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/fa/ - Fashion

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8562511 No.8562511 [Reply] [Original]

>Go to American stores, smalls are rare and still don't fit, and X-smalls are practically mythical.
>Go to European stores, smalls are common, but
>tfw still don't fit
>tfw forever a deflated beanbag chair because of shit genetics

Is there anywhere that can accommodate a petite man?

>inb4 do you even lift? Go eat a pig/turkey/chicken/cow. Be a man!

Shit genetics are shit genetics

>> No.8562682

goddamn this feel

>> No.8562695

>tfw can't find jeans with smaller waists than 32' retail

fuck this fucking fatass fat fuck country.

>> No.8562706

The lowest i can find are 28s which fit me, its anything that goes on the torso that i cant find (that fits)!

>> No.8562708

How do I gain weight

All I do is smoke weed and eat shitty fast food /fucc/

>> No.8562714

stop smoking and you'll blow up like a balloon

>> No.8562723

5'6 in Germany
Started working out this January still weighting only 135lbs.
H&m smalls fit.
Pants and many other brands need to be tailored.

>> No.8562730

>5'6 in Germany

jesus christ and here I thought it sucked shit being 5'8 in australia

>> No.8562732

5'7'', 125lbs
H&M smalls don't fit. :(

>> No.8562733

It might sound odd, but I can personally never find a fucking medium. Decent amount of smalls, a metric fuckton of large/x-large, and MAYBE one or two mediums buried in between the larges/x-larges. It's fucking ridiculous.

It's kinda funny because it's the complete opposite for women. There'll be about a billion x-smalls/smalls, two mediums, and one large for every piece of clothing in any given store. I wonder what plus-size women's stores are like, if they have the "small" fat girl sizes. Anybody know?

I can't ever find a fucking 32. Everything is either <30 or >34. It's like all of the "normal" sizes are always out of stock where I live, I don't understand it.

>> No.8562736

or keep smoking but never exhale until you literally blow up like a balloon

>> No.8562744

Nothing fits a hungry skeleton properly off the rack. Unless you're a midget and can wear kid's sizes.

>> No.8562754
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>Is there anywhere that can accommodate a petite man?

>> No.8562757
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I prefer petite.
My bones don't show, so i consider that a step above skeleton

>> No.8562764

this guy must feel fucking amazing when he laughs
like imagine being the president of russia, not giving any fucks
and having something really funny to laugh about

>> No.8562810

i never understood why businesses don't capitalize on the fact manlets need clothes too and even out their stocks for sizes accordingly

>tfw no size s or xs when clothes are being sold for retail price
>tfw you see nothing but l xl xxl in the clearance section

>inb4 lolpleb that shops at clearance section

>> No.8562825

Not a petite man but
>in Europe, S is sometimes okay, M usually
>go to Japan
>L size shirt is just perfect, but sleeves way too short
>that feel when everything is so cheap here

>> No.8562856

I'm not sure but aren't the sizes smaller in oriental places like Japan, Korea etc?

>> No.8562868

>inb4 it will make you fat

Depending on how skinny you are it cn be the greatest thing ever. I was 5'10 105 lbs the summer between sophomore and junior years of HS, started GOMAD and almost broke 130 by my junior year.

>> No.8562895

>that great feeling when you fill the toilet with runny shit at 3am.

>> No.8564071

why not by your basics like plain Tees in the kids section? they go up to size 176 (for 176cm tall people).
i'm 5'2 so everything i buy i got in the kidssection (and some stuff like shorts or shoes) in the women's. Except my v-neck h&m tees which shrunk in the dryer

>> No.8564086

>petite men
this is more humiliating than manlet lel

>> No.8564091

its roughly like this
US S = German M = Japanese L

theres a difference in sizes between german and eg. french as well.

Prolem is that sizes vary more in the volumen than in length. German Hugo Boss XS for example is still for people 180cm tall

>> No.8564114
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forgot pic

>> No.8564193

I see X-small and slim smalls everywhere. Uniqlo, All Saints, pretty much any boutique. Try shopping online.

>> No.8564201

uniqlo and other asian brands?
I'm a relatively skinny waist 5'8 and uniqlo fits great.

>> No.8564202

I second this, people sometimes overlook kids and opposite gender's sections even though there's a good chance of finding some gems here

I have small tits and girl's tees fit me perfectly
Some other guy on /fa/ buys women's jeans because they fit his butt well

>> No.8564204


>> No.8564208
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>> No.8564545

5'5 here.

is there anything that looks better on short men than tall ones?

>> No.8564584
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i live in god damn louisiana and unless i go to a big city like new orleans i literally C A N N O T find clothes that fit me, and i am chubby as shit.

Also ZERO slim fit clothes and no non-cargo shorts

>> No.8564604


Okay, but this doesn't address the question of why you don't just buy things and have them shipped to you.

>> No.8564634

5'7" dime a dozen asian manlet here. I just order Japanese brands now, length and fit are usually perfect. Alot of European brands are still long as fuck in length even when sizing down.

>> No.8564649

I do, but i would love to be able to go to the store and try shit on and look around.

>> No.8564720

manlets, you never learn

this board is a joke

>> No.8564723

Show us what youre capable of tall man

>> No.8564739


But you know that's not an option, so I still don't understand what the major malfunction is.

>> No.8564744

I totally agree with this, there's nothing wrong with buying things in the opposite gender section. I'm a woman but i'm quite tall so I have quite big feet (size US men 9 eu 42) and I buy all my shoes in the men section.

>> No.8564752

>go to store to try things
>hmm this fits and i like it so i'll buy it

>go to online store
>wait at least 3 days
>oh it doesn't fit
>return it
>wait again

>> No.8564780


Or...buy multiples and return what doesn't fit?

I mean, OP doesn't have the option to go to a huge variety of stores, so I can't imagine what is the alternative you think would be easier.

>> No.8564784
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>tfw ordered white selvege jeans but forgot to size down the waist

5 days from now I get to return them and now the sale's over, they were only 40 bucks.

>> No.8564798


Or...ask for an exchange?

>> No.8564799
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but that's why you ask the seller to measure the garment for you before buying it.

>> No.8564806

because it's guaranteed to fit you exactly as you want it right? do you overlook the sleeves or the chest when you buy your clothing?

>> No.8564807

ayyy i live 10 mins from richmond
i can take the cat snake off ur hands

>> No.8564813


I don't understand what you're saying.

>> No.8564830

what? say you measure your favorite shirt, which *you know* fits you fine, then just ask the online seller how some shirt you want measures up, then decide after if you still want to buy it. where is the problem?

>> No.8564838

r u me

>> No.8564851

>tfw need slim fit large tall size
>tfw the neck is always too small and the cut is too loose

>> No.8564857

They won't have it in the store anymore. They're white pants, a summer commodity. And the last time I tried with an oxford they said they could only return it. Gap btw.

>> No.8564878
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>tfw 5"11 and really skinny
>even S tees drape like fucking curtains

>> No.8564883

The chest is the main standard of measurement for tops, what are you talking about?

>> No.8564895
File: 110 KB, 500x404, 1368506976488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw slender but enormously wide shoulders
>small usually fits everywhere but broad shoulders
>forced to buy mediums which feel gigantic
>at least they fit the shoulders perfect

>> No.8564916


>> No.8564940

know this feel

>> No.8564949

>wide shoulders
>increase shoulder and chest circumference while waist remains small
wouldnt change the problem, only increase it. doesnt change the fact everyone should do sports/workout though

not that guy btw but >>8564071

>tfw highking of manlets (5'2), /fit/, wide shoulders, slim waist, dress shirts, jackets and blazers at the shoulders, bigger sizes are like sacks and just too big
>tfw would have to get bespoke stuff
>tfw poor student
welp, gonna try made to measure then...

>> No.8564966


It's because idiotic retailers don't stock sizes based on a Gaussian distribution and so all the normal sizes sell out fast and they have all these shitty outlier sizes like XS, L, XL, etc.

Also, there is literally not a pair of size 8 NB made in US/UK in a decent colorway that isn't marked up like 40% MSRP. It's like there's an internet wide effort by resellers to buy up all size 8 NB. Literally have been looking for months for some 575/998/1600 in a dece colorway.

>> No.8564969

You need to eat 500 kcal more than you burn on a day (use a TDEE calculator and a calorie counting app such as MyFitnessPal).

500 kcal is two handfuls of peanuts. It's pretty fucking easy to gain weight m80.

>> No.8564973

tailor your shirts?

>> No.8564980

shirts can differ even when they have the same measurements.

>> No.8564986

Size 8 and 10 are the most common sizes

like on the pillar of your gaussian bell

that's why whenever you walk into a sample sale there's only sz 8s available cause sz8 is most accurately what the shoe is supposed to look like

>> No.8564991

Large is always gone

>> No.8565013

how the fuck would that help lol

>> No.8565043

It would make the medium fit

>> No.8565055

lifting doesnt make your torso thicker while ur shoulders stay the same

>> No.8565065

Lol, are you seriously retarded? Having lats and chest increases your chest measurement. I have a 44 chest. I went from medium to large.

>> No.8565078

his problem is that his shoulders are too big
his shoulder fit a medium but the rest of his body fits a small

>> No.8565082

So do flys and rows

>> No.8565094

his chest measurement is already too big you fuckhead
just admit u didnt read the post correctly and move on
also flys dont do shit lol

>> No.8565100

He said his shoulders are broad with a tiny torso

>> No.8565129

even me, another guy told you why you are wrong. it may fill the chest area, but around the core its still like a sack

>> No.8565144

wear women's tees and jeans. It's what my hungry skeleton friend does.

>> No.8565146

change your style so you tuck in your shirts then.

>> No.8565280

are we talking about buttoned shirts?
if yes:
i can barely close the shirts if i take 1 or 2 sizes to big, then its way to long as well as arms. it just doesnt fit at all

if no: looks stupid

i currently wear polos which stretch and therefore fit nicely

>> No.8566430


>> No.8566694

>that great feeling when lactose tolerant master race

>> No.8566843

What are some of the japanese brands you order from?

>> No.8566871

Buttoned shirts give me balloon sleeves and go past my ass. even if theyre my size, which is *supposed* to be small

>> No.8566894
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Wow, youre insite on the topic is astounding! i never thought to think of that! where have you been all our lives? You should go and rent out the nearest stadium near you and broadcast your enlightenment for the masses.

also, fuck off.

>> No.8566945

classic manlet rage

>> No.8566988


