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/fa/ - Fashion

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8771685 No.8771685 [Reply] [Original]

At what age does youthful fashion end

When do you give up on following trends & memes

After a certain age are you relegated to dadcore? Is dadcore always dadcore or does it follow trends?

Is dadcore actually anything that isn't contemporary streetwear like /fa/ seems to think

>> No.8771687


>> No.8771694

And then

>> No.8772395

it depends on what you do, but i'd say around 34-35.

>> No.8772683

How the fuck do I give my beard this shape? Looks amazing.

>> No.8772828

IDK dude. actors and artists stay /fa/ their whole life. do what you want.

>> No.8773130
File: 104 KB, 660x440, Ryan Gosling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and then you get effay

>> No.8773168

29 and a dad here.
For the last 2 years I am slowly changing my wardrobe from black tshirts (with 'funny' texts or bandshirts) towards 'blue collar/woodchopper' button ups

>> No.8773198

22 here already doing that, also spent £600 on a pair of shoes today and I am kinda regretting it. Will I be able to waste money like this once I get a family?

>> No.8773252

Depends on income and other expendures.
I had severe money problems between 20ish and 25ish, so buying new clothing wasn't really something I did. Hence my late start at dressing like a non teenager.
But kids drain your money faster than you wish. Especially on clothing they grow out of each season.

>> No.8773257

My 'suit' shoes were 250euro. I really hope that shoe is going to last a decade for you.

>> No.8773277

Wingtip oxfords, I only use my cash to buy clothes. My everyday shoes were £300 and I have two pairs

>> No.8773306

Heh, my everyday shoes are either brandless rubber work boots or brandless biker leather boots.
Not fa, but comfy, easy to get in/out, no laces and I like them.

>> No.8773359

That's pretty much the absolute bottom line when it comes to 'quality' shoes. You'll be hard pressed to find any < 300 euro.

>> No.8773360

>people actually believe this

>> No.8773376

meme fashion will never end, as long as you're confident enough to wear it anywhere.

everyone at my work (software testing) wears illfitting suits and shit because we have a semi formal dress code. i wear sweaters and cardigans all day erryday

>> No.8773382

Show me some good quality dadcore shoes for less. You have Church's and Loake that sell for slightly less than 300 euro, but there are far better options for slightly higher prices.

Just because you're a cheap piece of shit who can't afford any good shoes doesn't mean you have to fool yourself into thinking your $5 shoes from McDonalds are high quality.

>> No.8773393

>someone disagreed with me
>they must be a loser

stay classy /fa/

>> No.8773414
File: 273 KB, 600x800, Carmina semi brogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay classy /fa/

Fedora and all that jazz.

And way to cop out, little bitch.

>> No.8773431

>muh quality
sorry i forgot i walk up mountains on a daily basis. if you're not a mongo and actually look after the shit you buy it'll last longer than the expensive brands will have you believe.

>> No.8773434
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Those are bretty gud
It depends on what you define as quality and what style and all that jazz.
I also got some AE McAllisters on ebay for like $45 so it isn't impossible.
If you take good care of your shoes, they will last a while.

By the way, how close does belt and shoe color have to be? I just got an orion belt which I thought would be the same color (walnut I believe) but it is kinda red compared to the shoes.
Just a general question.

>> No.8773441

well if they look different colours then they obv don't match. use your eyes.

>> No.8773444

>bla bla bla bla I am too stupid to find high quality footwear for less than €300

>> No.8773447

>Wingtip oxfords
>Suit shoes
>Not toe caps

>> No.8773460

When quality lasts, for me, 2 to 3 years. I am fine with it.

>> No.8773464
File: 185 KB, 1024x683, Carmina-80092-Balmoral-Vegano-Marron-01_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But quality is more than just durability. Hell, durability isn't always even a criteria for quality, as in the case of cashmere vs regular wool. It's also about things like how the leather will age, and you won't find brands that offer shoes that use material from good tanneries for a low price.

If people could buy shoes that were of the same quality as brand like Carmina, Enzo Bonafé, Gaziano&Girling etc. for half the price, they'd be world-known by now.

>By the way, how close does belt and shoe color have to be?

They don't necessarily have to match in shades, just make sure the colour is the same.

Still ain't seeing no links to retailers for "cheap quality shoes"

lel dumbass

>> No.8773466

>expecting me to do his homework for him
>expecting me to help him save money

>> No.8773467

Did I even say anything about suits? I just want these to wear during non rainy days

>> No.8773481
File: 247 KB, 600x800, carminaoxfordsemibrogue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking to get at the very least 5 years from every dress shoe I buy. Even 10 years isn't a big stretch.

>I have evidence you're wrong!
>But I won't post it!
>Because I'm such a fucking faggot!

I know, man. Just get out, suck a cock and don't forget to wipe your mouth clean when you're done.

>> No.8773487

Stay mad fuccboi! :^)

>> No.8773493
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>> No.8773498


wtf, 5 years? man, that is some jew tier thinking

>> No.8773503

In 5 years time they'll only look better once they have a great patina on them.

>> No.8773602


It's definitely harder to drop $$$ on clothes when you have a family. It's just harder to justify to your spouse. Fortunately I managed to cop Qasa triple blacks anyway.

>> No.8773687
File: 379 KB, 600x600, sorrento.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you will. I know plenty of fathers (and mothers, too) we spend enormous amounts of money on clothes each year. Think bespoke suits for a minimum of 3500 euro/piece and MTO shoes for 1000 euro/pair. It just depends on how much money you make and how much you're able to save up and spend on your family too, because family should always come first.

>> No.8775446

Key phrase here is
>depends on how much money you make
This is the answer the every monetary problem/question ever. Period.

>> No.8775457


>tfw plan on traveling the world and bartending in every city

>tfw goofninja for life

suits are for wage-slaves

>> No.8775472
File: 54 KB, 950x550, roman-new_1755663a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suits are for wage slaves
>the jealousy of the poor

>> No.8775481


>Having a job

>Not having fun

>Not shitposting about things you care nothing about

>> No.8776224

>being over 16

>> No.8777505


>Roman Abramovich as example of person wearing a suit
>not showing the average pleb, of which there are millions worldwide

talk about cherry picking, most of us aren't oligarchs m8

>> No.8777542

27 married here... focusing only in street wear i think until i get 50.

>> No.8777544

Have fun being a laughing stock

>> No.8777545

Lol you plan on bar tending but you call other ppl wage slaves

>> No.8777546

good. i like u. i dressed dadcore in college, then when i graduated and went into the real world i thought it was fucking stupid. bought some joggers and sneakers and got into streetwear. not going back

>> No.8777549

25 with a kid but look pretty young, I wear whatever I want

>> No.8777585

So you're blindly following trends just like everyone in /fa/, in the exact same way as all of them

>> No.8777661


might be true, i dressed dadcore back when cdb's and peacoats were cool on /fa/, but fuck that and fuck you!