once you start to eat 'like a fatty' again you begin to gain weight faster than usual.


>> No.8781596

u mad fatbro?
i seriously eat 200 calories a day, and have for 2 years. i feel like eating more than that is unnecessary for my lifestyle and choose not to. there's no reason for me to lie about this, you just want to be a contrarian.

>> No.8781628

Enjoy your early death and imminent organ failure

>> No.8781707

you fucked up

eat healthy, lift, gain muscle then cut for a leaner physique

>> No.8781709

Nicholai pls go

>> No.8781721


Ketogenic diet.

Appetite is basally lower than with carb-based diets. I can drink a morning coffee and comfortably not eat until the evening.

You'll also lose ~10 pounds of water weight in about three days. Excess carbs are stored as glycogen (and once those stores are full they're stored as fat.) For each molecule of glycogen your body retains, three molecules of water are bound to these glycogen molecules. Thus, by cutting carbs and not replenishing your glycogen stores, you lose a fuckton of water weight.

It also feels like I have a fog of cloudiness lifted from my mind. And helps me with minor depression. This part is just anecdotal though.

Try getting 65% of your calories from fat, 30% from protein, 5% from carbs. Do this for one week. If you don't feel/look like fucking money, go back and do IIFYM or just a basic caloric deficit.

>> No.8781769

I've always wanted to start lifting but literally have no idea where to start.

>> No.8781770

>tfw want to gain weight
>too lazy to eat properly.

Rec me some foods please

>> No.8781828

i've never felt better.

>> No.8781829

/fit/ is better for gaining weight.

>> No.8781852

Nah, just a faggot.
Buddha ate 1 grain of rice a day not 2 rice cakes.

>> No.8781930

Your body uses 1500 calories a day if you just lay in bed and not do anything

>> No.8781964

It is unless you're a manlet
Fuck out of here you go 5' midget

>> No.8781990
File: 513 KB, 500x700, ba68c622-6efa-4d12-ac3b-f5506678f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw arguing on the Internet for years finally convinced me guns are an important right
> want to get one
> tfw realize my main problem was fear of blowing my head off one night when I get super depressed
> convinced not go get one because suicide
> tfw not going to get one
s-screw them anyways

>> No.8782013

if you seriously think you've been eating 200 calories every day for the last 2 years you're either an ex morbidly obese anon, or you're just as bad as the fat people who think they're only eating x amount of calories and can't lose any weight.

Track your calories honestly and i guarantee you're not eating that much on a steady basis, thats about 2 pieces of bread with nothing in them a day. a handful of nuts is often more than that.
you can have that much every so often and you won't have any long term side effect other than the tissue or fat your body breaks down to sustain itself but as others have said, its physically impossible to maintain that for 2 years straight.
a newborn baby would have a TDEE of around 200 calories if not more and obviously it would go up significantly within 2 years.

still most likely a troll and I've responded decently so 8/10

>> No.8782015

Why is my ex girlfriend posting on 4chan?

>> No.8782021

ex borderline obese anon here. Lurk /fit/. seriously. /fa/ can say what they want about /fit/ but it will get you in shape if you lurk long enough to sift through the bullshit and read the sticky.

>> No.8782182

> I over eat, smoke, drink, do drugs and drink coffee
>tfw 6'4 & 65kgs