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/fa/ - Fashion

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File: 686 KB, 2591x1943, 1238527419638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8528671 No.8528671 [Reply] [Original]

Could I be a mudel? :3

>> No.8528675

No. Also stop posting that fags picture he already posts it more than enough

>> No.8528676


>> No.8528677

height. shoulder to hip width. etc etc. and probably not

>> No.8528682

>imypling it's him that actually posts it

I admit that I'm a huge /soc/ fag and not ashamed of it. This guy has garnered a giant fucking circlejerk of femanons and faggots on /soc/. To the point where people make threads like "I hate this piece of shit" and "why is he so cute" etc etc. I've seen his pic on /pol/ and /v/ too. So it looks like he's slowly becoming a meme.

>> No.8528684

your right eye is kinda droopy

>> No.8528698

It's just the lighting.

>> No.8528700

Negative Canthal Tilt = Sexual Death Sentence.

>> No.8528718

>Negative Canthal Tilt = Sexual Death Sentence.
His canthal tilt is pretty neutral. It's that almond shape that makes it look negative.

>> No.8528723

it's pretty negative and very obvious. but this is b8, so why the fuck am i posting

>> No.8528734

I still think he's pretty damn attractive.

>> No.8528744

post face

>> No.8528753

Face yeah, but you need height and body.

>> No.8528755
File: 121 KB, 876x555, 1203650048724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His face? Sure :3 I have tons.

>> No.8528760

>b-b-b-but he has negative canthal tilt :^(

>> No.8528768

Too much eyelid exposure. Having hooded,small almond shaped eyes ideal. His eyes are beta.

>> No.8528787

he is 10/10 and soc thinks so :)

>> No.8528799

being a model =/= being good looking

>> No.8528800


insecure virgins picking on a 10/10 qt

>> No.8528804

What do you mean?

>> No.8528810

so irl he's a 5/10 then?

>> No.8528813

nope i dont think u knw how many 10.10 babes soc has and they all luv him :^)

>> No.8528816

He said being a model. Many models are not even as attractive as this guy. I mean, he wouldn't be the face of versace.

>> No.8528817

if a girl posts on 4chan /soc/ she is already a 2/10 no matter what she looks like

>> No.8528822

don't forget he's 5'4" and has really really really narrow shoulders, you can kinda see them in OP's pic but he posted another a while back where it was comical (unfortunately I didn't save it).

>> No.8528827

lol wow you must be a sad greasy virgin

>> No.8528834

he's 5'9.5''

>> No.8528835

I've lived with my current gf for 4 years, fucked about 14 girls. Took the virginity of 3 of those including current gf.

/soc/ girls are trash

>> No.8528838


>> No.8528840

that's not what he posted in a /soc/ rate thread a while back. after which he quickly deleted his posts. i wouldn't be surprised if he's just claiming taller now after that.

>> No.8528843

Are we even sure this guy posts on /soc/?

For all we know he's from that subreddit for male facial asthetics and some autist started spamming 4chan with him.

I hate this place/

>> No.8528855
File: 42 KB, 463x346, 9856321458796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god this kid is QT

>> No.8528857

Being a manlet isn't helping either...

>> No.8528859

too much sameface

>> No.8528861
File: 460 KB, 2592x1944, 1256985698563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8528868
File: 516 KB, 2591x1943, 1375166678001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's his body lmfao

>> No.8528874
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 1345698523100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8528888


now i know why he never moves a muscle in his face

>> No.8528892

hahahahahahaha he looks like shit

>> No.8528893

Do you really not care that he may be reading this shit right now and having his self confidence fucking destroyed?

>> No.8528895
File: 651 KB, 1067x800, VNyk86k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you think we are?

>> No.8528896


>> No.8528898

lol fuck you he looks terrible

>> No.8528899


>> No.8528903

post your face
yeah you are summer

>> No.8528910
File: 523 KB, 2592x1944, 6969325896478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.8528913
File: 25 KB, 640x480, pic23.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528916


>> No.8528921

you look like a disgusting jew

this kid has the jaw and chin of a greek god

fuck off

>> No.8528927
File: 154 KB, 1080x720, me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528931

get smaller glasses, they're supposed to be as wide as your cheekbones

>> No.8528935

you honestly think you're better looking than this kid?

one thing I hate more than assholes are arrogant narcissistic assholes.

Guys that think they're attractive but they aren't are my pet peeve.

The QT being spammed is insecure as fuck.

You are ugly, however.

>> No.8528936


simply epic

>> No.8528939


do you think the kid everyone is hating on is ugly? :(

>> No.8528949


>> No.8528950
File: 346 KB, 1110x514, 1391543449481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528954


>> No.8528957

Elliot Rodgers?

>> No.8528958


>that green hair

top degeneracy

>> No.8528961
File: 113 KB, 490x365, cuminmyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go away

>> No.8528964

do you

>> No.8528965


newfags that don't know 9armoctopus

>> No.8528968


yes, hes ugly

>> No.8528970


r u gril?

>> No.8528976
File: 509 KB, 640x480, 1353034841460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just not that good looking.

There are way hotter people who posted here the kid in OP looks like a stoner mongrel

>> No.8528978


keep calm and carry on

>> No.8528979

are you fucking blind? this kid is gorgeous

>> No.8528982

Not really no

>> No.8528983

that makes no sense.

>> No.8528986

ew what the fuck is that

>> No.8528988
File: 501 KB, 2567x1925, 3689758741256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8528991

that facial hair makes me really uncomfortable for some reason

>> No.8528994

foreskin lips as fuck

I bet kissing him feels like kissing an ATM

he's not that good looking sorry, just because he has a little definition in his face in carefully orchestrated lighting conditions doesn't make him model material

>> No.8528999

he looks like some sort of mouse crossed with a cockroach

something about the retarded brow, close as fuck beady eyes, and huge nose, and dem ears

>> No.8529001

I bet it makes you want to suck his dick 24/7

>> No.8529003

r u le srs

do you see the jaw muscle? it's obviously clenched so his lips are pursed to appear to have more jaw LMAO

but apparently he claims that the first and last girl he kissed called him the best kisser ever :^)

>> No.8529005

ITT: the "kid" in OP samefagging about his unremarkable looks

>> No.8529008

>jaw muscle


kill yourself kid

>> No.8529009

lol I bet that's you in the pic, and you can't handle the fact that you're ugly

>> No.8529013

>clenching your jaw
>he does it in every pic

shit jawline confirmed

>> No.8529014

r u le srs

do you not see that obviously clenched muscle?

r u retarded?

>> No.8529015
File: 914 KB, 2400x2408, su.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually this is me. Nice try though. Both me and mike look better than this faglord OP

I bet you're him

>> No.8529020



>> No.8529031

>negative canthal tilt


>> No.8529034
File: 608 KB, 2592x1944, Picture 38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, this is certainly interesting.

No idea why some random person has all of my pics saved to their computer, but I guess that's the risk of posting yourself on the internet.

Here I am minding my own business shitposting on /soc/, and I decide to come brown /fa/ and post in a recent cop thread, and I see a thread with my likeness in the OP.

Without sounding as autistic as possible, I'd like to state that I have never posted my picture outside of /soc/. If you've seen it, it was the faggot(s) that apparently have everything of mine saved.

Apparently this guy knows me pretty well, and knows that I have shit self-esteem. Yeah, that's why I use /soc/ for the most part. Their rate threads really give me a confidence boost when I need it the most.

Sorry some faggot decided to shitpost with my selfies in /fa/. I actually like this board, so that sucks. And apparently he does it on /pol/ too, and I like it there as well.

pls don't hate me now fellow /fa/gets. I love this place. ;_; Even if you all do this I'm hideous. Which I'm used to by now.

>> No.8529036

you look like a douche, so yes you can

>> No.8529037

>damage control

holy shit my sides

>> No.8529038

what the fuck is that nose and eyes jesus your midface is fucking terrible. nice lower 3rd tho.

>> No.8529040

>he does it on /pol/ too, and I like it there as well

People are just spergs mate there's not much to worry about.

>> No.8529043

to be fair there is an aspie dude on /soc/ who posts random dudes on /fa/ from time to time, its probably true.

>> No.8529050

I suppose.

I should probably work on my self esteem so I can stop posting my pics on /soc/ like a faggot.

It's weird. Sometimes I look at myself and think "holy fuck I am sexy as shit" and others its "wow why am I alive".
Yeah, most of the pics of anons on /fa/ are ripped from /soc/.

>> No.8529053

i know bc it happened to me lol. you should just stop posting in rate threads all together bro you're better looking than anyone whos gonna rate u and its impossible to squeeze into the vicious circlejerking that goes on there anyway.

>> No.8529057

>"holy fuck I am sexy as shit" and others its "wow why am I alive".
hello welcome to my ride

>> No.8529062

>ps. it never ends

>> No.8529064

Lol tell me about it. It's pretty much the same people in every rate thread and they always rate the same people the same number, etc etc etc.

On the topic of the circle jerk, I really don't know what that guy was talking about when he said I have some following. Yeah a couple QTs are into me, but there aren't threads being made to worship me lmao. Actually, there was ONE thread made with some guy calling me a jew faggot and accusing me of ruining his life lol.

How far we goin'? I'll pay for gas.
Also.... >tfw some of your effay bros think you're fugly

c-c-can we still post fits together guise

>> No.8529069

No I really don't. If he does then he is weak af. Btw he has a big nose

>> No.8529072

T-T-Thanks. Y-Y-Y-You too.

Lmfao, how quaint you would say that when I just mentioned >>8529064

>> No.8529083
File: 1.29 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya u seem chill, keep talking shit and postin fits
its chill v ok
god bless
(not drumk)

>> No.8529104

Since you're 5'9'', no. And with that body, def no.

But that face. Jesus. You have retardedly good bone structure. And somehow, that negative canthal looks good on you.

I'm sure hair agencies would love to have you.

>> No.8529146

Dude, you look a fuck tonne better without those massive headphones.

>> No.8529150


>> No.8529151

don't forget the jew glasses

>> No.8529162

>Click here
Yea those too.

>> No.8529164

nice glass of soda bro

>> No.8529166

Hm, if he worked on getting some fucking sleep and taking care of his face he'd be pretty /fa/.

>> No.8529188
File: 112 KB, 580x290, middle-women-plastic-eyeglasses-7018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If OP would never wear those headphones again and stopped wearing glasses that looked like Tech Support/ Harry Potter core, then he'd be good looking as fuck.

I'm not good at matching glasses to faces that aren't my own, but maybe try something like this.

>> No.8529192

Just realized that the pic says "women" but I'm sure you could get away with them and nobody will ever notice.

Just try a whole bunch on and choose what you like the best.

>> No.8529217

stop dreaming son

>> No.8529221

you're not hideous tho

>> No.8529284


>> No.8530394

dont worry man, youre goodlooking

>> No.8530413

lol wut. why would you comfirm that you're OP with that post?

>> No.8532117

Judging by face alone and not haircut, best-looking guy ITT. That's not saying he's the only good-looking one, but he's the one I find to have the most enviable face.

>> No.8532129

stop samefagging faggot. no one commented on your pic because you're forgettable. gtfo

>> No.8532266

not him but ok

>> No.8532277

>not him

>> No.8532291

mike posted here pretty frequently up until last summer, and its pretty obvious some dude is just posting pics of past trips, but at least youre honest about being a newfag

>> No.8532302

lol no, he's right, I'm mike

>> No.8532324

No I'm not. Fuck off.

>> No.8532336

you arent me

im mike

>> No.8532367
File: 31 KB, 615x409, Elliot-Rodger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I was thinking the same thing

>> No.8532379
File: 23 KB, 481x271, lmaoing my butt off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread

>> No.8532383

lol right? XDDD I Was thinking that too!!!!!!

>> No.8532400


>> No.8532457

Do girls like big, pouty lips on dudes?

Men with them always look like total faggots to me.

>> No.8532473

they love that shit

>> No.8532684


>> No.8532799


>> No.8532859

wow this kid is cute

>> No.8532928

mirin facial aesthetics brah

>> No.8532954

ty i nose im cyoot :3

>> No.8533025

How tall are you already?

>> No.8533058

pretty sure I saw him say he's like 5'9.5''

>> No.8533912


>> No.8533939

he's a lot shorter than that lmao

>> No.8533943

he's shorter than pretty much anybody on this board

>> No.8533957


>> No.8533967

No, he's 5'9

>> No.8533975

so this board's average height is higher than 5'9?