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/fa/ - Fashion

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8607266 No.8607266 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you start feeling attractive?

How did you feel about the way you looked when you were...


>> No.8607283

Awful, totally my fault
Getting better
first time decent
top of my game, son

>> No.8607290

Slightly less ugly
I'm actually getting attention from grills, so I guess I'm not hideous anymore.

>> No.8607302

Total shit, don't even go there
Not bad, had really good days and really bad days
Kind of awkward
Lookin' pretty fantastic

>> No.8607311

attractive and cute

look like shit

ugly but better fashion

>not 22 yet

>> No.8607343

lmao half the people here haven't even reached the age of 16, much less 22

>> No.8607368

Acne, Slightly chubb, bad hair, pretty bad basically
Lost some of the chubiness, acne starting to clear up
Very skinny now infact I'm underweight, acne dissapeared (still get a couple spots here and there), look better overall but not where I want to be

>> No.8607369

I blossomed freshman year in high school. Went from a chubby short kid to Auschwitz-mode within a year because I grew like 3 inches and developed IBS.

Suburban punk style. Combat boots, super skinnies, studded motorcycle jacket. Ultra tryhard.
Toned it down a bit. All black and still super skinny.
Tired of punk. Started dressing in decent-looking basics. Switched to regular skinny jeans and fitted clothes.
Year ago. Wearing whatever I want. Enjoying myself and the life I've built. Confidence is pretty high.

>> No.8607379

People tell me I'm handsome, get attention from girls, overall much easier social interaction
(Still ugly though)

>> No.8607389

>people tell me I'm handsome
>get attention for girls
I very much doubt you're ugly, post pic

>> No.8607393

repulsive, acne, shit hair
good, people are attracted to me wow
bad, realise teeth are fucked and clothes are shit because i went through awkward experimental phase
>22 (current)
not good but not horrid
finally good clothes, and fixed acne/hair, but need money for teeth

>> No.8607407

Girls started telling me I was hot. I thought they were playing a prank on me.

>> No.8607418

I will always be garbage

>> No.8607420

I mean that I still feel ugly inside. This board permanently set my personal standarts ridiculously high.

>> No.8607427


>18 (current, /fa/ as shit for my age and income)
lost weight at 17, model tier aesthetics, best dressed person I know

>> No.8607431

cute, clean skin, pretty good hair
the beginning of my acne hell, started getting into clothes and stuff, feel bad and ugly
slowly getting rid of acne, can afford good clothes, fixed hair, feel a bit better

>> No.8607434

talk shit post fit

>> No.8607445

im poor HS student bruh, my fits mostly basic, but still best dressed person I know

>> No.8607473

I look like a fuckin ugly shit

why cant I have model-tier facial aesthetics, fuck my genes, fuck my parents, fuck this world

>> No.8607487

Look like I was a 14 year old with a mustache until I shaved it
Looked like I was 16 and got ID everywhere.
Look good start buying clothes I like but not enough to because I hate shopping. And I got ID whenever after I shaved
I shaved my head because of the summer heat and I like it, comfy as fuck and my head got a nice shape. gonna grow a beard with my bald head.

>> No.8607494

w2c jeans with their kind of taper without spending $1200?

>> No.8607496
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>> No.8607509

Ugly semi-emo phase
Generic as fuck

Kinda cute
Pulled myself out of shitty """"style"""" and started taking care of myself and finally putting some weight on
Got qt chubby bf

Somewhat attractive
Trying to actually find cuts/clothes/styles that suit me

I'll let you know when I get there

>> No.8607516

didn't have any sense of style. wasn't well groomed. a little overweight. low confidence.
>18 (now)
qt. decent sense of style. high sense of self worth.

>> No.8607517


>> No.8607518

acne but just grown out of my long hair idiot faze, felt quite unattractive. didn't dress well
started dressing well and started feeling conceited when i left for uni, high point
realising that i still have a lot to learn to feel very confident in myself, but i'm still very conceited and proud of myself, can't complain.
i am only 20

>> No.8607537

Really ugly. Wanted to kill myself every day.
Felt pretty ugly. Wondered why no girls were interested in me.
Started to realize that I repulsed people because I was miserable and negative all the time.
Feels pretty good man: I finally feel comfortable in my own skin and have a personal style. Girls are finally taking notice of me often and I don't want to die as much.

>> No.8607559

I'm dat Nigga
I'm dat mufugin Nigga
Godamn I'm dat Nigga!
Shit I'll Prolly be dat Nigga then TOO!

>> No.8607560

Long hair, looked like a girl, fat (no muscle, just fat), shitty metal band shirts and pants from where my parents buy them, because I was too ashamed to go to appropriate stores.
Still bad, but not quite as bad. Still overweight (like 200 lbs on 6'), still bad, but inconspicuous clothing, cut the fucking hair for my gf. Still ashamed of my body.
Pretty much unchanged. I had a gf and tried everything to impress her or her parents rather. Quite painful years, honestly. Felt worthless und insufficient.
I got rid of that stupid fucking bitch that constantly gave me the feeling of being worthless (or I'm about to, w/e). About fucking time, but now you can mop the floor with me, I'm pretty much broken. I found /fa/ and got quite obsessed by the idea of improving myself actively. I lost weight a year ago, like 50 lbs. I got into some amount of sports (running, cycling, fitness), but I still feel terrible about my body. As the obvious problems went away, other problems got more prominent. I have massive acne on the back and on the chest, my body has this weird build (wide hips, fat long legs, narrow shoulders). Those things are tougher to change.
The obsession with clothes lessened, mainly because of financial issues. I also realised that I can't change every single thing about me. I try my best to live healthy, move my body every now and then and not to eat too much. I still look like shit I think, but whatever really. I don't leave the house anyway.

>> No.8607564

fuark I am so fucking sexy god damn lifting has changed my fucking life I'm so god damn juicy look all these girls are miring
haven't lifted for a couple months and I've gained a few lbs but fuck it I still look pretty damn good
fuckkk I've gained fucking 40 lbs I look like shit what's the point of life I'm ugly as hell. Maybe if I dress nicer I'll be able to make up for it. let me just look at /fa/ and see what I can do. Fuck I'm fat I can't pull any of these fits off before I lose it all. Alright I've lost 30 lbs so far, still have a ways to go but I'm already looking a lot better! :) acne is gone, hair looks awesome, jawline is coming back nicely t-thanks /fa/

>> No.8607575

If you have acne, you have are overproducing a hormone which is causing your sabaceous glands to produce too much sebum. Foods and environmental factors cause it - not hygiene.

>> No.8607598


>16: fat, not really that good looking. had friends and all but the ladies didn't want none
>18: list weight, finally felt like hot shit. could've used /fa/'s advice at the time though
>20: still felt good, got a little anti social in college though. first browsed /fa/ and changed wardrobe
>22: current me, still hot shit. could work on taking to women though, but everyone is a pleb but me right? ;_;

>> No.8607696

Not really interested in my appearance, stupid hair and babyface.

Start to take care of my appearance. First half-decent haircut in like 10 years. First sign of cheekbones.

Start to get decent amounts of attention from females and I begin to understand that I actually might be attractive. Caring more about my appearance and cheekbones more prominent.

Continuous validation has led to over-inflated self-image. Spending way too much time worrying about my appearance and attention whoring on Tinder.

>> No.8607723

Like shit

Like shit

Like shit

Like shit

Like shit

Like shit

Crushing arse on tinder

It's never too late bros.

>> No.8607749

w2c Pants

>> No.8607779


Everyone here is over 18, newfag

>> No.8607784


>> No.8607877
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No self awarness at all

Auschwitz mode as fuck. Thought I looked decent

>20 (current age)
Think I look pretty good. Every girl ive had a thing for has been into me for a while.

"It aint nuthin ta cut that bitch off"

>> No.8607888

How did your cheek bones get more proninent? From losing weight?

>> No.8607907

Acne, akward and autism
Chubby and short yet somehow the girls like me

>> No.8607908

Awkward loser
Attractive tryhard
Attractive retard

>> No.8607933

I wore shit and was a complete shut-in
oh shit I'm ugly I need to step it up
>20 (now)
lot of people attracted to me but still find myself not quite right
working on it
hope I'll be ok

>> No.8607952

plz kill me
plz help me
plz forgive me
plz watch me

>> No.8608072


>> No.8608115
File: 400 KB, 500x446, 1366330177743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nerdy, awkward, Harry Potter.
>14 - 16
Highlight of my life. The emo/scene shit was in full swing and I had just the perfect balance that made me one of the most popular kids
>16 - 18
annnddd back to being nerdy and awkward. Didn't change my hairstyle until I my senior year, but I basically stopped giving a shit. I still dated a few qts. (They WERE qt at the time anyways...)
Got my first real haircut. Popularity obviously didn't mean shit, but boy was it an improvement. I felt attractive as fuck. I looked older and felt better in general.
>19- 20 (current age)
...eh. I've noticed I've stopped putting in nearly as much effort, and I think I need to find a new person to cut my hair because I just feel like it doesn't look alright. I stated using some of this American Crew light texture to give it a bit of hold, but I don't really know how to use pomade. I also feel I have a weird angle where my hair looks good only on one side. I can't shave necklines, and I am worried about my skin being clear now since my bangs don't hide it anymore. Basically, I don't feel ugly. I have a decent jaw and my genetics aren't that shit. (I feel better seeing a lot of people who post their mug in its own thread asking a stupid question) But ya know, I just feel more conscious about how I look which I think in turn makes me downplay myself. That make sense?
Overall though, I've definitely improved. No contest.

>> No.8608538
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Okay. Was tall for my age and got asked out by a few grills, but I had mild acne and a little bit of gyno so my self esteem was through the floor. Always talked a big game though. Dressed cheap, but cool. Very grungy, lot of leather and denim.


Good. Had a full time girlfriend and lots of friends and confidence. Acne had gone away and I had lost weight and got even taller, so I felt good about myself, happy and secure. Long thick hair and glorious skin. Had lots of nice designer clothes in a grungy vein.


Okay again. Still in a serious relationship, but a combination of growing up too fast and being generally disdainful of 90% of the university population and having outgrown alot of old fiends left me kinda antisocial with minimal contact with people. Didn't do much but study, stopped doing my old hobbies and stopped going to the gym. Ended up uninterested in people as a whole and with little to talk about anyway, probably came off as quite standoffish with an unnattractive personality. Still felt pretty physically attractive though, cut my hair and grew out my stubble. Dressed more goof, lots of black and leather.


Dunno, I'm 21 now. I expect I'll be at the most attractive I've been yet. Started lifting heavy this year and eating properly, started to get back into painting, drawing and planning to resume writing soon. Beginning to become a little more sociable again. Think I've pretty much found myself style-wise, have a particular look going on that I'm happy with and I know what suits me now. Growing out my hair properly again, but the sides are still clippered short, and growing my beard. Still in the same relationship. Hopefully by 22 I'll be established and as attractive as I'll ever be.

>> No.8608608

fairly fit, no acne, dressed like shit but too ignorant to care, long beatles-esque haircut. had the ability to pull bitches but was too dumb to know this
gained weight, dress better to compensate for newfound chub. experimented with new haircuts = bad idea
lost some weight, better haircut, better clothes
not there yet, i suspect i'll grow into workwear/teacher-core and that will be the end of my /fa/ness

>> No.8608643

shit awful kill me painfully

better than before but still know i dont look good and unsure how to improve

actually pretty good, getting better glasses and getting in better shape went a long way

>> No.8608656
File: 72 KB, 600x379, 1406667454191.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>16 ugliest person in the world
>18 ugliest person in the world learning exercise and clothing
>20 ugliest person in the world learning exercise and clothing
>21 need to be a model
>22 signed to multiple agencies
still havent lost my virginity

>> No.8608713

pants fit like Raf pantaloons SS05
t-shirts tucked neatly but incredible stupid due to proportions
shoes like pottery
sagged basketball shorts
oversized beaner tee shirts
colorful basketball shoes
all Raf everything

>> No.8608735

>lookin good
>lookin good, in better shape
>still lookin good

>> No.8608744

Don't give a shit, my mom has to force me to buy new cloths from target.
Start to realize I'm ugly, since everyone else has a gf at this point.
Start trying to be more /fa/. Become strongly aware of looks/height, judge everyone I see outside.
Complete aversion to low-tier/inexpensive clothing. Pathological hatred of everyone good-looking and successful.
Shut-in mode engaged. Piss bottles everywhere. Feel too guilty to outside in case people accidentally look at my face. Only buy cloths as a hobby, not to actually look better.

...a-am I effay yet guys

>> No.8608774

fat, ugly, dressed fine for someone 30 lbs overweight mostly
16: finally over the summer I turned attractive? I lost around 25 lbs so I was of average weight and my hair became long and I dyed it blonde and suddenly everyone was mirin', more guys were interested and everyone was telling me how good and healthy I looked. discover /fa/ and begin lurking
18: go full normcore and everyone asking why my fits are so basic, sorry I refuse to dress in urban outfitters bustiers and high waisted short shorts and patterned sundresses, lose about 15 more lbs now thin, lonely and suicidal but at least I look ok (this is the present)

>> No.8608796

Don't give a fuck
Discover /fa/ and tumblr. "Oh wow i look really good!"
Confident about myself.

>> No.8608801

>tfw no thin lonely suicidal /fa/ gf to bring to the gothninja side
plz b n london

>> No.8608815

ugly as shit
ugly as shit
ugly as shit
ugly as shit probably going to kill myself when my parents are financially stable

>> No.8608836

> 16
skinny and flat-chested, acne, frizzy hair
dressed terribly
> 18
dress slightly better
slightly less skinny, skin cleared up, learned a little about makeup
no big changes between 16 & 18 appearance-wise but i became more confident, and boys approach me more now + i feel more comfortable approaching them. still feels weird though when i realize people find me attractive from time to time. i feel ugly but i've accepted it.

>> No.8608849

could easily talk to grills but not truly confident
literally, begining of summer and this weekend i feel fantastic. women crawl over me and how i dress. get asked to take pics or see grills trying to fit me in selfie, trying to be sly. im not that beautiful either, just dress better than surroundings and not a dick. feelsgood.jpg
to be determined, hoping to rise to unapproachable levels but idk

>> No.8608881

god tier

>> No.8608923

I'm the flyest kid in school, ain't no one got nothin on me
Get called ugly by some 6 year old, start thinking I look like Rocky Dennis from Mask
Awful, like John Cena bursts into my room and beats my face every night
>20 - Present Day
Not actually that bad, but not good, and confidence is below ground level, so I'm still a 1/10. At least I look better than the down syndrome kids on my bus...

>> No.8608937

that feel when you were 17/18 sexy as fuck, clear skin beautiful babby face pulling 8/10 16 year old bishes all day

now 21 with shit skin and features looking just fucking odd and my friends dont talk to me anymore

>> No.8609050

nigga ive been ugly my whole life

>> No.8609147

ugly as FUCK

still fucking ugly

finally kissed a girl after cutting my neckbeard mane

not there yet, but still >no gf

tl;dr I'm on my way to Hogwarts' school of witchcraft and wizardry

>> No.8609212

What about model tier esthetics? I don't believe it

>> No.8609220
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I had enough confidence to talk to girls. Lost my virginity to some girl. Dressed like a 16 year old (Vans, Baggy Jeans, Graphic tees)


Discovered Frat-boy fashion. Started dressing in slim jeans, Pink button down shirts, and wore a cardigan around my neck. I rose up my standards and refused to ha e sex with girls who weren't pretty. My sexual life was cut by half.


I started dressing grunge-core and early Goth ninja. Skinny jeans, DBSS, and black tees became my life. I only had sex with /cgl/ skinny type girls.


I have reached a plane of existence where Three Dimensional girls are nothing but a convenience. Whenever I dress Githninja, I layer up and stack up. Whenever I wear streetwear, I make sure to wear eroge shirts featuring the girls from my favorite South Korean animation, I live paycheck to paycheck and haven't eaten a meal above 1000 Calories in the past 6 months. The only people I talk to is /fa/ because whenever I see anyone else, I laugh at their fits. The only girls I would consider relationship worthy have to have a thigh gap. Similarly, I haven't had sex in over a year, but, It's not like I need it as I masturbate to a picture of Rick Owens and pray to Raf Simon's.
Also, I make hourly threads on Reddit asking "Why doesn't anyone like me" and "How do I make friends?"

>pic unrelated

>> No.8609235
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>> No.8609248

fuck please be fiction

I don't want to be you

>> No.8609283

Ugly af dressed like shit ugly haircut and poorcore going on

Slightly better looking slightly better hair. dress normal af

Better haircut (got dat fade game almost on lock). Dress way better but still look like a normal college guy. Girls are responsive

>> No.8609795

Fat and unkempt hair made me gross. No girl attention.
Started working out, but still lacking personal style.
Still chubby, but not so fat anymore. Started becoming more /fa/ in my own way. Changed my hair style and grew my beard out. More girly attention.
Lost a lot of weight and now I'm looking much better. Girls digging me now, but no skills due to lack of interactions made it useless.

>> No.8609816
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>Also, I make hourly threads on Reddit asking "Why doesn't anyone like me" and "How do I make friends?"
i didn't know this was the truth until the final line. godspeed sir.

>> No.8609837

Ugh. Eating disordered. Wanted to die because thought was fat.
Still eating disordered. Attemped therapy. Wanted to die because gaining weight.
Still eating disordered. Wanted to die because had gained weight. Began vomiting 6+ times daily again.
Still eating disordered. Replaced meals with alcohol.
Partially recovered. Heavier, but healthier mindset. Still depressed over the death of my father last year, but hoping to get out of the funk soon and get back to fitness. I'd say I feel fat 50% of the time, and attractive the other half.

>> No.8609848
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riddled with pimples on my face (completely addicted to soda at the time), almost no friends at a ghetto school. I'm one of the most intelligent and introverted people there. Skinny, short, shy, weak, and ugly
filling out a bit (i thought) start to dress "better" lmao. pimples are still off and on but scars are heavy. facial hair comin thru
fucking bitches, a misanthrope. skin was fickle, but mostly clearing up. get a new physical labor job get a lil muscle on my frame. been had a beard and stache, can alter them. try to dress "better" by going dadcore with urban elements. eh, bad but showed promise
pretty decent taste in clothing now, skin is fine, i'm still depressed but I'll be moving to LA. This will change my life
>now 23/24
confident mother fucker. sick fits that are unique to my personality and aren't too try-hard every day. Toned as fuck, have never looked this good in my life. I'm making girls blush and the very long year of living in LA has showed my the underbelly of humans, so I've been maturing a lot.
Not I think I'm going to change my style to a more carefree hippy vibe with designer touches when I move back to ATL with my new, more optimistic, no longer depressed outlook.

Thanks, weed!

>> No.8609865

Why haven't I grown even a millimeter
>Tfw /fa made my height complex even worse

>> No.8609869

Why haven't I grown even a millimeter since I was 15
>Tfw /fa made my height complex even worse

>> No.8609875

Are you me?

>> No.8610400

fucking gr8

>> No.8610417 [DELETED] 

>Thanks, weed!
absolutely disgusting

>> No.8610436

I had the ugliest hair imagineable and wore ill-fitting jeans and band t-shirts. At least I regularly shaved my underdeveloped beard off.
I shelved my band t-shirts and bought a 30 pack of cheap plain cotton t-shirts that fit too tight. Hung on to the ill-fitting pants, though.
Wore hand-me-down skater clothes
Threw out most of my old stuff and bought some basic, yet well fitting clothes.

I suppose I'm a late bloomer and really slow to adjust

>tfw no gf

>> No.8610475

At what age did you start feeling attractive?


ugly most days. had horrible acne. felt ok about my body but had a short anorexia/adderall starvation phase

getting better. had nose surgery- so went from feeling really ugly all the time to realizing that people thought i was beautiful a few months later

in sept.....hope i dont get too cocky haha
getting fat/wrinkly tho. make bad lifestyle choices

>> No.8610521

LMAO preppy polo shirts, graphic tees and khaki shorts with vans

started lifting, nice fitting basic bitch shirts with chino cutoff at knee drop crotch shorts and roshes

>> No.8610543

Totally oblivious to clothes. Graphic tees every day, thought I was hot shit.
Struggling to build mfacore wardrobe, always rebuying pieces because of constantly adjusted preferences. Feel insecure because clothes are shit. Also start lifting, so I feel small as fuck.
Current age. Achieved and surpassed MFA tier. Dress boots, wool trousers, menswear as fuck. Velvet slippers, the works. Now pretty big from lifting. Feel smaller and more insecure about clothes than ever before. Now am the cause of a lot of "How does he not have a girlfriend?" type questions. Long beautiful (bun length) hair. Still too socially retarded to have any successful romantic interactions of any kind, even though objectively I recognize that I'm at my most attractive point ever.

>> No.8610638

ugly and dressed like shit
ugly and decently dressed
ugly, decently dressed, sometimes well dressed

>> No.8610652
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black skinny clothes, black high shoes, hair was mess, acne, but confident as fuck. Started browsing in that age.
Got rid of tons of hair, realize i'm pretty cute looking. Rocking them monochrome fits. Although everything is much nicer about me, i feel very insecure.
Confidence is back, rocking sharp haircut, monochrome fits, life is good.

>> No.8610676

I'll tell you once it happens.
>16 - got fat, losta ll self confidence
>18 - still fat, withdrew myself from society completely
>20 - still fat, suicidal
>22 - still fat, still suicidal
---power gap---
>30 finally sorting my shit out now my life is half over

>> No.8610682


>> No.8610686

ugly, no sense of style whatsoever
ugly, no sense of style whatsoever

>> No.8610912

When I turned 17 I really quickly became more aware of everything about my appearance, lost weight, bought better clothes that fit good, started to feel really nice. Probably mostly because all my friends started doing the same stuff and I found it really fun. I've never had heaps of money but buying shit in the right size and simple colours helped a fuckload.

>> No.8610945

Didn't feel attractive at all, I actually thought I was still fat like I was before teen years and thought people were making fun of me when they said I looked good. (looking back I was approaching skeleton mode back then
By here I realised I was actually pretty handsome (helps to have people telling you that you are way too handsome)
Still looking pretty good, dressing better.
Not quite 22 there yet, but I think I have developed some body dysmorphia.

>> No.8610981

w2c jeans

>> No.8611192

fit and decent clothing, getting the looks :) feels good, you can make it !

>> No.8612051

Facial features starting to show what they will look like.
Holy shit I'm good looking, may as well go to the gym and get a body to match.
Everything is still awesome, I am now swole and have developed my own sense of style.
Not there yet.

>> No.8612144

post fit

and all of you good looking motherfuckers too

>> No.8612261

didn't really care had a shit ton of friends and always matched my outfits, popular
found out i was an ugly ass nigga, didnt bother me cause if your face is ugly your body can still be beautiful, focus on heath and wellness. still gettin the d wet
>20 (now)
have gf, good body, ugly face but /fa/ for my area. doesn't matter if you're ugly if your gfs hot and you have a big ass dick

>> No.8612504

blissfully unaware

still unaware but feel better than average

actually pay attention to features, realize all flaws, feels shit, seem okay when i'm in good mood

i'm only 21 nigga

>> No.8612519

low self esteem
I got asked on the street to come buy and take pics because some lady thought I could model, I declined because I was young and scared
looked good, dressed badly (think when you barely started going to /fa/)
basic bitch but still looked nice, I think this is when I first starting wearing CDG frags daily
current age. I look good and people think i'm cool also most girls want the D

>> No.8614839

r u me???

>> No.8615046

Emo kid sort of. I had the hair and the jeans, nerdy graphic tees, but at least they fit well. Better aesthetic then most 16 year olds i guess.

>18, now
I still have the hair, but its much more tame, and overall better. I still keep the emo look for concerts where I'll be moshing and stuff, but streetwear-wise I'm more techwear/asiancore. I wear a lot of beanies (mostly aperture) b/c lazy.

>> No.8615080

I was pretty attractive at 20. My face is very pleasant to look at with eyeliner, my bf is 1000x out of my league and a tumblr lezzer hit on me yesterday so I'm not ungrateful.

>> No.8615082


>> No.8615160

awful. Bad skin, even worse hair, wore nothing but graphic tees and skinny jeans whilst thinking I was the epitome of fashion. Underweight
Sorted out hair, not stylish by any means but getting better. A 3/10 was interested in me but I turned her down
actual stylish hair, better dressed but still quite generic and prone to "lapses". Skin infinitely better but not perfect
>Hair still good, much better dressed, wouldn't gain admiration from /fa/ but definitely stylish to the masses, skin almost back to pre-pubescent quality.
Attracting the occasional 6/10 now

>> No.8615208

Balmain jeese
or look up on tumblr for rip-off brandz that haz the zame dezign