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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 362 KB, 1531x785, Doublju Mens Jacket with Asymmetry Zipper at Amazon Men’s Clothing store Wool Outerwear Coats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8777317 No.8777317 [Reply] [Original]

>About a year ago, don't know anything about fashion and wanted to dress better
>buy this jacket from amazon because it looked cool
>wore it like 3 times, actually got a few compliments on it. "That's a cool jacket" "Where'd you buy that?"
>started browsing /fa/, became convinced the jacket made me look like a autistic retard
>put it in closet and never wore it again

Last week, weather getting cold.

>Cleaning out closet, getting rid of the shit I'll never wear
>brother sees me about to donate shitty jacket
>"Why are you getting rid of that, it's nice"
>"I don't like it anymore"
>he takes it even though I tell him it looks stupid
>ok, whatever
>he wears it to college and work, tells me he gets complimented daily
>one cute girl on campus complimented it and they started talking
>they have a date this Friday

Everything /fa/ told me has been a lie, fuck you guys

>> No.8777323

this story was a lie

>> No.8777324

>dressing for girls
how bout you lurk more faggot

>> No.8777327


It's all about confidence.

Besides, the only reason you thought this jacket was looking like shit is because /fa/ told you so.

You have to realize that /fa/ * isn't * the real world.

>> No.8777329

That qt girl is probably an assassins creed fan. And unless your brother is mr skeltal or 6' with rigid features I don't see anyone pulling this look off. It looks extremely gay. I bet people who actually wear these wear boot cut stonewashed jeans with them. And black sketchers. Please tell your brother too kill himself or kill him in his sleep.
>only dreams

>> No.8777344

I wish

Pretty much, I mean I got compliments when I wore it too. So is why is the average persons opinion so inferior to /fa/

He's like 5'9 and 120lbs lmao

>> No.8777361

You only dress /fa/ to connect with other /fa/ggots.
If you're not gay, and know how to communicate with normal people, my advice for you is to stay far away from fashion communities.

>> No.8777390

I'm curious as to what percentage of /fa/ is gay.

>> No.8777392


>> No.8777432

Maybe you're just the ugly brother

>> No.8777437

the cake is a lie

>> No.8777446
File: 134 KB, 500x526, us gamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8777465

fashion is not the same as dressing to impress.

>> No.8777475

/fit/ here, any small to medium build /fit/itizen would look good in a doublju/yesstyle jacket

The problem is you fags just don't have the build for it

>> No.8777521

The average person who doesn't know anything about fashion will think this stuff looks good, and who's to say their wrong? It's no different then one of those neckbeards making fun of casual/popular games. No one really cares except other neckbeards. Does anyone really acknowledge/recognize/ your $500 designer shoes? Just wear what you like confidently and you're fine.

>> No.8777526

you should feel bad

>> No.8777572
File: 839 KB, 400x281, 1384241828776.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First of all, you're a fucking retard if you listen to fa. You let your taste in clothing develop in here, not get the "OG EFFAY LOOK".

>> No.8777580

whys he eating the plate tho

o right cus hes a retard

>> No.8777583

but most normal people think this style is good not because they think it actually looks good, it's because they think it's "fashionable"

>> No.8777647

>gets complimented daily

So the jacket is really popular with the masses. Plebeians. People who have no idea what the fuck they're looking at. You know what else the masses of people like, what's really popular?

The Fault in Our Stars. David Guetta. Starbucks Frappacinos. Lifted pick-up trucks. The Hangover pt 2. Honda Civic. You get the idea. Most people have horrible taste and/or are ignorant. The kind of people to call abstract expressionist paintings from the 1960s "modern art."

It's not that /fa/ lied to you, it's just that the board has a more broad and deep interest and knowledge in aesthetics, art, and design. Cheap garbage like Doublju is known for what it is, just like /lit/ frowns on John Green, /o/ on FWD shitboxes, /fit/ on curls.

>cute girl
>they have a date this Friday

That's your second mistake. If your goal is to attract the opposite sex with your clothes, leave this board immediately. Dress with what gets compliments and dress like people you know who get laid. Dress like a douchebag, dress like a teenager, cover yourself in pre-distressed rags from the mall and flappy zippy random asymmetric anime clothes like in your pic. I hear True Religion has a sale coming up on their summer stock, better delete this thread and get to the nearest outlet mall, OP.

>> No.8777755

Isn't the goal of dressing well to improve your image? Why would you not want to appeal tot he majority of people? I don't see a point in dressing "elite /fa/ next level" style when it'll appeal to just about no one in real life.

>> No.8777764

that's just how autists think

>> No.8777802

Autism at its finest. Enjoy your "patrician" sense of style while everyone else sees that what's popular isn't necessarily bad, and that aesthetic appeal and "fashion" aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.8777835

The goal of dressing is whatever you want it to be. Most people here dress for personal fulfillment, or the care and expression of the self.

Ask yourself the same question of other things outside fashion and you'll see how fashion can't be an exception.

>Why would you not want a job that appeals to the majority of people?
>Why not watch a movie that appeals to the majority of people?
>Why not listen to top 40 music?
>Why would you not want to read Twilight, the Hunger Games, Harry Potter, or the Diary of a Wimpy Kid?

because what the majority of people enjoy is the least common denominator, it's mediocre by definition. You don't let the majority of people tell you what to think or how to vote, why would you let them tell you how to dress?

>> No.8777836

lmao, you have it backwards. Just like the neackbeard gamer with a superiority complex who makes fun of anyone who plays "casual" or "popular" games. He thinks his tastes are so much better than everyone elses, but doesn't realize that he's just a hipster faggot who fails to see the hypocrisy in his views.

Just like /fa/ people who think their taste in fashion and art is more pure than the average "plebs". If the masses started dressing the way that you currently see as aesthetic, guess what? Suddenly it's not appealing anymore. The only reason /fa/ appeals to you is because it isn't popular and it makes you feel superior to other people. That just shows that fashion, like art, is completely subjective. Notice how just everything you guys like isn't popular? It's clearly because everyone's an idiot except for you right? Autism at its finest.

>> No.8777863

My gf gave me her number without me asking and I was wearing a tank top, gym shorts, roshes, and a snapback. I hadn't showered. What you wear doesn't matter if you're attractive and confident.

>> No.8777890


There's no point in spending mad money on clothes if there's no validation from the exterior world though.

I'm not dressing to impress. But if my outfits don't get some sort of recognition, i try something else.

Because if you aren't aware of your surroundings and just wear whatever because YOU, and YOU only thought it's good, i have some bad news, you either suffer from a light case of autism, or you are still a student.

>> No.8777926

>Why would you not want a job that appeals to the majority of people?

Your job is a means of income, no one cares about your job, most people won't even know about it, your job doesn't appeal to OTHER people. This is a terrible comparison

>Why not watch a movie that appeals to the majority of people?

Better comparison. If a movie is popular and being raved about. I probably would go see it in theaters with friends. There's a appeal in popularity which people here don't seem to understand. Watching a popular movie allows you to enjoy it with other people, it's a fun time. You guys act as if there's a tradeoff between good movies and popular movies, which, like fashion, is not true. It's enjoyable to see a popular movie with others. Wathcing what you think to be elite, underground masterpiece movies in your basement does not have the same appeal. People who do this probably go on to circlejerk about their superior tastes in movies on the internet. There's also a balance in enjoying art such as movies by yourself, and with others. But being on either extreme is bad.

>Why not listen to top 40 music?

Jamming to popular music at a party is pretty fun. Or during a road trip. Again, there's a appeal to popularity because it allows you to share enjoyment. Popular does not equate to bad. There's also a balance in enjoying art such as music by yourself, and with others. But being on either extreme is bad.

Same with books.

Being on the "super elite side" and only reading books, watching movies, playing videos games, listening to music, and wearing things which you THINK are superior just show you have no social intelligence. Just like the neckbeard gamer who lives in his parents basement playing his "elite video" games thinking he's far superior to the "masses" who are playing "popular" games with their friends while enjoying themselves and having a good time. Who's the real autistic one there?

>> No.8777930

You have it wrong. Music, vidya, fashion, art etc "hipsters" are actually into it as opposed to scratching the surface. They have already consumed the pleb material as it is simple and accessable and moved on to more complex and less accessable material within their genre. They find themselves superior because they have developed a greater eye to detail that someone who is not into it. I personally can't listen to most accessable rock music because it isn't complex enough sounding, the lyrics are bad, and most of all the drumming is bad. My girlfroend has no eye for fashion or details in it and wouldn't notice if I uncuffed my pants while she wasn't looking.

>> No.8777943

>what's popular isn't necessarily bad
>aesthetic appeal and 'fashion' aren't mutually exclusive

I know this already, just explaining to OP why /fa/'s attitude toward doublju is what it is. For example I like Converse Chucks and those are arguably the most popular sneaker on the market, and have been for years.

Again, I don't personally have any superiority complex or look down on anyone for doing what they do, or wearing what they wear, just explaining why /fa/ rejects doublju. I actually think everyone's taste is 'equal,' just that other people pursue their aesthetic taste more deeply than others, and gain knowledge and experience. For example I think in an alternate universe there is a pleb me who has the same taste, but was raised in a poor rural community and only buys Eddie Bauer and Gap. Same taste, different choices and events in life.

Also I disagree with your popularity argument, both personally and as far as this board goes. Rick Owens has exploded in popularity here, and most reactions to his clothes are still positive. If it's true that /fa/ hates anything that's popular, than they should be universally rejecting goth-ninja.

At the personal level my own aesthetic tastes are divergent. I really enjoy old school WASPy prep, goth-ninja, Cassette Playa and Gareth Pugh cartoon rave, anarcho-punk denim with patches and studs, inner-city fuccboi athletic A$AP shit, whatever. If the masses started dressing as all that, I wouldn't have a change of heart about my own tastes and interests.

>> No.8777950

>My girlfroend has no eye for fashion or details in it and wouldn't notice if I uncuffed my pants while she wasn't looking.

I can't tell if you're trolling. That's the most autistic thing I've seen in this thread.

>> No.8777956

I've done it and she didn't notice. She just likes earth tones and dresses.

>> No.8777967

To clarify we were at UO and I did it while she was in the dressing room because it looked better uncuffed when I looked in the mirror.

>> No.8777977

you completely missed the point of his entire post. by that logic, there's no point in spending money on anything if there's no validation from the exterior world.

is that really the only reason you do things? external validation?

>> No.8777983

yeah honestly based on the black mannequins they use if you're like 5 ft 8ish and built they should look decent on you
the only thing is they'll fall apart really quickly

>> No.8777984

Validation comes from within. That's also the key to confidence, which is mentioned a couple times in this thread as being more important than clothes.

You also don't address my argument and put words in my mouth. I didn't say "only me" is the authority in dressing myself, that's something you read into my posts. To qualify: of course other people have an input on what I wear. People design, cut, and sew the clothes I buy, that's a big start on how other people influence what I wear. If I truly was the single authority on what I wear I'd have to make my own clothes. Even then, I'd still be conditioned by other designers whose ideas and clothes I've looked at and enjoyed.

My own wardrobe is also conditioned by my social setting, especially at work. Beyond that, what my friends and relatives are wearing, and the occasion. I'm aware of my surroundings and dress appropriately.

If you wear whatever other people think looks good and only what they think look, I also have bad news: you're very insecure. But I'm not reading that into your post, I think you probably give yourself room for your own taste and choices when it comes to clothes.

Second, you didn't really address my point, which was that you shouldn't let what the majority of people enjoy dictate your wardrobe, because you don't let what the majority of people dictate other aspects of your life. Why is clothing an exception for you?

>> No.8778076

>friend wants to buy himself some nice boots
>I tell him I can help him find something nice
>he goes with his hamplanet gf to mall
>buys brown "leather" boots with laces AND zipper for like I dunno 30-40$ (can't really remember)
>"I tell his fat gf they look funny because of that zipper-laces combination"
>uhh anon it's fashionable, every shop sells this kind of boots now
>by every shop she means Deichmann, CCC and places moms take their children to buy new shoes every season
>"sure whatever"
>later he tells me he didn't like them that much, but you know... them gurls.

Another story

>my sister goes to France to study
>she lives near Paris
>I talk to her on fb and joke about her living in city of fashion, and people there must dress great
>"I don't think there is place where people dress worse than in Paris, anon"
>When she comes back she has some fat gold chain that would look good on gopnik or nigger, and whole lot of stuff from Zara/Bershka/New Yorker/etc.

>> No.8778089 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 232x163, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so? of course popular stuff appeals to the common denominator, that's the reason it's popular in the first place.

again, this is where, just like with fashion, it's a matter of what function you want it to serve. do you want clothing that appeals to everyone, or do you want something more self expressive and personal? do you want to listen to music that you can listen to the average person on the street with, or something that connects with you on a deeper level? do you want to wear some doublju jacket or...

>Again, there's a appeal to popularity because it allows you to share enjoyment.
you're implying that you can only "share enjoyment" when you're into the most accessible forms of things. sure, you'll be able to talk to 90% of people about the new hunger games movie or whatever the fuck, but it's a much more surface level interaction than if you can talk to someone about a more unique interest that took time and genuine curiosity to discover and refine. not everyone is interested in pretending to enjoy something i genuinely don't care about so that i can use it to relate to the common denominator.

>> No.8778098


that jacket is kinda like Justin Bieber

complete fucking idiots will like it but why would you want to seek their approval or mingle with them?

>> No.8778099 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 232x163, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so? of course popular stuff appeals to the common denominator, that's the reason it's popular in the first place.

again, this is where, just like with fashion, it's a matter of what function you want it to serve. do you want clothing that appeals to everyone, or do you want something more self expressive and personal? do you want to listen to music that you can listen to the average person on the street with, or something that connects with you on a deeper level? do you want to wear some doublju jacket or...

>Again, there's a appeal to popularity because it allows you to share enjoyment.
you're implying that you can only "share enjoyment" when you're into the most accessible forms of things. sure, you'll be able to talk to 90% of people about the new hunger games movie or whatever the fuck, but it's a much more surface level interaction than if you can talk to someone about a more unique interest that took time and genuine curiosity to discover and refine. not everyone is interested in pretending to enjoy something i genuinely don't care about so that i can use it to relate to the common denominator.

>> No.8778114
File: 65 KB, 232x163, zizek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so? of course popular stuff appeals to the common denominator, that's the reason it's popular in the first place.

again, this is where, just like with fashion, it's a matter of what function you want it to serve. do you want clothing that appeals to everyone, or do you want something more self expressive and personal? do you want to listen to music that you can listen to the average person on the street with, or something that connects with you on a deeper level? do you want to wear some doublju jacket or...

>Again, there's a appeal to popularity because it allows you to share enjoyment.
you're implying that you can only "share enjoyment" when you're into the most accessible forms of things. sure, you'll be able to talk to 90% of people about the new hunger games movie or whatever the fuck, but it's a much more surface level interaction than if you can talk to someone about a more unique interest that took time and genuine curiosity to discover and refine. not everyone is interested in pretending to enjoy something they genuinely don't care about so that they can use it to relate to the common denominator.

>> No.8778152


Pretty sickk as fuck jacket if u ask me
Only an alpha as fuck male who never listens to internet teenagers would land a lot of pussy wearing that beautiful jacket, but u are just a rehular autismo beta neckbeard, so whatever fgt.

>> No.8778158


Oh yeah, forgot my point. Just because majority finds something good, doesn't mean you should follow them. My sister and my friend's gf aren't majority, but most people I know dress like crap. And they all look the same. Everyone dress the same as others, because they don't want others to think they are vain/shallow.

>> No.8778340

The fa monochrome aesthetic is currently ultra trendy to the common denominator

>> No.8779067

doesn't match with my experience from paris and french girls, i suppose you're amerifat which makes your story even more unbelievable

>> No.8779181
File: 919 KB, 170x196, Frank hanging.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most retarded thread I've ever witnessed and I occasionally browse /s4s/.

>> No.8779201

Why would you want to get a date with a girl who thinks THAT looks good ? You did well to get rid of the jacket man.

>> No.8779225


>french girls


And who said I'm French? I only said my sister went to France to study.

>> No.8779231

im pretty sure its just a few trips and thats about it

>> No.8779236


>> No.8779244

>hadn't showered
it was the pheromones g

>> No.8779260

Everyone is bi or asexual depending on mood and the amount of drugs induced.

>> No.8779270

The line that ruined videogames

>> No.8779292

was thinking more about fascist( muh fav trip ) and trunks, who is apparently dating some azn transgender thing

>> No.8779328

>50% Poly
>30% Cotton
>20% Rayon

I seriously doubt this qt fell head over heels for the jacket.

>> No.8779441


i waited until i got a long term gf before i started dressing /fa/

now she's too committed to leave me for wearing a skirt

>> No.8780030

who knows op, maybe you're underestimating the jacket.
should of gotten a moto one though.

>> No.8780038
File: 1.48 MB, 230x290, 1387425284036.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw my ex gf liked when I hadn't showered too

I should stop wearing cologne

>> No.8780042


are you 12

just wondering

>> No.8780045

I've been jacking off to way too many trannys lately to be just straight.

>> No.8780326


>> No.8780410

Oh look a reasonable opinion on /fa/

>> No.8780437


>> No.8780706

Mark my words, /fa/ggots:

you'll be seeing more of this shit over the coming ng months thanks to /b/ and their attention grabbing bullshit